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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Ha ha, based on your response Timmy, we can ascertain that yes, all 18 of the items listed are true and factual. You did nothing to disprove even a single one. Just went on one of your rambling, diversionary hissy fits, like you always do. Next.
Yes indeed, here is where the investigation should go...to the Clinton Foundation and after the family that really began dismantling what we used to respect as honest government, back in the 90s when Slick Willy took the wheel.

Obama protected the Clintons and the Clinton foundation and suppressed what should have been investigations into the organization.

Who are the spies? Who are the traitors? The Democrats who used illegally obtained FISA warrants to spy on a political opponent? The Democrats who infested the FBI and used that organization to bury and hide Hillary's felonies with regards to her illegalities with her servers and how many secrets she gave away to our state enemies? The Democrats who transferred our Uranium to Russia? The Democrats who rigged their primaries and deceived the American people and stole a just electoral process from them?

I think the Democrats at all levels should be investigated but our complicit media covers for them while working 24 x 7 to bring down their political opponents. Scary times. They are more worried about, and attacking Republicans than they are worried about our state enemies. In fact argument can be made, especially during Obama's tenure, that they emboldened and strengthened our enemies (see Iran as but one example).

We see the real enemy.


Judicial Watch Gives Testimony on Capitol Hill about Clinton Foundation

When I was asked by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s Subcommittee on Government Operations to testify this week about the Clinton Foundation, I knew the challenge would be organizing the vast trove of information we have accumulated through court action over the past several years.
That evidence, I told the committee, warrants a serious investigation of the Clinton Foundation. Moreover, there is evidence that the Obama Justice Department suppressed an investigation of the Foundation.

In my testimony, I said that we were suspicious from the very beginning of Hillary Clinton’s term at the State Department if she and Bill could keep Foundation and government business separate. By 2014, it was evident that we were right, and we issued a report with the Washington Examiner:

A joint investigation by the Washington Examiner and the nonprofit watchdog group Judicial Watch found that former President Clinton gave 215 speeches and earned $48 million while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy, raising questions about whether the Clintons fulfilled ethics agreements related to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton‘s tenure as secretary of state…
State Department officials charged with reviewing Bill Clinton’s proposed speeches did not object to a single one.
Some of the speeches were delivered in global hotspots and were paid for by entities with business or policy interests in the U.S.

[A]n inspection by the Examiner and Judicial Watch of donations to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton’s personal financial disclosure forms, and the State Department conflict-of-interest reviews show that at least $48 million flowed to the Clintons’ personal coffers from many entities that clearly had interests in influencing the Obama administration — and perhaps currying favor with a future president as well.

I detailed for the committee Bill Clinton’s speeches in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and China, all of which poured enormous sums into the Foundation. And there were Bill Clinton’s infamous speeches in Russia. There he gave two for $625,000. One was to the Russian investment bank, Renaissance Capital, at a 2010 event.
I also reminded the committee that it was Judicial Watch’s efforts that uncovered Hillary Clinton’s notorious private email system, which effectively shielded her various dealings. After their lawsuits forced the disclosure of the Clinton email server, another Judicial Watch lawsuit broke open what is now known as the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scandal.

Emails Judicial Watch uncovered demonstrate that Clinton Foundation donors and supporters received special favors and consideration from the Clinton State Department. Just one example:

Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain: A Judicial Watch-obtained Huma Abedin-Doug Band email exchange from 2009 revealed that Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton but was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours. According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had spent $32 million in conjunction with CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.

I concluded my prepared remarks this way:

Judicial Watch will continue its various independent lawsuits and investigations, on behalf of the public interest, into the Clinton Foundation and the related Clinton email scandal.
Because the Clinton Foundation issue is not a “private” scandal. It is a State Department scandal, it is an FBI scandal, it is a Justice Department scandal, it a foreign potentate scandal, it is a shady corporation scandal, and, for sure, it is a government transparency scandal.

