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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Pence has quite a view going up those stairs
And Steele admits the truth. The dossier is just a fake news hit piece funded by Hillary and the DNC to challenge the election results. Comey and the FBI never verified the contents and they illegally spied on the Trump campaign. Lock up everyone involved and fire Mueller. And lock his shady *** up too.


Remember, they should erect a bronze statue of Steele at the White House. Right next to the one of APHMA (American Patriot and Hero Michael Avenatti). Heroes. They don't come any finer than these two.
another Dem dream dies

DC Circuit Won't Force IRS to Release Trump's Tax Returns

"Confidentiality protections extend to the ordinary taxpayer and the President alike," the D.C. Circuit said in a ruling Tuesday that upheld the dismissal of a suit seeking Trump's tax records.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday upheld a ruling dismissing an attempt to overcome IRS privacy rules to acquire President Donald Trump’s tax returns through a public-records lawsuit. The Electronic Privacy Information Center attempted to use a Freedom of Information Act request to get the president’s tax returns, which he has withheld citing a pending Internal Revenue Service audit. Legal experts contend nothing prohibits the president from releasing his tax returns.

The panel on Tuesday said all government records are presumed public under the Freedom of Information Act unless specifically exempted. The panel added the Internal Revenue Code specifically exempts individual taxpayers’ tax returns

another Dem dream dies

DC Circuit Won't Force IRS to Release Trump's Tax Returns

"Confidentiality protections extend to the ordinary taxpayer and the President alike," the D.C. Circuit said in a ruling Tuesday that upheld the dismissal of a suit seeking Trump's tax records.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday upheld a ruling dismissing an attempt to overcome IRS privacy rules to acquire President Donald Trump’s tax returns through a public-records lawsuit. The Electronic Privacy Information Center attempted to use a Freedom of Information Act request to get the president’s tax returns, which he has withheld citing a pending Internal Revenue Service audit. Legal experts contend nothing prohibits the president from releasing his tax returns.

The panel on Tuesday said all government records are presumed public under the Freedom of Information Act unless specifically exempted. The panel added the Internal Revenue Code specifically exempts individual taxpayers’ tax returns


Finally some sanity from the courts.
Flynn was set up.

If nothing else, Robert Mueller's year-and-a-half-long "investigation" into the Trump campaign will serve as an exposition of what it looks like when a presidential campaign and presidency are on "the wrong side of history."

In case you didn't know, "wrong side of history" is liberal-speak for "unhelpful to the progressive, globalist agenda." To be on the wrong side of history is to be on the wrong side of the army of liberal sycophants who populate the federal government -- especially the intelligence agencies.

Because this shadow government (aka deep state) hates transparency and loathes disruptive forces like Donald J. Trump, many lives associated with him have now been ruined.

If you're on the right side of history, you get to lie to Congress, lie to the FBI, leak like a sieve, and be guilty of campaign finance violations, FARA violations, and Logan Act violations with few, if any, consequences.

If you are on the wrong side, you get the book thrown at you. Suddenly, policy disagreements and gossiping about Hillary Clinton's emails become crimes.

It appears that Robert Mueller's sham investigation "has weaponized" politics, Victor Davis Hanson lamented at National Review Wednesday.

By indicting a number of minor characters on charges that so far have nothing to do with collusion — for purported crimes mostly committed after the special-counsel appointment — Mueller has emphasized the quantity rather than the quality of indictments.

Hanson argued that Mueller has "established the precedent that there is now no real equality under the law, at least as Americans once understood fair play and blind justice."

Indeed, never before in American history has so much unequal treatment under the law been on such clear display.

Michael Flynn is a prime example. He pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017, to lying to the FBI about his phone conversation with Russia's then-ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. As Byron York noted at the Washington Examiner, there was nothing wrong with the incoming national security advisor discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador.

But some officials in the Obama Justice Department decided that Flynn might have violated the Logan Act, a 218 year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted, that prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the United States in disputes with foreign governments.

The Obama officials also said they were concerned by reports that Flynn, in a conversation with Vice President Mike Pence, had denied discussing sanctions. This, the officials felt, might somehow expose Flynn to Russian blackmail.

By the way, Flynn didn't violate the Logan Act and the idea that he was "blackmailable" was always a complete joke -- but he was the victim of an illegal leak.

For reasons still unknown, he agreed to help the special counsel "with several investigations" that are still ongoing, according to Mueller's court filing.

In case this worries you, Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller details the "several" investigations that Flynn likely cooperated with, including Turkish lobbying, the Peter Smith email hunt, and Michael Cohen's Ukraine "peace plan," none of which involve Trump or collusion with Russia.

And the New York Post's Paul Sperry threw cold water on the left-wing fever dream that Flynn had sung like a canary.

