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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Ok.. sorry for the rant men...

I think the Facebook crash is what set me off!

Steel Dino lost a few nickles today..
Can someone help a brother out? Lol
Ha ha, Mueller's got nothing! Now he's sunk to a new low, examining Trump's tweets for evidence of obstruction. I mean come on, really? His tweets...just pathetic. There was no collusion and no obstruction of the made up collusion. Witch hunt!


More proof that it is a witch hunt to get Trump, nothing more. Sprinkle in some Russian bots for a lame attempt at legitimacy. They don't even hide their true motives anymore. Sad.
More proof that it is a witch hunt to get Trump, nothing more. Sprinkle in some Russian bots for a lame attempt at legitimacy. They don't even hide their true motives anymore. Sad.

There's been a large and powerful contingent wanting to destroy the man from the moment it was called that he won the Presidency. They're stooping to new levels though.
wait, Trump not impeached/resigned yet? it's been almost 2 years!

Nothing Burgers!

Get yur Nothing Burgers Here!


Trump-Cohen tape delivers another ratings humiliation for CNN

CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time landed in way last place in the ratings Tuesday, the night the far-left network broadcast audio of a conversation between President Trump and his former attorney Michael Cohen.

Although the Trump recording ended up being yet another nothingburger served up by our increasingly desperate and partisan media, no one knew this until after Cuomo broadcast the recording on his struggling prime time show.

The tape did nothing to boost CNN’s overall performance Tuesday night. The anti-Trump channel averaged only 1.163 million prime time viewers, while Fox News (2.76 million) and MSNBC (2.34 million) more than doubled CNN.

The reason for this CNN/Cuomo belly-flop is obvious: the media have cried wolf way too many times.

Since Trump announced his run for the presidency some three years ago, how many times have the Wile E. Coyote media assured us Trump was doomed?

How many times has CNN itself told us We got him! How many times have America’s Trump haters tuned in due to a siren song that promised Trump was finally going down? How many times has a Chris Cuomo hoodwinked them? How many times has Al Capone’s vault been empty?

And so, once again, the far-left CNN and Cuomo did themselves no favors in the long run, or even the short run. The suckers who tuned in Tuesday night have now been burnt (again) bigly

"Wile E. Coyote media" - love that. Reminds me of this. Still funny, even though Carrey is now just another Hollywood lib with TDS.
The silver lining to this whole debaucle has been the exposing of the deep state, both Dems and Reps........but also how corrupt the media is. If you are not aware of the Washington cesspool at this point, you are either stupid, or brainwashed.

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The silver lining to this whole debaucle has been the exposing of the deep state, both Dems and Reps........but also how corrupt the media is. If you are not aware of the Washington cesspool at this point, you are either stupid, or brainwashed.

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Tibs, Elfie, Trog, and Steelers21 raise your hands.

He's just rubbing it in their faces now!

President Trump 'open' to visiting Moscow for meeting with Putin

President Trump is “open” to visiting Moscow if he receives a formal invitation from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the White House said Friday.

"President Trump looks forward to having President Putin to Washington after the first of the year, and he is open to visiting Moscow upon receiving a reciprocal formal invitation," Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

Putin said Friday he is ready to invite Trump if conditions are right, and he is also ready to visit Washington.



Will never cease to amaze me how Trump supporters openly applaud treason & conspiring with a foreign adversary. I know a lot of you have been duped, but this is scary ****. Reading this board helps put things into perspective and shows the power a personal cult has over individuals, like what happened w Jim Jones in Guyana. I just hope it’s not past the point where some of you start drinking that witch’s brew kool aid. History will not be kind to the Trump cult, or the GOP that enabled him and ignored the writing on the wall that’s been there since Trump took office. It’s never too late to wake up.

Country over party, the good of the nation over false prophets.
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Will never cease to amaze me how Trump supporters openly applaud treason & conspiring with a foreign adversary.
Never ceases to amaze me how President Trump's opponents think he's guilty of treason and conspiring with a foreign adversary in the absence of any evidence.
Never ceases to amaze me how President Trump's opponents think he's guilty of treason and conspiring with a foreign adversary in the absence of any evidence.

