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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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The word 'obfuscation' incorporates three words into one; specifically,

Obviously - ****** - Accusations

Those of which you make, Senior Trog

Close, but "fusc" ain't working. And Trump has made many a ****** up accusation himself.
(especially in prehistoric times) a person who lived in a cave.
a hermit.
a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned.

There you go.
If you are unwilling to distinguish a bluff from a lie, yes, Trump's supposition certainly was a lie. He didn't clarify he didn't have tapes until 41 days later despite being asked numerous times. If he wasn't trying to be deceptive why not simply clarify?

Are you saying it wasn't a bluff?

So now that you understand it may have been words that may relate to bluff, that upsets you too?

Are you that naive ?

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Dems are now discouraging people from enthusiasm regarding the Russia Trump collusion fantasy.

b b b but they just lost a bunch of Congressional races!

what could they be doing wrong?


CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

On Thursday evening, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a potentially explosive report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump.

But by Friday night, the story was removed from CNN’s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

“That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted,” CNN said in an editors note posted in place of the story. “Links to the story have been disabled.”



See, we’re credible journalists! We retract 1% of our FAKE stories about Donald Trump!

Does this mean the Russians were really trying to help Bernie all along?
This just cracks me up. Months and months of hysteria, now they are backing off of Russia.

When Russia materializes into fizzle, I want to hear TrogTibsEfltard admit that they've been blind lemmings, following John Podesta's bullshit-created story like loyal soldiers, that they've been played and are nothing more than mere pawns that regurgitate everything their biased Liberal media feeds to them. Hook. Line. Sinker.


Dems push leaders to talk less about Russia

Frustrated Democrats hoping to elevate their election fortunes have a resounding message for party leaders: Stop talking so much about Russia.

Democratic leaders have been beating the drum this year over the ongoing probes into the Trump administration’s potential ties to Moscow, taking every opportunity to highlight the saga and forcing floor votes designed to uncover any business dealings the president might have with Russian figures.

But rank-and-file Democrats say the Russia-Trump narrative is simply a non-issue with district voters, who are much more worried about bread-and-butter economic concerns like jobs, wages and the cost of education and healthcare.

In the wake of a string of special-election defeats, an increasing number of Democrats are calling for an adjustment in party messaging, one that swings the focus from Russia to the economy. The outcome of the 2018 elections, they say, hinges on how well the Democrats manage that shift.

“We can't just talk about Russia because people back in Ohio aren't really talking that much about Russia, about Putin, about Michael Flynn,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) told MSNBC Thursday. “They're trying to figure out how they're going to make the mortgage payment, how they're going to pay for their kids to go to college, what their energy bill looks like.

“And if we don't talk more about their interest than we do about how we're so angry with Donald Trump and everything that's going on,” he added, “then we're never going to be able to win elections.”
So now that you understand it may have been words that may relate to bluff, that upsets you too?

Are you that naive ?

Huh? Who's upset. Comey called him on his bluff. Trump admitted he couldn't prove Comey lied. It was beautiful.
Trump admitted he couldn't prove Comey lied.

No he did not.

**** man, you take everyone's word, local or famous, and bastardize them don't you? Man did you miss that comprehension branch when you fell out of the tree.
We can't just talk about Russia because people back in Ohio aren't really talking that much about Russia, about Putin, about Michael Flynn,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) told MSNBC Thursday. “They're trying to figure out how they're going to make the mortgage payment, how they're going to pay for their kids to go to college, what their energy bill looks like.

“And if we don't talk more about their interest than we do about how we're so angry with Donald Trump and everything that's going on,” he added, “then we're never going to be able to win elections.”

WOW! What a concept! The thought that the deplorable, non elites from Middle America might actually matter for something after all! Heck, they might even have real, actual lives that matter to somebody too! Is that possible? The realization is coming a handful of years too late you dumb *****, but I guess at least it's a start. All it took was a bunch of shocking embarrassments to hammer it into their thick ******* skulls.
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This just cracks me up. Months and months of hysteria, now they are backing off of Russia.

