Here is what I see from hardcore trump supporters..
Obama did _________________
Clinton did __________________
Libs are crazy..................
First of all at this point is does not matter what Obama and Clinton did or didnt do. Obviously the media is being harder on Trump than previous presidents and there is one only reason for that and it is Trump. It has nothing to do with obama, hillary, or some conspiracy. Trump has attacked the media from day one along with fellow republicans, democrats, entertainers, etc etc....That is along with making ridiculous and fact less claims on twitter and what not. If a democrat was in office saying the things Trump has said this board would explode. Trump can be tough on the media, dems, replublicans, and whoever else he wants w/o the childish personal attacks. If I were in the media, in congress, or whatever and being insulted everyday I would do whatever was in my power to bring that person down or fight back.
I think the Russian thing is a bunch of BS, but Trump could certainly be handling it w/ much more class. He comes up w/ names like "little rocket man", "lying ted", "crooked hillary", "little marco", etc etc, but plays buddy buddy to Putin. Obviously we need some kinda peace w/ Russia, but Trump is not standing up to Putin and Putin is playing him. Putin has already accomplished his goal of causing chaos. First it was the hacking, then the collusion, and now Trump **** the bed in this summit. Putin has managed to get Dems, FBI, CIA, and several republicans to think Trump is a moron. Even if Trump believed Putin did not try to interfere with the election to say that in the press in just plain stupid. Then to half back track a couple days later it makes Trump look even more like a clown. Even if you hate CNN, Fox news or whichever side of the fence you are on just listen / read Trumps own words.
As for liberals melting down that is true. If Hillary won I know conservatives are not going to be running to cry closets or whatever else stupid crap is going on right now. Once again I do not think this has anything to do with Trump. People are just getting so out of touch with reality that they simply do not seem how to handle life anymore. How did our grandparents or great grandparents survive without being able to identify as an animal, ze, or the opposite sex?