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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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What I don't see pointed out by my fellow SN patriots is how the phony Dossier was originally penned back in 2007 and recycled 10 years later to go after Trump (if it's already been posted, I apologize). Dan Bongino pointed this out in his speech a few weeks back and unlike the Left, he names actual credible sources. He also breaks down the utter and despicable malfeasance by the past administration, FBI and DOJ and how they used this fake Russia collusion to deflect from the fact that they were the ones who were actually guilty of Russian collusion.

Say what you want, but at least they weren’t fainting, calling him the messiah, getting tingles up their legs and making up stupid songs about the guy. Cult following indeed.
It's posts like this that I realize you're really only halfway there, as far as staying above the fray and being an independant voice around here. You like to toe the line just enough to stay on the 'right side' of the inner circle. It's no skin off my back, just have to remind myself you're actually closer to the Trump base than you care to admit. Kind of like OFTB. But at least you guys have reasonable opinions from time to time, which is appreciated.

Wow. So because his opinion differs from yours he's still only halfway there? To being what?
What I don't see pointed out by my fellow SN patriots is how the phony Dossier was originally penned back in 2007 and recycled 10 years later to go after Trump (if it's already been posted, I apologize). Dan Bongino pointed this out in his speech a few weeks back and unlike the Left, he names actual credible sources. He also breaks down the utter and despicable malfeasance by the past administration, FBI and DOJ and how they used this fake Russia collusion to deflect from the fact that they were the ones who were actually guilty of Russian collusion.

I've seen this video. Tibs ignores facts such as these. Hell won't even look in their direction. Bongino lays it all out, how this was a set up BEFORE they even had a target. How they had multiple plans. How coordinated this all was. It's documented to the gills. It's all true.

Don't expect a reply from the lemming Liberals though. You know how facts are with them.

EDIT: Sorry, Tibsung47
As far as the Congressional hearings, there's either evidence of wrongdoing or there isn't. Just like Mueller's investigation. Facts matter.

It's posts like this that I realize you're really only halfway there, as far as staying above the fray and being an independant voice around here. You like to toe the line just enough to stay on the 'right side' of the inner circle. It's no skin off my back, just have to remind myself you're actually closer to the Trump base than you care to admit. Kind of like OFTB. But at least you guys have reasonable opinions from time to time, which is appreciated.

What an obnoxious post.

Sorry we don't go all in with the Trump Derangement Syndrome like you do Tibs. Some of us look at facts and analyze things, we don't jump to conclusions based on what we wish would happen or let our every thought be dictated by the heavily biased mouthpieces of extremists on either side. To you that's "toeing the line" but as I've mentioned, you are simply incapable of having an original unbiased thought, of even considering or responding intelligently to anything that doesn't support your pre-drawn conclusions.
As far as the Congressional hearings, there's either evidence of wrongdoing or there isn't. Just like Mueller's investigation. Facts matter.


Wrong you idiot. It is the job of the special prosecutor, as is with any prosecutor is to prove wrongdoing that has been done...after charges have been made. Meuller was not put in this role to come up empty.
Oh he will find something. Something however which will be very disappointing and anti-climactic for your kind.

But don't let that discourage you. The left wing media and you haters will hyperbolize, amplify, boost, consolidate, deepen, enhance, heighten, intensify, magnify, redouble, step up, and strengthen anything Mueller is able to muster up.

Couldn't find the exact word I wanted to use because they all apply to you leftist Trump hating a-holes.
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Wrong you idiot. It is the job of the special prosecutor, as is with any prosecutor to prove wrongdoing has been done. Meuller was not put in this role to come up empty.
Oh he will find something. Something however which will be very disappointing anti-climactic for your kind.

But don't let that discourage you. The left wing media and you haters will hyperbolize, amplify, boost, consolidate, deepen, enhance, heighten, intensify, magnify, redouble, step up, and strengthen anything Mueller is able to muster up.

What's that you say, Mueller? Trump made a phone call to a Russian real estate agent in 1987? IMPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAACHHHH!!!!!
Because there is no evidence of any actual crimes, that's why. .

Which is false and explained to you for the umpteenth time by Tim.

And the reason these crimes are not investigated but rather ignored and swept under the rug? Because an investigation would eventually lead to Obama.
And we certainly wouldn't want to implicate the first black president now would we Tibs?..then we'd be racists!

