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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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And the government still spent more than they took in and managed to double the nation’s debt. Revenue has never been the problem.
in more ACTUAL news


Clinton Operative and Top Democrat Jailed for Mass Corruption

Former Hillary Clinton staffer sentenced to two years in prison following conviction

Hillary Clinton's former staffer Kathleen Kane was the first female Democrat elected as Pennsylvania’s Attorney General and won her 2012 election by a landslide following public endorsements from ex-President Bill Clinton.More than two years after Kane was convicted for leaking grand jury information and lying about it, a Pennsylvania judge ordered the commonwealth's former attorney general to report to prison by 9 a.m. on Thursday.The 52-year-old Democrat had been free on $75,000 bail while she appealed her sentence of 10-to-23-month in prison.



And the government still spent more than they took in and managed to double the nation’s debt. Revenue has never been the problem.

I didn’t mention spending. However, lowering taxes and increasing the deficit and the debt will increase interest paid on the debt and subsequently increase spending as well.

What does any of that have to do with Russian collusion?

Mueller has gone way beyond his scope. You can choose literally anybody and if you investigate their entire life from taxes to drunken bahavior at a college party, you will find something you can make into a crime.

Where is the ACLU on the tactic of creating process crimes? Seems like something they’d want to attack. But that would only be if they were actually interested in protecting people from government as their name implies.

In reality, they are a socialist organization that only takes on cases that fit a socialsit agenda. If anybody thinks thats tinfoil hat stuff, do some research and you’ll find that socialism is a part of the ACLU’s founding charter.
Nah, you're thinking too hard. I don't put that kind of weight into posting here, one way or another.

I can't stop laughing....comedy f'ing gold :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




Taxes: When the Congressional Budget Office released its updated budget forecast, everyone focused on the deficit number. But buried in the report was the CBO's tacit admission that it vastly overestimated the cost of the Trump tax cuts, because it didn't account for the strong economic growth they would generate.

Among the many details in the report, the one reporters focused on was the CBO's forecast that the federal deficit would top $1 trillion in 2020, two years earlier than the CBO had previously said.

And, naturally, most news accounts blamed the tax cuts. "U.S. budget deficit to balloon on Republican tax cuts" is how Reuters put it in a headline.

But there's more to the story that the media overlooked.

First, the CBO revised its economic forecast sharply upward this year and next.

Last June, the CBO said GDP growth for 2018 would be just 2%. Now it figures growth will be 3.3% — a significant upward revision. It also boosted its forecast for 2019 from a meager 1.5% to a respectable 2.4%.

"Underlying economic conditions have improved in some unexpected ways since June," the CBO says. Unexpected to the CBO, perhaps, but not to those of us who understood that Trump's tax cuts and deregulatory efforts would boosts growth.

In any case, the CBO now expects GDP to be $6.1 trillion bigger by 2027 than it did before the tax cuts.

The CBO report also makes clear that this faster-growing economy will offset most of the costs of the Trump tax cuts.

In a table buried in the appendix of the CBO report, it shows that, before accounting for economic growth, the tax cuts Trump signed into law late last year would cut federal revenues by $1.69 trillion from 2018-2027.

But it goes on to say that higher rate of GDP growth will produce $1.1 trillion in new revenues. In other words, 65% of the tax cuts are paid for by extra economic growth.

That faster growth will also reduce federal entitlement spending keyed to the economy — unemployment insurance, food stamps, welfare and the like — by $150 billion, the CBO says.

If you subtract that from the cost of the tax cuts, the net cost drops to $440 billion.

This is what we and other backers of the tax cuts had insisted all along. Not that tax cuts would entirely pay for themselves. But that the economic growth they generate would offset much of the costs.

Looks like we were right.

Spending Is the Real Culprit
That still leaves the problem of the deficit. By 2022, federal deficits will top 5% of GDP, something that happened only once between World War II and President Obama's spending spree.

What's more, national debt is on track to top 91% of GDP by 2025 and reach 96.2% by 2028.

Despite what Democrats and the media insist, the culprit here isn't tax cuts. It is out-of-control spending, which will be nearly $1 trillion higher over the next decade thanks to recent spending deals.

Even with Trump's tax cuts in place, federal revenues climb every year as a share of GDP, going from 16.6% this year to 17.5% by 2025. (The post-World War II average for revenues is 17.2% of GDP.)

Unfortunately, spending is on track to climb even faster — going from 20.6% of GDP this year to 23.6% by 2028. (The highest spending ever got under Obama was 24.4% of GDP, and the post-War average is 19.3%.)

This is little short of a disgrace, and shows that Republicans love spending taxpayer money as much as Democrats.

In fact, some GOP senators don't even want Trump to use his rescission authority to strip some of the worst spending items out of the bipartisan $1.3 trillion spending monstrosity.