It was a privilege to represent you before Congress and to put forward in a public forum what we have known for a long time about Bill and Hillary Clinton and their Foundation: Influence pays handsomely.


That's some damning **** that should have been investigated to the tune of Bob Mueller but was covered up by Obama and Lynch and Comey. Why were these nefarious shady and treasonous (potentially) issues swept under the rug?

By god because they are Democrats, a band of brothers, protecting each other's crimes while the media stands by and covers further for them.
Ha ha, based on your response Timmy, we can ascertain that yes, all 18 of the items listed are true and factual. You did nothing to disprove even a single one. Just went on one of your rambling, diversionary hissy fits, like you always do. Next.

It is a fact that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election.
It is a fact that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election to help Clinton.
It is a fact that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump.

These are all verifiable facts. Every one.

Do you want to go on saying your list is fact v supposition? Can you not see how the Post saying the Russians interfered in the election to "help" Trump, while factual, is incredibly misleading?

No...you can't.
Great thread by the author Clint Watts. Lays it out in very plain terms, from the FBI's perspective. Deep state, my ***. Witch hunt, my ***. These fine men and women are doing their jobs protecting our great nation.


Regarding this NYT story from this weekend, imagine you are a FBI Agent working Russian counterintelligence in 2016 and you witness the following:

- you witnessed Russian hackers targeting a wide swath of Americans including the DNC, DCCC, former Secretary of State & a Presidential candidates staff

- someone previously targeted by Russian Intelligence joins the Trump campaign and then appears on a stage in Moscow supporting Russia policy and speaking negatively of US policy

- A Presidential candidate hires a new campaign manager whose not been in the business in the states for years, but has been seen pushing a Russian agenda in Ukraine and has Russian intel contacts

- an Australian official contacts you and says the Russians have stolen emails of a Presidential candidate & may want to give them to the candidate’s competitor

- a Russian lawyer & others tied to Russian government visit a Presidential candidate’s son in the candidate’s building in NYC

- Candidate Trump stands on a stage and calls out Russia and asks about emails from his competitor, says they will be rewarded if they have them and release them

- website that’s released sensitive & classified documents from US for years, helped deliver a US insider to The Kremlin, begins publishing document & emails during Dem convention, content you know was stolen by Russia. Site administrator once hosted a TV show on Russia State TV

- A strange, unexpected policy change occurs at RNC convention, the change is a less supportive position toward Ukraine and is advantageous to Russia

- candidate’s campaign manager goes on CNN and asserts a false terrorist attack in Turkey, one tied to and advanced by Russian propaganda

- during this time, you watch a campaign associate tweet with a Russian account that’s pointing people to stolen documents from the opposing campaign. The campaign associate predicts something will happen to the opposing campaign manager- his emails are later released

- as Election Day approaches, Presidential candidate makes allegation, without evidence, voter Fraud & Election Rigging, Russia propaganda echoes this, social media accounts associated Kremlin do the same, at same time, you watch Russian Hackers hit state election infrastructure

After election, current President issues sanctions against Russia, but the incoming National Security advisor makes calls to Russian officials from 3rd country, when approached for clarification post inauguration, the advisor lies about contents of phone call w/Russian officials

During summer fall leading into the election, you receive raw intelligence from highly reliable source whose proven invaluable on other investigations. source provides intelligence on Russia’s efforts to support a presidential candidate, the info is consistent with other info

Before inauguration your bosses, your leaders from all intelligence agencies brief president elect on classified info showing Russia influenced the election on behalf of President elect. President elect rejects intelligence from all your superiors and suggests Russia innocent

From the summer of 2015 all the way through the election and after inauguration, you watch as the candidate, president elect and now president offers overt effusive support for Vladimir Putin who you know has been helping the President get elected.

