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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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...most of us here, along with Trump, know this is a partisan fishing expedition.

Matthew 7:24-27

[SUP]26 [/SUP]And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. [SUP]27 [/SUP]And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
This disconnect here is that most of us here, along with Trump, know this is a partisan fishing expedition. You libs actually think there is something there. And no, if I knew the federal agencies were actively working against me and trying to gin up ****, I would shut them down if it was in my power, and I'd scream from the rooftops about it. That's the real story here.

Yes Charles, you would also immediately release your taxes, make sure you don't violate the emoluments clause, and separate yourself completely from your business.....you know since guys like you and Trump are on the up and up...right?...........................LMAO....unbelievable.

This is yet another example of just how epically stupid Trump is, and it's relevant to my post:

Trump accidentally gives up the game about his children

"He loves his... political stuff."

During his speech at a rally in Florida on Tuesday, President Trump had a moment of radical honesty.

“I have great children, and a couple of them — plus — are here tonight,” Trump said. “I have Eric Trump, who has been fantastic. He loves his… political stuff.”

If it seemed like Trump caught himself before he said “political stuff,” that might be because it wasn’t so long ago that Eric Trump — who is supposedly independently running the Trump Organization — promised he’d have nothing to do with his father’s administration whatsoever.

Eric promised to stay out of politics in April 2017, telling The Telegraph, “I stay out of politics and I stay out of the administration,” before offering a strategic observation about his father’s foreign policy motivations. He said in another interview that “I stay out of politics and I stay out of the administration.”

President-elect Trump told the country that his sons would be running the Trump Organization. “They are not going to discuss it with me,” he said in January 2017. Eric Trump repeatedly likened the ethical barrier to the “separation of church and state.”

“We’ve taken extraordinary, extraordinary measures to make sure the two are separate and distinct,” Eric said at the outset of his father’s administration.

Eric said he was “deadly serious” about the “church and state” commitment in a March 2017 interview with Forbes, adding his “steadfast pact” to not talk business or government with his dad is “something that we honor.”

Oh crap! This "administration" is as if the keystone cops and the guys from Dumb & Dumber were combined to make one galactically stupid bunch.

We'll see how it plays out. You explain to me Trump's increasingly hostile and paranoid behavior, if indeed he has nothing to worry about regarding the investigation(s).

He is simply counter punching those plotting against him. I believe your real question is "why doesn’t Trump roll up into a fetal position and apologize for whatever fake issue twitter demands like his fellow Republicans?"

That’s the problem. The left is not used to a Republican that fights back. They are mad that Trump doesn’t need the media. He talks over them, directly to the people, like Reagan did.

Trump has a rally in PA on Thursday. It’s being reported that dems are organizing groups to claim tickets and then not show up to make it seem like nobody showed up for the speech. There’s your typical dem tactics at work.
If Mueller had anything, it would have been leaked. Like Strzok said. ...there is no there, there. But I will take some of what you guys are smoking.

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He is simply counter punching those plotting against him. I believe your real question is "why doesn’t Trump roll up into a fetal position and apologize for whatever fake issue twitter demands like his fellow Republicans?"

That’s the problem. The left is not used to a Republican that fights back. They are mad that Trump doesn’t need the media. He talks over them, directly to the people, like Reagan did.

Trump has a rally in PA on Thursday. It’s being reported that dems are organizing groups to claim tickets and then not show up to make it seem like nobody showed up for the speech. There’s your typical dem tactics at work.

They'll still fill the seats. There's thousands of people left over who can't get in. They've starting putting up jumbo screens outside for them, like a Pens playoff game but a lot more people. He's having another rally Saturday just North of Columbus, OH.
Yes Charles, you would also immediately release your taxes, make sure you don't violate the emoluments clause, and separate yourself completely from your business.....you know since guys like you and Trump are on the up and up...right?...........................LMAO....unbelievable.

This is yet another example of just how epically stupid Trump is, and it's relevant to my post:

Trump accidentally gives up the game about his children

"He loves his... political stuff."

During his speech at a rally in Florida on Tuesday, President Trump had a moment of radical honesty.

