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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This story isn't getting enough attention today. That the FBI has to go on background to dispute stories about FBI findings being circulated by the president is a stunning state of affairs <a href="https://t.co/sM1tIAMD2T">https://t.co/sM1tIAMD2T</a></p>— Josh Lederman (@JoshNBCNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoshNBCNews/status/1034860330252476417?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 29, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This is just utterly comical. You simply can't see the spin.

One, it's NBC.

Two it says "an" FBI official.

Three, we know the FBI is corrupt.

Four, they say the FBI has found no evidece that the Clinton servers were compromised. Do they mean ever? Because THAT is factually untrue.

"Clinton's server was configured to allow users to connect openly from the Internet and control it remotely using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services.[74]

It is known that hackers were aware of Clinton's non-public email address as early as 2011.[81] Secretary Clinton and her staff were aware of hacking attempts in 2011, and were reportedly worried about them.[82]

In 2012, according to server records, a hacker in Serbia scanned Clinton's Chappaqua server at least twice, in August and in December 2012. It was unclear whether the hacker knew the server belonged to Clinton, although it did identify itself as providing email services for clintonemail.com.[74] During 2014, Clinton's server was the target of repeated intrusions originating in Germany, China, and South Korea. Threat monitoring software on the server blocked at least five such attempts. The software was installed in October 2013, and for three months prior to that, no such software had been installed.[83][84]

According to Pagliano, security logs of Clinton's email server showed no evidence of successful hacking.[85] The New York Times reported that "forensic experts can sometimes spot sophisticated hacking that is not apparent in the logs, but computer security experts view logs as key documents when detecting hackers," adding the logs "bolster Mrs. Clinton's assertion that her use of a personal email account […] did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments.[73][85][86]

In 2013, Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazăr (aka "Guccifer") distributed private memos from Sidney Blumenthal to Clinton on events in Libya.[87][88] In 2016, Lazăr was extradited from Romania to the U.S. to face unrelated federal charges related to his hacking into the accounts of a number of high-profile U.S. figures,[89] pleading guilty to these charges.[90][91] While detained pending trial, Lazăr claimed to the media that he had successfully hacked Clinton's server, but provided no proof of this claim.[92] Officials associated with the investigation told the media that they found no evidence supporting Lazăr's assertion,[93] and Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon said "There is absolutely no basis to believe the claims made by this criminal from his prison cell."[94][95] FBI Director James Comey later stated in a congressional hearing that Guccifer admitted his claim was a lie.[96]

According to security researchers at Secureworks the email leak was caused by Threat Group-4127 (TG-4127), which targets governments, military, and international non-governmental organizations. CTU researchers believe the group was gathering information for the Russian Government."

Even the AltLeft NY Times agreed, her servers were likely hacked...

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say

"When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work...

In the end, the risks created by Mrs. Clinton’s insistence on keeping her communications on a private server may prove to be a larger issue than the relatively small amount of classified data investigators said they found on her system. But the central mystery — who got into the system, if anyone — may never be resolved.

“Reading between the lines and following Comey’s logic, it does sound as if the F.B.I. believes a compromise of Clinton’s email is more likely than not,” said Adam Segal, the author of “Hacked World Order,” who studies cyberissues at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Sophisticated attackers would have known of the existence of the account, would have targeted it and would not have been seen.”"

But...but...but...the Liberal media that protects Liberals says this isn't true.

Exactly, since you've been conditioned by Trump over the past two years to think exactly that. He has you guys by the balls. It's not too late to free yourselves from the grip of a lying, cheating, mob boss. My guess is most of you will choose to continue down this path. You've come this far, why not see where it takes you? Problem is, it's a dead end road, but at least you guys are heading there full steam ahead.

