Please go on, tell us again how you don't propagate the fake news
Never let 'em see you sweat, Timmy.
Just because you don't agree with something, or like what it says, doesn't make it fake news.
And yes, besides posting articles and my own comments, I also share tweets which I find interesting or informative, which are usually people's opinions of things.
None of that is fake news.
I'm sure some of the things I've posted and shared over the years have contained inaccuracies. Show me a single thread on this board that's not full of examples of this, from all posters. My God, you guys constantly share info from breitbart, gateway pundit, dailycaller. All right-wing blogs and sites containing heavily-skewered, dubious information. I recognize it, deal with it, and move on. I don't wring my hands and cry to the heavens cause a bunch of right wingers get their news from right wing sources.
For whatever reason, much of America and the western world doesn't agree with you, that the Atlantic, the NYT, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the New Republic, Business Insider and the rest of the established media and journalism outlets are not to be trusted. That's you guys, the narrow Trump base, who believe that. These are most of my sources, I'm not going to stop reading them, or referencing them, because it hurts your feelings.
And the irony of all this runs extra thick. When guys like yourself, who pride themselves to be Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew level sleuths who spend hours batting down opposing views, never, ever, ever call into question the veracity of posts by your fellow right wing comrades. All of the bullshit, the memes, the easily disprovable lies gets a pass, so you can focus 100% of your energy and time disproving every single word I've ever typed up on this board. With charts and graphs and satellite images. It's flattering
and hilarious how much you seem to care.
And on top of it all, you support a President who does little else than lie and deceive during most if not all of his waking hours, and maybe even while asleep. You, the knight in shining armor standing for the bastions of truth, facts and getting it right, never question and remain loyal to Trump, who bends over backwards to lie constantly to the American people. As I said, you can cut the irony with a knife.
On a final note, regardless if you agree with what I post here or if it makes you feel sour and pouty, I do go out of my way to always cite my references, to link the articles and sources that I quote. I'm not hiding anything, nor am I trying to deceive anyone. I stand by most everything I've ever posted here. Of course, there are exceptions, where I should have checked further into the info that I shared or linked, and for that I apologize.
Again, it's no surprise you hate what I post here since you disagree with 100% of it. Whoop de do. Not sure how I'm gonna make it through the day thinking about how much you loathe me and what I post on here.