These Obama regime corrupted the DOJ by politicizing the DOJ. Turned it into political weapon. Obama knew of Russian meddling and let it continue.
Obama, Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Fusion GPS. These criminals worked to undermine Trumps campaign, his transition, and continue to try to undermine his presidency.

This entire Russian Trump collusion charade is a cover up for the real crimes that were committed by Obama admin officials.
What an obnoxious post.

Sorry we don't go all in with the Trump Derangement Syndrome like you do Tibs. Some of us look at facts and analyze things, we don't jump to conclusions based on what we wish would happen or let our every thought be dictated by the heavily biased mouthpieces of extremists on either side. To you that's "toeing the line" but as I've mentioned, you are simply incapable of having an original unbiased thought, of even considering or responding intelligently to anything that doesn't support your pre-drawn conclusions.


Yeah, I thought the same when I read his post. Really highlights his delusions and pompous nature.
The fact this is a question to you shows how out of touch you are concerning the facts of Russia's geopolitical ambitions. Trump sided with Putin in Helsinki over his own, American intelligence services regarding election hacking and interference. That immediately empowered Putin, who knew at that exact moment he can toy with Trump and America however he sees fit. Trump's attacks on NATO and the EU strengthen Russia's position in Europe. Putin is getting away with murder in Crimea and Ukraine, with zero response from Trump. Our State Dept is in shambles, further widening the playing field for Putin to exert influence over the former Soviet block in C. Europe. Trump is literally handing Putin control over Syria, significantly strenghtening Russia, Iran and Syria in one cowardly move. Just see what's being played out on Russian tv. They are in disbelief it's been this easy to play Trump like a fiddle. They are openly mocking Americans for letting Putin get away with whatever he pleases.

Again, the fact none of this is evident to you just proves what a huge gap of information/knowledge you have. But you like to type-up your angry posts so fervently, with so much self-assurance. I'd advise you get to reading, from as many sources as you can. That may limit your tin-foil conspiracies that the deep-state is out to get Trump and that Russia has not been popping champagne bottles after each and every move Trump's made since taking office.

Acting stronger and actually being stronger are two different things. How is giving a kick in NATO's *** and getting them to increase defense spending "an attack on NATO"? That has been leftist media hysteria from the day Trump came into office. Obama wanted the same thing (but was too weak to deliver), but when Trump says it, he's "tearing down an alliance". I call bullshit. NATO is STRONGER today than it was on November 7, 2016.

And note I say NATO, because the EU is weaker today than it was in 2016 for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with globalist leaders in Belgium deciding their unelected positions are more important than the elected governments around Europe that represent the people (because, well, I think they think they know better than the people). The backlash against EU by voters has NOTHING to do with Trump. The conservative wave that is spreading over Europe? Where's that coming from Tibs? You'll blame racism and "bad people" and "bad emotions", unlike when the so called "blue hiccup" here in the States happened, it's people getting "enlightened" because it's what you believe in. Hypocrites. You're the biggest one.
The media releases in the last few days are just an attempt to say "oops, we were fooled," CYA leaks by the FBI, some in the media are asking if they should be talking more about muh Russia. Sprinkle in some nice inflammatory references like former KGB, ruthless, deadly, and stuff like that for your little mockingbird Tibsung's. Oh and don't forget to tell them how Trump is assisting Putin in dividing our country by fighting back. You wonder about the smugness in the perjury before congress, cause they knew of all of this. Every falsehood they keep conjuring like a never ending Aesop Fable.

The total panic J. Edgar Comey must have felt when he found out the dossier, that he did not bother verifying, was total crap and they had no way to control the President thru blackmail, add to that he's too damn rich to bribe. Comey's one goal when he told the President they had info that could be damaging was to bring down Trump. Didn't tell him where, when, how the dossier was gotten. Nor who financed it.

The game is still afoot, Rino Ryan removing Nunes from the Select Committee on Intelligence before he closed up shop to move back to his Madison, WI home with brick walls and iron gates. So is evidence being destroyed? Already missing documents in the Mueller investigation on alleged misconduct. Cell phones wiped before they reach the IG. 3 postponements of the Flynn sentencing? Mueller's into the uranium **** up to his eyeballs and he's the fox guarding the ******* henhouse? It's long past time to fire Mueller and for declassification of the entire FISA, the names of those requesting including the kenyan interloper, judges who signed off, the lot of it. And not give a **** if it hurts their feelings by exposing their spies involvement at top levels. And not give a flying **** if they accuse him of obstruction. Wasted years by corrupt swamp ******** who wanted their sandbox all to themselves.
Disclaimer: this is not a smoking gun post trying to prove everyone wrong, nor am I posting this drooling with excitement, nor am I trying to insult anyone or question anyone's intelligence, nor am I claiming the world's coming to an end and that we'll all be eaten by zombies. It's just a ******* post on the topic of this thread cause the news just broke. Deal with it.

