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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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...incredibly unsophisticated, inconsistent and internally destructive.

I agree with you 100%, you described Trump and his base to the T.

Double-Decker Narcissism

Donald Trump’s supporters believe the guy who believes only what he wants to believe.

Trump’s refusal to countenance any reality that doesn’t map on to the movie kicking around inside his brain isn’t an affliction that’s limited to Trump. It’s perfectly mirrored in the devotion of the Trump loyalists who suffer from precisely the same disorder. The president’s inability to differentiate between reality and what he wants to be true is the reason his staunchest supporters see him as the patron saint of choose-your-own-ending geopolitics. The bulk of unyielding Trump fans don’t want or need a coherent narrative. Trump’s performance in Helsinki on Monday was heroic because Russia is not the enemy, the “deep state” is. Trump’s walk-back in Washington the next day was heroic because he was man enough to concede that he misspoke and Russia is again the enemy and we trust our national intelligence apparatus. And Trump’s walk-back of his walk-back is also heroic because … Russia is not the enemy, the “deep state” is. Yeah, that’s the ticket. It’s like Build-A-Bear, but for truth.
He has five kids to three women, I think everyone knew that everyone knew he was a serial adulterer. What Democrats don’t get is how Evangelicals support someone they believe will eventually burn in hell.

Because when your house is on fire, you don’t care if the firemen who show up are good Christians.

Dems do not understand how many people feel like this country has been headed in the wrong direction for years and is now on the edge of a cliff. They have voted for Republicans for years, giving them control of Congress. But that still wasn’t enough becuase many of those Reps either do nothing or just "compromise" and do what the Dems want.

Trump was an act of desperation for many, particularly the Evangelicals. And the Dems ever increasing hysteria has only increased the need for a desperate solution to the left’s Orwellian vision of subjugating the will of the people.

It also shows the Dems racist natures that they assume all Evangelicals will only vote for a candidate that passes their religious piety test. Just as Dems assume all black people will vote Dem and all hispanics will vote Dem and all women voters care about is abortion and contraception.

It’s the Dem impulse to use herd people into groups to control them.

As i said in another thread. I know Trump is an *******. I wouldn’t let him in my fantasy football league. But I also know he is the person this country needs right now. We need an ******* who will not simply cave and do what the Dems want. So i don’t care if he blurts out dumb **** sometimes.

I care that he is fixing the economy, refreshing the courts with judges who follow the actual laws and not their own agendas, trying to clean out smug deep state lifers, and pushing back on oppressive PC culture.
Votes changed by Russians - 0

Votes cast by Illegal Dems - millions

How Noncitizens Vote in Allegheny County, PA

(PITTSBURGH, PA.) – July 12, 2018: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) today released Steeling the Vote, a special report detailing how noncitizens were invited and given access to ballots in Allegheny County over the past 12 years. The ineligible registrations were discovered only after immigrants self-reported their statuses to the County.

Amid federal litigation with the Pennsylvania Department of State for complete access to noncitizen voter registration records, Allegheny County election officials disclosed hundreds of pages detailing how noncitizens were regularly offered voter registration by government employees and third-party drives, despite language barriers and clear understandings as to what they were signing. With no comprehensive system for detecting and removing ineligible voters from the rolls, the majority of cancellations derive from noncitizens self-reporting their own deportable offenses.

Key Findings

27 percent of noncitizens cast at least one ballot prior to removal.
Noncitizens remain registered for an average of six years before they are removed.
71 percent of noncitizens self-reported their ineligible registrations at great legal risk.
63 percent of noncitizens were registered in PennDOT transactions.

Because when your house is on fire, you don’t care if the firemen who show up are good Christians.

Dems do not understand how many people feel like this country has been headed in the wrong direction for years and is now on the edge of a cliff. They have voted for Republicans for years, giving them control of Congress. But that still wasn’t enough becuase many of those Reps either do nothing or just "compromise" and do what the Dems want.

Trump was an act of desperation for many, particularly the Evangelicals. And the Dems ever increasing hysteria has only increased the need for a desperate solution to the left’s Orwellian vision of subjugating the will of the people.