“I have great children, and a couple of them — plus — are here tonight,” Trump said. “I have Eric Trump, who has been fantastic. He loves his… political stuff.”

If it seemed like Trump caught himself before he said “political stuff,” that might be because it wasn’t so long ago that Eric Trump — who is supposedly independently running the Trump Organization — promised he’d have nothing to do with his father’s administration whatsoever.

Eric promised to stay out of politics in April 2017, telling The Telegraph, “I stay out of politics and I stay out of the administration,” before offering a strategic observation about his father’s foreign policy motivations. He said in another interview that “I stay out of politics and I stay out of the administration.”

President-elect Trump told the country that his sons would be running the Trump Organization. “They are not going to discuss it with me,” he said in January 2017. Eric Trump repeatedly likened the ethical barrier to the “separation of church and state.”

“We’ve taken extraordinary, extraordinary measures to make sure the two are separate and distinct,” Eric said at the outset of his father’s administration.

Eric said he was “deadly serious” about the “church and state” commitment in a March 2017 interview with Forbes, adding his “steadfast pact” to not talk business or government with his dad is “something that we honor.”

Oh crap! This "administration" is as if the keystone cops and the guys from Dumb & Dumber were combined to make one galactically stupid bunch.


That’s pretty desperate. Like something buzzfeed would reject as too flimsy
We'll see how it plays out. You explain to me Trump's increasingly hostile and paranoid behavior, if indeed he has nothing to worry about regarding the investigation(s).

This is not the first time in this thread I have warned you about tempering your enthusiasm that Mueller's investigation is going to be some watershed moment in American history and will lead to impeachment and/or criminal charges. I see the chances of that happening at about 0.01%.

The final language of Mueller's investigation "results" are never going to be as black/white as you think. They will use word like "improprieties", "appearances", "questionable business deals", etc. They might even recommend some degree of criminality with Trump, Inc. and how his real estate company handled business with Russian Oligarchs from 2008-2014. There are going to be plenty of scapegoats and maybe some criticism of Trump's decisions on who worked on his election campaign.

But this idea ANYTHING that comes out of this investigation is going to be the final straw that breaks Trump's presidency reeks of left wing hope and desire more than realism.

The chances this leads to actual impeachment of a Republican President with almost unparalleled success and approval within his party by a Republican Congress is ludicrous. It's NOT going to happen. It would be political suicide. Despite all the displeasure you have with Trump and what you think exists in "normal" America, I can tell you point blank that doesn't exist over here. And the group of Trump supporters is huge, growing and believe in what he is doing FAR more than Congress. If Congressional Republicans take on Trump, they will lose in the court of public opinion of Republican voters.

Trump will survive his entire first term as President. And if this investigation finally does wrap up (and it should soon because we all knew this was really about bombshells possibly being release before the mid-terms), then the only thing we are talking about is whether the House is going to be Republican or Democrat for 2018-2020 and how much he can get done with new legislation.

I think Trump is going to win again in 2020. I think this investigation will blow over. Liberals and the media like you will cry "Why can't you see the problem!!!" but that will fall on mostly deaf ears. At least to the people that want to keep their cushy jobs in Washington. The right and left will further divide over the issue. The talking "points" will be discussed ad naseum on every news show in the country for about 3-4 months until Trump does something else to piss all you guys about and the media realizes this really won't lead to his impeachment.

For you not to see how this is going to end (or evolve), as I stated early, tells me a lot about your state of mind in our politics. You are paying too much attention. You are falling for the narratives being fed to you by the ever present news cycle that has no real purpose now other than to keep you coming back for more and more and more. Don't let it be a drug. Pay less attention to the "inside Washington" news cycles and more on your local news and actual stories about our economy and overall successes.
I think this investigation will blow over. Liberals and the media like you will cry "Why can't you see the problem!!!"
No, once the investigation wraps up and Mueller submits his findings I will accept them point blank, whatever the outcome. And I'll take my licks if Trump is exonerated.

For you not to see how this is going to end (or evolve), as I stated early, tells me a lot about your state of mind in our politics.
And the fact you think you have it all figured out at this stage tells me a lot about yours.