After firing of National Security Advisor that lies to you agencies investigators, the President corners your boss 1-1 asks him to go easy on National Security Advisor who lies about his conversation with Russians

During this period, the President inexplicably and repeatedly asks your boss if he’s under investigation with regards to Russia, despite your boss and other intel heads going out of their way to brief the President about Kremlin efforts to potentially compromise & manipulate him

While Congressional committees investigate Russian interference, the President fires your boss for his handling of an email investigation into the President’s opponent, an investigation that helped elevate the President rather than hurt him

You later find out a draft memo from President to your boss regarding his firing cited the Russia investigation

The President then goes on national television and in an interview says he fired your boss because of the Russia investigation

A week after firing your boss, the President invites Russian leaders into the Oval Office, Russian photographers capture the moment, but US media is not allowed to observe. President then brags to Russian leaders about firing your boss

Sometime during the spring, if you’re not already aware, you read a news story alleging the President’s son-in-law may have sought a way to communicate with Russia via a back channel not monitored by you and your colleagues

During summer, you watch the President attend NATO summit and shove Montenegro PM, in an Interview claim Montenegro is aggressive, might start a war. This mirrors Russian propaganda & you know Russia backed covert operation destabilize Montenegrin election

For next year, either you, your colleagues and your organization, FBI, are discredited by President. He mixes true and false information in public disclosures which you are not allowed to respond to. If you do respond, your accused of leaking and could be fired or even jailed

Documents & information from confidential sources you’ve pledged to protect, are selectively leaked into public through those who are supposed to provide government oversight. These inappropriate disclosures make your job as an investigator nearly impossible & hurts your sources

At some point during the summer or before, you learn that the President’s son was receiving & responding to direct messages from website that was releasing emails stolen from the President’s opponent by Russia

1st two years President’s term, you watch him take a negative, adversarial stance toward NATO and particularly Germany. This strains your relationship with your most valuable intel partners, your Counterterrorism agent colleagues depend on them & they help fight war on terror

Over next 2 years, President aggressively seeks meetings with Putin who helped elect him. Need for meetings is not clear. one President meets in private with Putin for 2 hours without witnesses but translator. To this day, you, your bosses don’t really know what was discussed

President emerges from private meeting with Putin and on world stage in Helsinki accepts and validates Russian denials about election interference & rejects years of your teams intel work. This badly damages your reputation and partner trust with your organization

Separately, your President publicly discusses a Russian proposed partnership on cyber security, this insane concept is mind boggling to you as an investigator as you’ve just spent years tracking these same Russians who just attacked your country

Even further, your President publicly mentions a possible exchange where Russian investigators might interview and interrogate you and other Americans about their attack on you and America. A crazy, frightening and bizarre threat to you as a civil servant.

Throughout your investigation into Russian interference, you watch as your President’s attacks on the Special Counsel, Justice Department & FBI are amplified and spread in America by the very Russian troll social media accounts and state sponsored propaganda you are investigating

Throughout the Special Counsel indictments, hearings and trials, you watch the President and his legal team publicly interject, discredit witnesses and discuss pardons, all subverting the rule of law and justice which you’ve dedicated your life to protect and defend

You either know or learn a parallel investigation shows Russians representing a bogus Russian gun rights movement penetrated the political party hosting members who’ve tried to discredit you - you recognize this as a TEXTBOOK espionage/influence op you learned at FBI academy

After two years, the Attorney General over you, who appropriately recused himself from Russia investigation, is fired for seemingly no clear reason after taking public lashings from the President

Your AG is replaced by an acting AG whose unqualified for position, has limited experience justify such high level appointment, you’ve watched him on TV discrediting your agency and your team’s investigation despite seeing none of evidence or knowing anything Russian influence

The same month, the President’s personal lawyer pleads guilty in federal court and says he continued negotiations throughout almost the entire Presidential campaign for a Tower in Moscow. This is in opposition to President’s public denials.

