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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Oh, the horror! Not the RINO's, please, anyone but the RINO's!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bannon: Republicans may have to vote for "RINOs" in midterms to save Trump from impeachment <a href="https://t.co/9hZD3PL1IU">https://t.co/9hZD3PL1IU</a> <a href="https://t.co/l4ivDDhYJ1">pic.twitter.com/l4ivDDhYJ1</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1023303345296039936?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Oh noes!



Trump’s demise has been greatly exaggerated

This time they’ve surely got him. Pack your bags, Mr. President. The game is up. Because this week we learned that . . . that . . . well, there’s this tape, see, recorded by Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen in September of 2016, during which the then-presidential candidate discussed setting up a company for the purpose of paying off alleged former paramour Karen McDougal to make her go away.

Trump-is-doomed stories are one of the media’s favorite fairy tales. Remember when you saw “Peter Pan” when you were 4 and you actually thought that clapping for Tinkerbell would bring her back to life?

Pundits think that if they cheer loudly enough for Trump to get eighty-sixed, it’ll happen. His (first?) term in office is more than a third over, and the Very Serious Commentators have been ushering him out the door the entire time. Or at least they’ve been trying to.

“Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency,” ran a headline in The New Yorker. That was back on April 14. Writer Adam Davidson gravely averred, “This is the week we know, with increasing certainty, that we are entering the last phase of the Trump Presidency. This doesn’t feel like a prophecy; it feels like a simple statement of the apparent truth.”

But, hey, Davidson could be right. Remember when Karl Marx said it was an inevitable historical fact that capitalism would die? It’s only been 150 years — give the man time!

Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC said on Jan. 10, “The noose is tightening around the Trump White House and the Trump family.” Trump is “shocked that the noose is tightening,” said Mika Brzezinski on “Morning Joe.” That was back on Dec. 5. Senator and not-quite-vice-president Tim Kaine detected the noose way back in May of 2017, when he said, “We have a deeply insecure president who understands the noose is tightening because of this Russia investigation.”

This was about 65 weeks ago, when Trump fired James Comey. Remember how that was absolutely definitely certainly going to bring down Trump?

Don’t despair, activists and fantasists and rageaholics. Keep clapping like you did for Tinkerbell when you were 4. If you ever lose faith in fairy tales and it occurs to you that Trump isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, though, there is something you can do. You can keep smashing up Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a pickaxe. That’ll show him!


Never ceases to amaze me how President Trump's opponents think he's guilty of treason and conspiring with a foreign adversary in the absence of any evidence.

And all the while, a Special Counsel, with unlimited resources, and the full power of the Federal Gov't, over the past year and a half, has been combing through every nook and cranny of Trump's existence..........................and what has he found?...............BUPKIS!

But hang in there. It is not over yet. Who knows what is next. Maybe the obstructionist tweets! Maybe another porn star.......with ties directly to Putin! Maybe another bombshell dossier.....written by Adam Schiff! One thing is for certain......CNN, MSNBC, George Stefapoopolis will be on the case, giving us hope that the end is near!!!
Still, if Trump approved a meeting with foreign nationals in the hopes of obtaining something of value—i.e., opposition research at the height of the presidential election—the intent alone could provide prosecutors with an important piece in understanding the campaign’s willingness to conspire with Russia, legal experts told me.

“It’s certainly one of the more relevant data points that we’ve had,” said the former federal prosecutor Jeff Cramer. If Trump approved the meeting, it was “clearly a violation of criminal law”—specifically, the campaign-finance laws that prohibit campaigns from soliciting things of value from foreign nationals.

Huh. "Things of value" includes information. And the biggest concern Trump has is that he paid millions of dollars for that information, which led directly to the issuance of a FISA warrant and clandestine monitoring of his communications.

Wait, I might be getting two things mixed up here. Trump paid millions of dollars for information from Steele, right? And in fact that tactic is DOCUMENTED and unrefuted, with no "mights" and "could bes."

I'd say it's well past time...

It’s time we start thinking about post-Trump America

Regardless of one’s political party, it is hard to imagine that the Trump administration will survive its self-inflicted crush of lies, ethical lapses and incompetence much longer. Chaos is no way to run a popsicle stand, let alone the United States government. Because this presidency may well implode, we need to start thinking about how to minimize the inevitable trauma on Trump supporters and America as a whole.

The reality is that, as a legal matter, both indictment and impeachment are fully on the table.

No law precludes indictment of a president, and the Constitution does not address whether it’s permissible. DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel — which advises the White House on constitutional questions — issued a couple of opinions during the Nixon and Clinton administrations which concluded no. Leon Jaworski and Ken Starr — investigating Nixon and Clinton, respectively — answered yes. Special Counsel Robert Mueller could seek a revised opinion from the OLC to clarify, for example, whether an indictment during Trump’s tenure would be constitutional in order to toll the statute of limitations, with a trial taking place after the president leaves office.

