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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.


As someone that has served under two Republican Presidents and two Democrat Presidents, I can assure you that is indeed the case. Serving under Clinton was the worst. And it's not close.

Glad you agree and I will defer to your on-the-job expertise.

People that don't support either voted for Trump. And there were a hell of a lot of them. His election was a rejection of the establishment on both sides of the isle pure and simple.

Old saying at this point but I didn't vote Republican, I didn't vote Democrat, I voted Trump. Held my nose when I voted for McCain and Romney only because they were better than the alternative.
If you can measure someone by who doesn't like them, then President Trump checks all the right boxes for me.
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I would have voted for Britney Spears before Hilldog.


Burgundy's recent GOP primary voting record:

2000: Dr. Alan Keyes.
2004: Dr. Alan Keyes. He wasn't running but it was a write-in protest vote against W. Bush who wasn't Conservative enough for me.
2008: Ron Paul.
2012: Ron Paul.
2016: Rand Paul. Again more of a protest vote because although he was still on the ballot, he dropped out about a week before the PA primary.
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It all come tumbling down

Giuliani says Trump to make call on Mueller within 10 days:

The crowd at President Trump’s Pennsylvania rally broke out into chants of “CNN sucks” after the president referenced “fake news” during his remarks.

Trump was discussing how he won the state of Pennsylvania during the 2016 presidential election when he claimed that the “fake news refused to call” the state for him.

The crowd responded with boos and jeers, with some chanting, “CNN sucks.”

Trump later returned to the issue of the media during the rally, asking, "Whatever happened to fair press? Whatever happened to honest reporting?"

The incident took place just hours after White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to say the media is not the enemy of the people during a press briefing, after being pressed to make the statement by CNN's Jim Acosta.

“I think the president has made his position known,” Sanders said. “It’s ironic, Jim, that not only you and the media attack the president for his rhetoric when they frequently lower the level of conversation in this country.”

Acosta walked out of the briefing after Sanders wouldn't make the statement.

At the rate this stupid thing is unraveling, I think the worst thing would be for Trump to force them to stop. They are making themselves look dumber and more crooked by the day. If it means giving them the appearance that they might be 1% credible by forcing them to stop, I wouldn't do it. Because right now it looks about .000001% credible. Don't help them. Let them continue to flounder for everyone to see.
At the rate this stupid thing is unraveling, I think the worst thing would be for Trump to force them to stop. They are making themselves look dumber and more crooked by the day. If it means giving them the appearance that they might be 1% credible by forcing them to stop, I wouldn't do it. Because right now it looks about .000001% credible. Don't help them. Let them continue to flounder for everyone to see.

I think you are correct.

But I also think there is something a brewing. Sessions quiet. John Huber in the wings. Michael Horowitz investigating.Trump not involving himself, but stirring the pot.

Something is a brewing.
When all is said and done seems to me the charges Mueller will level against Trump are Conspiracy against the United States and Obstruction of Justice, along with numerous wire and bank fraud charges, breaking election laws, money laundering & tax evasion (going back decades).

Sorry, what's the title of this thread??
Glad you agree and I will defer to your on-the-job expertise.

President Clinton absolutely wrecked the military. When he instituted the drawdown, we lost so much funding for repair parts, fuel, personnel. We had to use Macgyver type **** just to keep things flying because we were so short on spares. We ran out of fuel regularly and we had zero dollars for training. It was ridiculous.

But the absolute worst thing he did, was run a **** load of fantastic, young officers out of the military. Mostly Captains, but the drawdown scooped up plenty of others. The officer corps was decimated. Hell, I am not 100% sure the officer corps has recovered yet. It was nothing short of terrible. Lucky we didn't have to fight a war. We would have got it handed to us, and how.
Snowflake in Chief wants to be questioned by Mueller concerning obstruction of justice.....immediately tries to obstruct justice by stupidly asking a recused Jeff Sessions to end investigation..................................... ...........LMAO...... DRUMPF TRIGGERED! What an idiot, a GUILTY running with his reptilian tale between his legs idiot.

Mueller about to bring down the hammer! OH MY!

