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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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I've called him alt right, which is derogatory.
Don't believe that crap 83, not even for a second. Alt right is the perfect description of a segment of this board, primarily the loudest, brashest posters on here. It is Trump's hardcore base, a right-wing populist movement, spurned on initially by the likes of Breitbart and Steve Bannon. The alt right despises established conservatives as much as they do liberals, they mock and deride them. Anyone who dares get in Trump's way is immediately targeted, see the treatment of John McCain as a prime example. Deep down, it's a longing for white, conservative men to feel relevant again. It's a beckoning back to an earlier time, when the country had a different population mix. In general, all things liberal - environmental issues, equal rights, women's rights, gay rights, abortion rights, a free press that dares criticize Trump, immigration - are all primary targets. They scream bloody murder if they're called racists, and many of them - cough, some of them, at least here on the board - don't seem to be. But that is a really sensitive issue, so thread lightly. Calling someone Alt Right is not equal to calling them racists or bigots. It's simply defining them as an ideological group that holds Trump's views near and dear. And the sure sign of a card-carrying member of the Alt Right is they never, ever have issues with anything Trump says or does. He's simply divine, a Godsent, a heroic, mythical being who's on a mission to save the country and everything that's important to them. They are willing and able to look the other way when it comes to Trump's transgressions, they simply don't care. Everything exists in a vacuum: the media, Mueller, the FBI/DOJ... it's all a huge conspiracy created by Trump's detractors, none of it is real. Nothing is as it seems, Trump says so himself. And his base laps it up. Hope I was of some help.
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Do you know what I'd like to see from him...I'd like to see the him I saw during his speech at the republican convention. The speech where he spoke to everyone, not just those who already support him. I know Hillary has been criticized for ignoring the ones trump didn't. I agree with that. Shocking I know, but I also know that pissed people off. I don't think it's wrong to want a president I can respect and disagree with at the same time. I did that with both Bushs' and Obama. I also am against no term limits. I think it was Ron Burgundy who showed me a bill that didn't get passed that would have put term limits in place. Of course it didn't pass, why would it. I want congress to act like they represent those they're supposed to and not themselves, not likely to happen. If everything I want to happen would, it would be a perfect world and it won't be. If NK becomes denuclearized that would certainly help close some of the division. But that's just my opinion.

We agree on something.

See...I think all politicians are corrupt. Trump included. They are all, 100% of them, self serving.

There was a time when a man or a woman went to Washington to serve his constituents and it was out of a sense of volunteering to improve the country. They gave up their day jobs to "serve." It's now self service.

As Steeltime has pointed out over and over, how is it that Nancy Pelosi and the Clintons and the rest of them live in many-million$ estates with armed guards and have net worth in the hundreds of millions if not in some cases billions on a couple hundred thousand dollar a year salary?

Politics is a self serving, get rich and special interest game.

And this is what I rail against. I was here for 8 years under Obama and Clinton as Secretary of State and Holder and Lynch as AG. As the Right is now doing with Trump, for 8 years the Left on this board gave pass after pass after pass to every transgression, gaffe and illegality they were part of - because they were their guys.

It's no different now. The shoe's just on the other foot.

If we were all honest, in the end, we would admit that all of them, regardless the side of the aisle they are on, are corrupt to one degree or another. They are all liars to one degree or another. They are all self serving.
Politicians are phony, self serving pigs and have been for years. They are in the game to get rich and swing power and influence over people, that's it, that's all....period.. I voted for Trump to wreck the entire fake *** system and call all of these phony ******** to heel. So far, so good.
We agree on something.

See...I think all politicians are corrupt. Trump included. They are all, 100% of them, self serving.

There was a time when a man or a woman went to Washington to serve his constituents and it was out of a sense of volunteering to improve the country. They gave up their day jobs to "serve." It's now self service.

As Steeltime has pointed out over and over, how is it that Nancy Pelosi and the Clintons and the rest of them live in many-million$ estates with armed guards and have net worth in the hundreds of millions if not in some cases billions on a couple hundred thousand dollar a year salary?

Politics is a self serving, get rich and special interest game.