HA HA - it gets even BETTER!



Top Dem: Obama 'Should Have Done a Lot More' on Russia

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, rebuked the Obama administration on Sunday for not doing enough to counter Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

“I think the Obama administration should have done a lot more when it became clear that not only was Russia intervening but it was being directed at the highest levels of the Kremlin,” Schiff said on CNN’s State of the Union.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that the Obama administration was hesitant to act on and speak publicly about information it was receiving about Russia’s efforts to interfere in the election.




Read all about it!

Even if it were real, all the Dr. Evil/Russia/hacking/election fraud bullshit happened on Bomma's watch. I think the Dems are starting to realize if they keep talking about it it makes the FBP look bad, not that He needed help.
We really should be thanking Obama, for turning America against the Dems!

ha ha

How sweet it is!

Obama’s liberalism paved the way for Donald Trump

The rapid pace of change in American life does not exempt politics. Witness how fast Democrats are cycling through scapegoats.

First came Hillary Clinton. When she emerged to gripe about all the reasons she lost last year, except herself, party activists told her to be quiet and go away. She has, for now.

Next came Nancy Pelosi. When Republicans won four contested special elections for House seats, disgruntled Dems turned their fire on their minority leader, telling Pelosi it was time to get out of the way. She refuses, for now.

For Republicans, luck can’t get much better. While Clinton and Pelosi were hardly innocent bystanders in the historic rout of Democrats at every level of government, the main culprit was Obama.

It was Obamaism, more than Clintonism or Pelosism, that elected Donald Trump and gave the GOP both houses of congress. The former president’s coercive liberalism at home and appeasement abroad led to the greatest upset in American politics.

His two biggest achievements, ObamaCare and the Iran nuclear deal, were sold on the backs of lies.

President Trump is Obama’s legacy.

Been out of the loop for a while. Just checking....did the Comey testimony send Trump to prison yet?

Nope, not yet. 'Parently ole' Donald ate a Polish Sausage last week for lunch. Democrats the country-over are screaming about his connection now to the Poles, and how many scoops of ice cream he gets.
whack them pee-pees!

CNN imposing new rules on Russia stories

CNN is reportedly implementing strict new rules for the network's stories regarding Russia.

CNNMoney executive editor Rich Barbieri sent out an email Saturday regarding the network's new rules after the network a day earlier issued a retraction on one of its stories.

"No one should publish any content involving Russia without coming to me and Jason [Farkas]," said the email, obtained by BuzzFeed News.

"This applies to social, video, editorial, and MoneyStream. No exceptions," the email added. "I will lay out a workflow Monday."

The new restrictions come after CNN on Friday retracted a story that connected Anthony Scaramucci, a prominent ally of President Trump.

“On June 22, 2017, CNN.com published a story connecting Anthony Scaramucci with investigations into the Russian Direct Investment Fund,” the news organization said in a statement.

“That story did not meet CNN's editorial standards and has been retracted. Links to the story have been disabled. CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.”

A source close to CNN told BuzzFeed the incident was a "massive, massive **** up and people will be disciplined."



ha ha


Sue the **** out of them!

No he did not.

**** man, you take everyone's word, local or famous, and bastardize them don't you? Man did you miss that comprehension branch when you fell out of the tree.

Did Trump accuse Comey of lying, yes or no?
Has Trump admitted to not having tapes that can prove it, yes or no?

How has anything been bastardized other than your version of reality?

I picture you watching the late night shows yelling at the TV that the Trump jokes don't make sense and aren't funny.
Did Trump accuse Comey of lying, yes or no?
Has Trump admitted to not having tapes that can prove it, yes or no?

How has anything been bastardized other than your version of reality?

I picture you watching the late night shows yelling at the TV that the Trump jokes don't make sense and aren't funny.

Originally Posted by Troglodyte: Trump admitted he couldn't prove Comey lied.