You are paying too much attention. You are falling for the narratives being fed to you by the ever present news cycle that has no real purpose now other than to keep you coming back for more and more and more. Don't let it be a drug. Pay less attention to the "inside Washington" news cycles and more on your local news and actual stories about our economy and overall successes.
Thanks for the unsolicited advice del. I'll pay attention to whatever I feel like paying attention to. I understand you consider this whole thing simply media-driven hysteria from inside the beltway, I see it differently. That's what makes America great, that we can have differing opinions on such matters.
Pay less attention to the "inside Washington" news cycles and more on your local news and actual stories about our economy and overall successes.
Let me also add I find it ironic you don't suggest I pay less attention to the President himself. Trump rails against Mueller and the investigation(s) basically non-stop, night and day. So if you want someone to shut out the constant noise and riff raff about Russian conspiracy, I guess the best way to do that would be to completely ignore what is front and center - and keenly important - to the President. That would be un-American though, would it not, to ignore our elected President?
Shut the witch hunt down, Mueller is pathetic

Mueller team lectured by judge in Manafort case

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors were lectured by a federal judge on Wednesday for the language they’ve used in the courtroom, as the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort entered its second day.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III specifically told prosecutors to stop using the word “oligarch” to describe wealthy Ukrainians, whose dealings with Manafort are at the heart of the fraud charges he faces in northern Virginia federal court.

The judge said the term has a “pejorative” meaning and is not relevant in this case. Further, he cautioned that using it could suggest Manafort is associated with bad people – and guilty by association.

“It’s not the American way,” the judge said. He noted that wealthy donors like George Soros or the Koch brothers also could be considered oligarchs.

The Mueller team was later rebuffed again by Ellis when they tried to introduce photos that eventually would become public of Manafort’s closets filled with suits and high-end clothing.

While it’s part of their effort to paint Manafort as a tax scofflaw who spent big on luxury items, Ellis would not allow the photos for now.

“Enough is enough. We don’t convict people because they have a lot of money and throw it around,” he said.

If this was a democrat president enduring this bullshit, there would be a constant drumbeat of democrat politicians and media types calling for an end to charade.

Trump always fights back.

Never back down, never surrender

Seriously, Who Cares if A Liberal Is Offended?

Go offend a liberal. It doesn’t matter. The left gets offended over everything. Literally. They will find a reason to be upset about something.

The ultimate goal of a leftist is to shut up the opposition. By taking the fifth rule of Saul Alinsky, ”ridicule is man’s most potent weapon,” liberals try to shut up anyone with whom they don’t agree. To render the fifth rule ineffective, the recipient of leftist attacks must not care and voice their beliefs.

The left attacks a person mercilessly until they cower in submission if they don’t agree. Submitting is the wrong way to handle the left. They are never offended, only continuously angry and looking for the next target.

There is no way to offend a leftist because they are in a constant state of the offense.

It doesn’t matter when a liberal is offended. They attack people who don’t 100 percent agree with them, regardless of political affiliation.

If educating the left is offensive to them, keep offending them.

Shut the witch hunt down, Mueller is pathetic

Mueller team lectured by judge in Manafort case

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors were lectured by a federal judge on Wednesday for the language they’ve used in the courtroom, as the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort entered its second day.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III specifically told prosecutors to stop using the word “oligarch” to describe wealthy Ukrainians, whose dealings with Manafort are at the heart of the fraud charges he faces in northern Virginia federal court.

The judge said the term has a “pejorative” meaning and is not relevant in this case. Further, he cautioned that using it could suggest Manafort is associated with bad people – and guilty by association.

“It’s not the American way,” the judge said. He noted that wealthy donors like George Soros or the Koch brothers also could be considered oligarchs.

The Mueller team was later rebuffed again by Ellis when they tried to introduce photos that eventually would become public of Manafort’s closets filled with suits and high-end clothing.

While it’s part of their effort to paint Manafort as a tax scofflaw who spent big on luxury items, Ellis would not allow the photos for now.