Who needs enemies with friends like this? How does this stack up with all the denials we've heard from Trump and those around him? This is Trump's own lawyer saying this!

Rudy Giuliani: ‘I never said there was no collusion’ between Trump campaign and Russia

Rudolph W. Giuliani claimed Wednesday night that he “never said there was no collusion” between President Trump’s campaign and Russia leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

In a remarkable, at times contentious, interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the president’s lawyer was accused of contradicting his own past statements about collusion as well as what Trump and his supporters have repeatedly asserted. On Twitter, Trump has used the phrase “no collusion” dozens of times, and a number of those instances were direct denials that his campaign was involved with the Russian government.

Giuliani’s shocking declarations — several of which Cuomo called out as being false — quickly sent the Internet into a tailspin as many wondered what could have prompted the former New York mayor to suddenly change course.

The heated exchange, one of many that occurred during the roughly 20-minute long interview, began shortly after Giuliani raged about the amount of “false reporting” on the Russia investigation.

“Mr. Mayor, false reporting is saying that nobody in the campaign had any contacts with Russia,” Cuomo responded. “False reporting is saying that there has been no suggestion of any kind of collusion between the campaign and any Russians.”

Giuliani jumped in.

“You just misstated my position,” Giuliani said. “I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or between people in the campaign.”

Cuomo’s face contorted into an expression of disbelief. “Yes, you have,” he shot back.

As recently as July, Giuliani was asked by Fox News contributor Guy Benson, “Regardless of whether collusion would be a crime, is it still the position of you and your client that there was no collusion with the Russians whatsoever on behalf of the Trump campaign?”

“Correct,” Giuliani responded at the time.

But on Wednesday, Giuliani appeared to amend his previous comments on the subject.

“I said the president of the United States,” he protested, arguing that he had only ever said Trump himself was not connected to any Russian meddling in the 2016 election. “There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you can commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.”

The White House did not respond to a request for comment early Thursday.

So now two years in they're admitting collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign? Their defense will be all this was going on but Trump knew nothing about it? Yup, the walls are closing in.
Tibsy, if you so want to prove that there was Russian collusion for Trump and that he knowingly and willingly complied, then you must also say that Hillary Rodham Clinton was willfully and knowingly colluding with the Russians. Else, you have more than just egg on your face.
Tibsy, if you so want to prove that there was Russian collusion for Trump and that he knowingly and willingly complied, then you must also say that Hillary Rodham Clinton was willfully and knowingly colluding with the Russians. Else, you have more than just egg on your face.
Come on Supe. Trump and the GOP-led DOJ/FBI could easily open a counter-intelligence investigation, or even call for a Special Counsel investigation to look into Clinton. They could do it on the drop of a dime, They could have done so at any time over the past two years. What's stopping them? Trump and his supporters brayed over and over that he's gonna 'Lock Her Up. Well then, get it done. Take your complaint and raise it with the President and those running the DOJ/FBI.

And I don't want to prove anything. It's up to Robert Muller and the DOJ to prove any wrongdoing, based on their multiple investigations into the shady-as-**** Trump campaign.
Come on Supe. Trump and the GOP-led DOJ/FBI could easily open a counter-intelligence investigation, or even call for a Special Counsel investigation to look into Clinton. They could do it on the drop of a dime, They could have done so at any time over the past two years. What's stopping them? Trump and his supporters brayed over and over that he's gonna 'Lock Her Up. Well then, get it done. Take your complaint and raise it with the President and those running the DOJ/FBI.

And I don't want to prove anything. It's up to Robert Muller and the DOJ to prove any wrongdoing, based on their multiple investigations into the shady-as-**** Trump campaign.

that's the biggest lie ever told on this board and ranks right up there with "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." it's not even a stretch of the truth. it's flat out lie. if it wasn't you'd not be tripping over yourself to report every single tiny thing that happens during the Trump administration. Get ahold of yourself, man. This board wasn't this awful politically during the Bomma administration. Of course, Donald Trump may not **** unicorns and fairy dust like The Great O did.

and if Trump were to begin looking into The Great Hag, the Tolerant Left would autistically screech even louder and higher pitched. The man's left well enough alone, as we ALL know the truth behind that tattered curtain. Even you, though you would never admit it in a public forum.
Come on Supe. Trump and the GOP-led DOJ/FBI could easily open a counter-intelligence investigation, or even call for a Special Counsel investigation to look into Clinton. They could do it on the drop of a dime, They could have done so at any time over the past two years. What's stopping them? Trump and his supporters brayed over and over that he's gonna 'Lock Her Up. Well then, get it done. Take your complaint and raise it with the President and those running the DOJ/FBI.