And this is what I rail against. I was here for 8 years under Obama and Clinton as Secretary of State and Holder and Lynch as AG. As the Right is now doing with Trump, for 8 years the Left on this board gave pass after pass after pass to every transgression, gaffe and illegality they were part of - because they were their guys.

It's no different now. The shoe's just on the other foot.

If we were all honest, in the end, we would admit that all of them, regardless the side of the aisle they are on, are corrupt to one degree or another. They are all liars to one degree or another. They are all self serving.

Tim I knew you had real discussion in you, as do I. I've been against lifers in the house since I can remember. I'm not against Nancy Pelosi personally though, I'm just tired of her. She did her job, time to move on. There are some republicans I still support as well. But what's turning me off is the Trey Gowdy's, the Louie Gohmerts, the ones I can't take seriously because of their ridiculousness. I've said it before, and maybe even been ridiculed for it, I want young blood. For BOTH sides. I think new, fresh ideas will help obtain goals. These lifers just want to pit party against party and argue with each other - "you obstructed us during Obama now we're gonna obstruct you" and **** the citizens of the country. I'm a registered dem, I didn't see eye to eye with Obama a lot, but I liked him. Obamacare helped a lot of people, but for us in the medical field, it made our jobs a little more complicated. And yep, they're all corrupt, just depends on how much corruption we're exposed to. I suppose as long as it doesn't hit my pockets too much we'll just keep plugging along as always. And even then it's always gonna be corrupt and self serving anyway, so what do you do to combat it?
Tim I knew you had real discussion in you, as do I. I've been against lifers in the house since I can remember. I'm not against Nancy Pelosi personally though, I'm just tired of her. She did her job, time to move on. There are some republicans I still support as well. But what's turning me off is the Trey Gowdy's, the Louie Gohmerts, the ones I can't take seriously because of their ridiculousness. I've said it before, and maybe even been ridiculed for it, I want young blood. For BOTH sides. I think new, fresh ideas will help obtain goals. These lifers just want to pit party against party and argue with each other - "you obstructed us during Obama now we're gonna obstruct you" and **** the citizens of the country. I'm a registered dem, I didn't see eye to eye with Obama a lot, but I liked him. Obamacare helped a lot of people, but for us in the medical field, it made our jobs a little more complicated. And yep, they're all corrupt, just depends on how much corruption we're exposed to. I suppose as long as it doesn't hit my pockets too much we'll just keep plugging along as always. And even then it's always gonna be corrupt and self serving anyway, so what do you do to combat it?

I don't think young blood is the answer. Rule changes are the answer. Until we get back to a day where you have term limits and you eliminate the ability for special interests to line the pockets of politicians, young blood will just be hungry to make the wealth their predecessors did.

I'll bring up your favorite case Uranium One. No way in the world should a politician be allowed to have a foundation that is given $$ from foreign countries or special interests, let alone a foundation the politician can draw personal $$ from. It's corrupt.

These examples exist everywhere.

Rule changes and only rule changes will take us back to a time where politicians will once again go to Washington to serve the interests of the people. As long as loopholes exist to make money, they will address their jobs like brokers on Wall Street treat theirs. And we will always be second.
Politicians are phony, self serving pigs and have been for years. They are in the game to get rich and swing power and influence over people, that's it, that's all....period.. I voted for Trump to wreck the entire fake *** system and call all of these phony ******** to heel. So far, so good.

Before it is all said and done, Trump will have blown up the whole mess, and many Democrats are starting to realize that it is good. It is the leftists, like Tibs, that just don't get it, and probably never will. Elfie is a head case and too far gone.

And the other benefit of Trump is that he has exposed the Pravda MSM for the partisans that they are. Fake news.