It also shows the Dems racist natures that they assume all Evangelicals will only vote for a candidate that passes their religious piety test. Just as Dems assume all black people will vote Dem and all hispanics will vote Dem and all women voters care about is abortion and contraception.

It’s the Dem impulse to use herd people into groups to control them.

As i said in another thread. I know Trump is an *******. I wouldn’t let him in my fantasy football league. But I also know he is the person this country needs right now. We need an ******* who will not simply cave and do what the Dems want. So i don’t care if he blurts out dumb **** sometimes.

I care that he is fixing the economy, refreshing the courts with judges who follow the actual laws and not their own agendas, trying to clean out smug deep state lifers, and pushing back on oppressive PC culture.

Something I would add to that. We watched during the 1990s how feminists ignored a rapist in the White House. How could they do that? How could they still support the SOB? They would say something to the effect that the policies he espoused were more important than the other stuff. He was supportive of women as per his policies. I thought it was the height of hypocrisy. But I learned. I never forgot that. So I held my nose and voted for Trump, because he espouses policies I agree with. Is it hypocritical to some degree? Yes. But I was shown that doesn't matter in the 1990s.

Another thing. God uses imperfect people to advance things. I'm not saying God choose Trump, but everyone who rips Christians for supporting Trump needs to know that. Jacob was a deceiver. Moses was a murderer. King David had a guy killed in a war so he could bed the guys wife. I also get a kick out of the fact that everyone else can be as hypocritical as they was to be...but...
It’s the Dem impulse to use herd people into groups to control them.

Can't wait for them to trot this horse out!


more Trump WINNING!

4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

Because when your house is on fire, you don’t care if the firemen who show up are good Christians.
Unfortunately, instead of the fire dept, a crazed, maniacal arsonist showed up with xtra cans of gasoline.
It is alarming that along with Trump & the GOP, roughly a third of the population has also been compromised by Putin and Russia. It's a haze of disinformation that's seeped into the minds of so many people and keeps them from seeing facts as facts, truth as truth. I hope there is some way this ends well. Not looking good for now.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If we have 1/3 of the population that no longer believes anyone except one man then we are in an extremely dangerous situation. Russians manipulated, strategized & managed to hack the mindset of 1/3 of the American public. It's a war victory without firing a shot. <a href="https://twitter.com/MalcolmNance?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MalcolmNance</a> <a href="https://t.co/DTFwR4DMyT">pic.twitter.com/DTFwR4DMyT</a></p>— La Femme Nikita (@nicolenavega) <a href="https://twitter.com/nicolenavega/status/1020553740796022784?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 21, 2018</a></blockquote>
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You can post all this stuff until your fingers fall off. Have at it. I can't get beyond 2 things:

1. In the 2012 election when Romney said Russia was a big threat, he was made an *** out of by Democrats. Oh, NOW it is an issue. It reminds me of when Kramer took the vow of silence. Starting...NOW!

2. Investigators were told to stand down in 2016.

When and only when those 2 things are adequately explained to me, will I consider anything you post.
It is alarming that along with Trump & the GOP, roughly a third of the population has also been compromised by Putin and Russia. It's a haze of disinformation that's seeped into the minds of so many people and keeps them from seeing facts as facts, truth as truth. I hope there is some way this ends well. Not looking good for now.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If we have 1/3 of the population that no longer believes anyone except one man then we are in an extremely dangerous situation. Russians manipulated, strategized & managed to hack the mindset of 1/3 of the American public. It's a war victory without firing a shot. <a href="https://twitter.com/MalcolmNance?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MalcolmNance</a> <a href="https://t.co/DTFwR4DMyT">pic.twitter.com/DTFwR4DMyT</a></p>— La Femme Nikita (@nicolenavega) <a href="https://twitter.com/nicolenavega/status/1020553740796022784?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 21, 2018</a></blockquote>
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I don't believe any government or media entity. Why should I? They have all been caught in a multitude of lies that do nothing but serve their own self interest. They do not represent me. I am a white, heterosexual, hard working, gun toting, Christian (sorta) male. According to the left, I am everything that is wrong with America and the world. They sure like my ****** tax money though.