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/H7iEm8CKI9ZAs" width="480" height="264" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/surprised-oh-my-george-takei-H7iEm8CKI9ZAs"></a></p>

Mueller is sitting around, whacking the weasel and praying to God by some miracle somebody comes up with something soon.
Raise your hand if you're looking forward to seeing the documentary Active Measures, out Aug 31st. I wish this was just all a film and not cold, hard reality.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">get ready <a href="https://t.co/8tD4Kox0ip">pic.twitter.com/8tD4Kox0ip</a></p>— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) <a href="https://twitter.com/AdamParkhomenko/status/1025217901660450819?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 3, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Raise your hand if you live in Hungary and pretend that you love America, but everything you say is anti-American.
Raise your hand if you're a pathetic, conniving, bigoted little ***** with Trump's man juice dripping from the corner of your mouth.
Raise your small hand if you have an inferiority complex and live in perpetual outrage and misery because of your severe affliction of TDS. Whilst in Hungary. (That means put your tiny hands down Twatty, Flog and 21)
Raise your small hand if you have an inferiority complex and live in perpetual outrage and misery because of your severe affliction of TDS.

Just another ho hum day on the board for one trick pony Indy. Nothing original to say, nothing to add to the conversation, just crying non-stop like a whiny, little baby.

Total Hillary/DNC/FBI frame-up from the very start.

FBI Papers Show Payments to Trump Dossier Author Steele

The FBI Friday released 71 heavily redacted pages describing that it had corresponded with former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and revealed the agency was paying him to gather intelligence.

The records show Steele was being paid for work as a "confidential human source" for an unspecified amount of time, and that he'd told the FBI he had informed a third party he was acting as an agency source, reports NBC News.

The redactions make it impossible to tell when the FBI started paying Steele, NBC News reported.

Legendary investigative journalist Carl Bernstein: 'The Trump presidency is worse than Watergate'

Carl Bernstein, the veteran journalist who helped uncover the 1970s Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon, says Donald Trump's presidency "is worse than Watergate."

Bernstein's remarks during a CNN interview this week were a rebuke of Trump's behavior amid the ongoing Russia investigation. Trump has escalated his attacks on the probe in which federal prosecutors are examining his campaign's ties to Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 US election.

Investigators are also looking into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to help him get elected, a question Trump frequently rejects.

During his interview on CNN, Bernstein was asked if Nixon, who was a subject of the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, behaved as anxiously then as Trump is behaving now.

"I think what we're seeing is more than anxiety on the part of Donald Trump," Bernstein said. "We are seeing a president who is behaving and acting unhinged."

Bernstein pointed to Trump's frequent lashing out at the press, whom he has called "the enemy of the American people." He said Trump has "whipped up a kind of hysteria" around the journalists and news organizations who cover him.

Bernstein also asserted that Republicans in Congress have faltered in ways that Republicans in the Nixon-Watergate era did not.

"The heroes of Watergate were Republicans who demanded that the president be held accountable," Bernstein said. They "demanded he be transparent, to know what did the president know and when did he know it, and who conducted bipartisan investigations that led to understanding and finding out what Nixon had done."

Bernstein continued, chastising the current crop of Republicans on Capitol Hill whom he says have "done almost everything they can to impede and undermine legitimate investigation," referring to conservative members of the House GOP who have accused the FBI and Justice Department of harboring political biases against Trump.

We're in "a totally different and much more dangerous situation," Bernstein said.

"Donald Trump is a demonstrable authoritarian in terms of his rhetoric, in terms of whipping up his base. Nixon did not do anything similar to that."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"I think it's time to recognize that what we are watching in the Trump presidency is worse than Watergate," says Carl Bernstein <a href="https://t.co/seIcg8amEu">https://t.co/seIcg8amEu</a> <a href="https://t.co/MgESEvHKtG">pic.twitter.com/MgESEvHKtG</a></p>— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) <a href="https://twitter.com/CNNnewsroom/status/1025069608972107776?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 2, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Legendary investigative journalist Carl Bernstein: 'The Trump presidency is worse than Watergate'

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"I think it's time to recognize that what we are watching in the Trump presidency is worse than Watergate," says Carl Bernstein <a href="https://t.co/seIcg8amEu">https://t.co/seIcg8amEu</a> <a href="https://t.co/MgESEvHKtG">pic.twitter.com/MgESEvHKtG</a></p>— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) <a href="https://twitter.com/CNNnewsroom/status/1025069608972107776?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 2, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Do you know what was worse than watergate.... the previous administration literally spying on the entire country without cause, demolishing privacy, and lying about it until they were outed... then demonizing the whistleblower...

If Bernstein had outed the obama administration he would be in exile or prison... not hailed as a public hero...

No it isn’t worse than watergate.... its just more whiny...

Seriously.... to all libs.. shut the **** up about Trump... nobody voted for the man... they voted for the message... attacking the man is galvanizing the great unheard against your party... with no real message and acting tone deaf to peoples real concerns, all you are doing is ensuring he wins again....
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