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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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If being off the rails is disagreeing politically with you and the Indy's and Stewey's of the board, then yes, I am certainly off the rails.

Hey, you finally got something right! Landmark moment...
In other words you're admitting they have no proof or any evidence that would justify opening an investigation, nada, zilch. Otherwise we both know they would have done it 1,000 times over already. Just like the wall, this too was fundamental campaign promise, that Hillary will be locked up for her substantial criminal activity. Too bad, I would have welcomed such an investigation, if for no other reason than to clear the allegations. Or to the contrary, to find her guilty of whatever crimes she's been accused of, based on collaborating evidence. Turns out it was just a bunch of hot air, to rile up the base.

did you completely miss the post(s) from delzjc?
and, to your point, the air has been cleared from Trump for a long time now. His first administration is almost over, yet we still have not seen zilch, nada from these "investigations." either something is there or that moron Donald J Trump is even craftier and more intelligent than Bob Muller and is hiding any and all evidence.

it's also refreshing to see that you still kowtow to the dem platform, casually waving away the absolute crimes ~~~with evidence~~~ that Hillary and her staff committed.
it's also refreshing to see that you still kowtow to the dem platform, casually waving away the absolute crimes ~~~with evidence~~~ that Hillary and her staff committed.
Why isn't the DOJ/FBI investigating these 'absolute crimes - with evidence'? You simply can't answer that. Because there is no good answer.
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LOL...no truer words. BTW hasn't Hillary been investigated by republicans like 850 times already? But con is finally getting investigated and held accountable for his corrupt *** after 72 years on earth and it's all "BUT Hillary, BUT Obama". LOL, Never ends.

It's like a broken ******* record, pardon my french. Ignore legitimate allegations - and multiple, credible federal investigations - into Trump, but wail away till they're blue in the face about percieved wrongdoing by the former President, and the former runner-up. Just goes round and round and round....

What I don't see pointed out by my fellow SN patriots is how the phony Dossier was originally penned back in 2007 and recycled 10 years later to go after Trump (if it's already been posted, I apologize). Dan Bongino pointed this out in his speech a few weeks back and unlike the Left, he names actual credible sources. He also breaks down the utter and despicable malfeasance by the past administration, FBI and DOJ and how they used this fake Russia collusion to deflect from the fact that they were the ones who were actually guilty of Russian collusion.

bump for Tibs
Why isn't the DOJ/FBI investigating these 'absolute crimes - with evidence? You simply can't answer that. Because there is no good answer.

i believe you're being willfully obstinate in overlooking any allegation of Hillary's wrongdoings, yet feel that the lesser (if any) wrongs of Donald Trump should be prosecuted at full.

you're actions are akin to the NFL refs throwing a "makeup flag"
i believe you're being willfully obstinate in overlooking any allegation of Hillary's wrongdoings, yet feel that the lesser (if any) wrongs of Donald Trump should be prosecuted at full.
No, I am just going by the readily available facts on the ground. The facts are there are multiple federal investigations into Trump, and there are none into Obama or Clinton. I presume the FBI/DOJ opens counterintelligence investigations and undertakes a Special Counsel investigation when it has compelling evidence of wrongdoing. And no amount of nutty, right-wing pundits claiming otherwise changes these facts. So you can post as many alt-right sources as you want, including the failed politician, pro-Trump pundit Bongino. They can huff and puff and claim what they want, lord knows there are enough far-right conpiracy theories about Obama and Hillary to fill the Grand Canyon. The fact is, there are ZERO ongoing investigations, and you cannot, or simply will not, understand why that matters.
No, I am just going by the readily available facts on the ground. The facts are there are multiple federal investigations into Trump, and there are none into Obama or Clinton. I presume the FBI/DOJ opens counterintelligence investigations and undertakes a Special Counsel investigation when it has compelling evidence of wrongdoing. And no amount of nutty, right-wing pundits claiming otherwise changes these facts. So you can post as many alt-right sources as you want, including the failed politician, pro-Trump pundit Bongino. They can huff and puff and claim what they want, lord knows there are enough far-right conpiracy theories about Obama and Hillary to fill the Grand Canyon. The fact is, there are ZERO ongoing investigations, and you cannot, or simply will not, understand why that matters.

yes, willfully obstinate.
yes, willfully obstinate.
You simply don't get it, do you? It's alright, you can hold whatever opinions you want. But don't expect rational people to go down the rabbit hole with you on all the alt-right conspiracy theories about Clinton. You can't answer the simple question, if there's so much evidence just laying around about her 'absolute crimes' why hasn't the FBI and DOJ opened a single investigation into them? Above and beyond the investigations and congressional hearings already open and shut (benghazi/emails). Why don't you ask Bongino that? Why is he content to pad his bank account holding seminars and talks about all this hardcore evidence he has? Why not turn them over to the first FBI agent he can get a hold of? Because he's a snake oil salesman, as are most of the alt right pundits who are twisting into pretzels trying to divert from the actual, real, factual news about the actual, real, factual FBI/DOJ investigations into their beloved Trump. That's why.
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Then why hasn't there been an investigation opened into Hillary's alleged wrongdoing? Care to answer that?

