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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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It's gone exactly like I perdicted...

In 2 weeks they will be screeching about some other outrage that FOR SURE will be the end of Trump!

hahahahahaha, FOR SURE THIS TIME!

What was it last week? Something about some illegal border kids or something, I forget


70 Percent of Republicans Approve of Trump’s Handling of Russia, Even After Helsinki

A new tracking poll from Reuters/ Ipsos Tuesday showed that rank-and-file Republicans not only continue to support President Trump, but refuse to believe he’s doing anything wrong.

71 percent of Republicans approve of Trump’s handling of Russia. That support runs counter to much of the leadership of their own party, at minimum during the Helsinki summit. The poll was put into the field following the summit, so it should pick up any quiver of movement, but there still has not been a dip in GOP support for Trump’s Putin-loving approach.



The other 30% are all GOPe Rhinos like McCain, we don't need them, they probably voted for Hillary anyway

Everything being said about the Trump-Putin summit was said about the 1986 Reagan Gorbachev summit in Reykjavik.

Five years later the Soviet Union collapsed.

Ha Ha Ha
Tibs has gone batshit crazy.
Yes, I agree, I have gone batshit crazy. The notion our President sold out to the Russians has put me on the edge. I apologize for my posts of late, just hate to see what's happening to the country I love and care deeply about. Don't worry, I'll get over it.

Media: Lying
Comey: Lying
Obama: Lying
Clinton: Lying
Stormy: Lying
Strozk: Lying
Mueller: Lying
Judges: Lying
19 Sexual assault accusers: Lying
Climate change scientists: Lying
17 Intelligence agencies: Lying
Putin: “He means it, I believe him”

~ <s>@</s>realDonaldTrump
Yes, I agree, I have gone batshit crazy. The notion our President sold out to the Russians has put me on the edge. I apologize for my posts of late, just hate to see what's happening to the country I love and care deeply about. Don't worry, I'll get over it.

Media: Lying
Comey: Lying
Obama: Lying
Clinton: Lying
Stormy: Lying
Strozk: Lying
Mueller: Lying
Judges: Lying
19 Sexual assault accusers: Lying
Climate change scientists: Lying
17 Intelligence agencies: Lying
Putin: “He means it, I believe him”

~ <s>@</s>realDonaldTrump
From where I sit, the country looks to be in pretty good shape. The economy is great, and the world is safer than it has been in a while. The rest is just highly partisan politics, and media driven hysteria.

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From where I sit, the country looks to be in pretty good shape. The economy is great, and the world is safer than it has been in a while. The rest is just highly partisan politics, and media driven hysteria.
Good for you. I wish I could share your optimism and positive outlook. I hope you're right and I'm wrong.
The 17 intelligence agencies thing is a lie. It was 3. Maybe 4. But it surely wasn't 17.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Good for you. I wish I could share your optimism and positive outlook. I hope you're right and I'm wrong.
Iran is still an issue. Still trying to undo the Obama shitfest. Will take a little more time. .......possibly with help from the Russians! Go figure.

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LOOK, another shiny!

The NEXT hysterical outrage from the left?

Closed for Business: Trump Administration Moves to Shrink Grounds for Asylum

While migrants fleeing communist governments in Central America during the Cold War were welcomed in the 1980s, those arriving now do not fit into a larger American geopolitical agenda. Their afflictions — gang violence, domestic brutality and poverty — are neither American national security priorities nor anything that was originally intended to be covered under the laws of asylum.

Introduced this spring by members of the leadership of United States Customs and Border Protection, according to a government official with direct knowledge of the plan, it would allow hopeful refugees to apply for protection only from abroad, stranding them for much longer in the conditions they hope to escape.

On Wednesday, the administration announced new guidance for asylum officers, who are the first to evaluate claims along the border, instructing them to scrutinize asylum applications according to stricter standards, and to weigh the applicants’ claims of fear against whether they have previously entered the United States illegally.

“Asylum was never meant to alleviate all problems — even all serious problems — that people face every day all over the world,” Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, said in announcing a landmark decision to eliminate domestic and gang violence as grounds for asylum.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!

That is 1000% true and I have said it here before. Not saying every Liberal in America, but the media and good portion of Liberals would literally rather see Trump get us nuclear war and the country be decimated so they can look correct rather than to see Trump have success. That's how pervasive the insanity has become. But then again, most of the rising radical left hates America anyway so to them it wouldn't be much of a loss if America were decimated. Everywhere they look, they have been taught that America is evil since they were college aged, so I guess it shouldn't come as a huge surprise. The media and the academic body in this country are truly a treasonous force in our country and have been for generations.
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No you dont..................................

Yes I do.