You read public reporting that the best apartment in the Moscow Tower project pursued by the President’s business was offered to Russia’s President Putin, the same Putin your President always sides with over you and your agency, the Putin who helped your President win

You either knew or learned through a redaction error that the President’s campaign manager was alleged to have lied about providing polling data to a Russian whom he owed money, via a former Russian GRU contact

Wrote thread through day from memory without web searches, I’m sure I missed a lot, & this is all on the public, can’t imagine what it must feel like to serve FBI during this investigation,we clearly don’t know everything Mueller team knows, I imagine there is much more to learn

Special Counsel investigation must continue, this is a crisis, this is a national emergency
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It is a fact that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election.
It is a fact that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election to help Clinton.
It is a fact that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump.

These are all verifiable facts. Every one.

Do you want to go on saying your list is fact v supposition? Can you not see how the Post saying the Russians interfered in the election to "help" Trump, while factual, is incredibly misleading?

No...you can't.

let's not forget that The Big O, Barack the Breezy, The Orator of Oz allowed the Russians to continue their spying. He knew about it, and allowed it to happen. He could see that the Russians were attempting to hack (and successfully did) the DNC. Yet the media only focuses on Russia with Trump. Why is that, Tibs?

Why would a sitting President willfully and knowingly allow a foreign entity to attempt to sway our country's election?

Answer that and then we'll discuss the others.
Why would a sitting President willfully and knowingly allow a foreign entity to attempt to sway our country's election? Answer that and then we'll discuss the others.
You can find some answers here:

McDonough: Mitch McConnell Watered Down Obama’s Russia Response

FACT CHECK: Why Didn't Obama Stop Russia's Election Interference In 2016?
FACT CHECK: Why Didn't Obama Stop Russia's Election Interference In 2016?

So why didn't Obama's administration do more?

That isn't clear. Some former administration officials who have talked about it publicly have reproached themselves for not acting more aggressively. There also was a long-standing criticism of Obama that his foreign-policy making amounted to endless process with no outcomes — hours of meetings that yielded more meetings but no ultimate action.

Plus, the relationship between the United States and Russia is multifaceted and often intensely complicated:

Obama scaled back missile defense plans in Europe to placate Moscow.
Obama wanted Russia to play a role in the international agreement under which Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear program — and Putin went along.
Obama spent the end of his presidency trying to bring Russia into a multilateral agreement to end the Syrian civil war, but Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ultimately never committed.

So Obama's team had to manage many spinning plates in addition to the active measures campaign it detected by the middle of 2016. One question Obama may address in his book is why he calibrated his choices in the way he did — whether he looked the other way on election interference to keep open other options elsewhere.

So the Obama Administration is saying they literally had too much going on at the time to worry about the country's election. are you kidding me?
Let me get this right. You're more concerned with the former President not inserting himself forcefully enough into the middle of an election than you are with the President-elect possibly committing treason by being a willing, or semi-willing accomplice in conspiring with a hostile foreign nation to influence the election. Yup, I think I've got that right, just wanted to make sure.
Let me get this right. You're more concerned with the former President not inserting himself forcefully enough into the middle of an election than you are with the President-elect possibly committing treason by being a willing, or semi-willing accomplice in conspiring with a hostile foreign nation to influence the election. Yup, I think I've got that right, just wanted to make sure.

you, of course, realize that had Barack the Brilliant, The Outstanding Obeezy, The Great Racial Divider and Promoter, The Wookie Lover, had in fact done his job as he was expected to perform, we'd not be at this crossroads in American history. Instead, he was more focused on ensuring a cash flow to Iran (which is 100% factual and completely undeniable). So, yes, if Barack Obama had stopped the spying as he was expected to after being informed, he could have jettisoned Donald J. Trump's presidential aspirations, effectively putting the Republican Party in a downward spiral and at the same time helped promote Hillary Clinton's campaign. So, we can only thank Barack Obama for Donald J Trump being mine and your President of the United States of America.

as for the part in red (which I had to go back and edit, as I missed it the first time) - is sending pallets of cash to a foreign country intent on destroying ours not treason? where is the thread in which you called for Barack Obama's imprisonment for this?
Sigh, back to false equivalencies, that the fact Trump is up to his neck in allegations of treason, collusion and conspiracy is somehow mitigated by whatever percieved wrongdoing by former Presidents.