Have you even watched the news. Does Strozak and Page ring a bell. You have lost your damn mind.
Here is an interesting theory on the swamp - offered at the end of the very disturbing video embedded at the end of the article - Pedophiles Rule the World. Liberal Alert! It's an Infowars article! Look away!
Note for 83....if you needed any more proof this board is teeming with alt righters, just look at their sources. I'm not sure why everyone here is so sensitive to be labeled something I'd think they'd wear with a badge of honor. This board is ground zero for the Alt Right, hardcore Trump base. Might as well have SN running on 4chan or reddit at this point. Thankfully, most of America doesn't buy into this extremist, fringe ideology, but sure does make for some lively reading, visiting this site. You can learn a lot about the Trump base, that's for sure. Anyway, carry on gentlemen.
Note for 83....if you needed any more proof this board is teeming with alt righters, just look at their sources. I'm not sure why everyone here is so sensitive to be labeled something I'd think they'd wear with a badge of honor. This board is ground zero for the Alt Right, hardcore Trump base. Might as well have SN running on 4chan or reddit at this point. Thankfully, most of America doesn't buy into this extremist, fringe ideology, but sure does make for some lively reading, visiting this site. You can learn a lot about the Trump base, that's for sure. Anyway, carry on gentlemen.

TIbs I like you, particularly outside politics, but I have to take issue with this one. Alt-right as used by most refers to racist xenophobic Nazis, your attempt to paint anyone on here in those terms is absolutely incorrect and in fact is what is driving a wedge in between us in trying to have a rational conversation. I might not be one you are referring to but as obnoxious as the others are it would be a real stretch to paint anyone on the conservative side here as racist, xenophobic or Nazi.The term is used to paint people who you disagree with in terms so unflattering you totally devalue their opinions. If you really want to have rational discussion you would stop with the ugly depictions of people you don't agree with. I am so sick of being called xenophobic over an aversion to ILLEGAL immigration and having people conflate that issue with the totally separate issue of legal immigrants who I welcome with open arms, it is a tactic used relentlessly by the left and it is totally and utterly an illegitimate outright fraudulent tactic.

If and when I have seen something on this board I feel is racist I have called it out, I see it more in the football forum than here in all reality and not from those who tend to post in this forum. So please back down your rhetoric and just maybe some of the others will follow suit. We can disagree in civil ways. TO those on the right please don't be ugly either we are all on here because of our love for the Steelers we should have some sort of Brotherhood here. Even Elfie god love his her its soul is a fan so deserves at least a little pity.
TIbs I like you, particularly outside politics, but I have to take issue with this one. Alt-right as used by most refers to racist xenophobic Nazis, your attempt to paint anyone on here in those terms is absolutely incorrect and in fact is what is driving a wedge in between us in trying to have a rational conversation. I might not be one you are referring to but as obnoxious as the others are it would be a real stretch to paint anyone on the conservative side here as racist, xenophobic or Nazi.The term is used to paint people who you disagree with in terms so unflattering you totally devalue their opinions. If you really want to have rational discussion you would stop with the ugly depictions of people you don't agree with. I am so sick of being called xenophobic over an aversion to ILLEGAL immigration and having people conflate that issue with the totally separate issue of legal immigrants who I welcome with open arms, it is a tactic used relentlessly by the left and it is totally and utterly an illegitimate outright fraudulent tactic.

If and when I have seen something on this board I feel is racist I have called it out, I see it more in the football forum than here in all reality and not from those who tend to post in this forum. So please back down your rhetoric and just maybe some of the others will follow suit. We can disagree in civil ways. TO those on the right please don't be ugly either we are all on here because of our love for the Steelers we should have some sort of Brotherhood here. Even Elfie god love his her its soul is a fan so deserves at least a little pity.

I agree with you Lebanon on the racism part. When I use that term I'm not accusing anyone here of racism. The term Alt Right doesn't neccessarily denote that. It's a term to describe those that consider traditional conservatives, and the GOP in general, as being too soft, too corrupt, a part of the swamp, if you will. It's a group of people basically right of the traditional Republican party, the RINOS, the John McCain's. They call for and support Trump's 'take no prisoners' bluster, his unwillingness to compromise, his 'my way or the highway' approach. This group also believes Trump's version and interpretation of the truth - however unsubstantiated it may be. They buy into his 'fake news' conspiracy, that the 'whole system' is out to get him.