That is 1000% true and I have said it here before. Not saying every Liberal in America, but the media and good portion of Liberals would literally rather see Trump get us nuclear war and the country be decimated so they can look correct rather than to see Trump have success. That's how pervasive the insanity has become. But then again, most of the rising radical left hates America anyway so to them it wouldn't be much of a loss if America were decimated. Everywhere they look, they have been taught that America is evil since they were college aged, so I guess it shouldn't come as a huge surprise. The media and the academic body in this country are truly a treasonous force in our country and have been for generations.

Literally? Really? The only thing more pathetic than a straw man argument is a preposterous straw man argument.
I got your Putin puppet right here


Why Didn't Obama Confront Russia Over Election Interference In 2016?
Bawk! Obama scaled back missile defense plans in Europe to placate Moscow.

Obama denied US weapons to the Ukraine in its war with Russia, while Trump changed that policy and approved $90 billion worth.

Obama did nothing to stop Germany from enriching Russia with the Germany-Russia pipeline - while the US paid the bill to defend Germany from Russia.
Trump confronted Germany very publically over this at the NATO conference.

Obama drew a "red line" against the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian war. Syria/Russia used them anyway and Obama backed down.
Under Trump's presidency, when Syria/Russia used them again, he immediately bombed the **** out of them.

“The President Blinked”: Why Obama Changed Course on the “Red Line” in Syria

From where I sit, the country looks to be in pretty good shape. The economy is great, and the world is safer than it has been in a while. The rest is just highly partisan politics, and media driven hysteria.

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Partially agree hamster..

On the outside we look fairly good, like a shiny fresh apple...our wealth is up, jobs are available, security is sound, military still tip-top, but at the very core of the nation WE THE PEOPLE are extremely divided....

this is my concern and main complaint of the Trump presidency, he is not paying attention to what happening to our country from within.... and if he is, doesn't seem to care..

Our adversaries (aka Russia) are playing us....and through the internet and social media are influencing the American populace is such a way that the world has never witnessed before...

They are using what the Left and Right disagree about the most as triggers to start firestorms amongst each of US, which has lead to political division like I have never seen before, violence in the streets, hatred, and overall extreme division in our country...

From within is the only way to bring America and a strong democracy like us down, and from where I sit, the plan is working extremely well.

And the **** show in Helsinki is just another chapter in the their playbook.

We are playing right into their plan, and the POTUS is not helping, in fact he is being played like a puppet.......

I would like to think this division will continue and worsen.....
Sorry...I meant WOULDN'T!

Let me finish by saying that I feel that Trump has done some very good things since being elected POTUS...but if he can correct this one flaw about his presidency to this point and start to focus on Bringing America Together Again...that will help him Make America Great Again.
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Good for you. I wish I could share your optimism and positive outlook. I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

You are simply angry that his election was a setback for the March of world wide socialism. Forward Comrade!
Steel Dino,

The left and right disagree because we are no longer trying to reach a common goal and just disagree on how to get there. The left wants to take us down a path that leads to an overwhelming all powerful government that will be the end of personal liberty.
Steel Dino,

The left and right disagree because we are no longer trying to reach a common goal and just disagree on how to get there. The left wants to take us down a path that leads to an overwhelming all powerful government that will be the end of personal liberty.

Exactly. Parties use to fight about how to reach the same goal. Now the Reps are just fighting to keep the country from being taken over by quasi communists and 3rd world countries. Dems are fighting for MS-13, 3rd world take over of the U.S. and the right to take away free speech if you disagree with them.
Steel Dino,

The left and right disagree because we are no longer trying to reach a common goal and just disagree on how to get there. The left wants to take us down a path that leads to an overwhelming all powerful government that will be the end of personal liberty.

I hear ya....and I am not in favor of losing ANY of our personal liberties to be certain..
I feel that the decision makers of the Democratic party have shifted their policies way too far to the left. This is why I left the party 8-10 years ago. Born and raised in a blue collar, steel worker, "Pittsburgh" Democratic family..

I also feel that the same extreme political shift is happening on the Right...but obviously in the other direction.
This makes for an epic clash of the extreme political philosophy's ...

However, I often wonder how much of this division and extremism from within the two parties is the creation of "fake news", coming from our own media that are promoting agenda's, on both sides, and most recently from foreign governments (i.E. Russia) through social media/internet to ignite the flames of political discourse and at times downright hatred among Americans...

This is my concern...I don't know how to reverse this downward dangerous spiral, but I do believe that our own government, both Right and Left, need to wake up and realize whats happening here....soon.

And my on-going concern is that our current leader and HMIC...might not be the right person to bring us back together and strive for the common good of the democracy..

Or we can all waste our summer praying in vain
For a savior to rise from these streets.....
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Victims of 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' land in ICU after Putin freakout

As soon as President Trump concluded his successful summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland on Monday, the Washington swamp and liberal media launched a concerted effort to falsely portray our president’s positive foreign policy achievement in the most negative light possible.

