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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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You should be deeply ashamed that you continue to support and defend this traitor. But we know you won't be, that's not what you're made of. That would take a spine and a set of balls. The Republic will withstand this hostile takeover but the burn marks may last a lifetime for his supporters. Trump and his GOP enablers in Congress must pay a severe price for the treason Trump has committed. Kind of puts everything I've been arguing for the past two years into perspective. The signs were there the whole time, hiding in plain sight.

Donald Trump is beholden to Putin and today he proved it for the world to see. The extent of what Putin has over Trump probably won't be known fully until Mueller releases his findings.

This is a disgraceful, shameful moment in US history. None the less shameful or disgraceful have been those parroting Trump's lies on this board for years. You've been played the fool.

Ha ha, lmao! Every sane person knows that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia to get him elected and there was no obstruction of the made up collusion. Trump was elected by We The People, plain and simple. He overcame the Clinton collusion with Russia and the fake dossier that launched the investigation, and all of the illegal immigrant votes for Hillary. Trump and Putin are laughing at you libtards and the propaganda fake news media. You can cry and stomp and pout all you want to and we just laugh at you losers.


QUIZ: How many millions died because of the "peace " deal these two "Patriots" signed at Yalta with their ally Stalin?

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Russians did not cast any votes. The real treason and collusion lies with Obama and Hillary. Arming ISIS, pay for play with the Clinton Foundation for donations, funding Iran’s nuke program, FBI letting Hildabeast skate on emails, weaponizing the IRS, traitor Strock being directed by Oterrorist....it will all come to a head eventually. Meanwhile, we, Trump and the true Americans are winning! Suck it Libtards, you’ve got nothing but your made up hysteria. Get your shine box Tibs, you putz.

And it’s a good strategy to have an alliance with Russia. The EU wants to keep ******* America on trade and defense. I’d rather have Russia on our side when we need to squash the muzzies. The Euros are *******. Except for Hungary and the people behind Brexit.
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Just to sum up, nobody has any idea what was said in their private meetings. Libs are ramping up their fake outrage over a press conference.
Apparently, the President.

His words, not mine.

I believe Trump was referring to the charge that the Russians hacked the DNC server. That is what Trump was talking about later when he mentioned how the Dems refused to hand over their server and the FBI was just fine with that.

That is ground zero of all the hacking accusations and the FBI doesn't seem to think it's important.

Putin has said they did not hack that server.
Putin has piss tapes on him. And it probably aint chicks pissing on him.

And there you have it folks. The bumbest **** you will read on the itrawebz today.

This Is the Moment of Truth for Republicans

The GOP can either defend the United States or serve the damaged and defective man who is now its president.

There are exactly two possible explanations for the shameful performance the world witnessed on Monday, from a serving American president.

Either Donald Trump is flat-out an agent of Russian interests—maybe witting, maybe unwitting, from fear of blackmail, in hope of future deals, out of manly respect for Vladimir Putin, out of gratitude for Russia’s help during the election, out of pathetic inability to see beyond his 306 electoral votes. Whatever the exact mixture of motives might be, it doesn’t really matter.
<section class="l-article__section s-cms-content" itemprop="articleBody" id="article-section-0">
Or he is so profoundly ignorant, insecure, and narcissistic that he did not realize that, at every step, he was advancing the line that Putin hoped he would advance, and the line that the American intelligence, defense, and law-enforcement agencies most dreaded.

Conscious tool. Useful idiot. Those are the choices, though both are possibly true, so that the main question is the proportions.

Whatever the balance of motivations, what mattered was that Trump’s answers were indistinguishable from Putin’s, starting with the fundamental claim that Putin’s assurances about interference in U.S. democracy (“He was incredibly strong and confident in his denial”) deserved belief over those of his own Department of Justice (“I think the probe is a disaster for our country”).

I am old enough to remember Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon telling lies on TV, about Vietnam in both cases, and Watergate for Nixon. I remember the travails and deceptions of Bill Clinton, and of George W. Bush in the buildup to the disastrous Iraq War.

But never before have I seen an American president consistently, repeatedly, publicly, and shockingly advance the interests of another country over those of his own government and people.

</section>Trump manifestly cannot help himself. This is who he is.

Those who could do something are the 51 Republican senators and 236 Republican representatives who have the power to hold hearings, issue subpoenas, pass resolutions of censure, guarantee the integrity of Robert Mueller’s investigation, condemn the past Russian election interference, shore up protections against the next assault, and in general defend their country rather than the damaged and defective man who is now its president.

For 18 months, members of this party have averted their eyes from Trump, rather than disturb the Trump elements among their constituency or disrupt the party’s agenda on tax cuts and the Supreme Court. They already bear responsibility for what Trump has done to his office.