The fact white extremists & racists happen to also support this Alt Right movement - and Trump - is just a matter of fact. But to set the record straight, I do not use that term here to insult anyone or to accuse them of being racists or bigots. You can be a full on Alt Righter and not be racist at all. Just wanted to clear that up, as far as my understanding of it.
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“The Obama people did something that’s never been done...They spied on a rival presidential campaign. Would it be OK if Trump did it next? I am losing faith that our system is on the level. I’m beginning to think it is rotten & corrupt. Scary stuff Obama did.” @TuckerCarlson DOJ

I agree with you Lebanon on the racism part. When I use that term I'm not accusing anyone here of racism. The term Alt Right doesn't neccessarily denote that. It's a term to describe those that consider traditional conservatives, and the GOP in general, as being too soft, too corrupt, a part of the swamp, if you will. It's a group of people basically right of the traditional Republican party, the RINOS, the John McCain's. They call for and support Trump's 'take no prisoners' bluster, his unwillingness to compromise, his 'my way or the highway' approach. This group also believes Trump's version and interpretation of the truth - however unsubstantiated it may be. They buy into his 'fake news' conspiracy, that the 'whole system' is out to get him.

The fact white extremists & racists happen to also support this Alt Right movement - and Trump - is just a matter of fact. But to set the record straight, I do not use that term here to insult anyone or to accuse them of being racists or bigots. You can be a full on Alt Righter and not be racist at all. Just wanted to clear that up, as far as my understanding of it.

I totally disagree. Alt- right is not a term that should be used to describe a single person active on this board and I also disagree with you about it being those who agree with Trump. I know many moderates who agree with Trump and agree with great validity that the new is corrupt and flat out biased.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Exactly, since you've been conditioned by Trump over the past two years to think exactly that. He has you guys by the balls. It's not too late to free yourselves from the grip of a lying, cheating, mob boss. My guess is most of you will choose to continue down this path. You've come this far, why not see where it takes you? Problem is, it's a dead end road, but at least you guys are heading there full steam ahead.

or, one could say you've been so indoctrinated to fully believe, without question, anything that comes from any of the 3-letter alphabet agencies, for most of the last 10 years.

as people have said, you used to be somewhat more objective.
now, you're just obstinate and obnoxious.
Falling apart? If any of that is true, this is just the beginning. Again, if that is true, swamp doesn't correctly describe DC. Our government is a dirty corrupt gestapo. Thing I don't get, is from Hillary's server having been SEVERELY compromised because she is special and was operating outside the rules, to this Bruce Ohr guy and everyone in between, why isn't anyone in cuffs? Hillary's server by itself is quite possibly the worst security breach in American history. They got classified info on our nuclear subs. Again, why isn't anyone in jail?

And yet they're sifting through everything Trump to find that very elusive Russian.
I totally disagree. Alt- right is not a term that should be used to describe a single person active on this board and I also disagree with you about it being those who agree with Trump. I know many moderates who agree with Trump and agree with great validity that the new is corrupt and flat out biased.