Sadly, the media had little interest in delving into important issues that Presidents Trump and Putin discussed, including nuclear nonproliferation, destroying ISIS, ending the civil war in Syria, preventing Iran from building atomic bombs, and the security of Israel.

Reporters could barely acknowledge the positive sight of former Cold War adversaries talking about peace.

Trump – the businessman, negotiator, and change agent – labeled Putin a “competitor” and stated quite reasonably that he’s a believer in diplomacy and meeting with world leaders. That’s a positive shift from some of the icy foreign policy positions taken by the United States in the recent past that prevented a dialogue between the two nations with the most nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, it’s all too clear that the left has no interest in seeing America succeed under President Trump. Hillary Clinton – still not over losing the supposedly “unlosable” election to Trump in 2016 – even attacked the president in a tweet before the summit by questioning his loyalty to the nation he is so proud to lead.

Not long ago this type of vicious partisan assault on the eve of an important international meeting would have been unimaginable. Someone should ask Clinton whose side she’s on – but don’t hold your breath.

The media won’t ask tough questions of Clinton any sooner than they’ll ask President Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden, or former CIA Director John Brennan about why they sat back and did nothing about the Russian meddling that happened on their watch.

Those questions would elicit answers that don’t fit into the left’s narrative about Russia. The media steer clear of sore subjects like Hillary Clinton’s failed “reset” in relations with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in 2009; Obama’s enhanced “flexibility” hot-mic overture to then-Russian President Sergei Medvedev in 2012; and the Uranium One controversy involving Clinton.

All these issues would inevitably raise questions about the anti-Trump tall tale of collusion with Russia. So they are swept under the rug. The intellectual dishonesty coming from the left and its allies in the media is simply jaw-dropping.

The spectacle of Joe Biden – who accused GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney of being “stuck in a Cold War mentality” in 2012 – now attacking President Trump and labeling Russia “our number one adversary” is the height of hypocrisy.

Everyone knows that the Obama administration was “all in” for a new Democrat-led alliance with Russia until it was politically expedient not to be. That’s the harsh reality that the liberal media isn’t honest enough to report.

If the president had decided to cancel the meeting on account of the charges of Russian meddling, he would have been criticized by the same politicians for showing weakness toward Putin.

Instead, in the face of unrelenting criticism, President Trump soldiered on and did what he thought was right. Few will admit it, but this is what leadership looks like; nothing fazes this president – and that’s one of the reasons he was elected.

Before the Trump-Putin meeting, the media focused on Russian meddling in our election like a heroin addict in need of a fix. Would Trump ask about it? What would Putin say? Would it be covered in the meeting or at the press conference?

As it turns out, President Trump did the right thing. He confronted the Russian president about the recent indictments and what Russia did in 2016. Putin, like a true former KGB agent, denied everything. The media and the left, of course, were not satisfied. They’ll never be satisfied as long as Donald Trump is in the White House.

The truth is that all the left really cares about is delegitimizing President Trump, so that’s what the media focus on, ad nauseam. Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election is an issue that the left cannot and will not let go of, and there’s nothing that President Trump can say or do that will ever satisfy these opponents.

President Trump states regularly that he has full confidence in our intelligence agencies, but the media choose to ignore this – prompting his statement Tuesday reiterating his position.

It’s in our national interest to let President Trump focus on his agenda to Make America Great Again, and not tie him up in endless investigations responding to baseless accusations. The torrent of angry rhetoric, absurd charges and hatred directed at this president has reached a dangerous level that is harming our nation.

President Trump states regularly that he has full confidence in our intelligence agencies, but the media choose to ignore this..
This single line makes the entire article irrelevant. Trump has been relentless in his attacks against the FBI/DOJ and Special Counsel. You can't be screaming 'witch hunt' until you're blue in the face and have 'full confidence in our intelligence agencies.'

How his supporters continue to gobble up his lies is beyond comprehension. Thanks to media hacks like Fox News, Trump's fallacies become a circle of lies, regurgitated over and over. Thankfully they're easy to spot and expose, for those who aren't in the Cult, of course.
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This single line makes the entire article irrelevant. Trump has been relentless in his attacks against the FBI/DOJ and Special Counsel. You can't be screaming 'witch hunt' until you're blue in the face and have 'full confidence in our intelligence agencies.'

How his supporters continue to gobble up his lies is beyond comprehension. Thanks to media hacks like Fox News, Trump's fallacies becomes a circle of lies, regurgitated over and over. Thankfully they're easy to spot and expose, for those who aren't in the Cult, of course.

Wrong again, ignorant ****. He routinely specifies the corrupt Feds at the top, like Comey., McCabe, dipshit Strock etc... who took orders from Oterrorist. He always compliments the ground guys, who support him and will hopefully be promoted soon when the bad apples get fired.

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