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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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FIRST DOJ INDICTMENTS UNSEALED: Clinton Foundation-Connected Bank “Mossack Fonseca”

WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonseca”, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.

The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by the ICIJ, and pushed heavily by Wikileaks.

The charges line up with several of the sealed indictments requesting wiretaps, PRTT orders, and search warrants which were leaked by the DOJ recently

This shows that Clinton Foundation may well be very close to being rolled up; these charges, while very serious, still do not explain some of the leaked PRTT/wiretap orders, such as the National Security orders, the drug trafficking orders, or the orders related to child trafficking or providing aid to foreign terrorist organizations.

Well it's Friday, news should break on multiple fronts including the Cohen and Manafort sentencing cases.

Should be interesting. Amazing how this fake news witch hunt keeps gaining ground as Mueller methodically picks apart the Trump mafia clan. A tangled web they've spun, indeed.

No wonder Trump has gone completely off the deep end on twitter today. They should just take his phone away, all he does is further incriminate himself. Oh well, sucks to be him.

Mueller, on the other hand...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is how I imagine Mueller today! &#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56399;&#55356;&#57340;&#55357;&#56399;&#55356;&#57340;&#55357;&#56399;&#55356;&#57340;<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MuellerFriday?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MuellerFriday</a> <br> <a href="https://t.co/kCj9JGLU9q">pic.twitter.com/kCj9JGLU9q</a></p>— Tris Resists (@TrisResists) <a href="https://twitter.com/TrisResists/status/1071055087064285184?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Well it's Friday, news should break on multiple fronts including the Cohen and Manafort sentencing cases.

Should be interesting. Amazing how this fake news witch hunt keeps gaining ground as Mueller methodically picks apart the Trump mafia clan. A tangled web they've spun, indeed.

What will be interesting is if anyone gets indicted for anything having to do with Russia.

No Tibs, spouting that the noose is tightening?
Or has he learned his lesson?

The Swamp was never going down without a fight

No Tibs, spouting that the noose is tightening?

maybe this

President Trump on Cohen docs: 'Totally clears' him

Trump took to Twitter late Friday afternoon, moments after court filings from special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosectors in New York were made public, claiming the documents "totally clear the President."

"Totally clears the President. Thank you!" he tweeted.

What???!!??No Tibs, spouting that the noose is tightening?
Now that the indictments are starting to roll in, more information becomes available and the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, perhaps I won’t have to do your homework for much longer. You can start drawing your own conclusions, as the picture gets increasingly clearer. At some point, no amount of tweets, lies and deceptions by Trump and his cult following will save him. He’ll have been completely exposed for the criminal and fraud that he is. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, pray for the safety and security of our country, with a wildly unhinged maniac in the WH, anything can happen. No wonder Mueller’s taken such a careful, measured approach, he knows he’s dealing with a powder keg.
Now that the indictments are starting to roll in, more information becomes available and the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, perhaps I won’t have to do your homework for much longer. You can start drawing your own conclusions, as the picture gets increasingly clearer. At some point, no amount of tweets, lies and deceptions by Trump and his cult following will save him. He’ll have been completely exposed for the criminal and fraud that he is. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, pray for the safety and security of our country, with a wildly unhinged maniac in the WH, anything can happen. No wonder Mueller’s taken such a careful, measured approach, he knows he’s dealing with a powder keg.

Thank you Tibs. Your reaction is so predictible, it is pathetic.

This was the Mueller strategy from the beginning.......gin up the FISA courts to create a Russian conspiracy, and destroy the man. We all knew it. There was never any Russian collusion. It is all fantasy. This is not a shocker.

The shocker is coming. And it will sting.
There is this.... what it means for sure don't know yet..
Prosecutors: Michael Cohen acted at Trump's direction when he broke the law
By Erica Orden and Marshall Cohen, CNN

Updated at 8:54 PM ET, Fri December 7, 2018

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Substantial jail time recommended for Cohen

Comey: Trump attacks on FBI 'deeply troubling'

Speier: Kushner, Trump Jr. may face subpoenas

Trump's cabinet shake-up kicks into gear

VA secretary praised Confederate president

From TV host to UN Ambassador Pick

Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock'

Trump's history of hiring undocumented workers

Prosecutors, Special Counsel release filings for Cohen

Conway's husband trolls Trump's tweet

Burnett: Mueller drops a major bomb on Trump

Mueller: Manafort lied about major issues

Trump: Some GOP candidates 'choke like dogs'

Trump on filing: Totally clears the President

Toobin outlines Mueller's Cohen documents

Substantial jail time recommended for Cohen

Comey: Trump attacks on FBI 'deeply troubling'