But with every hour that elapses after this shocking performance in Helsinki without Republicans doing anything, the more deeply they are stained by this dark moment in American leadership.
I believe Trump was referring to the charge that the Russians hacked the DNC server. That is what Trump was talking about later when he mentioned how the Dems refused to hand over their server and the FBI was just fine with that. That is ground zero of all the hacking accusations and the FBI doesn't seem to think it's important. Putin has said they did not hack that server.

When will you stop falling for the constant lies? I thought you were smarter than this, tape.

Trump’s ‘Missing DNC Server’ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

Donald Trump turns to right-wing conspiracy theories when he’s cornered, and he was cornered on Monday. Standing feet away from Vladimir Putin at a press conference following their Helsinki tete-a-tete, a reporter challenged Trump to condemn Putin for Russia’s election interference, “in front of the world.”Instead, the world watched as the President of the United States took Putin’s side against his own Justice Department and his own intelligence agencies, and launched into a rambling discourse about Hillary Clinton’s emails and a supposedly missing DNC server that hides the truth about Putin’s innocence.

“You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server. Why didn’t they take the server? Where is the server, I want to know, and what is the server saying?”

The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.

But despite Trump’s repeated feverish claims to the contrary, no machines are actually missing.

When cyber investigators respond to an incident, they capture that evidence in a process called “imaging.” They make an exact byte-for-byte copy of the hard drives. They do the same for the machine’s memory, capturing evidence that would otherwise be lost at the next reboot, and they monitor and store the traffic passing through the victim’s network. This has been standard procedure in computer intrusion investigations for decades. The images, not the computer’s hardware, provide the evidence.

Kenn White, a security expert and former DHS adviser, agreed that the FBI wouldn’t have expected direct access to DNC’s computers, “The FBI had one of the best cyber security firms in the world giving them forensics, and going in depth and reverse engineering to the byte level these implants and turning it over.”

It’s also consistent with the Department of Justice’s electronic evidence manual, which recommends capturing images when practical even when the FBI is executing a search warrant against a uncooperative suspect. When the computers belong to a cooperating victim, seizing the machines is pretty much out of the question, said James Harris, a former FBI cybercrime agent who worked on a 2009 breach at Google that’s been linked to the Chinese government.

There’s a final bit of evidence that the FBI got what it wanted from the DNC, and it was filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington DC last Friday: 29-pages of inside details showing exactly how and when the GRU’s hackers moved through the DNC’s network on their mission to help Trump.

If the president really wants to know what the DNC server is saying, it’s all in the indictment against Putin’s hackers.

So anyone that repeats this blatant lie is siding with Putin and stands against America and American interests. Our sitting president is a traitor and should be dealt with accordingly.
Putin has said they did not hack that server.
Sounds like both you and Trump need to get on the next plane to Moscow, since you both care so dearly - and take at face value - what Putin 'says.' Evidently, 'tis is the season of treason.

"...adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump to Sean Hannity: "[Putin] said there's absolutely no collusion, which you know, and everybody who watches this show knows... And I tell you, I thought it was a really amazing time ... I thought that President Putin was very, very strong." <a href="https://t.co/686o2x2UWw">pic.twitter.com/686o2x2UWw</a></p>— Axios (@axios) <a href="https://twitter.com/axios/status/1019037465913581568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Just to sum up, nobody has any idea what was said in their private meetings. Libs are ramping up their fake outrage over a press conference.

Newt Gingrich is liberal?

It is of great concern what might have been said in private given Trump’s insistence on being weak and submissive in public.
It is of great concern what might have been said in private given Trump’s insistence on being weak and submissive in public.
That is what everyone - including Kelly & Mathis - should be pondering right now. If he got Trump to capitulate on live television for all to see, what in the world did Putin say to him in private? Any American who has even a sliver of self-respect and love of country is asking that same question right now.
Look, I'm not going to jump on this treason bandwagon, because it is nonsense. Pure and utter nonsense. That said, what Trump did in that press conference is mind boggling. The reason doesn't matter. He bent over and took it in the ***. I didn't cast my vote for the guy so he could go be Vladimir Putin's boot licking butt buddy. Something is very wrong with how that whole press conference went down. I can't see how anyone defends that.
Written by a Carter speechwriter Tibs.

Remember when you were crying about the stock market just a couple weeks ago? ( to those trading, that was a buy signal)

How was the market reaction yesterday/today? Yawn.
Netflix quarterly earnings dominates . No visible impact on global markets means that nothing substantive occurred.

In your world, yesterday was another disaster. For most of the rest of the globe, nothing happened.

