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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Holy ****, they're (BuzzFeedNews) doubling down on their TDS and not only standing by their article, but challenging Mueller to make clear what he's disputing!

Ben Smith

In response to the statement tonight from the Special Counsel's spokesman: We stand by our reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he's disputing.

Brian Stelter

BREAKING: BuzzFeed News says "we are continuing to report and determine what the special counsel is disputing. We remain confident in the accuracy of our report."

The dems aren't even embarrassed by this endless parade of desperate crap.
Holy ****, they're (BuzzFeedNews) doubling down on their TDS and not only standing by their article, but challenging Mueller to make clear what he's disputing!


We are living in the world of the 24 hour media hysteria. My suspicion is that the media has all of these lined up in advance, and will release them when needed to take back the headlines. This one was designed to not let the latest Bruce Ohr news take hold. On the other hand, President Trump will be dropping the Big One, and he is waiting for the most opportune time, and it will happen after the seating of the new AG.

This one was designed to not let the latest Bruce Ohr news take hold.

Nor give any attention to the "March For Life" today, but the MSM seemed completely fine ignoring Americans who have a certain belief system not in line with Lefty mob group-think without any help whatsoever.
Hoo boy, for the Special Counsel's office to actually come out refuting this BuzzFeedNews article after being completely quiet for 2 years, wow.

Kinda has me scratching my head and wondering why. I mean, it isn't like the media hasn't been reporting unconfirmed reports from anonymous sources for about the last two years now. Why say something now? It makes no sense.

I mean, for BuzzFeed to come out and openly ask the special prosecutor's office specifically what it is about the report they dispute, tells me that BuzzFeed has a contact on the inside of SP's office that is leaking information. I feel like there is more at play here.
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Kinda has me scratching my head and wondering why. I mean, it isn't like the media hasn't been reporting unconfirmed reports from anonymous sources for about the last two years now. Why say something now? It makes no sense.

I mean, for BuzzFeed to come out and openly ask the special prosecutor's office specifically what it is about the report they dispute, tells me that BuzzFeed has a contact on the inside of SP's office that is leaking information. I feel like there is more at play here.

Good point. Maybe Mueller's office is tired of the circus, want to look as impartial as possible and w/ the new AG coming to town, they want to do an about-face, so to speak.

I don't know, I can't see someone from the actual SP's office leaking something without it being rock solid, but who really knows what the hell's going on here.
Kinda has me scratching my head and wondering why. I mean, it isn't like the media hasn't been reporting unconfirmed reports from anonymous sources for about the last two years now. Why say something now? It makes no sense. I mean, for BuzzFeed to come out and openly ask the special prosecutor's office specifically what it is about the report they dispute, tells me that BuzzFeed has a contact on the inside of SP's office that is leaking information. I feel like there is more at play here.
Agreed. It seems this was more about protecting the Special Counsel office than anything. Strange wording on the press release. Instead of simply denying anything outright, it deems the 'characterization' of certain 'details' as 'inaccurate.'

This notion Trump instructed Cohen to lie during his Congressional hearing is what, 1 out of 50 possible avenues Mueller may be investigating.

Even if this charge is found to be unsubstantiated, it has little impact on the overall investigation. And again, Mueller's spokesperson didn't deny this occurred, just like nothing in the Steele dossier has been debunked, nor have any of the other allegations Mueller is investigating. All we can do is sit tight and see how it unfolds.
Nah, if you read the story in the Washington Post, they are saying Mueller is making it clear that nothing in the Buzzfeed story is accurate. So there's that. But, who really knows?

As far as the Dossier, it will never be debunked or verified. I think it is the same for many of the allegations in this investigation. Maybe can't be proven, but the look of impropriety is enough for it to hang there. Forever. I think it was done on purpose that way. This way you can have open investigations, keep your opponents in the news for a bunch of negative ****, and try to turn public opinion in your favor. I think it is why so many of these "bombshell" news stories fall flat.

That said, I don't know if the guy is guilty of anything or not. In the current climate of this nation, how could anyone know? I guess it comes down to what you want to believe. There are examples of that all over this board and everywhere else on the internet.

What I do know is, this Buzzfeed story, if completely false, is another blow to a media complex that continues to lose trust. And this is why. I hope that however this ends, the nation eventually heals. I doubt it.
Here are my takeaways from this latest hysteria..........
1. Cohen can not be trusted. He should shut up, and quietly do his time.
2. The media cannot be trusted, especially these fringe outlets. Hell, I don't even trust ABC, NYT, and WAPO. MSNBC is just a joke.
3. The way the Dems reacted, without knowing the veracity of this piece, was downright disgraceful.