It is a beautiful thing.
Don't believe that crap 83, not even for a second. Alt right is the perfect description of a segment of this board, primarily the loudest, brashest posters on here. It is Trump's hardcore base, a right-wing populist movement, spurned on initially by the likes of Breitbart and Steve Bannon. The alt right despises established conservatives as much as they do liberals, they mock and deride them. Anyone who dares get in Trump's way is immediately targeted, see the treatment of John McCain as a prime example. Deep down, it's a longing for white, conservative men to feel relevant again. It's a beckoning back to an earlier time, when the country had a different population mix. In general, all things liberal - environmental issues, equal rights, women's rights, gay rights, abortion rights, a free press that dares criticize Trump, immigration - are all primary targets. They scream bloody murder if they're called racists, and many of them - cough, some of them, at least here on the board - don't seem to be. But that is a really sensitive issue, so thread lightly. Calling someone Alt Right is not equal to calling them racists or bigots. It's simply defining them as an ideological group that holds Trump's views near and dear. And the sure sign of a card-carrying member of the Alt Right is they never, ever have issues with anything Trump says or does. He's simply divine, a Godsent, a heroic, mythical being who's on a mission to save the country and everything that's important to them. They are willing and able to look the other way when it comes to Trump's transgressions, they simply don't care. Everything exists in a vacuum: the media, Mueller, the FBI/DOJ... it's all a huge conspiracy created by Trump's detractors, none of it is real. Nothing is as it seems, Trump says so himself. And his base laps it up. Hope I was of some help.

This whole alt right thing is making me feel even more stupid. I thought I knew what it meant. I asked some people at work and it isn't something people really know about. I did google that Richard Spencer guy, it said something about him being the leader of the alt right. A guy at work said skinheads. I don't read or listen to white supremacist news, it sickens me. But I remember before posting on here I read a lot, not all, posts. I didn't get a racist feel here and definitely not white supremacy. But yet I asked if this was an alt right board thinking I was asking if this was an extreme right board. I would have never even come on here and question that in the first place if I thought that's exactly what I was asking. I need to research and I haven't done that. I don't want to call anyone a racist, I wouldn't want that done to me. Thanks for trying to clear it up for me. Must leave for now - good night.
Free Kekistan!!!!!!!

This whole alt right thing is making me feel even more stupid. I thought I knew what it meant. I asked some people at work and it isn't something people really know about. I did google that Richard Spencer guy, it said something about him being the leader of the alt right. A guy at work said skinheads. I don't read or listen to white supremacist news, it sickens me. But I remember before posting on here I read a lot, not all, posts. I didn't get a racist feel here and definitely not white supremacy. But yet I asked if this was an alt right board thinking I was asking if this was an extreme right board. I would have never even come on here and question that in the first place if I thought that's exactly what I was asking. I need to research and I haven't done that. I don't want to call anyone a racist, I wouldn't want that done to me. Thanks for trying to clear it up for me. Must leave for now - good night.

You need to stop worshipping at the feet of Tibs. If anyone on this board is extreme, it is him. What you will find here are a bunch of Conservatives who respect the rule of law, love all humans, love America, and respect their neighbors.

As Liberalism has spun to the depths of name calling and labeling, Tibs - a devout follower of what we would call the AltLeft - has fallen into lockstep with their mantra.

If you see Hillary call Trump supporters Deplorables, or Stephen Colbert call Conservatives racists, or after a terrorist attack MSNBC says the right is full of Islamaphobes, be sure that in the days to come, Tibs will use the same tactics here.

Liberals have become prone to easily calling all Conservatives racists and misogynists and Islamaphobes and white supremacists. Then they began morphing AltRight (which refers to the uber radical right of white supremacists, etc) and applying the label to quite literally anyone that opposed their views.

And, as such, Tibs does the same. Now anyone that doesn't subscribe to his near-communist Liberal views of the world is simply an AltRighter.

There are lessons to be learned. People like Tibs and Hollywood and the MSM are driving more of us to the polls. They can't learn.

At least parts of the New York Times gets it:


Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

I know many liberals, and two of them really are my best friends. Liberals make good movies and television shows. Their idealism has been an inspiration for me and many others. Many liberals are very smart. But they are not as smart, or as persuasive, as they think.

And a backlash against liberals — a backlash that most liberals don’t seem to realize they’re causing — is going to get President Trump re-elected.

People often vote against things instead of voting for them: against ideas, candidates and parties. Democrats, like Republicans, appreciate this whenever they portray their opponents as negatively as possible. But members of political tribes seem to have trouble recognizing that they, too, can push people away and energize them to vote for the other side. Nowhere is this more on display today than in liberal control of the commanding heights of American culture.

