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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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I doubt it since every day that goes by more and more evidence emerges that this is a contrived politically driven farce. If he fired them, CNN and the rest of Liberals' heads would explode and the rest of the country would say good riddance.
To the contrary, the evidence that’s emerging shows just the opposite. Strange days indeed, seems the right & the left are living in parallel universes nowadays. In the end the truth will emerge and hopefully get everyone back on the same page, though I doubt it.
To the contrary, the evidence that’s emerging shows just the opposite.

Only if you live in delusional CNN land. To the rest of America it has been exposed many times over for the witch hunt it is. It's sour grapes over a lost election. Nothing more.
To the contrary, the evidence that’s emerging shows just the opposite. Strange days indeed, seems the right & the left are living in parallel universes nowadays. In the end the truth will emerge and hopefully get everyone back on the same page, though I doubt it.
I doubt it too. The truth rarely emerges in DC. In This case, the DOJ is slow walking the evidence in the hope that this investigation will disappear after the midterms.

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Bwahahahahaha - Dems still stuck in that hysterical delusional fever dream!

Even Pelosi says impeachment is off the table! hahahahahahah

Pelosi: Impeachment is not a 'policy agenda'

Washington (CNN)House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that she doesn't think campaigning on a potential impeachment of President Donald Trump is a good issue to run on.

"I do not think that impeachment is a policy agenda," she said.

"Impeachment is, to me, divisive," Pelosi said. "Again, if the facts are there, if the facts are there, then this would have to be bipartisan to go forward. But if it is viewed as partisan, it will divide the country, and I just don't think that's what we should do."



Impeachment fever is bad for the Democrats

Impeachment is a pipe dream. Members of the Republican Congress have made it painfully clear that they have no interest in doing anything that seriously threatens the President.

The political antennae on most representatives and senators signal to them that doing anything serious to challenge the President will come at an extremely high cost. The surprise primary defeat of Mark Sanford, who Trump called a "nasty guy," added to these kinds of fears.

Trump's support within the Republican electorate remains strong -- in the same poll, 87% of Republicans and those who lean in the GOP's direction were against impeachment. Despite all of his troubling decisions and rhetoric, Republicans keep registering that their support for Trump is not seriously wavering.

House Republicans have not even been willing to conduct a serious investigation into the evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. Republicans are even hoping to use the threat of impeachment as a way to whip up their own base in the midterm elections.



Democrats struggle with midterm message on impeachment

Sen. Mark Warner warns that Americans may soon tire of the Russia investigation.

A senior Senate Democrat warned on Wednesday that Americans would soon grow “tired of” the Trump-Russia scandal, tamping down the impeachment fever spreading through his party’s base.

Sen. Mark Warner, a Virginia moderate who would take over the Intelligence Committee should Democrats win back the Senate in November, played down the idea that he would devote the panel’s work to a renewed investigation of the president’s Russia ties.

“The notion for those who may be partisans in the crowd … ‘Well, gosh, if Democrats take control, they’ll be able to really ramp these up’ — I think the American public will be tired of it if this is not wound down in this calendar year,” Warner said during a technology and politics conference in Southern California.

Complicating the party’s thinking is a brutal 2018 map in which 10 Senate Democrats are up for reelection in states Trump won. And those senators say Russia is not top-of-mind on the trail.

“It’s not a high priority back home that I hear about,” said Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.



oh wait.....

Trump is going to resign instead, yeah, that's it....he's going to resign , because, well, Dems don't like him!!!!



The dems have to quit acting like psychotic lunatics throwing tantrums to get anyone outside their base to pay attention, but then they have to offer real life solutions that people will get on board with.... the issue is going to remain that their base is really disperse and bound by threads.... a large portion of hispanics are extremely conservative... they latch on solely on the immagration issues that the majority of the blue collars really don’t agree with the dems on... do they go back to the clinton policies and lose hispanic votes? At some point the lgbt section of their voter base will come to odds with the ultra conservative anti gay muslum sect...
their financial positions have literally lost every major industrial region to the republicans... they cannot appease the far left socialists and the globalists and the larger labor class...

Also while playing hardcore 1960 red scare politics, you cannot hope to energize the older voter base on fears of rissia meddling then put up a communist agenda or worse a candidate that openly associates with democratic socialism... that’s mutually exclusive messages...

"Hurling insults and name-calling doesn't work any more." -- Jonathan Pie.

At some point you have to come up with better ideas, something the Dems haven't been able to do for nigh on 40 years.
Pul-leeze let Russia!Russia!Russia! be the Dems only reason to live!

Americans don't care about Russia!

Gallup poll: Problems with Russia not mentioned by significant number as important

Gallup recently did a poll of what Americans say is the most important problem facing the country.

One finding: the percentage of Americans saying “Situation with Russia” is the most important problem..... is literally too small to represent with a number


It's the economy, stupid


Mueller probe a 'hoax and a waste of time'

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Monday called special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation into possible ties between President Trump's campaign and Russia "a hoax and a waste of time."

"We’d all be a lot better off if ... Congress and the special counsel could come to the same conclusion that the rest of America has - that this is a hoax and a waste of time," Sanders said

Mueller's probe has led to indictments or guilty pleas for 32 people and three Russian companies.

Mueller has charged four former Trump campaign aides — Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates and George Papadopoulos — though none of the charges are related to misconduct by the president's campaign.



America has had enough of this waste of money.

America has had enough of this waste of money. SHUT IT DOWN!