“Enough is enough. We don’t convict people because they have a lot of money and throw it around,” he said.


They are nothing more than a gaggle of angry libtards grasping at straws.
No, once the investigation wraps up and Mueller submits his findings I will accept them point blank, whatever the outcome. And I'll take my licks if Trump is exonerated.

I agree. I will say, however, that the special counsel has not helped itself by relying extensively on attorneys with very strong and publicly-stated dislike of Trump. The process itself is called into question when a key part of the investigation, and indeed the lead investigator for a time, is caught sending dozens of messages harshly critical of Trump.

"Rosenstein was responding to questions from Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) about the role that FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok played in Mueller's probe, which is examining whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Moscow on its election meddling efforts. Strzok sent dozens of text messages to a fellow FBI official assailing then-candidate Donald Trump and expressing hostility to a potential Trump presidency. Strzok was briefly assigned to Mueller's investigation but was removed shortly after an internal Justice Department watchdog uncovered the texts.

Rosenstein on Thursday said Mueller would have to assess the credibility of any witness or evidence that was produced by Strzok in the investigation."


Cannot have the investigator's fairness questioned like this. It really undercuts the process.
Cannot have the investigator's fairness questioned like this. It really undercuts the process.
All I ask Steeltime is how long has it been since Strzok has had absolutely nothing to do with this investigation?

The point that has been ignored - and continues to be ignored - by the witch-hunt propagandists, is the multiple layers of oversight - across federal agencies - that have continued to allow this investigation to proceed. If it was as narrow in view as suggested here, skewered by personal hate of Trump and partisan in nature, brought on by a single (or even a handful) of anti-Trump types within the FBI/DOJ, it would have been shut down and dissolved many moons ago.
All I ask Steeltime is how long has it been since Strzok has had absolutely nothing to do with this investigation?

Mueller has already acknowledged Strzok's role and pretty obvious bias created a conflict and something that had to be addressed. Rosenstein said the same thing.

Further, I can assure you that the initial take on an investigation - criminal, civil, doesn't matter - operates as a guidepost for a long time. That initial inquiry determines who needs to be questioned next, who exonerated, who pursued.

Removing Strzok did not immunize the investigation, Tibs. Mueller, by the way, obviously agrees with my point, and hence the decision to insure that information in the investigation is not "tainted."

Finally, I believe you miss my point. The investigators cannot have valid bias charges asserted against them and expect the public to have the same amount of faith in the investigation as if there were no such bias. Would you have the same confidence in an investigation of Brady for PED use run by Robert Kraft as one run by the league?
Mueller has already acknowledged Strzok's role and pretty obvious bias created a conflict and something that had to be addressed. Rosenstein said the same thing.
Correct, and he summarily fired him. I don't agree with the view Stzork allowed his political & personal views of Trump affect his work, I may be alone on this. But so be it, his personal messages were aired out like dirty laundry, and he lost his job. The overall scope and totality of the investigation continued unimpeded, it wasn't even a bump in the road.

Further, I can assure you that the initial take on an investigation - criminal, civil, doesn't matter - operates as a guidepost for a long time. That initial inquiry determines who needs to be questioned next, who exonerated, who pursued.
Stzork was one of many people that had their hands on this. I simply disagree a single agent would have that type of clout over the entire agency, or even the investigative team, to push through something he himself was pursuing, without mounds of evidence to the contrary.

Mueller, by the way, obviously agrees with my point, and hence the decision to insure that information in the investigation is not "tainted."
My point exactly.
Stork had a direct hand in assembling the lies that launched the corrupt witch hunt.

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It isn't just Stork. The people he was texting (which have been redacted) are also involved. Mueller's team is also stacked with democratic donors and not one person on the committee gave the Trump campaign a dime.

Q: What is bright red and hangs between Putin's legs?

A: Trump's tie.
Meanwhile back at the DOJ


President Trump called on Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions to “stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now,”


I read that article earlier this morning. Strzok may end up sinking the whole case for them, if they have one. That guy is completely compromised, and any evidence he may have gathered, witnesses he interviewed should be immediately discredited. This guy is the Mark Furman of this case.
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