As I said, no he did not. Very simply put, Trump came out and stated he did not have tapes of the conversations. You took his admission that he didn't have tapes and said that Trump said he couldn't prove Comey lied. That is not what Trump said.

Classic Flogtard example of taking written word, twisting it, interpreting it, then re-posting said interpretation as what the original person stated.

Childs play, this round.

Leave me alone now, I'm celebrating the Supreme Court allowing the travel ban and overruling the out-of-control Liberal courts and activist judges. I'm sure you've ripped your hair out of your man bun by now and desperately need a caramel frappe mocha latte with extra whipped cream.
Trump simply bogarted Comey into telling the truth and not embellishing stories, as Comey has a reputation for doing.
Very simply put, Trump came out and stated he did not have tapes of the conversations. You took his admission that he didn't have tapes and said that Trump said he couldn't prove Comey lied. That is not what Trump said.

As if Trump admitting he didn't have tapes was completely irrelevant to anything and everything. What was being communicated by Trump was that he couldn't back up his warning to Comey (who he is accusing of having lied - disregarding Trump's warning), but go ahead and spin it to fit your reality.
As if Trump admitting he didn't have tapes was completely irrelevant to anything and everything. What was being communicated by Trump was that he couldn't back up his warning to Comey (who he is accusing of having lied - disregarding Trump's warning), but go ahead and spin it to fit your reality.

That came out after Comey testfied to Congress, so there was no need to prove anything. Trump never said he had tapes. He said Comey better hope he doesn't have tapes in order to keep him honest in front of Congress. Mission accomplished. #winning



Julian Assange: Democratic Party 'Doomed' Because Collusion Narrative Is a 'Political Dead-End'

“The Trump-Russia collusion narrative is a political dead end.

Despite vast resources, enormous incentives and a year of investigation, Democratic senators who have seen the classified intelligence at CIA HQ such as Senator Feinstein (as recently as March) are forced to admit that there is no evidence of collusion.

Without collusion, we are left with the Democratic establishment blaming the public for not liking the truth about what Hillary Clinton said to Goldman Sachs and blaming their own base for not liking what they said in their own emails about about fixing the DNC primaries.”


Three journalists quit (Fired from) CNN in fallout from retracted Russia story

Three CNN journalists who worked on a now-retracted story about Russia and a top Trump adviser are leaving the network.

CNN is casting their departure as resignations in the wake of the fiasco, but the network has come under substantial criticism since apologizing for the story. The move would also help CNN’s legal position in case of a lawsuit.

Anthony Scarmucci, the Trump adviser who is the target of the story, told me that he has no plans to sue. He said he has accepted CNN’s apology and wants to move on.

But Scaramucci also told me in an earlier interview, “I was disappointed the story was published. It was a lie.”

Lex Harris, executive editor of CNN’s investigative unit, was the highest-ranking official to resign. Thomas Frank, who wrote the story, and Eric Lichtblau, who edited it, also turned in their resignations. Lichtblau is a highly regarded reporter who spent nearly a decade and a half at the New York Times.

The story tried to draw a link between Scaramucci and the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Scaramucci was a Trump transition team member who has been nominated to an ambassadorial-level post based in Paris.

The CNN.com article said that Scaramucci, back in January, held a secret meeting with an official from the Russian fund. According to an unnamed source, Scaramucci discussed the possibility of lifting U.S. sanctions at the meeting.

But Scaramucci told me there was no secret meeting. He said he had given a speech on Trump’s behalf at Davos, and fund official Kirill Dmitriev approached him in a restaurant to say hello and they had a brief conversation, with no discussion of sanctions.

In the retraction, the network said the story “did not meet CNN’s editorial standards.” The network is now requiring approval from two top editors before any Russia-related story can be published.

I picture you watching the late night shows yelling at the TV that the Trump jokes don't make sense and aren't funny.

Late night TV Trump jokes aren't funny. merely filled with contempt that the left feeds on. And if these "comedians" get their material from CNN, apparently it isn't true either.
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