Ok, I can accept that. Reading up on the definition of the Alt Right, the connection to white extremists is stronger than I realized. Since my interpretation of the term is - or was - different than what most people think of it, I'll stop using it. I've rarely seen anyone posting outright racists things on the board, that's a fact. I don't think people that happen to support Trump are neccessarily racists. I think most of you here - although on polar opposites of the political spectrum - are decent, good people. Maybe the fact I'm constantly being called a libtard communist who hates America, I take the easy road in striking back too often. I will do my best to take the higher ground. Kudos to you Lebanon for choosing a reasonable tone in discussing these often volatile subjects. I think we can all learn from you, and hopefully follow suit in taking this approach. Go Steelers!
or, one could say you've been so indoctrinated to fully believe, without question, anything that comes from any of the 3-letter alphabet agencies, for most of the last 10 years. as people have said, you used to be somewhat more objective. now, you're just obstinate and obnoxious.
Believe it or not I don't 'fully believe, without question' anything. Not from 3-letter alphabet agencies, not from media sources, not from anywhere. I read a lot, and research things the best I can. I simply reach a different conclusion than most of you on this board. Shoot me.
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Ok, I can accept that. Reading up on the definition of the Alt Right, the connection to white extremists is stronger than I realized. Since my interpretation of the term is - or was - different than what most people think of it, I'll stop using it. I've rarely seen anyone posting outright racists things on the board, that's a fact. I don't think people that happen to support Trump are neccessarily racists. I think most of you here - although on polar opposites of the political spectrum - are decent, good people. Maybe the fact I'm constantly being called a libtard communist who hates America, I take the easy road in striking back too often. I will do my best to take the higher ground. Kudos to you Lebanon for choosing a reasonable tone in discussing these often volatile subjects. I think we can all learn from you, and hopefully follow suit in taking this approach. Go Steelers!

Stop kissing my *** you liberal commie *******! [emoji41]You’re making me uncomfortable. Might have to start singing give peace a chance or some hippy ****.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Stop kissing my *** you liberal commie *******! [emoji41]You’re making me uncomfortable. Might have to start singing give peace a chance or some hippy ****.
Yeah man, sorry for the Kumbaya ****, just so rare to see any type of compromise - or reaching across the aisle - on this board. No worries, Indy and others will be along soon enough to put me in my rightful place. This board is like a Swiss watch, always ticking to the same beat. Anyway, let's wrap up this love-in with my prediction that Trump is going down in a ball of flames. I don't like it, I don't want to see it happen, but I think his presidency is rotten to the core. That right there is the biggest difference between me and the rest of you guys. I see too many signs of bad things to come for Trump, and it's not a pretty sight. So I can think that, and you can call me crazy for thinking that. But hopefully, we can still get along just fine. And maybe someday we can come to the understanding that we all love the same country and salute the same flag, even while having significant differences when it comes to national politics.
Exactly, since you've been conditioned by Trump over the past two years to think exactly that. He has you guys by the balls. It's not too late to free yourselves from the grip of a lying, cheating, mob boss. My guess is most of you will choose to continue down this path. You've come this far, why not see where it takes you? Problem is, it's a dead end road, but at least you guys are heading there full steam ahead.

He hasn't conditioned me for ****. I'm sure that goes for a lot of Americans. I try to see **** for what it really is, and the fact that NO ONE from the Clinton server scandal is behind bars yet Paul Manafort & Michael Cohen (soon to be) are tells me exactly where the institutional bias lays.

You act like everybody who voted for Trump are these impressionable simpletons who just nod in agreement to everything he does. You may want to get a little perspective instead of telling everyone who voted for Trump he has us by the balls.
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That settles it. A tweet by some guy at NBC, who talked to some guy at the FBI..........I'm sold.


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That settles it. A tweet by some guy at NBC, who talked to some guy at the FBI..........I'm sold.

You choose, as you do every day, to allow Trump to lead you around by the nose. Just once, for a change of pace, why don't you take whatever deep-rooted suspicions and disbelief you have of the MSM and apply it to what the President tweets out at the the wee hours of the morning? It may give you a more balanced understanding of these events.

FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

Trump provided no details about the alleged hacking, but his tweets came shortly after the online publication of a story by the Daily Caller asserting that a Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington area hacked Clinton’s private server while she was secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails. The publication cited “two sources briefed on the matter.”

Fox News, which is frequently watched by the president, aired a segment on the report Tuesday night, with a guest calling it a bombshell if true.

Asked about the president’s assertions, the FBI provided a statement Wednesday afternoon that simply said: “The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised.”

An FBI spokesman declined to comment on Trump’s call for the bureau to make a “next move.” A spokesman for the Justice Department also declined to comment.

FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server

This is what happens when you have a President running the country by watching ******* FoxNews every morning and shooting from the hip. It is unprecedented and dangerous for all the obvious reasons. Someone - John Kelly, Mike Pompeo, Jim Mathis - has got to try to reel him in.
Believe it or not I don't 'fully believe, without question' anything. Not from 3-letter alphabet agencies, not from media sources, not from anywhere. I read a lot, and research things the best I can. I simply reach a different conclusion than most of you on this board. Shoot me.

There's no need for violence. :)
You choose, as you do every day, to allow Trump to lead you around by the nose. Just once, for a change of pace, why don't you take whatever deep-rooted suspicions and disbelief you have of the MSM and apply it to what the President tweets out at the the wee hours of the morning? It may give you a more balanced understanding of these events.

For the record, I don't follow the President's tweets, and I don't accept them at face value. The report is well researched, and very credible, and I have little confidence in what the FBI says. Sounds like damage control of a cover-up.
Yeah man, sorry for the Kumbaya ****, just so rare to see any type of compromise - or reaching across the aisle - on this board. No worries, Indy and others will be along soon enough to put me in my rightful place. This board is like a Swiss watch, always ticking to the same beat. Anyway, let's wrap up this love-in with my prediction that Trump is going down in a ball of flames. I don't like it, I don't want to see it happen, but I think his presidency is rotten to the core. That right there is the biggest difference between me and the rest of you guys. I see too many signs of bad things to come for Trump, and it's not a pretty sight. So I can think that, and you can call me crazy for thinking that. But hopefully, we can still get along just fine. And maybe someday we can come to the understanding that we all love the same country and salute the same flag, even while having significant differences when it comes to national politics.

:peace: I was looking for a unicorns and rainbow smiley, but all I found a llama and a dead horse.
For the record, I don't follow the President's tweets, and I don't accept them at face value. The report is well researched, and very credible, and I have little confidence in what the FBI says. Sounds like damage control of a cover-up.

The only reason I have a Twitter account is for President Trump and Steelers players.
Note for 83....if you needed any more proof this board is teeming with alt righters, just look at their sources. I'm not sure why everyone here is so sensitive to be labeled something I'd think they'd wear with a badge of honor. This board is ground zero for the Alt Right, hardcore Trump base. Might as well have SN running on 4chan or reddit at this point. Thankfully, most of America doesn't buy into this extremist, fringe ideology, but sure does make for some lively reading, visiting this site. You can learn a lot about the Trump base, that's for sure. Anyway, carry on gentlemen.

Once more, there are no true extremists on this board... elfie doesn't even come close, but we all know that's just trolling... if I wanted headaches instead of amusement at the comical banter here, Id invite some far left and far right acquaintances I have to spout their theories.... that world gets hellascary real quick.... and mean... its bad... those are the types wishing for a civil war so they can kill the other side that doesn't share their mindset.... that's the dangerous end result of echo chambering opinions too long
It's really bad when you have government employees making up their own news to start investigations. Seems like **** they would do in Russia or some third world country. I wouldn't mind it if they just bulldozed DC and started fresh in a big Kansas cornfield.

Why bring that **** here to Kansas? We got enough stuff to worry about....tornadoes, earthquakes, tornadoes....did I mention tornadoes??
You choose, as you do every day, to allow Trump to lead you around by the nose. Just once, for a change of pace, why don't you take whatever deep-rooted suspicions and disbelief you have of the MSM and apply it to what the President tweets out at the the wee hours of the morning? It may give you a more balanced understanding of these events.

FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server

This is what happens when you have a President running the country by watching ******* FoxNews every morning and shooting from the hip. It is unprecedented and dangerous for all the obvious reasons. Someone - John Kelly, Mike Pompeo, Jim Mathis - has got to try to reel him in.

you do realize those three sources you cited are reporting from the same source, correct? even the flow of each article is similar.
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