Russia didn't brainwash me, and neither did Trump. I watched the actions and listened to the words of our government and our media. It taught me a lot. Hell, I am not really all that high on Trump anymore. For all the good he has done, I have seen enough that I have plenty of questions. That said, he is still better for this nation than anything the left would put forward. So he ****** a Playboy model in 2006. Big deal. Ya jealous?

As far as trust....well, I trust me, my family, and all of my brothers that I served with. Beyond that, you gotta earn it.
The level of collusion, conspiracy and cooperation between Russia, Trump & the GOP just went up a few notches with the involvement of the NRA. When will this ever end? When will the American people say enough is enough?

Are Republicans Covering for Trump, or for Themselves?

If the N.R.A. was compromised by Russia, the whole party's in trouble.

If the N.R.A. as an organization turns out to be compromised, it would shake conservative politics to its foundation. And this is no longer a far-fetched possibility. “I serve on both the Intelligence Committee and the Finance Committee,” Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, told me. “So I have a chance to really look at this through the periscope of both committees. And what I have wondered about for some time is this whole issue of whether the N.R.A. is getting subverted as a Russian asset.”

It is not surprising that Republicans would want to protect the N.R.A. According to an audit obtained by the Center for Responsive Politics, the N.R.A.’s overall spending increased by more than $100 million in 2016. “The explosion in spending came as the N.R.A. poured unprecedented amounts of money into efforts to deliver Donald Trump the White House and help Republicans hold both houses of Congress,” the center wrote. McClatchy has reported that the F.B.I. is investigating whether Torshin illegally funneled money to the N.R.A. to help Trump. Wyden has also been trying to trace foreign money flowing into the N.R.A., but has found little cooperation from the organization, his Republican colleagues or the Treasury Department.

Wyden said Republicans on the Intelligence Committee have thwarted his attempts to look deeply into the Russian money trail. “The Intelligence Committee has completely ducked for cover on follow-the-money issues,” he said. (As it happens, Richard Burr, the North Carolina Republican who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, is one of Congress’s leading recipients of N.R.A. support.)
Refresh my memory: Is this the same Russia that Obama laughed in Romney's face about back in 2012? Somehow they went form bing a joke to running our country in one swift election?
I really want to take the liberal hysteria seriously, but you DO know that **** is on tape don't you?
Refresh my memory: Is this the same Russia that Obama laughed in Romney's face about back in 2012? Somehow they went form bing a joke to running our country in one swift election?
I really want to take the liberal hysteria seriously, but you DO know that **** is on tape don't you?

Same Russia that Hildebeast gave a "reset button" to. Apparently President Trump isn't allowed to push Hildebeast's buttons.

Refresh my memory: Is this the same Russia that Obama laughed in Romney's face about back in 2012? Somehow they went form bing a joke to running our country in one swift election?
I really want to take the liberal hysteria seriously, but you DO know that **** is on tape don't you?

no. the Russia that funneled money to the clinton foundation to ensure a Russian company could buy the 20% stake of uranium and the same Russia that gave ol' ******* Billy Blythe a nice check of $500k for a speech.

with as much invested in the Clintons, why would russia want anyone else to win?
If a Dem could answer that, it'd save a lot of butt hurt on their part.
Trump has made our relationship with allies (except Israel) worse. He had some good points with nato and all that, but could have definitely handled it better. Attacking Canada was stupid. We have a surplus with them and tax some of our stuff as much as they tax their stuff.

As for helping Russia, just Trumps attitude towards Russia helps them / boosts their ego. Also the fact he said they should be part of the G6 summit or whatever is also an attempt to help them. Whether Russia should be includedor not is debatable, but the fact Trump was pushing for them is trying to help them.

What about him saying to send people over to Russia to get interrogated? That was shot down 98-0 in the Senate. When was the last time anything was 98-0. Just shows trump is off the rails when it comes to Russia
Trump has made our relationship with allies (except Israel) worse. He had some good points with nato and all that, but could have definitely handled it better. Attacking Canada was stupid. We have a surplus with them and tax some of our stuff as much as they tax their stuff.