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The media and their Progressive minions are insane with desperation right now. The deceptions they depend on to fool their base into supporting them are showing a whole lot of cracks and holes and it's making them crazier than usual.
Look, I'm not going to jump on this treason bandwagon, because it is nonsense. Pure and utter nonsense. That said, what Trump did in that press conference is mind boggling. The reason doesn't matter. He bent over and took it in the ***. I didn't cast my vote for the guy so he could go be Vladimir Putin's boot licking butt buddy. Something is very wrong with how that whole press conference went down. I can't see how anyone defends that.

Clap, clap,clap. Im fine with anyone supporting a political figure, but if some people will support that person NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO OR SAY that is scary.
The media and their Progressive minions are insane with desperation right now.
You need to dig a little deeper than that to understand what happened yesterday, and what the ramifications are of Trump capitulating to the Russian adversary. He went out. of. his. way. to stand with Putin and attack his own FBI/DOJ. He did so on foreign soil. He did so on live television. There is no grey area here. As unbelievable as it seems, this is Trump, this is who he is.
You need to dig a little deeper than that to understand what happened yesterday, and what the ramifications are of Trump capitulating to the Russian adversary. He went out. of. his. way. to stand with Putin and attack his own FBI/DOJ. He did so on foreign soil. He did so on live television. There is no grey area here. As unbelievable as it seems, this is Trump, this is who he is.

You clearly have not been paying attention the last couple of years. The corrupt Obama DOJ and FBI ignored true crimes by Clinton and investigated made up lies about Trump. Not only should he call out this injustice, he should fire them all. And blaming Russia for Trump winning is just ignorant bullshit.
You know, if Putin doesn't have something on Trump, the only thing I can come up with is Trump's ego. If he admits that the Russians meddled in the election, then by extension he thinks he is admitting that his victory isn't legitimate. That is the only other thing I can come up with. I would hope his ego isn't that fragile.
Look, I'm not going to jump on this treason bandwagon, because it is nonsense. Pure and utter nonsense. That said, what Trump did in that press conference is mind boggling. The reason doesn't matter. He bent over and took it in the ***. I didn't cast my vote for the guy so he could go be Vladimir Putin's boot licking butt buddy. Something is very wrong with how that whole press conference went down. I can't see how anyone defends that.

Kudos to you Sarge, one of the few (the only?) conservatives on the board willing to call a spade a spade, regardless how unpopular it may be around here.

The bar you've set for what you consider treason is clearly higher than mine, and I respect that. The key to that question lies in what caused Trump to go against all of his foreign policy advisors and cabinet members to unilaterally come out in support of Putin against the very agencies he himself is the head of? How can he side with a foreign adversary over the US criminal justice system? The FBI/DOJ run by individuals he himself appointed? What went down in that two-hour closed door meeting, which caused Trump to walk out for the presser looking like a wet, wounded dog? What does Putin have in the fold that may have utterly compromised a sitting US President?

The situation is dire and deeply troubling, and in my view, unprecedented in history.
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Kudos to you Sarge, one of the few (the only?) conservatives on the board willing to call a spade a spade, regardless how unpopular it may be around here.

The bar you've set for what you consider treason is clearly higher than mine, and I respect that. The key to that question lies in what caused Trump to go against all of his foreign policy advisors and cabinet members to unilaterally come out in support of Putin against the very agencies he himself is the head of? How can he side with a foreign adversary over the US criminal justice system? The FBI/DOJ run by individuals he himself appointed? What went down in that two-hour closed door meeting, which caused Trump to walk out for the presser looking like a wet, wounded dog? What does Putin have in the fold that may have utterly compromised a sitting US President?

The situation is dire and deeply troubling, and in my view, unprecedented in history.

And where does you your treason bar fall in regards to giving our sworn enemy Iran billions of dollars? Or funneling arms to ISIS through Libya? Our accepting $millions in donations from middle eastern countries in exchange for the promise of favors if the dumpy old ***** won?

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And where does you your treason bar fall in regards to giving our sworn enemy Iran billions of dollars? Or funneling arms to ISIS through Libya? Our accepting $millions in donations from middle eastern countries in exchange for the promise of favors if the dumpy old ***** won?

The media and their Progressive minions are insane with desperation right now. The deceptions they depend on to fool their base into supporting them are showing a whole lot of cracks and holes and it's making them crazier than usual.

Nice to see there are still a few patriots left in the GOP, however few that number may be.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Local GOP leader in Ohio quits after Trump-Putin summit <a href="https://t.co/J1Suehen0S">https://t.co/J1Suehen0S</a> <a href="https://t.co/VoVwxuSzqS">pic.twitter.com/VoVwxuSzqS</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1019207600745873409?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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