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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Kudos to you Sarge, one of the few (the only?) conservatives on the board willing to call a spade a spade, regardless how unpopular it may be around here.

The bar you've set for what you consider treason is clearly higher than mine, and I respect that. The key to that question lies in what caused Trump to go against all of his foreign policy advisors and cabinet members to unilaterally come out in support of Putin against the very agencies he himself is the head of? How can he side with a foreign adversary over the US criminal justice system? The FBI/DOJ run by individuals he himself appointed? What went down in that two-hour closed door meeting, which caused Trump to walk out for the presser looking like a wet, wounded dog? What does Putin have in the fold that may have utterly compromised a sitting US President?

The situation is dire and deeply troubling, and in my view, unprecedented in history.

See, words mean things. During the Obama administration, you had people running around yelling treason all the time. Now it is the same with Trump. Much like the word racist, when it gets used incorrectly over and over, it loses its power. It loses its meaning. I don't think he did anything treasonous. I think what he did was cowardly. Maybe I would feel different if I knew why, but since I don't, all I have is his words and actions in this case. It's my judgement.

See, much like Trump, I didn't (and don't) view Obama as a boogey-man either. I wasn't going around looking for anything that even had the mere look of impropriety and then running to the center square yelling "See? See?" There is no point in it. What does it prove? Nothing.

Everyone knows that the left hates Trump. They hated him when it looked like he would win the Republican nomination, and it has ratcheted up since. Everyone also knows that there is an element of Trump's base that will defend him no matter what he does. You can see both ends of the spectrum here, and you don't have to look real hard. When Obama was President, the left and right were polar opposites. You could see both here, and didn't have to look real hard.

When you determine that our nation has fallen into a game of gotcha politics over everything, where those in favor think the subject is the greatest thing ever, and those opposed speak in apocalyptic terms about the same subject, you can actually sit back and look at things objectively, form your own opinion and actually not get breathlessly outraged over everything you disagree with. When you let your political party determine how you must think and act, you have no objectivity.
You know, if Putin doesn't have something on Trump, the only thing I can come up with is Trump's ego. If he admits that the Russians meddled in the election, then by extension he thinks he is admitting that his victory isn't legitimate. That is the only other thing I can come up with. I would hope his ego isn't that fragile.

Why is everyone so afraid of having Russia as a friend instead of a foe? The Aussie PM can see through all the left’s hysterics.

Putin is what he is, and trump is what he is, but lets be realistic here... Russia is not the biggest threat to this country... its not the tenth biggest threat... its a convenient target for people still caught in 1960’s and 70’s politics... their biggest threat to us is in energy competition and the last administration was far too complacent in that area with Russia to say anything about them.
....But then again most of the biggest threats are either communist regimes or Muslim theocracies or the ilk... and they don’t fit the agenda...
Trump looked and sounded like a sopping wet **** yesterday. What a *****. I know that had to chap your ashes considering you think the Dems act like *******. Prost to the motherland Komrads!

Libs: Trump shouldn't commit treason, denounce his own FBI/DOJ and side with an adversary!

*He does*

SN Trumpsters: Hillary!
Putin Summit May Prove to Be Trump's Finest Hour

Oh, really? Although Russia -- the largest nation on the planet -- is in many ways a failing state with an economy barely the size of Texas, it still has a huge percentage of the world's nuclear weapons, about equal with ours, and the capacity to deliver them (and to pass them along to unreliable non-state actors). It behooves us to have a relationship with them for our survival and everybody else's, to keep our friends close and our enemies closer, as the Godfather would put it. The obvious goal in this is to limit nuclear proliferation and even to reduce, or at least stabilize, the nuclear arsenals as agreements come up for renewal.

If you look at Trump's actions in that context, what he says and what he does aren't so strange. His strategy should be clear by now to all those except those (unfortunately many) who deliberately don't want to understand it. I wrote about it earlier in "Trump's New Foreign Policy: The Cooptation Doctrine."