Look at all the evidence: He sold uranium to the Russians, had his staff smash blackberries, hid an offsite server, allowed foreign governments to hack the server, didn't tell the DOJ about the server, lied repeatedly about the server OH WAIT... never mind....
Look at all the evidence: He sold uranium to the Russians, had his staff smash blackberries, hid an offsite server, allowed foreign governments to hack the server, didn't tell the DOJ about the server, lied repeatedly about the server OH WAIT... never mind....

And he ran guns to ISIS through Libya and ignored the ambassador’s pleas for help while he was under attack. He also paid for a fake dossier about his opponent, full of lies and was the basis for a scam witch hunt. And he took donations from terrorist countries in exchange for favorable treatment one he bacame President. Oh wait...
The most damning evidence against Russian collusion is that nothing coming from this executive branch has actually helped Russia.

1. Sancitions against Russia and Russian oligarchs have increased.
2. NATO spending on defense is increasing.
3. Trump has shamed Germany into buying less Russian energy and increased quotas of American energy to Europe.
4. Trump has sided with those wanting to PREVENT a pipeline from Russia into east Europe to funnel liquid gas.
5. Trump's energy independence and energy first policies lower fossil fuel prices that hurt Russia's economy (which is so dependant on fossil fuels)

I mean, Tibs loves to throw out all the inuendo and "what ifs" and Mueller leaks, but the above are all FACTS that can't possibly be construed as "good for Russia". If America was in the pocket of Putin, would any of the above have happened in the last 18 months?

Come on.....
The most damning evidence against Russian collusion is that nothing coming from this executive branch has actually helped Russia.

1. Sancitions against Russia and Russian oligarchs have increased.
2. NATO spending on defense is increasing.
3. Trump has shamed Germany into buying less Russian energy and increased quotas of American energy to Europe.
4. Trump has sided with those wanting to PREVENT a pipeline from Russia into east Europe to funnel liquid gas.
5. Trump's energy independence and energy first policies lower fossil fuel prices that hurt Russia's economy (which is so dependant on fossil fuels)

I mean, Tibs loves to throw out all the inuendo and "what ifs" and Mueller leaks, but the above are all FACTS that can't possibly be construed as "good for Russia". If America was in the pocket of Putin, would any of the above have happened in the last 18 months?

Come on.....

Again moderates were pretty sure it was crap over a year ago... conservatives were never on board... the liberals exist in an echo chamber so they have this belief its going strong and going to help in the midterms....

If the Dems don’t make gains in the midterms that party is almost toast.... if they cannot get at least one major piece of one branch after 2020 its dead, the moderates already left... the slightly left globalists will break next... or the socialists will form something far to the left and take half the party’s base with them
The most damning evidence against Russian collusion is that nothing coming from this executive branch has actually helped Russia.

1. Sancitions against Russia and Russian oligarchs have increased.
2. NATO spending on defense is increasing.
3. Trump has shamed Germany into buying less Russian energy and increased quotas of American energy to Europe.
4. Trump has sided with those wanting to PREVENT a pipeline from Russia into east Europe to funnel liquid gas.
5. Trump's energy independence and energy first policies lower fossil fuel prices that hurt Russia's economy (which is so dependant on fossil fuels)

I mean, Tibs loves to throw out all the inuendo and "what ifs" and Mueller leaks, but the above are all FACTS that can't possibly be construed as "good for Russia". If America was in the pocket of Putin, would any of the above have happened in the last 18 months?

Come on.....

These are valid points, thanks for adding to the substance of the discussion.

I would take exception with a few items on your list, in particular the ones regarding NATO. There’s been a lot of bluster coming from this administration but I’m not sure there’s anything new there that hasn’t already been agreed to. Also, as far as I know increased sanctions on Russians has also been held up by red tape.