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow civil litigation to go forward against President Clinton is strong precedent that being sidelined from official duties is not itself a reason to render presidents immune from the judicial process. Whether a criminal — versus a civil — process could bind a sitting president remains an open question. Because its resolution could decide President Trump’s fate, there is a conflict of interest around any Trump pick being confirmed to the Supreme Court until after the Mueller investigation wraps up. The conflict is one that only Congress can address, but it appears to be fair game under the wait-and-see rule that Mitch McConnell cooked up to nix Merrick Garland’s nomination.

The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach, which basically means that it can issue what amounts to a congressional indictment, which then goes to the Senate for trial. Only the president, vice president and “all civil Officers of the United States” are covered, and the penalty for conviction by two thirds of the Senate is removal from office. Nobody goes to jail. The Constitution does not state that there must be evidence of an indictable crime: The bar for impeachment is “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Treason only applies if the United States is at war. Technically, the Korean War never ended, but we are not at war with Russia, so colluding with Putin would not count.

Bribery is the taking or giving of a bribe, i.e., a quid pro quo that exchanges something of value for favorable treatment by a public official: If you do “x” for me, I will do “y” for you. Bribery generally requires a showing of intent, but for impeachment purposes, whether a bribe must be related to official duties is unclear. Thus, the hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal may not qualify.

Although “high crimes and misdemeanors” is also undefined, historical sources at the time of the Constitution’s ratification, as well as historical practice since then, offer some insight. In 14th to 18th-century England, the terminology was equated with common law crimes as well as political malfeasance, such as “procuring offices for persons who were unfit, and unworthy of them” or violations of the officeholder’s “duty and trust.” So, today’s Congress would not have to satisfy itself that the president committed a crime in order to impeach.

Only two presidents have been impeached in the history of the United States. Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1867 for firing the secretary of War in violation of a law that prohibited his removal (the Supreme Court later held that the law itself violated the separation of powers).

Bill Clinton
was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice regarding his relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky.

Neither president was convicted in the Senate. Although the House Judiciary Committee voted three articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon — for obstruction of justice, using the FBI and the IRS for political advantage, and failing to comply with subpoenas — he resigned before it went to the full House.

What does this mean for Trump? Based on historical and legal precedent, he is well within the ballpark for either an indictment or impeachment. To be sure, many people have withheld judgment on whether he “colluded” with the Russians unless and until hard evidence is made public to prove it. That’s fine and makes sense, but it’s really beside the point.

Any good manager knows when a particular hire is just not working. The federal government is a massive bureaucratic organization — a challenge for any leadership team. And by any measure, it’s in a severely compromised state under this president.

People associated with the White House and the 2016 Trump campaign have been indicted or pleaded guilty to federal felonies. The intelligence community is singing a chorus of red-light warnings about the ongoing Russian attacks on our core democratic systems, while the president publicly blinks that reality.

Meanwhile, Robert Mueller continues to churn out indictments that seek accountability for the unprecedented assault on our electoral process and our way of life. Yet, even for the most loyal of public servants like Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, looming dismissals remain an ongoing political threat.

Of course, we don’t get to know how things will actually go down. But it’s not looking good for this White House. Many of us have watched a neighborhood restaurant cling for dear life, despite its poor food and terrible service. One day, we drive by to find the front door boarded up. It’s a fact of life that organizations can’t continue to run the way the executive branch is being run right now and remain viable.

Rather than seizing on each mini-crisis, lawmakers, journalists and everyday people need to start thinking about the bigger picture. How would team Trump take the blow of a failed presidency? Very hard.

Now, the adults in the room need to step up and send a message: This will be difficult for many of you, but you all need to understand that there will be other leaders. Trump isn’t the only one out there.

Then, those leaders need to find the courage of conviction and come forward with an alternative vision for people who mistakenly believe that Trump is the only one who really “gets” them.

Politics is a buffet of options, not a do-or-die proposition. When things don’t go our way, we need to regroup and find opportunities in the disappointment. Let’s hope that the phoenix will rise from the ashes of this crisis in American democracy. If we can see that future for ourselves from both sides of the aisle, we might well get there.
I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why Trump's son meeting with a Russian to get information on Hillary, for free, and where no information was obtained is a violation of Federal campaign finance laws ...

While Clinton paying a foreign agent millions of dollars for dirt on Trump, and actually getting something (though bogus) in return, is juuuuuust fine.

Tibs, elfie - please explain.
I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why Trump's son meeting with a Russian to get information on Hillary, for free, and where no information was obtained is a violation of Federal campaign finance laws ...

Also as I recall the pretense of the meeting was to discuss a U.S. law forbidding adoptions from Russia and it was only when Trump Jr. got to the meeting that they asked if he was interested in dirt on Hildebeast. Trump Jr. said no (possibly because you can get all you need without help from the Rooskies). I could be wrong but I seem to remember that's how it went.
I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why Trump's son meeting with a Russian to get information on Hillary, for free, and where no information was obtained is a violation of Federal campaign finance laws

Also as I recall the pretense of the meeting was to discuss a U.S. law forbidding adoptions from Russia and it was only when Trump Jr. got to the meeting that they asked if he was interested in dirt on Hildebeast. Trump Jr. said no (possibly because you can get all you need without help from the Rooskies).