And I don't want to prove anything. It's up to Robert Muller and the DOJ to prove any wrongdoing, based on their multiple investigations into the shady-as-**** Trump campaign.

Just bopping in to say it's good to see ole' nutty Rudy still providing prime time entertainment. Can't do anything but shake your head really. I would consider his interviews to be a comedy (just like the awful reality show The Apprentice - the White House version), if it weren't so sad.
Come on Supe. Trump and the GOP-led DOJ/FBI could easily open a counter-intelligence investigation, or even call for a Special Counsel investigation to look into Clinton. They could do it on the drop of a dime, They could have done so at any time over the past two years. What's stopping them? Trump and his supporters brayed over and over that he's gonna 'Lock Her Up. Well then, get it done. Take your complaint and raise it with the President and those running the DOJ/FBI.

I am with you except for the whole “GOP led DOJ/FBI.” That’s ridiculous. The FBI (Jim Comey) completed the investigation before anyone even knew it was going on. He didn’t clear her, just said basically said she was guilty but no one would prosecute her without ever running it by a DOJ prosecutor to find out. It was a sham.

That said, I agree with the rest. They could have tried to prosecute this case 1,000 times and didn’t. For whatever reason they still haven’t. Nobody to blame there but themselves. Just reinforces my belief that the two sides aren’t republicans and Democrats, but government and the people.
and if Trump were to begin looking into The Great Hag, the Tolerant Left would autistically screech even louder and higher pitched. The man's left well enough alone, as we ALL know the truth behind that tattered curtain. Even you, though you would never admit it in a public forum.
In other words you're admitting they have no proof or any evidence that would justify opening an investigation, nada, zilch. Otherwise we both know they would have done it 1,000 times over already. Just like the wall, this too was fundamental campaign promise, that Hillary will be locked up for her substantial criminal activity. Too bad, I would have welcomed such an investigation, if for no other reason than to clear the allegations. Or to the contrary, to find her guilty of whatever crimes she's been accused of, based on collaborating evidence. Turns out it was just a bunch of hot air, to rile up the base.
Disclaimer: this is not a smoking gun post trying to prove everyone wrong, nor am I posting this drooling with excitement, nor am I trying to insult anyone or question anyone's intelligence, nor am I claiming the world's coming to an end and that we'll all be eaten by zombies. It's just a ******* post on the topic of this thread cause the news just broke. Deal with it.

Michael Cohen's public testimony in front of the House will be a doozy. Not a day goes by he doesn't implicate Trump in some newer crime.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As for the <a href="https://twitter.com/WSJ?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@WSJ</a> article on poll rigging, what I did was at the direction of and for the sole benefit of <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/POTUS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@POTUS</a>. I truly regret my blind loyalty to a man who doesn’t deserve it.</p>— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) <a href="https://twitter.com/MichaelCohen212/status/1085900900835778560?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 17, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
In other words you're admitting they have no proof or any evidence that would justify opening an investigation, nada, zilch.

Tibsung47, that isn't AT ALL what he's saying. Not even close.

You've earned the rep you've gotten. You're off the rails brah.
Tibsung47, that isn't AT ALL what he's saying. Not even close.
Then why hasn't there been an investigation opened into Hillary's alleged wrongdoing? Care to answer that?

You've earned the rep you've gotten. You're off the rails brah.
If being off the rails is disagreeing politically with you and the Indy's and Stewey's of the board, then yes, I am certainly off the rails.
Then why hasn't there been an investigation opened into Hillary's alleged wrongdoing? Care to answer that?

If being off the rails is disagreeing politically with you and the Indy's and Stewey's of the board, then yes, I am certainly off the rails.

LOL...no truer words. BTW hasn't Hillary been investigated by republicans like 850 times already? But con is finally getting investigated and held accountable for his corrupt *** after 72 years on earth and it's all "BUT Hillary, BUT Obama". LOL, Never ends.
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