See this is why you and many others are so off-kilter on this subject. Your most basic premise regarding Mueller's investigation is tied specifically to false information coming from far right, pro-Trump sources. It makes sense why you fall in step with Trump's lies and deceptions, since your entire view of the facts in this case are skewered.
Just for ***** and giggles, try this exercise. Presume for a moment - as difficult as it may be - that the Steele dossier contained legitimate information from trusted, vested, verifiable sources. Remember, multiple agencies had access to this and the decision was made to open the case even when it was known full well what a delicate, sensitive issue it was (investigate the President?) and what a difficult process it would be to carry out. It would have been easier to drop it, sweep it under the rug. Even with all the pressure coming from Trump's DOJ and a GOP-majority Congress, facing strong headwind and opposition, the decision was made - several times over - that the investigation was warranted and needed to be undertaken, hence the naming of the Special Counsel.
This is the fundamental difference between us. We've been on entirely different paths from the very beginning. You on a path of doubt & disbelief fueled by tales of a deep state conspiracy, a Pro-Hillary, anti-Trump slant within the DOJ/FBI. And I, along with others, on a path not based on wild conspiracy theories, refusing to blindly accept what Donald Trump was suggesting, that this was nothing but a wild goose chase, a witch hunt in search of a crime.
No wonder we've had such wild disagreements on this subject for the past two years.
Trump tells Comey to take it easy on Flynn, he is a good man...........a case is made for obstruction.
Hillary's hard drives are subpoenaed, she has them destroyed via bleach bitting, and hammers taken to obstruction.
Yeah, nothing wrong here. It is okay to have different standards in our justice system.
I'm sticking with my version of the facts. You can stick with yours.