What you seem to ignore is the type of damage Trump has done by cow-towing to Putin. Hemming and hawing about Russian cyber attacks (ongoing) on our elections (and our electric grids), not standing up to Putin forcefully over the annexation of Crimea, not calling him out for the murders of journalists and opposition figures. No push back over support of Assad in Syria who murdered his own people in gas attacks? Come on. Worse of all was siding w Putin over his own FBI/DOJ. You can argue nothing specific came of that perhaps, but you have to ask what message does that send at home and abroad? And we still know little to nothing what went on in that two hour closed door, face to face meeting.

At the end of the day Putin is nothing but a corrupt, strong-armed dictator, and the President is the leader of the free world. Trump has acted nothing as such, and has subsequently weakened America’s standing in the world.

I think it’s a reasonable expectation of a US President to stand on the side of democracy, liberty and freedom and not play footsie with a murderous dictator.

His posturing and obfuscating just lends credence to the conspiracy charges that have lingered over him like a black cloud.

I guess the difference between you and I is that you’re willing to take a leap of faith and trust Trump on what he says he’s doing regarding foreign policy. I have not seen or heard anything that gives me much confidence things are as he claims.
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del just one example of many that should give you pause before proclaiming anything concrete as far as Trump's 'tough' stance on Russia.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mnuchin says Treasury might lift sanctions on Oleg Deripaska’s aluminum company, even though the Russian oligarch was sanctioned just thrree months ago by the US to punish the Kremlin for meddling in the 2016 election. (my latest with <a href="https://twitter.com/donnaborak?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@donnaborak</a>) <a href="https://t.co/TANg7axa8A">https://t.co/TANg7axa8A</a></p>— Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen) <a href="https://twitter.com/MarshallCohen/status/1022991679027113985?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I guess the difference between you and I is that you’re willing to take a leap of faith and trust Trump on what he says he’s doing regarding foreign policy. I have not seen or heard anything that gives me much confidence things are as he claims.

Have faith Tibs, have faith.

Your problem is that you Trump haters don't want him to have success in foreign policy. You're counting on it to crash and burn.

In lieu of his tremendous success on the home front, God forbid he has success in foreign policy. You libs would go off the deep end if you haven't already.

Can you answer with a simple yes or no if you hope Trump succeeds at foreign policy?
Can you answer with a simple yes or no if you hope Trump succeeds at foreign policy?

Of course I want any US President to succeed at foreign policy. With Trump there are way too many unanswered questions where his allegiances lie. And more than anything, I feel he can’t be trusted, since he lies constantly. These are perilous times for our nation, though I understand full well his supporters don’t see it that way.
It still amazes me that there is a relative mountain of evidence that suggests that Clinton/Obama were in the pocket of Putin, versus basically nothing but a ginned up report from an opposition researcher for the DNC on the Trump side, and the left is silent on the first and rabid about the second.

A nice quick read on the highlights - https://www.investors.com/politics/...covered-up-their-deep-corrupt-ties-to-russia/
The Case for a Trump-Russia Conspiracy Just Got a Little Stronger

If proven true, the president’s alleged role in the Trump Tower meeting could help prosecutors make judgments about his “character, truthfulness, and culpability.”


CNN’s bombshell scoop Thursday night shined a bright light yet again on the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan and raised the specter that President Donald Trump and his surrogates may have been lying about one of the most significant Russia-related episodes of the 2016 election.

According to CNN, the former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is willing to testify that Trump approved the meeting between his son, son-in-law, campaign chairman, and a Russian lawyer—despite Trump and Don Trump Jr.’s denials that the president knew about the meeting in advance. As my colleague Adam Serwer pointed out, it’s not clear whether Cohen’s word would stand up in court without corroboration. But legal experts say it could certainly influence prosecutors’ perceptions of Trump—and whether he intended to conspire with Russia and then cover it up.

“There are definite legal consequences to Cohen’s statement,” said Jens David Ohlin, a law professor and vice dean at Cornell Law School. “This reeks of a criminal conspiracy. It doesn’t even matter if nothing came of the meeting [although that’s far from clear]. If Trump knew about the meeting and was okay with it, Trump and those around him could be guilty of an inchoate conspiracy.”