Thankfully, Bob Mueller had the good sense to debunk this, knowing how destructive this could be to the country, left to fester. Maybe Mueller got a phone call from Bill Barr "suggesting" he do it.
Kinda has me scratching my head and wondering why. I mean, it isn't like the media hasn't been reporting unconfirmed reports from anonymous sources for about the last two years now. Why say something now? It makes no sense.

I mean, for BuzzFeed to come out and openly ask the special prosecutor's office specifically what it is about the report they dispute, tells me that BuzzFeed has a contact on the inside of SP's office that is leaking information. I feel like there is more at play here.
Current theory is that incoming AG Barr would hold Mueller accountable for not shooting down BS stories, and also for leaks. Not sure I buy that. I just think this was such a specific and serious charge attributed to two people in Mueller's office that he had to clear the air. As Levin pointed out, Mueller did let the story fester for over a day before disputing it on Friday night.
Over 2 years of horseshit now. For what? Nothing. Their fundamental commie change got halted because hildabeast lost.

Irreconcilable differences. One half of the country trying to impose its will on the other ALL the time.

That is without any doubt the sum of us. That can't last forever.One way or another. That writing is clearly on the wall.
Over 2 years of horseshit now. For what? Nothing. Their fundamental commie change got halted because hildabeast lost.

Irreconcilable differences. One half of the country trying to impose its will on the other ALL the time.

That is without any doubt the sum of us. That can't last forever.One way or another. That writing is clearly on the wall.

Fundamentally, I believe this is true. We have become a nation of citizens that cannot accept the concept that sometimes you lose, sometimes you fail. But instead of working harder to succeed, we have been indoctrinated to whine.
Fundamentally, I believe this is true. We have become a nation of citizens that cannot accept the concept that sometimes you lose, sometimes you fail. But instead of working harder to succeed, we have been indoctrinated to whine.

The generation where everyone gets a trophy.
I don't believe any of that stuff coming out of this so called investigation. From the get go the FBI has been lying and covering up evidence.

What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok, the bureau’s lead investigator.

He said he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier.

The FBI and Justice Department have gone to extraordinary lengths to muddy these details, with cover from Democrats and friendly journalists. A January 2017 memo from Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat, flatly (and incorrectly) insisted “the FBI’s closely-held investigative team only received Steele’s reporting in mid-September.” A May 2018 New York Times report repeated that claim, saying Mr. Steele’s reports didn’t reach the “Crossfire Hurricane team,” which ran the counterintelligence investigation, until “mid-September.”

The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

This testimony has two other implications. First, it further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS. The testimony also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

Second, the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. Critics have noted Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders. It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal. The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start.

Buncha lyin' scumbags and Tibsy thinks they are going to 'get' Trump. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole Mueller team didn't get indited. If Hillary goes down you can bet your *** them boys will be scatterin' for safe haven like Bambi in hunting season.

Tibs won't touch these facts. The Bruce Ohr stories have been posted here numerous times. Bruce's wife worked at Fusion GPS. Much of what Dan Bongino wrote about is corroborated by Ohr. John Podesta hatched the Russian theory on election night and floated it for the first time (written about in a book by a Hillary campaign staffer). Ohr corroborates it was disinformation spread by her campaign.

It also explains why the FBI cannot be trusted. From Page to Strzok to Comey. The FBI was complicit in the lies and deceit at hand, directly involved, steering the wheel.

And people ask why Hillary hasn't been investigated. It's a joke. Because the FBI is in the pocket of one political party.

Bruce Ohr is an AMERICAN HERO AND PATRIOT. One day they will erect a 24 foot tall granite statue of him and place it on the lawn of the White House as a testament to a man who was courageous enough to step forward and risk everything of his own to expose the corruption within the federal government.

Fundamentally, I believe this is true. We have become a nation of citizens that cannot accept the concept that sometimes you lose, sometimes you fail. But instead of working harder to succeed, we have been indoctrinated to whine.

RB beat me to it.

This IS the direct result of a generation of children all being given a trophy.

No one knows how to lose anymore and losing isn't acceptable. It's driving more and more Americans to lean towards Socialism as well.

Welcome to the new world. At my son's graduation, we celebrated 12 Valedictorians.