After waiting for more than a year to be sentenced, Mueller finally recommended "a sentence at the low end of the guideline range — including a sentence that does not impose a period of incarceration."

But the damage had already been done. As PJ Media's own Liz Sheld put it:

Really, the objective of targeting Flynn has been met. There's no need to toss him in the clink because the deep state has severely damaged him. He's bankrupt, he lost his house, he's going to have a problem getting employed. I'm sure his security clearance has been permanently yanked so... what's he going to do to earn a living and take care of his wife and family? Remember, Flynn was the only person Obama told Trump not to bring on board in his administration. Obama and his administrative state thugs did not want Flynn coming in and undoing their globalist achievements.

What was Flynn's real sin?

As the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 until he was forced out in August 2014, he clashed mightily with the Obama administration's policies on ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal, among other things. As a result, the decorated general put himself "on the wrong side of history" and at odds with the Obama-friendly deep state.

The outspoken general continued to rock the boat after he left the administration.

For instance, in November 2015 during an appearance on Fox News, Flynn called for an investigation into the ISIS intel-skewing scandal, recommending that it "start right at the top."

"Where intelligence starts and stops is at the White House," Flynn said. "The president sets the priorities and he's the number one customer. So if he's not getting the intelligence that he needs and he's not paying attention to what else is going on, then something else is going wrong between him and the advisers that he has."

Obama already despised Flynn. But his hate likely turned to fear when his former DIA decided to throw his support behind Donald J. Trump, another boat-rocker who had a real chance of winning.

As Sheld noted, Obama made a point after the 2016 election of advising Trump not to hire Flynn. But Trump didn't listen.

Next thing Flynn knew, government spies were listening in on his innocuous phone conversations with Kislyak, his name was unmasked by someone in the Obama administration, and the contents of the call were leaked to the Washington Post (which remains the only serious crime to have emerged in the Russia investigation).

Former Secret Service agent and author of SpyGate Dan Bongino explained how and why Flynn was set up on his podcast Wednesday morning.

On December 29, 2016, Obama announced sanctions against Russia and expelled 35 Russians from the country, purportedly "in retaliation for Russian efforts to interfere with the U.S. presidential election."

At the time, Flynn, coincidentally, was on vacation in the Dominican Republic, where he did not have access to a secure communication system. Team Obama bet that Russia would call him to discuss the sanctions, and they were ready to listen in.

"They need a transcript of a recorded conversation of Mike Flynn discussing something -- anything -- of diplomatic relevance with the Russian ambassador," Bongino said.

He explained that they needed a transcript so they could use it later on to interview Flynn, "knowing that Flynn wasn't going to remember every detail." Their game was to catch him "in the smallest of lies and charge him with false statements to shut him down," Bongino argued.

On January 12, 2017, a "high-ranking" Obama official leaked Flynn's intercept to David Ignatius at the Washington Post, which is a felony.

Then, without mentioning that they were conducting a criminal interview, FBI special agents Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok showed up at the White House on January 24, 2017, to interrogate Trump's short-lived national security adviser.

In their 302s (the form used by FBI agents to "report or summarize the interviews that they conduct") they noted that there were no indications of deception on Flynn's part.

Why Flynn pleaded guilty to the thin "false statement" charge is still a mystery.
Meanwhile, not only do we not know which Obama officials leaked the Michael Flynn intercept to the Washington Post, we don't even know if the leak has even been investigated.

Even if there was a legitimate non-political national security reason to unmask Flynn's name -- and there doesn't seem to have been -- it was still a federal crime to leak it.

The Wall Street Journal's Kim Strassel said that Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told her that "that was the worst leak he had ever seen in the history of the government in terms of the amount of information it gave to our adversaries about our collection methods."

"What happened to Lt. General Mike Flynn is reminiscent of tin-pot dictatorships. It’s a stain on our 'justice' system & it’s an eternal embarrassment for every single person involved in his PERSECUTION (not prosecution)," Bongino wrote on Twitter. "This disgraceful episode is a sorry chapter in our history."

Flynn's son, Michael Flynn Jr., expressed gratitude on Twitter that his father's ordeal was over, but had disdain for the MSM's role in the past year-and-a-half's events.
What do you guys make of the Flynn court appearance today? This case gets more bizarre by the minute,....as it should.
Flynn is worried the FBI will go after his family. He just wants it over with. The thing is that he lied about something that wasn't even illegal. The judge even laughed when the prosecution brought up the Logan act. Flynn did lie and he lied to the Trump administration. But there was no reason for it.
Flynn is worried the FBI will go after his family. He just wants it over with. The thing is that he lied about something that wasn't even illegal. The judge even laughed when the prosecution brought up the Logan act. Flynn did lie and he lied to the Trump administration. But there was no reason for it.
What do you guys make of the Flynn court appearance today? This case gets more bizarre by the minute,....as it should.