Someone needs to remind these alleged fiscal conservatives that if they can't get control of spending today, it's a virtual guarantee they'll end up agreeing to a "deficit cutting" tax hike tomorrow.
I can't stop laughing....comedy f'ing gold
Sorry that’s all you have left. The sun is setting on the Trump presidency, it’s getting dark and cold. May as well lash out at those who have accurately predicted this sequence of events from the very beginning. Losers follow losers, and do as losers do. I feel bad for you Tim, and all the other Trump fanboys, I really do. In the end you have nothing left to hold onto other than the limp dick in your hand. Thoughts & prayers to you and yours.
Sorry that’s all you have left. The sun is setting on the Trump presidency, it’s getting dark and cold. May as well lash out at those who have accurately predicted this sequence of events from the very beginning. Losers follow losers, and do as losers do. I feel bad for you Tim, and all the other Trump fanboys, I really do. In the end you have nothing left to hold onto other than the limp dick in your hand. Thoughts & prayers to you and yours.

What sequence of events was accurately predicted?
And debt...

how is that relevant to tax cuts. Please be precise.

if I, currently spend $90k a year and I only make $85k a year and my boss gives me a 10% raise and I increase my spending by 20%, my debt level increases. Is that because my boss (you know like what the taxpayers are supposed to be to the gubmint) didn't give me enough of a raise?
Losers follow losers, and do as losers do
. I feel bad for you Tim, and all the other Trump fanboys, I really do..
That's some Cat in the Hat **** , right there...
Sorry that’s all you have left. The sun is setting on the Trump presidency, it’s getting dark and cold. May as well lash out at those who have accurately predicted this sequence of events from the very beginning. Losers follow losers, and do as losers do. I feel bad for you Tim, and all the other Trump fanboys, I really do. In the end you have nothing left to hold onto other than the limp dick in your hand. Thoughts & prayers to you and yours.

What sequence of events could you be possibly be talking about?

Granted theres from "no way Trump becomes president", to safes spaces and cry rooms, to protests and violence, to an "investigation".

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This country could cut out so much bullshit spending it's not even funny. Give me 1 month with the us checkbook and I'll ******* work wonders.
how is that relevant to tax cuts. Please be precise.

if I, currently spend $90k a year and I only make $85k a year and my boss gives me a 10% raise and I increase my spending by 20%, my debt level increases. Is that because my boss (you know like what the taxpayers are supposed to be to the gubmint) didn't give me enough of a raise?

More like your boss’ company has an escalating debt problem but he gives everyone a big raise regardless, especially the executives. It’s all well and good until the company can’t meet its debt service and you need to take a pay cut.
And you think this is a good thing? Feel free to write a check to the Department of Revenue if you feel you're not paying your fair share.

Follow along. We were discussing the Laffer curve.
More like your boss’ company has an escalating debt problem but he gives everyone a big raise regardless, especially the executives. It’s all well and good until the company can’t meet its debt service and you need to take a pay cut.

It is 100% NOT that. See if you can grasp this. My boss giving me a raise is him giving me HIS money.

Government giving at tax cut....can you see where i am going with this?....IS LETTING PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. It was NEVER the government's money to give.

Jesus.Christ. this is a free education and you are just ******** it away.
Amazing Hillary nailed it on the head eight days before the election. Too bad nobody listened to her back then. If we did, all of this current misery would have been avoided. She may have been a flawed candidate in many ways, but when it came to Trump & Russia she had perfect, 20/20 vision.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The most prophetic 2 minutes and 44 seconds in American history is:<a href="https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@HillaryClinton</a> warning us about <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a>’s ties to Russia...<br><br>...8 days BEFORE the 2016 election.<a href="https://t.co/0cfevk7Jtr">pic.twitter.com/0cfevk7Jtr</a></p>— Ryan Knight &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@ProudResister) <a href="https://twitter.com/ProudResister/status/1068341735216959488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 30, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Stash this one away for a rainy day. Trump has been lying to us all from day one.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fvicenews%2Fvideos%2F581936135590350%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
It is 100% NOT that. See if you can grasp this. My boss giving me a raise is him giving me HIS money.

Government giving at tax cut....can you see where i am going with this?....IS LETTING PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. It was NEVER the government's money to give.

Jesus.Christ. this is a free education and you are just ******** it away.

Think of it as owning a lot of stock in the company for which you work. Only half of the employees are invested in the company, you’re one of them. The company has an escalating debt problem but they decide to increase dividends to shareholders and give big raises. Are you comfortable with the direction of the company?
Stash this one away for a rainy day. Trump has been lying to us all from day one.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fvicenews%2Fvideos%2F581936135590350%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

How can anyone watch that and not think that he wasn’t obviously trying to hide something? It’s like “I have nothing to do with Russia” was a ******* Pavlovian response.
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