He is, as Greg Gutfeld noted on The Five, his own good cop and bad cop all rolled into one. The good cop part is what we saw with Kim Jong-un and now with Putin -- complimenting tyrants to an almost uncomfortable degree. It's oddly a Christian love-the-sinner-but-hate-the-sin kind of thing.

The bad cop part is what Trump actually does concretely -- and, as Putin certainly knows, this is far more important than photo ops and press conferences with all the attendant words. Trump's actions vis-a-vis Russia have been considerably more stringent than his predecessor's -- opening the energy spigots, increasing sanctions, arming the Ukrainians, ejecting 60 Russian agents, etc. As Walter Russell Mead pointed out, if Trump is in Putin's pocket, he's doing a terrible job of it.



Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I had a great meeting with NATO. They have paid $33 Billion more and will pay hundreds of Billions of Dollars more in the future, only because of me. NATO was weak, but now it is strong again (bad for Russia). The media only says I was rude to leaders, never mentions the money!

You know, if Putin doesn't have something on Trump, the only thing I can come up with is Trump's ego. If he admits that the Russians meddled in the election, then by extension he thinks he is admitting that his victory isn't legitimate. That is the only other thing I can come up with. I would hope his ego isn't that fragile.

The Rooskies meddled in the election but not in the sense of messing with vote counts. Just a few Facebook ads and posts and organized a few demonstrations against Trump and Hildebeast both. They probably did hack Hildebeast’s and the DNC’s emails but that’s their own damn fault for not having better security. Why haven’t we heard anything about them hacking Republican emails? Trump I think is probably pissed that the media won’t let it go when it didn’t happen under his administration, yet no one is blaming Bomma and Hildebeast. It wasn’t the Rooskies who caused Hildebeast to lose key swing states.
Tibs, in case you didnt read the above, it's been proven that the fbi and cia ran ops to counter trump. you may not believe it, and that is your right to be ignorant to the facts. yet it's true. they were almost certain that hillary would win the presidency and didn't want to do anything to risk their job security. investigating anything hillary-related would do just that if she had won. i know, i know, it's impossible to believe that the righteous dnc nor any dem would do anything questionable or unbecoming, but these are fallable men and women and not the gods you so wish them to be. after 8 years of seeing our country become weaker, it's pretty preposterous that now - NOW - you want to crow, chirp and whine about what an elected POTUS says to any foreign dignitary, especially the russian president. maybe after President Trump's re-election he'll have more flexibility to do what he wants.

Putin Summit May Prove to Be Trump's Finest Hour
The Rooskies meddled in the election...yet no one is blaming Bomma and Hildebeast.
it's been proven that the fbi and cia ran ops to counter trump.

Keep drinking the koolaid, gents. Damn, the force is strong with the hardcore base, no surprise there. Nobody will forget which side you were on as Trump continues down this unprecedented path of treason and open hostilily against the United States.
Headline News, President Trump Calls Off Cold War II

The Left started being anti Russian the day they became a capitalist country, go figure.

Awww now they aren't getting the Cold War they wanted. Waaaaaah.

They totally ****** up Syria and Libya with their Arab Spring and sent millions of immigrants to Europe, but that was Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood's doing, so that's OK, sssshhhhh
Look, I'm not going to jump on this treason bandwagon, because it is nonsense. Pure and utter nonsense. That said, what Trump did in that press conference is mind boggling. The reason doesn't matter. He bent over and took it in the ***. I didn't cast my vote for the guy so he could go be Vladimir Putin's boot licking butt buddy. Something is very wrong with how that whole press conference went down. I can't see how anyone defends that.
Essentially, here is the thing for me Sarge. Your politics lean right, they lean left whatever. Its all good. And in the end hopefully all needs will be met to some degree. What I can't take is someone as you said "boot licking" a despotic tyrant on international TV and then saying "No it was great. THE FAKE NEWS is ..............." **** man it came out of your own gob hole. The mooch, who would get down on his knees and give Trump a gummer said it went too far. When that happens and this is like the umpteenth time its happened with the alternate universe ****. Its just too much.


oh, it's OK when socialists do it


Obama and Chavez


Trump Accuses FBI Cheater Peter Strzok of Reporting to Barack Obama


President Trump: "Before I won he said this is nothing and it can’t happen. It’s a very dishonest deal. We have to find out who did Peter Strzok report to because it was Comey and it was McCabe and there was also probably Obama. If you think Obama didn’t know what was going on, when you watch, and I said it today when you watch Peter Strzok’s performance, the lover of Lisa Page, the FBI, I tell you I know so many people… He’s a disgrace to our country. He’s a disgrace to our great FBI."