No, the Trump administration doubling-down on an alternative reality is bizarre. Everything else is reality setting in.
No, the Trump administration doubling-down on an alternative reality is bizarre. Everything else is reality setting in.

No, how you people continue to expect anyone to believe the stuff you make up is bizarre.

The judge postponing the sentencing had nothing to do with the Trump admin.
No, the Trump administration doubling-down on an alternative reality is bizarre. Everything else is reality setting in.

Oh yeah...reality is setting in all right.


Wait...what's this rumor about Tibsy being a Hungarian minority or something ? I read somewhere that there weren't any minority's in Hungary.

maybe we lost something in the translation
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No, how you people continue to expect anyone to believe the stuff you make up is bizarre.

The judge postponing the sentencing had nothing to do with the Trump admin.

You people? What the 70% that aren’t Trumptards? That’s a lot of anyone’s and the number is growing.

When you, Hamster and Vader get on the same page, I’m sure you’ll let me know what’s what.
You people? What the 70% that aren’t Trumptards? .

That's right, you people.
This is less about defending Trump and more about exposing the glaring corruption, hypocrisy, media bias and double standards that is so prevalent on the left... that haters like you so obsessed with taking Trump down refuse to at least take into account....Btw..hatred that began during the primaries and had never let up.

Everyone not on the same page huh? Isn't it shocking that no one is correct 100% of the time...except for you tards sitting atop your perch of liberal superiority who think you are.

Trumps not the problem. We're not the problem...it is you people so hellbent on removing this guy from office since the inauguration that is the problem.
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That's deep. How do you know this?
Because in the first 302, the agents that interviewed him says he didn't lie. It wasn't until Mueller picked it up, and changed the conclusion. Kind of peculiar. Lying to Mike Pence was not a crime.

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Stormy strips for Playboy

Daniels announced the news on Instagram, sharing a steamy black-and-white photo from the shoot that shows off her exposed garter belt and lots of cleavage.


I am beyond excited and honored to share this news! I am in the new issue of Playboy (Winter 2019 Freedom of Expression) that hits newsstands this week. This is such a dream come true for me.

Only a political accusation could elevate a chick from doing hardcore porn movies into doing a glamorous layout in Playboy. If she accuses another high profile guy in Washington, she'll move up to Cosmo. Eventually she'll make it all the way up to A list actress.
The underhandedness of the FBI.
In order to nail Trump, they needed to interview Flynn...but in order to interview Flynn they needed a reason as required by the White House and the DOJ

Since they had no reason they bypassed the proper procedure of notifying the White House and went to Flynn directly. Flynn did not know he was being interviewed, and was caught in a lie.

Flynn became a victim. He became the collateral damage in pursuit of Trump.

Supposedly Mueller recommended no jail time for Flynn because he cooperated...I believe its more because of the guilt Mueller has to be feeling.

The Flynn interview is troubling. He should not have been under investigation.

If the FBI wanted to interview him on January 24, 2017, a request should have been communicated to the White House counsel by the Justice Department. The FBI decided to bypass both DOJ and the White House. The Bureau exploited the chaos of the second full work day of a new administration, contacted Flynn directly, and actively discouraged him from notifying the White House counsel. They intentionally avoided going through proper channels.

If properly advised that the FBI wanted to interview Flynn, the White House counsel would have asked why. Was Flynn a criminal suspect? Was he a witness in a foreign counterintelligence investigation? On what basis did the FBI seek to interview the national-security adviser about conversations he appropriately had with a foreign government while Flynn was a transition official designated to become the president’s top adviser on foreign threats to U.S. interests?
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You know. For the first time in my life, I am starting to believe that the government in Washington is our enemy. That is a bad sign.

I started believing that as soon as the Muslim Kenyan started bowing and apologizing for America, supporting Islamic terrorism and the RINO’s continued to give him what he wanted, including CommieCare.

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You know. For the first time in my life, I am starting to believe that the government in Washington is our enemy. That is a bad sign.

Yessir. And we & especially the great people serving this country all over the world should be livid about it.

But, uh, what the hell can we actually do? Sickening.
Because in the first 302, the agents that interviewed him says he didn't lie. It wasn't until Mueller picked it up, and changed the conclusion. Kind of peculiar. Lying to Mike Pence was not a crime.

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That has nothing to do with what I said. He is obviously afraid of them coming after someone or something else. He knows he didn't lie but he is pleading guilty to it for a reason. I think they threatened him or his family. It's really the only thing that makes sense.
That has nothing to do with what I said. He is obviously afraid of them coming after someone or something else. He knows he didn't lie but he is pleading guilty to it for a reason. I think they threatened him or his family. It's really the only thing that makes sense.
Okay, misunderstood. I agree with you.

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