Take the past few weeks. At the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, the comedian Michelle Wolf landed some punch lines that were funny and some that weren’t. But people reacted less to her talent and more to the liberal politics that she personified. For every viewer who loved her Trump bashing, there seemed to be at least one other put off by the one-sidedness of her routine. Then, when Kanye West publicly rethought his ideological commitments, prominent liberals criticized him for speaking on the topic at all. Maxine Waters, a Democratic congresswoman from California, remarked that “sometimes Kanye West talks out of turn” and should “maybe not have so much to say.”

Liberals dominate the entertainment industry, many of the most influential news sources and America’s universities. This means that people with progressive leanings are everywhere in the public eye — and are also on the college campuses attended by many people’s children or grandkids. These platforms come with a lot of power to express values, confer credibility and celebrity and start national conversations that others really can’t ignore.

But this makes liberals feel more powerful than they are. Or, more accurately, this kind of power is double-edged. Liberals often don’t realize how provocative or inflammatory they can be. In exercising their power, they regularly not only persuade and attract but also annoy and repel.

In fact, liberals may be more effective at causing resentment than in getting people to come their way. I’m not talking about the possibility that jokes at the 2011 correspondents’ association dinner may have pushed Mr. Trump to run for president to begin with. I mean that the “army of comedy” that Michael Moore thought would bring Mr. Trump down will instead be what builds him up in the minds of millions of voters.

Consider some ways liberals have used their cultural prominence in recent years. They have rightly become more sensitive to racism and sexism in American society. News reports, academic commentary and movies now regularly relate accounts of racism in American history and condemn racial bigotry. These exercises in consciousness-raising and criticism have surely nudged some Americans to rethink their views, and to reflect more deeply on the status and experience of women and members of minority groups in this country.

But accusers can paint with very wide brushes. Racist is pretty much the most damning label that can be slapped on anyone in America today, which means it should be applied firmly and carefully. Yet some people have cavalierly leveled the charge against huge numbers of Americans — specifically, the more than 60 million people who voted for Mr. Trump.

In their ranks are people who sincerely consider themselves not bigoted, who might be open to reconsidering ways they have done things for years, but who are likely to be put off if they feel smeared before that conversation even takes place.

It doesn’t help that our cultural mores are changing rapidly, and we rarely stop to consider this. Some liberals have gotten far out ahead of their fellow Americans but are nonetheless quick to criticize those who haven’t caught up with them.

Within just a few years, many liberals went from starting to talk about microaggressions to suggesting that it is racist even to question whether microaggressions are that important. “Gender identity disorder” was considered a form of mental illness until recently, but today anyone hesitant about transgender women using the ladies’ room is labeled a bigot. Liberals denounce “cultural appropriation” without, in many cases, doing the work of persuading people that there is anything wrong with, say, a teenager not of Chinese descent wearing a Chinese-style dress to prom or eating at a burrito cart run by two non-Latino women.

Pressing a political view from the Oscar stage, declaring a conservative campus speaker unacceptable, flatly categorizing huge segments of the country as misguided — these reveal a tremendous intellectual and moral self-confidence that smacks of superiority. It’s one thing to police your own language and a very different one to police other people’s. The former can set an example. The latter is domineering.

This judgmental tendency became stronger during the administration of President Barack Obama, though not necessarily because of anything Mr. Obama did. Feeling increasingly emboldened, liberals were more convinced than ever that conservatives were their intellectual and even moral inferiors. Discourses and theories once confined to academia were transmitted into workaday liberal political thinking, and college campuses — which many take to be what a world run by liberals would look like — seemed increasingly intolerant of free inquiry.

It was during these years that the University of California included the phrase “America is the land of opportunity” on a list of discouraged microaggressions. Liberal politicians portrayed conservative positions on immigration reform as presumptively racist; Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, once dubiously claimed that she had heard Republicans tell Irish visitors that “if it was you,” then immigration reform “would be easy.”

When Mr. Obama remarked, behind closed doors, during the presidential campaign in 2008, that Rust Belt voters “get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them,” it mattered not so much because he said it but because so many listeners figured that he was only saying what liberals were really thinking.

These are the sorts of events conservatives think of when they sometimes say, “Obama caused Trump.” Many liberals might interpret that phrase to mean that America’s first black president brought out the worst in some people. In this view, not only might liberals be unable to avoid provoking bigots, it’s not clear they should even try. After all, should they not have nominated and elected Mr. Obama? Should they regret doing the right thing just because it provoked the worst instincts in some people?