How many times does one have to give you the correct answer on this?


And over....

And over.......
No, I am just going by the readily available facts on the ground. The facts are there are multiple federal investigations into Trump, and there are none into Obama or Clinton.

The reason why has been given to you over...and over....and over....Tibsung47.

Trog is clearly screeching chicken Sponge Bob.

You've quickly become the less intelligent of the two, Patrick.

<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/af/10/0baf106e328a19dddd2093436197961f.png" width="100" height="200">
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You simply don't get it, do you? It's alright, you can hold whatever opinions you want. But don't expect rational people to go down the rabbit hole with you on all the alt-right conspiracy theories about Clinton. You can't answer the simple question, if there's so much evidence just laying around about her 'absolute crimes' why hasn't the FBI and DOJ opened a single investigation into them? Above and beyond the investigations and congressional hearings already open and shut (benghazi/emails). Why don't you ask Bongino that? Why is he content to pad his bank account holding seminars and talks about all this hardcore evidence he has? Why not turn them over to the first FBI agent he can get a hold of? Because he's a snake oil salesman, as are most of the alt right pundits who are twisting into pretzels trying to divert from the actual, real, factual news about the actual, real, factual FBI/DOJ investigations into their beloved Trump. That's why.

tell you what. explain to me why Hillary was not investigated, nor imprisoned, for her blatant and obvious server bullshit, putting the entire country (and those living in other countries) at paramount risk, when a guy taking a quick picture of the insides of a nuclear sub that he worked on for his family after he retired was imprisoned. Which of those is more callous and concerning? and why was this swept so quickly and quietly under the rug?

Disclaimer: this is not a smoking gun post trying to prove everyone wrong, nor am I posting this drooling with excitement, nor am I trying to insult anyone or question anyone's intelligence, nor am I claiming the world's coming to an end and that we'll all be eaten by zombies. It's just a ******* post on the topic of this thread cause the news just broke. Deal with it.

Michael Cohen's public testimony in front of the House will be a doozy. Not a day goes by he doesn't implicate Trump in some newer crime.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As for the <a href="https://twitter.com/WSJ?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@WSJ</a> article on poll rigging, what I did was at the direction of and for the sole benefit of <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/POTUS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@POTUS</a>. I truly regret my blind loyalty to a man who doesn’t deserve it.</p>— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) <a href="https://twitter.com/MichaelCohen212/status/1085900900835778560?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 17, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

rigging POLLS.
seriously? this is the best you have? POLLS? the same polls that are conducted by CNN, MSNBC, etc that show Trump being compared unfavorably? THOSE are some rigged polls, but those, quite obviously, mean nothing to you. But THIS. HOLY ****! This guy sought to rig some polls to put Trump in a better light, and we just can not have that.

amazing how selective your rage is, Tibsung47
rigging POLLS.
seriously? this is the best you have? POLLS? the same polls that are conducted by CNN, MSNBC, etc that show Trump being compared unfavorably? THOSE are some rigged polls, but those, quite obviously, mean nothing to you. But THIS. HOLY ****! This guy sought to rig some polls to put Trump in a better light, and we just can not have that.

amazing how selective your rage is, Tibsung47

It's not only not an issue, it's standard freaking practice. I just posted a link over the weekend I think that shows so many of these polls that are taken involve 60% Democratic respondents. They do this AS A PRACTICE AND INTENTIONALLY SKEW POLLS. But now, holy ******* **** batman, the Republican side "may" have rigged a poll and by god heads will be on pikes!!



Of course Tibsung47 is outraged. He has a binary filter.
Why isn't the DOJ/FBI investigating these 'absolute crimes - with evidence'? You simply can't answer that. Because there is no good answer.

There is a good answer, Because Jeff Sessions refused to open any cases on Hilary/Obama. Sessions was too much of a political insider, and wasn't up for the fight that would ensue. Reports are that many in the DOJ approached him, but he would react furiously, and shut down any conversation. He was a scared rabbit. Trump could not fire him prior to the midterms, for political fallout reasons. It din't take long after the election. Good bye Jeff. You were a disgrace to your position.

I think you are going to see a big difference with this new AG. Couldn't come soon enough.
I don’t think it will be any different with the new AG. I think Trump is past that.
I don’t think it will be any different with the new AG. I think Trump is past that.

You may be right Sarge, but I think this guy is different. He has nothing to lose. He is 68, nothing ahead for him except retirement.. He agreed to his nomination for a reason, and I think it is to restore the public's confidence in the DOJ/FBI. To do that, he will have to settle some old "problems". He knows Trump will not get in his way.