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/L8XuphFGqlSfe" width="480" height="247" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/amused-chuckle-L8XuphFGqlSfe"></a></p>
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/L8XuphFGqlSfe" width="480" height="247" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/amused-chuckle-L8XuphFGqlSfe"></a></p>

interesting that you use a meme of Agammenon, the mythical king of Greece, the place where, in today's reality is the Mexico of Europe:


Many irregular entrants and illegal immigrants do not see Greece as their final destination; they plan to work only to raise enough funds to move on to other countries in the EU.[7] Others come to Greece to stay. No matter how long their stay in Greece, many undocumented migrants are excluded from the majority of Greek society and face political, social, and economic marginalization.[15]
Confirmed: Deep State Used Phony (Steele) Dossier to Get FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump

So now that we know the Steele dossier was the primary reason for kicking all of this off and now that we know that it’s uncorroborated, unverified, and basically fake

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/L8XuphFGqlSfe" width="480" height="247" frameborder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

That guy looks like he is enjoying himself. Probably short lived.

If he Reps retain the House and Senate, the Mueller Probe is done. Toast. And so is Sessions and Rosenstein. Goodbye. Mueller will be neutered.

Trump is giving no ammunition prior to......well.....other than his tweets.......which I believe are purposed for just sucking the air out of the MSM.
The Dems are in real trouble......Trump approval rising, the Socialist Wing splinters, No perceptible message. The Dems suck....badly.

The clock is ticking. More and more is coming out regarding the DOJ and it's role in the election. Bad stuff. Real bad stuff.

That is where we are.
Trump should be incredibly scared.

The FISA warrant's list of evidence for continued certification grew by about 10 pages every single time they renewed the warrant.

Why did it grow? Because additional perceived crimes kept taking place!
— Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) July 22, 2018
<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

They probably added an appendix of memes.
это стыдно, что сторонники козыря приветствуют в унисон, что президент продал республике, чтобы спасти свою кожу. вы избрали преступника, мафиозо в высший офис и продали страну по реке. Я пишу это по-русски, поэтому ваши новые повелители это понимают.
What policies did Obama enact that fueled the recovery? I will wait. Here is some fun reading in the meantime.....

Oh wait, President Regulation did fund some shovel ready jobs......

Anyone with a 401k is richer today than when Obama left office.

Obama's Economic Successes.........the shortest book ever written. And Bush/Paulson stopped the free fall before Obama took over. The economy had no where to go but up from there.

McDonald's is offering 401k's now, WHO KNEW?

Trump cites 401(k) gains, yet most workers don't have one

Trump pointed out the strong performance of the stock market, saying it has led to Americans' savings accounts going "through the roof."

At companies that offer 401(k) plans, less than half of employees participate.

The median account balance is less than $25,000.


Keep huffing on that Trump crack pipe gerbil......

Trying to turn stock market gains that mainly affect the rich into something they are not.......yeah the Turd in Chief: warrior for the average Joe....Lol
это стыдно, что сторонники козыря приветствуют в унисон, что президент продал республике, чтобы спасти свою кожу. вы избрали преступника, мафиозо в высший офис и продали страну по реке. Я пишу это по-русски, поэтому ваши новые повелители это понимают.

RUSSIAN BOT!!!! RUSSIAN BOT!!!!! RUSSIAN BOT!!!!! I found one!!!! Somebody call CNN!!!!!
McDonald's is offering 401k's now, WHO KNEW?

Trump cites 401(k) gains, yet most workers don't have one

Trump pointed out the strong performance of the stock market, saying it has led to Americans' savings accounts going "through the roof."

At companies that offer 401(k) plans, less than half of employees participate.

The median account balance is less than $25,000.


Keep huffing on that Trump crack pipe gerbil......

Trying to turn stock market gains that mainly affect the rich into something they are not.......yeah the Turd in Chief: warrior for the average Joe....Lol

I will wait for the answer to my question, but won't hold my breath.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
это стыдно, что сторонники козыря приветствуют в унисон, что президент продал республике, чтобы спасти свою кожу. вы избрали преступника, мафиозо в высший офис и продали страну по реке. Я пишу это по-русски, поэтому ваши новые повелители это понимают.

Пойдите, трахайте себя, снежинка.
Пойдите, трахайте себя, снежинка.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/aQvDPktKDdo8E" width="341" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/race-racism-aQvDPktKDdo8E">via GIPHY</a></p>
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/aQvDPktKDdo8E" width="341" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/race-racism-aQvDPktKDdo8E">via GIPHY</a></p>

Google Translate, fun for the whole family.

More facts proving that the corrupt witch hunt is based on lies.


and even more:


While the newly released documents remain heavily redacted, the details revealed confirm the charges of abuse laid out early this year by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA). The documents also provide additional evidence that the Obama administration’s Department of Justice and career DOJ, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and State Department employees misused the FISA court system to spy on the Trump campaign.
Last edited:


Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant

Washington (CNN) — Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the top law enforcement officer in the country, participated in a chant of "Lock her up" Tuesday, reviving a rallying cry from Donald Trump campaign events calling to jail Hillary Clinton.

Sessions was addressing a conservative group's high school leadership summit in Washington, where he promoted free speech and conservative principles.

Then chants of "Lock her up" broke out.

"Lock her up," Sessions said, chuckling at the brief interruption from the audience as the chant then grew louder.

"I heard that a long time over the last campaign," he said before continuing with his prepared speech.



Dems are toast!
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