Speier: Kushner, Trump Jr. may face subpoenas

Trump's cabinet shake-up kicks into gear

VA secretary praised Confederate president

From TV host to UN Ambassador Pick

Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock'

Trump's history of hiring undocumented workers

Prosecutors, Special Counsel release filings for Cohen

Conway's husband trolls Trump's tweet

Burnett: Mueller drops a major bomb on Trump

Mueller: Manafort lied about major issues

Trump: Some GOP candidates 'choke like dogs'

Trump on filing: Totally clears the President

Toobin outlines Mueller's Cohen documents

New York (CNN) — Federal prosecutors said for the first time Friday that Michael Cohen acted at the direction of Donald Trump when Cohen committed two election-related crimes in 2016, as special counsel Robert Mueller outlined new contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian nationals.
Those revelations came in a set of court filings in which federal prosecutors in New York said Cohen should receive a "substantial" prison sentence of roughly four years for tax fraud and campaign finance crimes, and as Mueller's office accused the President's former attorney of lying about his contacts with Russia."
Now that the indictments are starting to roll in, more information becomes available and the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, perhaps I won’t have to do your homework for much longer. You can start drawing your own conclusions, as the picture gets increasingly clearer. At some point, no amount of tweets, lies and deceptions by Trump and his cult following will save him. He’ll have been completely exposed for the criminal and fraud that he is. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, pray for the safety and security of our country, with a wildly unhinged maniac in the WH, anything can happen. No wonder Mueller’s taken such a careful, measured approach, he knows he’s dealing with a powder keg.

Muellers "careful and measured approach" has only to do with making sure he doesn't implicate Clinton or Obama, the real criminals in all of this.

While Mueller has turned up no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, this "counternarrative" has led to: former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe fired for lying to investigators; Peter Strzok and Lisa Page booted off Mueller's team for virulently anti-Trump texts; Deputy Assistant AG Bruce Ohr demoted after contacts with a Trump oppo-research firm came to light; the quitting of former Deputy Assistant AG David Laufman, who played a key role in both the Russia and Clinton email investigations; and FBI general counsel James Baker reassigned after evidence emerged that he'd been in contact with leftist reporter David Corn.

In other words, while the Mueller investigation sputters along, the evidence of political abuse at the FBI and Justice is piling up.

This "counternarrative" also has uncovered the fact that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, and that the FBI has not been entirely forthcoming about how the Trump investigation got started, or when.
There is this.... what it means for sure don't know yet..
Prosecutors: Michael Cohen acted at Trump's direction when he broke the law
By Erica Orden and Marshall Cohen, CNN

New York (CNN) — Federal prosecutors said for the first time Friday that Michael Cohen acted at the direction of Donald Trump when Cohen committed two election-related crimes in 2016, as special counsel Robert Mueller outlined new contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian nationals.
Those revelations came in a set of court filings in which federal prosecutors in New York said Cohen should receive a "substantial" prison sentence of roughly four years for tax fraud and campaign finance crimes, and as Mueller's office accused the President's former attorney of lying about his contacts with Russia."

What it means? It means squat.

From Rush today:
Rudolph “Rudy” Giuliani says that Mueller is going to accuse Manafort of lying to them about Trump and specifically Giuliani says that Mueller is going to report that they believe Manafort lied when he told investigators that Trump didn’t know about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian honeypot that was set up — it was a phony setup meeting in the first place. This is this meeting where a Russian PR guy calls Donald Trump Jr., “Hey, we got some dirt on Hillary Clinton. You want to hear it?”

And they said, “Yeah, come by Trump Tower and meet us.” And they show up and they want to talk about Russian adoption, the Magnitsky Act with that Russian honeypot lawyer, the Veselnitskaya babe. And Manafort told Mueller under penalty of perjury and going to jail for two lifetimes that Trump didn’t know about it. And apparently Giuliani says that Mueller is gonna report, “We didn’t believe it. We think Trump knew about it and we think Manafort’s lying to us.” So expect more stuff like that as the days goes on.

And this somehow swayed the election in favor of Trump.
Thank you Tibs. Your reaction is so predictible, it is pathetic.

This was the Mueller strategy from the beginning.......gin up the FISA courts to create a Russian conspiracy, and destroy the man. We all knew it. There was never any Russian collusion. It is all fantasy. This is not a shocker.

The shocker is coming. And it will sting.