Ok Spike so you are OK with Trump saying that he is not sure who to believe. His own Intelligence apparatus (which is led by his own appointees) or Vladimir Putin when it comes to Russian interference in US elections. Not that they colluded with him. But that they meddled. You are ok with that on international TV. That is yes or no. I'm really not interested in your mems or equivalencies. That is a straight up question. You are ok with that or not.
Essentially, here is the thing for me Sarge. Your politics lean right, they lean left whatever. Its all good. And in the end hopefully all needs will be met to some degree. What I can't take is someone as you said "boot licking" a despotic tyrant on international TV and then saying "No it was great. THE FAKE NEWS is ..............." **** man it came out of your own gob hole. The mooch, who would get down on his knees and give Trump a gummer said it went too far. When that happens and this is like the umpteenth time its happened with the alternate universe ****. Its just too much.

You can't keep trying to have it both ways! Were you ok with Obama doing the same damn thing if so STFU! Otherwise your railing on Trump for doing exactly the same thing as your Messiah.
You don't have to be a Russian lapdog to get results with Russia. Reagan was tough on them and got positive results.

I love this.... a liberal giving Regan props... lol all ya all are mixed up on what you stand for these days... all that matter is pro/against donald trump.... literally everyones views have done a complete reversal on most subjects since the last administration...

I bet if Trump came out for abortion we would see pro choicer’s bombing clinics and pro lifers sacrificing toddlers... lol its comical...
You can't keep trying to have it both ways! Were you ok with Obama doing the same damn thing if so STFU! Otherwise your railing on Trump for doing exactly the same thing as your Messiah.
First off. Obama wasn't my messiah. Second, when he ****** up I would say he was wrong. I'm still waiting Spike.
It looks like the only defence for trump supporters is Obama did worse. If you truly believe Obama did worse, I can accept that, even though I disagree. But that can not possibly make trump's performance in Helsinki yesterday even close to OK. I'm sincerely hoping that people with a voice in electing an American President are smarter than that. Surely you can at the very least come up with a better candidate that represents your beliefs and not just blindly vote for and back a clown like trump. What happened yesterday was not country first.
Amazing to see Trump supporters perfectly fine with ceding complete and utter victory to Vladimir Putin. Trump bent down, grabbed his ankles and took it like a little *****. Trump has given Putin free reign to do as he pleases. This is the end of US leadership in the world. I guess nothing lasts forever. Who would have thought it would be this easy? I'm guessing Putin did. This is what happens when you elect a deranged, corrupt mafioso and hand him the keys. We can thank all those who ignored the warning signs that Trump was compromised from the word Go. Congrats Trumpsters, Давайте выпьем за успех нашего дела!
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Despite yesterday, im still 100% sure trump will be elected again in a landslide... yesterday wasn’t great, but it also shows why the liberal disconnect fails to understand what really matters to people and fails to see their own hypocrisy...

Much like conservatives failed to see why obama would win again despite really not doing a good job, the Dems are mostly in the same boat...
It looks like the only defence for trump supporters is Obama did worse. If you truly believe Obama did worse, I can accept that, even though I disagree. But that can not possibly make trump's performance in Helsinki yesterday even close to OK. I'm sincerely hoping that people with a voice in electing an American President are smarter than that. Surely you can at the very least come up with a better candidate that represents your beliefs and not just blindly vote for and back a clown like trump. What happened yesterday was not country first.

Not really. 1) We like pointing out Liberal hypocrisy and 2) I've learned to take a wait-and-see approach with President Trump and I don't get real bothered by anything he says right away.
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