As for helping Russia, just Trumps attitude towards Russia helps them / boosts their ego. Also the fact he said they should be part of the G6 summit or whatever is also an attempt to help them. Whether Russia should be includedor not is debatable, but the fact Trump was pushing for them is trying to help them.

What about him saying to send people over to Russia to get interrogated? That was shot down 98-0 in the Senate. When was the last time anything was 98-0. Just shows trump is off the rails when it comes to Russia

Truth be told, Trump makes me uncomfortable with Russia as well.

However, what nauseates me is the righteous indignation of the Democrats when back in 2012 they mocked Romney over saying Russia was our greatest threat. Oh, they had such fun. How dare they now. Blatant hypocrites.
My biggest beef with Trump has been his ability to alienate difference segments of Americans with his rhetoric and through his tweets,,,

AT times he acts like a pimple faced high school kid and/or spoiled brat that hasn't learn or been taught the fine nuisances of socializing and flat out common courtesy..
I have posted several times that IMO the POTUS priority job is to keep the country from dividing from within. And yes, you can disagree on policy, politics,and stay united on the common goal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..

As you all know, the U.S.A. is like no other country because of all the different races, cultures, religions, ethic groups, and social divide. Keeping the country strong from within is both very tenuous and is easily disrupted, and it seems to me that Trump almost revels at the disruption...

I know its impossible to keep everyone's happy all the time, but at the very least you cant take away their feeling of being part of something special, which is being proud to say "I love my country"...and whether we agree with that mindset or not, there are more people today that struggle with their countries direction than I have ever seen in my lifetime..

Come on Donald everyone knows your the POTUS and HMIC but "act like a boss"...

A little less Ego and little more Humility would go a long way...
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There has been NO president that didn't have flaws or faults...are you saying Trump has none?


Oh has a ton of flaws, I don't think that's any secret. However in my view his flaws are minuscule compared to the true intentions of the Progressive movement and the media right now in this country. I'm to the point to where I think they have truly evil intentions. Trump is a loudmouth and can be a buffoon but I have not doubt whatsoever that his intentions for the country are 10 times more pure than the aforementioned groups are. I think their true intention is the oppression of people disguised as sympathy. They have no true sympathy for any group of people. They only lust for power.
Oh has a ton of flaws, I don't think that's any secret. However in my view his flaws are minuscule compared to the true intentions of the Progressive movement and the media right now in this country. I'm to the point to where I think they have truly evil intentions. Trump is a loudmouth and can be a buffoon but I have not doubt whatsoever that his intentions for the country are 10 times more pure than the aforementioned groups are. I think their true intention is the oppression of people disguised as sympathy. They have no true sympathy for any group of people. They only lust for power.

Agreed on your comments that he has flaws, but these were the questions that were asked:

What existing problem has Trump made worse?

What ACTION of Trump's has helped Russia?

I only answered the first one...
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Agreed on your comments that he has flaws, but these were the questions that were asked:

What existing problem has Trump made worse?

What ACTION of Trump's has helped Russia?

I only answered the first one...

I would take issue with the fact that he has divided segments of the population worse than they already were. I would argue the opposite is true actually. The seeds of racial and economic division were Obama's crowning achievement. He along with a complicit media drove a huge wedge between groups and did it intentionally to further the Progressive agenda. Trump was the firing pin that made those divides explode. But now look what's happening. There is now a resurgent movement back towards the Right that is bringing all racial groups and sexual orientations together. Turning against the Progressive movement ironically is healing many, many wounds between different groups of people. They are joining together with a common love for one thing.....America.
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His predecessor certainly didn't do bang up job of keeping the country from dividing within, in fact IMO that was his objective.

So I'll accept Mr. Trumps warts in exchange a strong defense, economy and food on the table for more Americans.
Ok...appreciate your opinions...


What existing problem has Trump made worse?

What ACTION of Trump's has helped Russia?
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