This is a limited view of the situation. Even if liberals think their opponents are backward, they don’t have to gratuitously drive people away, including voters who cast ballots once or even twice for Mr. Obama before supporting Mr. Trump in 2016.

Champions of inclusion can watch what they say and explain what they’re doing without presuming to regulate what words come out of other people’s mouths. Campus activists can allow invited visitors to speak and then, after that event, hold a teach-in discussing what they disagree with. After the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that states had to allow same-sex marriage, the fight, in some quarters, turned to pizza places unwilling to cater such weddings. Maybe don’t pick that fight?

People determined to stand against racism can raise concerns about groups that espouse hate and problems like the racial achievement gap in schools without smearing huge numbers of Americans, many of whom might otherwise be Democrats by temperament.

Liberals can act as if they’re not so certain — and maybe actually not be so certain — that bigotry motivates people who disagree with them on issues like immigration. Without sacrificing their principles, liberals can come across as more respectful of others. Self-righteousness is rarely attractive, and even more rarely rewarded.

Self-righteousness can also get things wrong. Especially with the possibility of Mr. Trump’s re-election, many liberals seem primed to write off nearly half the country as irredeemable. Admittedly, the president doesn’t make it easy. As a candidate, Mr. Trump made derogatory comments about Mexicans, and as president described some African countries with a vulgar epithet. But it is an unjustified leap to conclude that anyone who supports him in any way is racist, just as it would be a leap to say that anyone who supported Hillary Clinton was racist because she once made veiled references to “superpredators.”

Liberals are trapped in a self-reinforcing cycle. When they use their positions in American culture to lecture, judge and disdain, they push more people into an opposing coalition that liberals are increasingly prone to think of as deplorable. That only validates their own worst prejudices about the other America.

Those prejudices will be validated even more if Mr. Trump wins re-election in 2020, especially if he wins a popular majority. That’s not impossible: The president’s current approval ratings are at 42 percent, up from just a few months ago.

Liberals are inadvertently making that outcome more likely. It’s not too late to stop.


Tibs, like the majority of Liberals, can't stop.
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Nobody on this board is a true right or left extremist... guys like Tibs and Indy are true believers in their opinions, and elfie is an outright troll, but even they barely touch the tip of the far left and far right craziness that exists... i have aquaintences that post **** that make elfie look like a moderate lol and some of the real racists in this country opine things that are mind numbingly stupid... like you think they are trolling in the real world till you realize they are just idiotic to the core...
ha ha

Go Lanny!

Michael Cohen’s lawyer has severely undermined the case against Trump

In a pair of new interviews with The Washington Post and BuzzFeed, Lanny Davis has backed off two massive claims he made in recent weeks, including that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen had told people he witnessed President Trump being informed of Donald Trump Jr.'s 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer before it happened.

He has also admitted he was the source for the initial report on that claim -- despite denying it last week.

“I should have been more clear — including with you — that I could not independently confirm what happened,” Davis told The Post of the claim, adding: “I regret my error"



Lanny originally made his claims to Carl Bernstein, who ran with it and Bernstein went on to report the allegations on CNN.

Lanny now has retracted and left Bernstein holding the bag!


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Lanny originally made his claims to Carl Bernstein, who ran with it and Bernstein went on to report the allegations on CNN.

Lanny now has retracted and left Bernstein holding the bag!



Ha ha, I mentioned that Davis is a partisan hack and pointed out his lawyer speak when making these claims, that was ridiculed here.

People who think there is no political aspect to this investigation are delusional.
83fan the fact that you admit much of what you talk about in terms of how you identify the right shows the very ignorance and indoctrination many are trying to point out to you.

You've called people Alt right (as has tibs apparently) and white supremacists without really knowing what such a person may really believe in. Alt right are not much different from the far left, they love identity politics, except they are for white supremecy. They also believe if in facisist regimes to get what they want, they hate that people have rights and are also against free speech just as the far left is. They play group Dynamics, acting and judging through tribalism, rather than viewing everyone as individuals. Actual racists who want a white only society.