As they say, the Trump cult will go down in flames along with him.

Let me know the second the FBI opens a counterintelligence investigation into anything Obama did over eight years, will ya?
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Sigh, back to false equivalencies, that the fact Trump is up to his neck in allegations of treason, collusion and conspiracy is somehow mitigated by whatever percieved wrongdoing by former Presidents.

As they say, the Trump cult will go down in flames along with him.

Let me know the second the FBI opens a counterintelligence investigation into anything Obama did over eight years, will ya?

precisely my point.
With co-collaborator Nunes out of the way, they can finally get down to business. Subpoenaing the interpretor from Trump-Putin meetings would be a good place to start. No brainer.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: House Foreign Affairs Committee to hold hearings on “Trump’s bizarre relationship with Putin and his cronies,” statement from Cmte said. “Every time Trump meets with Putin, the country is told nothing. America deserves the truth, and we seek to get to the bottom of it.”</p>— Scott Dworkin (@funder) <a href="https://twitter.com/funder/status/1084829279429578752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Let me know the second the FBI opens a counterintelligence investigation into anything Obama did over eight years, will ya?

And as I stated earlier, THAT is the crime.

Why were there not counter intelligence investigations into:
  • Fast & Furious
  • Hillary's email scandal and associated crimes (not the Democratic FBI glancing at it and saying there's nothing to see here)
  • The Clinton Foundation's nefarious practices, taking money for personal favors that affected the pay to play scheme within the State Department, and how it personally lined the pockets of the Clintons
  • Uranium One and the cash flows
  • Benghazi - and not a worthless Congressional hearing

Hell these are just a few. Why have these not been investigated by a Special Counsel? The Clintons alone have coordinated with the Russians - fact. They shipped Uranium for Christ's sake to a state enemy and PERSONALLY financially profited from it. Russians paid them other exorbitant amounts of money for speaking engagements. State enemies paid the Clinton Foundation to influence State Department policy. Those are potentially treasonous and at a minimum illegal in ways and wrong in a lot. There's a lot to find there, but it hasn't been investigated.

Now ask yourself why Tibs?

Because there hasn't been a call for it. Why is that?

We all know. You just won't admit why.

Funny how you're ok with giving Uranium to a state enemy that could use said uranium to build nuclear weapons. Doesn't bother you at all.

And that says it all.
there hasn't been a call for it. Why is that?
Because there is no evidence of any actual crimes, that's why. Outside the paranoid minds of the unhinged, triggered far-right - hellbent on diverting from allegations of Trump's very real crimes backed up by multiple, overlapping federal investigations - there is no credible evidence there's anything to investigate when it comes to Obama's two terms in office. And for the past two years a GOP majority in the House and Senate, along with all the congressional committees and the FBI/DOJ - with Republican oversight - all agreed. That's why.

They've made complete and utter fools of themselves investigating Benghazi and Hillary's emails. How much more pain can you take? Just let it go, for your own good.

So you're left holding an empty bag in your hand. The empty bag of all the terrble, nefarious crimes you think were committed by Obama and Hillary, yet nobody in the federal government or law enforcement agrees with you, not one iota.

It's a lonely place to be, especially with the mounting evidence and multiple investigations bearing down on your beloved Trump.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Donald Trump asked by reporter: "Have you ever worked for Russia?" <a href="https://t.co/a2ph4Raduq">pic.twitter.com/a2ph4Raduq</a></p>— Paul Lee Ticks (@PaulLeeTicks) <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulLeeTicks/status/1084863752703336448?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Yes indeed, here is where the investigation should go...to the Clinton Foundation and after the family that really began dismantling what we used to respect as honest government, back in the 90s when Slick Willy took the wheel.

... and balanced the federal budget and erased the deficit. How dishonest!

Too easy, Tim.
... and balanced the federal budget and erased the deficit. How dishonest!

Too easy, Tim.


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The Trump cult, forever stuck in the Clinton and Obama presidencies.