CNN Analyst: Many Americans Will Dismiss Media as ‘Leftist Liars’ Over Disputed BuzzFeed Story

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin fretted Friday that many Americans would dismiss the news media as a "bunch of leftist liars" in the wake of the BuzzFeed News story called "not accurate" by special counsel Robert Mueller's office.



Disclaimer: this is not a smoking gun post that's gonna break the case wide open, nor am I trying to prove anyone wrong, nor am I posting this drooling with excitement, nor am I trying to insult anyone or question anyone's intelligence, nor am I claiming the world's coming to an end and that we'll all be eaten by zombies. It's just a ******* post on the topic of this thread cause the news just broke. Deal with it.

Very unbecoming behavior by mob boss Trump and his harebrained lawyer, Rudy 'Looney' Giuliani. Nonetheless, I hope the Oversight Committee subpoenas Cohen and gets his sworn, public testimony. The American people have a right to know what was going on behind the closed doors of the shady Trump campaign and his even shadier presidency.

Michael Cohen Delays House Testimony, Citing Threats From Trump, Giuliani

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, has postponed his testimony to Congress citing concerns for his family’s safety.

Cohen’s family, including his wife, children and in-laws, encouraged him to postpone the appearance after calls by Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to investigate Cohen’s father-in-law, according to Cohen’s lawyer and spokesman Lanny Davis.

“The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress,” Davis said Wednesday.

Cohen was scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee in a public hearing on Feb. 7.

Trump, asked Wednesday whether he’d threatened Cohen, told reporters at the White House, “I would say he’s been threatened by the truth.”

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings told reporters that members have “made it abundantly clear that we protect whistle-blowers and we protect witnesses.” Asked if Cohen would be subpoenaed to testify, the Maryland Democrat said that will be decided soon “but we will get the testimony as sure as night becomes day and day becomes night.”

Cohen has said Trump directed him to break campaign finance laws by paying hush-money payoffs to two women and and that he lied to Congress to hide that negotiations to build a Trump tower in Moscow continued well into the 2016 presidential campaign.

While the House committee would have to steer clear in an open hearing from issues potentially still under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have said they want to hear from Cohen separately in closed sessions.

Cohen friend Donny Deutsch, an advertising executive, said that Cohen has been increasingly worried that Trump would retaliate against him by further attacking his family if he testified.

“He was panicked. He was like ‘he’s going after my father-in-law. Are my children next?’” Deutsch said on MSNBC on Jan. 18. Deutsch said Cohen told him “you have no idea what this man is capable of."
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Ah, my old drinking buddy Gorka. Always had a thing for those Hungarian Arrow Cross Nazis back in the day. I figured the law would catch up to him sooner or later. Lol, good luck, Sebastian!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The official inquiry into Seb Gorka's security clearance has begun. <a href="https://t.co/ct1xSqnPlG">pic.twitter.com/ct1xSqnPlG</a></p>— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) <a href="https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1088107969630425088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Among others It’s Seb Gorka’s turn in the barrel. How was he teaching US special ops servicemembers w/ no real credentials, job experience & then got a top terrorism job in WH after he founded a neoNazi organization in Hungary? He was utterly unclearable but wanted a TS/SCI. Why? <a href="https://t.co/eNYNnw7KqR">https://t.co/eNYNnw7KqR</a></p>— Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) <a href="https://twitter.com/MalcolmNance/status/1088211607178625025?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
shady Trump campaign and his even shadier presidency.


Let’s see a list of his shady actions. Is it anything like:

Giving $150 billion of taxpayer money to enemy terrorist countries?
Trying to destroy American jobs and industries like coal and oil & gas?
Bowing and apologizing for America being a successful capitalist country?
Weaponizing and politicizing the DOJ and IRS?
Undermining law enforcement and the military?

Anything of that nature, you commie ****?
Anything of that nature, you commie ****?

Now, now 'lil Indy, that's no way to have an adult conversation. :no:

Why don't you go up to your room for a little time-out and think long and hard how you could have worded that differently. You can take some crackers and OJ with you, but don't come back until you can muster up an apology.
Now, now 'lil Indy, that's no way to have an adult conversation. :no:

Why don't you go up to your room for a little time-out and think long and hard how you could have worded that differently. You can take some crackers and OJ with you, but don't come back until you can muster up an apology.

Um, you didn't appear to answer the question, and guessing you won't.
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