None of these beliefs could describe a true conservative or a center right leaning individual. We are always for free speech (yes, even hate speech, because you don't want anyone having the power to determine what is or is not hate speech), we love the Constitution and that American citizens are free, born with inalienable rights that the Constitution protects. We utterly detest identity politics and believe that MLK was right in that we want people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. We believe that people are individuals and do not always fit into a box of whatever so called group they be lumped in. Willing to to engage with, defend the rights of, and work alongside those they disagree with.

When you allow others to tell you what someone else is like, or what they believe you can be easily deceived. You should always investigate what the other side is saying, so that way you:

1- don't engage in false characterization
2- attack a strawman of what they actually believe
3- ignore them, seek to deplatform them, or censor them from the public sphere
Politicians are phony, self serving pigs and have been for years. They are in the game to get rich and swing power and influence over people, that's it, that's all....period.. I voted for Trump to wreck the entire fake *** system and call all of these phony ******** to heel. So far, so good.

And the sooner everyone comes to this agreement the better. Term limits to that which the president's office-1. 2 terms. 2.A balanced budget amendment.3. Reel in federal authority and give power back to the states.

2/3rds of the states to ratify and we're done. Easy as 123. The only way this ever gets done is through a constitutional convention. You can damn sure believe Congress and the Senate will NEVER do such a thing. Too much power and control of money to give up.

You can throw in a few clauses like Congress or any federal employee can not exempt itself from any laws it passes...cough cough like obamacare.

Maybe a few others more along the lines of government restrictions and accountability to the people who put you in office. If you promise one thing to get and office and do exactly the opposite grounds for removal and replacement within 90 days.

That money sucking black hole of waste needs shut down for serious repairs
At the end of the day, you all crazy *** Americans need to get mostly on the same page. You already are, but allow media and politicians to focus on the differences rather than the commonalities.

If you get your collective heads out your *****/Facebook, and went back to "USA#1" simplicity, all will heal itself, and quickly.

If you can't agree on being the "Shining City upon the hill", what is the point of USA?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
At the end of the day, you all crazy *** Americans need to get mostly on the same page. You already are, but allow media and politicians to focus on the differences rather than the commonalities.

If you get your collective heads out your *****/Facebook, and went back to "USA#1" simplicity, all will heal itself, and quickly.

If you can't agree on being the "Shining City upon the hill", what is the point of USA?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

That's the problem, the Lefties hate the USA. They want open borders and Eurotrash socialism. There will only be unity if they come to their senses and realize that America will always be it's own capitalist country. And we rule. Love it or leave it, *******.
At the end of the day, you all crazy *** Americans need to get mostly on the same page. You already are, but allow media and politicians to focus on the differences rather than the commonalities.

If you get your collective heads out your *****/Facebook, and went back to "USA#1" simplicity, all will heal itself, and quickly.

If you can't agree on being the "Shining City upon the hill", what is the point of USA?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
You haven't been paying attention for the last 240 years or so. We never agree on much at all. We'll be fine.
Bruce Ohr gets questioned today. Should be interesting. The wheels are coming off and the rats are getting exposed in this witch hunt lie.

“Will Bruce Ohr, whose family received big money for helping to create the phony, dirty and discredited Dossier, ever be fired from the Jeff Sessions ‘Justice’ Department? A total joke!” Trump tweeted.
ha ha

Go Lanny!

Michael Cohen’s lawyer has severely undermined the case against Trump

In a pair of new interviews with The Washington Post and BuzzFeed, Lanny Davis has backed off two massive claims he made in recent weeks, including that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen had told people he witnessed President Trump being informed of Donald Trump Jr.'s 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer before it happened.

He has also admitted he was the source for the initial report on that claim -- despite denying it last week.

“I should have been more clear — including with you — that I could not independently confirm what happened,” Davis told The Post of the claim, adding: “I regret my error"



Lanny originally made his claims to Carl Bernstein, who ran with it and Bernstein went on to report the allegations on CNN.

Lanny now has retracted and left Bernstein holding the bag!


And he made Mueller believe that Cohen had all of this dirt on Trump, cut a plea deal on non-crimes, and now Mueller left holding the bag.


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
At the end of the day, you all crazy *** Americans need to get mostly on the same page. You already are, but allow media and politicians to focus on the differences rather than the commonalities.