The timeline is intriguing: On June 3, 2016, Donald Trump Jr. received the first email from Rob Goldstone, a music publicist who had helped the Trump organization bring the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow on behalf of the Russian-Azerbaijani billionaire Aras Agalarov. Goldstone offered the campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government’s “crown prosecutor”—a reference to Yuri Chaika, Russia’s current prosecutor general. The information “is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” Goldstone wrote. “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” Trump Jr. replied, according to an email chain he released last summer only after The New York Times exposed the meeting. He forwarded the email chain to Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul Manafort, and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, both of whom had also attended the Trump Tower meeting.

It could have been around that time that Trump Jr. told his father about the offer, if Cohen’s accusation is to be believed. Which makes the speech Trump gave on June 7—the day the June 9 Trump Tower meeting was finalized—all the more interesting. “I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons,” Trump told a crowd at a campaign rally. “I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”

But Trump never gave that speech. Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner have all claimed the meeting produced nothing of immediate value. (In an interview with NBC News earlier this year, the Russian lawyer tasked with bringing the information, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner “wanted” the damaging information “so badly” that they seemed to tune her out once she began discussing Magnitsky Act sanctions. The sanctions were implemented to punish Russian nationals accused of corruption and human-rights abuses in 2012.)

Democrats have suggested that three phone calls Trump Jr. placed to blocked telephone numbers before and after the meeting could have been to his father, but Trump Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee last year that he couldn’t recall. “So you don’t know whether or not this might have been your father?” congressional investigators asked during his interview, according to the transcript released by the committee earlier this year. “I don’t,” Trump Jr. responded.

Sam Nunberg, a Republican operative who worked on Trump’s campaign in its early stages, said he thinks it’s likely Trump was told about the meeting beforehand primarily because of his prior relationship with the Russian billionaire who proposed it to begin with—Agalarov. Trump first met Agalarov in 2013 in Las Vegas, where they discussed bringing Trump’s Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow and holding it at a mall complex Agalarov owned on the outskirts of the city. But Nunberg said he still believes that the meeting “was ultimately harmless” because “there was no discussion about Clinton’s emails.” Veselnitskaya “exploited that relationship to get a meeting on her niche issue,” Nunberg said.

Still, if Trump approved a meeting with foreign nationals in the hopes of obtaining something of value—i.e., opposition research at the height of the presidential election—the intent alone could provide prosecutors with an important piece in understanding the campaign’s willingness to conspire with Russia, legal experts told me.

“It’s certainly one of the more relevant data points that we’ve had,” said the former federal prosecutor Jeff Cramer. If Trump approved the meeting, it was “clearly a violation of criminal law”—specifically, the campaign-finance laws that prohibit campaigns from soliciting things of value from foreign nationals. “And it gives color to all the cover-ups,” Cramer said. Trump and his surrogates have denied that the president knew about the meeting approximately 20 times over the last year. Trump also personally dictated a misleading statement about the meeting on his son’s behalf, which left out the fact that the Russians had offered the campaign dirt on Clinton.

Michael Zeldin, a former federal prosecutor in the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and a former special counsel to then–Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller, said that if prosecutors “could establish that Trump approved the meeting with foreign nationals to receive derogatory information about his opponent—a thing of value—it would fall squarely within the black letter of campaign-finance laws. It would be difficult to dispute that the campaign received a thing of value when the candidate knew of the purpose and approved of the meeting.”

It also could be “one tile in the larger mosaic” of the alleged conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, Cramer noted, given the discussion of sanctions at the Trump Tower meeting and Russia’s subsequent efforts to undermine the Clinton campaign through hacks and disinformation. “Did the meeting overlap somehow with the Russian hacking? These could have been separate events within the same criminal conspiracy,” Cramer said. Just one day before the Trump Tower meeting, Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, set up a website called DCLeaks with the purpose of disseminating Democrats’ stolen emails, according to court documents filed by Mueller earlier this month. Mueller revealed in those same court filings that Russian hackers began trying to access Clinton staffers’ emails just hours after Trump asked them to. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said in public remarks in July 2016, referring to emails Clinton had deleted from her private server that she’d said were private in nature. It is also worth remembering that, two months before the Trump Tower meeting occurred, a Russia-linked national offered a junior campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, dirt on Clinton from Russia in the form of thousands of stolen emails.