Except the investigation began almost a year before Mueller was even involved.
Now that the indictments are starting to roll in, more information becomes available and the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, perhaps I won’t have to do your homework for much longer. You can start drawing your own conclusions, as the picture gets increasingly clearer. At some point, no amount of tweets, lies and deceptions by Trump and his cult following will save him. He’ll have been completely exposed for the criminal and fraud that he is. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, pray for the safety and security of our country, with a wildly unhinged maniac in the WH, anything can happen. No wonder Mueller’s taken such a careful, measured approach, he knows he’s dealing with a powder keg.

The only powder keg I am worried about is what happens when conservatives that support Trump decide they've had enough. Remove Trump from office with even a hint of impropriety and you are gonna have problems. I don't know why, but that may be the very thing that gets conservatives off the sidelines and into the game. If that doesn't do it, conservatism is dead.
Muellers report outlines that Cohen committed 2 felonies in coordination with and at the direction of "Individual 1". Its no secret whom individual 1 is.
This is backed up with text messages,emails and/or recordings. As ive said before, Mueller knows the answers to questions in advance of those called testify. When they speak, he knows instantly when theyre lying. Lying has been the theme for all these guys...President included.

When you have folks like Flynn, Gates, Ganz, Pappadapolous, his CFO for Trump Org, (Weisselberg) Cohen (and now word that Gen Kelly has met with Muellers team) and others taking pleas or asking for immunity, those days and hours of singing like canaries is providing a bounty of information. McSmallhands is freaking the **** out because he knows his answers submitted aren't aligning with what Mueller knows is truth. (that card is being saved for later)

Donnie Jr and Jared are in the chummed plume of the shark-infested waters. With all the redactions in hundreds of pages of released reports--confirming there is a lot more happening in a criminal investigation---, this signals the beasts of the abyss are stirring. Dorsals have breached the surface.

The collusion part is coming and will be the final piece (beyond campaign finance violations and obstruction). That final herring is Stone.

When everything is finally pieced together and the detailed report given to Congress, there will be an impeachment hearing. Bank on it. Once the veil is lifted on this president, it will be a national embarrassment. But the damage will be done. We will never recover from this as a nation.
Yeah, any minute now. Delusional ignorant hipocritical libtard *********...
All of this being released in December is intentional so the Democrat majority in Congress can pound on Trump starting January 1st. If there was a scintilla of honesty in any Democrats mind they could easily use these same investigative tactics on Clinton/Obama/Kerry and find similar results.
Interesting to see hardcore red hats like Ammon Bundy and Tucker Carlson - of all people - start stepping away from the stench eminating from the WH. As was entirely predictable, the rats begin to scurry. Problem is, it will take many, many years for the GOP to scrub itself clean from the deep stain of the criminal & corrupt Trump presidency. Nobody will forget, or forgive their complacency and willingness to sell out the country.

Ammon Bundy breaks with Trump on anti-migrant rhetoric: ‘It’s all fear-based’

Fox News attack dog Tucker Carlson turns on Trump: 'I don't think he's capable'
Interesting to see hardcore red hats like Ammon Bundy and Tucker Carlson - of all people - start stepping away from the stench eminating from the WH. As was entirely predictable, the rats begin to scurry. Problem is, it will take many, many years for the GOP to scrub itself clean from the deep stain of the criminal & corrupt Trump presidency. Nobody will forget, or forgive their complacency and willingness to sell out the country.

Ammon Bundy breaks with Trump on anti-migrant rhetoric: ‘It’s all fear-based’

Fox News attack dog Tucker Carlson turns on Trump: 'I don't think he's capable'

I like Tucker Carlson. He exposes liberal idiocy on a nightly basis.
Who is Ammon Bundy?

Thanks for sharing Tibs.
Except the investigation began almost a year before Mueller was even involved.

And as more details surface about how this started, the more we see how corrupt the FBI and the DOJ were......and how complicit the MSM is. All exposed now.
Tibs;562912 [B said:
Fox News attack dog Tucker Carlson turns on Trump: 'I don't think he's capable'[/B]

Attack Dog?!?!? That is species appropriation and species shaming my friend! I am outraged!!! Disgusting! How DARE they insult the canine community by appropriating their place in the animal kingdom?!?! I demand a safe space immediately....and an emotional support parakeet!!!!!!!
The only powder keg I am worried about is what happens when conservatives that support Trump decide they've had enough. Remove Trump from office with even a hint of impropriety and you are gonna have problems. I don't know why, but that may be the very thing that gets conservatives off the sidelines and into the game. If that doesn't do it, conservatism is dead.

So what are you saying? If conservatives don’t react in a problematic manner in the face of percieved impropriety, their cause is dead? That’s a contradictory statement for someone who “doesn’t know why”.
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