I hope I am right, and you are wrong.
Disclaimer: this is not a smoking gun post trying to prove everyone wrong, nor am I posting this drooling with excitement, nor am I trying to insult anyone or question anyone's intelligence, nor am I claiming the world's coming to an end and that we'll all be eaten by zombies. It's just a ******* post on the topic of this thread cause the news just broke. Deal with it.

Trump is heading straight down the Nixonian path....

An explosive report that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress provides a straightforwardly impeachable offense.

It’s not just the collusion. It’s the conspiracy.

Thursday evening, BuzzFeed News dropped a bombshell, reporting that President Donald Trump told Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, to lie to Congress about the Trump Organization’s pursuit of a real-estate project in Moscow during the 2016 election, during a period in which the Russian government was seeking to aid Trump’s presidential campaign.

“Assuming all the evidence adds up to the conclusion that the president asked Cohen to lie about the Russia deal, it’s evidence of conspiracy, of obstruction of justice, of suborning perjury,” said John Q. Barrett, a law professor at St. John’s and a former associate counsel in the Iran-Contra investigation. “It’s impeachment material.”

According to BuzzFeed News, Special Counsel Robert Mueller assembled evidence that Trump directed Cohen to lie, including “interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents.” That would represent a significant escalation in the legal and political risks to the president.

“If true, this directly implicates the president in a conspiracy to obstruct justice or to make false statements to Congress, or as an aider and abettor to Cohen committing those crimes,” said Randall Eliason, a former U.S. attorney and a law professor at George Washington University. “Whether a sitting president can be indicted is a separate question, but there would be no wiggle room in terms of whether he was guilty of the offenses. The key, of course, is whether you can prove it and whether there is additional evidence beyond just Cohen’s word—and from the article, it sounds like there is.”

Hmm, again let's review what evidence Mueller may have here, above and beyond taking Cohen at his word?

The special counsel’s office learned about Trump’s directive for Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents. Cohen then acknowledged those instructions during his interviews with that office.

Trump, 'yer ******.

You can read the whole buzzfeed article here, if you can withstand the pain > :crutch:

President Trump Directed His Attorney Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project
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Yeah, Buzzfeed. :lol::lol: Just more fake news. Cohen is a liar and can't prove anything. But you libtards and the lying media are all going apeshit again..."Ermagerd!!! This is it! This is the big one that we've all been waiting for!!!! It'll be dead by Tuesday at the latest.
Tibsung47 posting Buzzfeed? The news outlet responsible for lying to us about Donald J. Trump's watersports fetish? First it was Peter Daou. Now it's back to Buzzfeed. Is Vox next?

Good lord I expect his next post to be like his twin brother's:

Memorandum 417, Directive Left Right Switch...Operation Troll Internet: Plan A fail. No more !! worky. ^^Tying Trump to Russia fail effort. Solstice approaching but forget snow fall most places. Rethink approach. More vegetables; |& therefore special counsel directed by Chechnyan rebels. Toilet broken, must stop by Home Depot. Wife still hunted by Government assassins. End of days tomorrow...maybe Sunday.
Kevin Corke, @FoxNews “Don’t forget, Michael Cohen has already been convicted of perjury and fraud, and as recently as this week, the Wall Street Journal has suggested that he may have stolen tens of thousands of dollars....” Lying to reduce his jail time! Watch father-in-law!twitter.com/realDo...

Posted byu/News_Release_Bot
42 minutes ago
Barr was a bad pick IMO.

My sense is Trump had no idea who Barr truly was. Got wind of that legal memo Barr wrote questioning certain aspects of the obstruction clause, heard he was a R who worked under HW Bush and just went with it. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read yesterday Trump was 'puzzled' and 'confused' about Barr's testimony. He had no idea Barr and Mueller are long-time acquaintances, colleagues and friends with a deep-rooted respect for each other. Barr stood firm that he'll allow full funding and a green light for Mueller to continue and finish his investigation, using the phrase 'let the chips fall where they may.' He did this after heaping praise on Mueller being a non-partisan straight-shooter who follows DOJ/FBI rules meticulously. Barr has zero doubt Mueller has carried out a fair and impartial investigation, and that his final analysis will unassailable. I could see Trump nearly fainting in the WH watching this, like 'Hey, who the **** suggested I hire THIS guy.' ******* hilarious what a dweeb Trump is. The moron thought he could put someone in who'll squash this whole thing, yet seems to have a found a guy who - along with the Dem majority in the House - will seemingly guarantee the investigation continues unabated, expands in scope if warranted and fully plays out until the very end. Great job Trump, have one of those cold, leftover hamberders of yours. :waving:
Certainly possible that Barr is a swamp rat enabler. We'll see.
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