Cohen’s apparent willingness to share information with prosecutors raises questions about what else he could tell them with regard to Trump’s coordination with Russian nationals. Though Cohen has vehemently denied it, the dossier compiled by the former British-intelligence officer Christopher Steele outlining the campaign’s alleged ties to Russia says that Cohen was dispatched to Prague at the tail end of the campaign to pay off Russian hackers in an attempt to keep them quiet. The dossier also alleges a conspiracy between Trump and Russia was managed by Manafort, using the campaign foreign-policy adviser Carter Page as an intermediary. Cohen told me months ago, and has said publicly, that he believes the dossier is a farce. But Mueller is still examining its claims, a person familiar with the investigation told me on the condition of anonymity, making any corroborating information Cohen may have about a possible larger conspiracy incredibly valuable.

A person with knowledge of the White House’s strategy when news of the Trump Tower meeting broke in 2017, who requested anonymity to discuss it freely, said he didn’t think Trump and his family members and associates were capable of colluding with Russia “in the proactive sense” at that point in the campaign. “Do I think they would have told Trump about the meeting?” this source asked. “Yeah. Do I think he would’ve understood the significance? No.” This person added that while his impression last year was that Trump “did not know” about the meeting beforehand, “my antennae was definitely up. In a professional operation, you’d never let the candidate know about these kinds of offers because it would preserve plausible deniability. But these guys were all amateurs.”

Ultimately, if prosecutors can prove that Trump signed off on the meeting, contrary to his repeated denials, it will make it easier for them to make judgments about Trump’s “character, truthfulness, and culpability,” said Andy Wright, a former associate counsel to Barack Obama. “President Trump’s track record of dishonesty will cast all of the hard evidence in the most negative light in the minds of the prosecutors who decide whether the interests of justice call for charges to be brought.”

Blue collar Trumptards waking up to what a scumbag the Traitor in Chief truly is.

Putin Humiliates his ***** Trump for all the world to see...LMAO

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Putin pissed on him at their meeting and Donnie Dumbass opened his mouth wide. There is a reason he didn't want any American translators there.

What a cucked clown....."President Trump".......LOL. '***** Trump' fits perfectly. Yeah this orange clown is NOT GUILTY of anything.....so obvious............
Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Liberals are losing it completely!



U.S., therapists treating anxiety are hearing the same name over and over: Donald Trump

'Trump Anxiety Disorder' may not be an official diagnosis, but therapists know the symptoms

"Is he gonna blow us all up?"

So inquired one of Elisabeth LaMotte's patients recently, fretting out loud about the volatility of U.S. President Donald Trump's actions during a therapy session at her Washington practice.

It was a rhetorical question — one that predated Trump's threats of a showdown with Iran this week. But if the question wasn't meant in earnest, the politically induced anxiety LaMotte is hearing about from her clients certainly is, says the founder of the D.C. Counselling and Psychotherapy Center.

She refers to it as a "collective anxiety" among patients who feel on edge about how potentially dire the president's decisions could be.

"There is a fear of the world ending," she said. "It's very disorienting and constantly unsettling."

What's been called "Trump Anxiety Disorder" has been on the rise in the months following the election, according to mental-health professionals from across the country who report unusually high levels of politics-related stress in their practices.

And it's maybe not surprising given the relentlessly negative headlines and politically divisive climate.


Of course I want any US President to succeed at foreign policy. With Trump there are way too many unanswered questions where his allegiances lie. And more than anything, I feel he can’t be trusted, since he lies constantly. These are perilous times for our nation, though I understand full well his supporters don’t see it that way.

nope, the perilous times were under FORMER President Obama's administration.....
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