"Would have seemed bonkers until Trump, but it's not bonkers anymore."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is President <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Trump?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Trump</a> a Russian asset? <a href="https://twitter.com/MaxBoot?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MaxBoot</a> gives &#55357;&#57000; 18 reasons &#55357;&#57000; why he could be after news of the FBI probe: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CNN?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CNN</a> <a href="https://t.co/ej0dskMmwz">pic.twitter.com/ej0dskMmwz</a></p>— Brooke Baldwin (@BrookeBCNN) <a href="https://twitter.com/BrookeBCNN/status/1084902116106285058?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

"Would have seemed bonkers until Trump, but it's not bonkers anymore."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is President <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Trump?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Trump</a> a Russian asset? <a href="https://twitter.com/MaxBoot?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MaxBoot</a> gives �� 18 reasons �� why he could be after news of the FBI probe: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CNN?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CNN</a> <a href="https://t.co/ej0dskMmwz">pic.twitter.com/ej0dskMmwz</a></p>— Brooke Baldwin (@BrookeBCNN) <a href="https://twitter.com/BrookeBCNN/status/1084902116106285058?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Brooke Baldwin? I see your Brooke Baldwin and raise you a Clay "First Amendment and Boobs" Travis.
Because there is no evidence of any actual crimes, that's why.

Wrong. That is what you choose to believe. Hillary did commit crimes with her email scandal alone. Men went to prison for far less indiscretions with their own emails and classified information. Case in point and fact.

The FBI and DOJ covered for Obama and Hillary on these matters. Holder and Lynch were complicit especially when you look at the infamous tarmac meeting where she and slick Willy discussed "grandchildren." Comey was complicit.

It was illegal for the Obama administration to get the FISA warrants they did. It was illegal to spy on another political party. No outrage. None. Despite the actions being nefarious, you didn't care. The Left didn't care.

This and so many more crimes were never investigated formally. We know why. They were swept under the rug. It's that simple. There were only show and tell Congressional hearings and the DOJ and FBI investigating themselves, and Holder leading an investigation of the DOJ and stating his ship was tight.

You can say they were investigated...but you know (you won't admit it) these were disposed of. Had these things occurred under Republican leadership, you'd have lost your mind. Well, you already have. I just mean in far worse fashion.
Tibs and Flogomanbuntoocheaptopayamembershipfee are to the Democratic Party what Patriots fans are to the Patriot allegations.
Hilarious. This is just more fake news. The media is nothing more than joke, a left wing propaganda arm that is filled with lies. The failing NYT even admitted that they can't verify what they wrote. So why even publish it? Because they have sunk to new lows. The TDS-stricken libtards are in a panic because everyone knows that Mueller has nothing on Trump. Everyone knows that the Steele dossier is just unverified lies paid for by Hildabeast and the DNC. Mueller's stupid *** waste of time and money witch hunt report is almost finished and Trump will be exonerated. So they keep inventing fake bombshell stories. "Oh, this will be great, let's say that Trump actually works for Russia!!! Yeah, that's the ticket!" Does anyone honestly believe that? A multi-billionaire who donates his Presidential salary and busts his *** trying improve America in every way possible, works for the Russians? Holy **** people are stupid... Then you have ultra-morons like Tibs who believe every word that the fake news media tell him and comes running with his tiny dick in his hand to spout off how everything is 100% true. You would think that after over 3 years of being wrong about everything he'd learn his lesson. It all blows over because none of it is true and then he goes back to hand-wringing angst, all is lost mode, sometimes to his safe space for a good cry. Until the next fake news story gets his anti-American hopes up again. I'd almost feel sorry for you Tibs, but you're too much of a douche.
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So we learn that there were two FBI investigations and the Mueller probe, and they all came up with nothing. But an Op-Ed gets the liberal base all in another hysteria. And the mainstream Prvada media piles on, to bounce their ratings. Rinse and repeat.

The noose is tightening!
The walls are closing in!

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