If you get your collective heads out your *****/Facebook, and went back to "USA#1" simplicity, all will heal itself, and quickly.

If you can't agree on being the "Shining City upon the hill", what is the point of USA?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

As I said before, I believe this all started when Al Gore lost an election after it had already been announced on TV that he'd won. He refused to graciously accept defeat and wanted to be allowed to keep recounting until he got the results he wanted. The Supreme Court slapped that idea down and it's been war ever since.

All the screaming and crying over that heralded a new era of sore loser politics. If you can't beat them, don't accept that, bash them in the media relentlessly day after day after day and make sure nothing they want to do can ever get accomplished. No one's willing to let the other side govern, no one's willing to acknowledge anything good that the other side brought about, no one cares about how everyday people are being affected, the goal is just destroy your opponent. At any and all costs. The internet era with everyone having their own individual 24/7 platform to whine and cry and blame everything bad that happens on the guy they don't like just made things worse.
83fan the fact that you admit much of what you talk about in terms of how you identify the right shows the very ignorance and indoctrination many are trying to point out to you.

You've called people Alt right (as has tibs apparently) and white supremacists without really knowing what such a person may really believe in. Alt right are not much different from the far left, they love identity politics, except they are for white supremecy. They also believe if in facisist regimes to get what they want, they hate that people have rights and are also against free speech just as the far left is. They play group Dynamics, acting and judging through tribalism, rather than viewing everyone as individuals. Actual racists who want a white only society.

None of these beliefs could describe a true conservative or a center right leaning individual. We are always for free speech (yes, even hate speech, because you don't want anyone having the power to determine what is or is not hate speech), we love the Constitution and that American citizens are free, born with inalienable rights that the Constitution protects. We utterly detest identity politics and believe that MLK was right in that we want people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. We believe that people are individuals and do not always fit into a box of whatever so called group they be lumped in. Willing to to engage with, defend the rights of, and work alongside those they disagree with.

When you allow others to tell you what someone else is like, or what they believe you can be easily deceived. You should always investigate what the other side is saying, so that way you:

1- don't engage in false characterization
2- attack a strawman of what they actually believe
3- ignore them, seek to deplatform them, or censor them from the public sphere

1. What I admitted to was I was wrong. Nothing more. No one needs to "point out" anything to me, I can make up my own mind.
2. Please, after 2-3 posts (never conversed with you in the past) you call me the equivalent of empty headed. You lost me there.
3. This has been discussed already with the ones involved and is over. I don't need your lecture.
4. Please don't forget to leave me your usual negative reputation/comments about liberal indoctrination since you seem to know me so well. Tell me, what am I thinking right now?
5. "don't engage in false characterization" say what now? According to you I've been liberally indoctrinated and a "donut" without knowing me at all, which is a false characterization, so I'm choosing to stop engaging.
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hopefully this **** is over soon so we can really drain the swamp.

anyone remember this?

1. What I admitted to was I was wrong. Nothing more. No one needs to "point out" anything to me, I can make up my own mind.
2. Please, after 2-3 posts (never conversed with you in the past) you call me the equivalent of empty headed. You lost me there.
3. This has been discussed already with the ones involved and is over. I don't need your lecture.
4. Please don't forget to leave me your usual negative reputation/comments about liberal indoctrination since you seem to know me so well. Tell me, what am I thinking right now?
5. "don't engage in false characterization" say what now? According to you I've been liberally indoctrinated and a "donut" without knowing me at all, which is a false characterization, so I'm choosing to stop engaging.

Still hung up on that lol. I say your indoctrinated based on your own words, when you parrot false propaganda and basically sound like CNN this evidence leads me to believe you're indoctrinated with far left ideology. Sure I could be wrong, but I'm not basing it on the fact that you disagree with my worldview but based on your own statements so it is not a mischaracterization. I was only pointing to your own statements that you are ignorant of the very labels you were using as a sign of indoctrination, where you take the opinions of those who agree with you at face value, you blindly believe it. But it's up to you to engage or stick your head in the sand. If you don't want to be viewed as "empty headed", stop taking what the echo chamber says as gospel and research for yourself, otherwise the indoctrination continues to be relevant in your views. I've never done anything to your board reputation, because that would be petty
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