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The President knew that Don Jr., Manafort, Jared Kushner and a Russian Spy would all meet at Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. This dirt was allegedly stolen from computers by a hostile foreign power.<br><br>What do you call that?<br><br>A likely CRIME under 18 U.S.C.§ 1030 & 371</p>— Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) <a href="https://twitter.com/krassenstein/status/1023719320097120257?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 29, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Strange coincidence, the recent uptick in denials....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump tweets about the “witch hunt”<br><br>May 2017: 3 times<br>June 2017: 5 times<br>July 2017: 6 times<br>Oct 2017: 1 time<br>Dec 2017: 2 times<br>Jan 2018: 1 time<br>Feb 2018: 3 times<br>March 2018: 2 times<br>April 2018: 9 times<br>May 2018: 20 times<br>June 2018: 26 times<br>July 2018: 18 times</p>— David P Gelles (@gelles) <a href="https://twitter.com/gelles/status/1023656075395035136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 29, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump on tweeting rampage is just what I expect: desperate attempt to destroy credibility of Mueller, news media, and anyone who criticizes him. Fear that he will finally be caught is prompting him to lash out and say anything to survive.</p>— Tony Schwartz (@tonyschwartz) <a href="https://twitter.com/tonyschwartz/status/1023682182567669762?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 29, 2018</a></blockquote>
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I haven't seen this mentioned on the board either. The timing of these events is awfully strange.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="in" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/unhackthevote?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#unhackthevote</a> <br>Hhmm. <a href="https://t.co/VxhuDTB3Ks">https://t.co/VxhuDTB3Ks</a></p>— MikeFarb (@mikefarb1) <a href="https://twitter.com/mikefarb1/status/1023628566364344321?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 29, 2018</a></blockquote>
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The fact Paul Manafort's trial begins this week, we can safely assume Trump will be teetering on the edge of a full-blown mental breakdown, if that hasn't happened already. Michael Cohen flipping on him seems to have really set the batshit crazy train in motion. It's breathtaking to consider we may be nowhere near the bottom yet. His mindless attacks on Mueller & Cohen - and the media - just goes to show how cornered he truly feels.
Good clear sequence of shady events around Hillary, the DNC computers, and the 12 Russian Hackers - https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/07/the_fbi_hillarys_computers_and_the_russians.html

I disagree with the conclusion -
The outcome of the midterm elections may change the direction of this investigation. If the Republicans not only keep the House, but also expand their control in the Senate, I see a change coming in the Justice Department. Look for Attorney General Sessions to resign and a new person taking over Justice and turning the investigation on its head.

The Republicans could hold 100% of the house and senate and still not find their balls. We'd probably get a lot more of this -

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Meanwhile, Robert Mueller continues to churn out indictments that seek accountability for the unprecedented assault on our electoral process and our way of life.

And yet none against Americans. All against Russians that will not be held to account. When he actually indicts an American for some malfeasance related to the 2016 election, I will pay attention. Until then, articles like this are wishful thinking.
The fact Paul Manafort's trial begins this week, we can safely assume Trump will be teetering on the edge of a full-blown mental breakdown, if that hasn't happened already. Michael Cohen flipping on him seems to have really set the batshit crazy train in motion. It's breathtaking to consider we may be nowhere near the bottom yet. His mindless attacks on Mueller & Cohen - and the media - just goes to show how cornered he truly feels.

Except that Manafort isn't on trial for anything having to do with his time as President Trump's campaign manager. It's all for stuff from about ten years ago.
Except that Manafort isn't on trial for anything having to do with his time as President Trump's campaign manager. It's all for stuff from about ten years ago.

Pretty much financial stuff from his dealings with Ukraine. Completely unrelated.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The President knew that Don Jr., Manafort, Jared Kushner and a Russian Spy would all meet at Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. This dirt was allegedly stolen from computers by a hostile foreign power.<br><br>What do you call that?<br><br>A likely CRIME under 18 U.S.C.§ 1030 & 371</p>— Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) <a href="https://twitter.com/krassenstein/status/1023719320097120257?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 29, 2018</a></blockquote>
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If that is a crime, then why weren't Don Jr and the rest charged when the story first broke? Secondly, this is what Cohen claims. Where's the proof? Thirdly, your twitter source is questionable. It is some kid in Florida.

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If that is a crime, then why weren't Don Jr and the rest charged when the story first broke? Secondly, this is what Cohen claims. Where's the proof? Thirdly, your twitter source is questionable. It is some kid in Florida.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

Fourth, if meeting with a foreign agent to obtain clandestine information is a crime, why has Hillary not been investigated, let alone prosecuted, for doing THE EXACT SAME THING with information about Trump?!?
Fourth, if meeting with a foreign agent to obtain clandestine information is a crime, why has Hillary not been investigated, let alone prosecuted, for doing THE EXACT SAME THING with information about Trump?!?

Yes, and there's mountains of proof and evidence against her. Nothing against Trump. Witch hunt.
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