You should be deeply ashamed that you continue to support and defend this traitor. But we know you won't be, that's not what you're made of. That would take a spine and a set of balls. The Republic will withstand this hostile takeover but the burn marks may last a lifetime for his supporters. Trump and his GOP enablers in Congress must pay a severe price for the treason Trump has committed. Kind of puts everything I've been arguing for the past two years into perspective. The signs were there the whole time, hiding in plain sight.
Donald Trump is beholden to Putin and today he proved it for the world to see. The extent of what Putin has over Trump probably won't be known fully until Mueller releases his findings.
This is a disgraceful, shameful moment in US history. None the less shameful or disgraceful have been those parroting Trump's lies on this board for years. You've been played the fool.
Ha ha, lmao! Every sane person knows that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia to get him elected and there was no obstruction of the made up collusion. Trump was elected by We The People, plain and simple. He overcame the Clinton collusion with Russia and the fake dossier that launched the investigation, and all of the illegal immigrant votes for Hillary. Trump and Putin are laughing at you libtards and the propaganda fake news media. You can cry and stomp and pout all you want to and we just laugh at you losers.