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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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You want collusion. I got collusion........

Media, Dems Ignore Hillary Ukraine Collusion

If you want real collusion with a real trail of evidence of people trying to do real things interfering with the 2016 campaign, Dr. Krauthammer, try Hillary Clinton’s real collusion with the Ukraine to derail and besmirch Team Trump. As Politico reported in a story that went nowhere at the time:

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.

Lynch/Obama/Comey/Clinton Busted!

Lynch Ordered Manafort’s Phone Tapped During Veselnitskaya Meeting!

Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016. President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.

If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.

Good to see someone on the conservative side still has their mind - and morals - intact.

Krauthammer: ‘Bungled collusion is still collusion’


Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer says recent revelations make it abundantly clear that the Trump campaign sought to collude with Moscow amid last year's election."The evidence is now shown," Krauthammer wrote in a Thursday column in The Washington Post. "This is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks. This is an email chain released by Donald Trump Jr. himself. A British go-between writes that there’s a Russian government effort to help Trump Sr. win the election, and as part of that effort he proposes a meeting with a 'Russian government attorney' possessing damaging information on Hillary Clinton."

Krauthammer said the meetings between Trump associates and Russian officials, some of which were casual encounters in large groups such as Republican National Convention, were circumstantial evidence at best but failed at first to point to any real crime.

He called defense of the "incompetent collusion" pathetic, saying that "Trump apologists" have been maintaining for six months that no collusion ever happened and then once evidence surfaced they began saying, "Sure it happened. So what? Everyone does it."

"It turned out to be incompetent collusion, amateur collusion, comically failed collusion," Krauthammer said. "That does not erase the fact that three top Trump campaign officials were ready to play. It may turn out that they did later collaborate more fruitfully. We don’t know. But even if nothing else is found, the evidence is damning."

The newly revealed emails showing Trump Jr. setting up a meeting with a Russian lawyer are what changed his view of Trump's team amid probes into possible ties between his campaign and Russia, Krauthammer said Tuesday on Fox News.

"I defended them, because up until today there was no 'there' there," he said. "Well now there is a 'there.'"

Krauthammer also recently broke with Trump's attack of "Morning Joe" host Mika Brzezinski's physical appearance, criticizing the tweets on Fox News saying, "presidents don’t talk like this."
That is all great except the part where collusion is not a crime in this circumstance. See Hillary and all of her Ukrainian dealings. The press does not care about that. You keep wanting it both ways.
I'm sure Robert Mueller will be looking at all angles. Remember the wording of his mandate is to investigate any Americans colluding with foreign powers to influence the elections. I presume that would include Hillary, Loretta Lynch et al. So let the chips fall where they may, I'm all for it.
Cough. It's illegal when that someone happens to be an agent or otherwise connected to a foreign government. But you probably knew that already and are just trying to be cute.

what about the fact that this someone should have never been in the country to begin with, but was due to the Omnistration allowing her to be?
where does the legal line fall at that point?
what about the fact that this someone should have never been in the country to begin with, but was due to the Omnistration allowing her to be?
where does the legal line fall at that point?

I'm sure Robert Mueller will be looking at all angles.
ha ha

How funny would it be if Bernie gets taken down in the Clinton collusion flack!

FBI probe of Bernie Sanders' wife closely tracks Hillary's secret campaign plan

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ claims that an ongoing FBI probe of his wife is based on partisan politics don’t square with the fact that it began under President Obama and appears to closely track Hillary's opposition research.

The FBI and U.S. Attorney in Vermont are investigating Jane O’Meara Sanders in a failed $10 million college land deal that she orchestrated.

John Podesta, the Clinton team wrote an extensive political opposition memo entitled “Sanders Top Hits-Thematics. Members of the lending agency expressed concern that if O’Meara Sanders was not involved, the loan would not have been approved.”

Cough. It's illegal when that someone happens to be an agent or otherwise connected to a foreign government. But you probably knew that already and are just trying to be cute.

I'm not trying to be cute. I AM cute.
Love some of these guys on FoxNews. At least they tell it like it is.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Shep Smith: "The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling...why are we getting told all these lies?"<br><br>Chris Wallace: "I don't know what to say" <a href="https://t.co/DQKOAC8a2o">pic.twitter.com/DQKOAC8a2o</a></p>— Leanne Naramore (@LeanneNaramore) <a href="https://twitter.com/LeanneNaramore/status/885948819875262465">July 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
ha ha

How funny would it be if Bernie gets taken down in the Clinton collusion flack!

FBI probe of Bernie Sanders' wife closely tracks Hillary's secret campaign plan

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ claims that an ongoing FBI probe of his wife is based on partisan politics don’t square with the fact that it began under President Obama and appears to closely track Hillary's opposition research.

The FBI and U.S. Attorney in Vermont are investigating Jane O’Meara Sanders in a failed $10 million college land deal that she orchestrated.

John Podesta, the Clinton team wrote an extensive political opposition memo entitled “Sanders Top Hits-Thematics. Members of the lending agency expressed concern that if O’Meara Sanders was not involved, the loan would not have been approved.”


OK, someone just throw in the kitchen sink and see if that sticks.

Trump Jr was investigating a suspected spy.
Clear evidence Trump hadn't already colluded with Putin!
It was an elaborate democratic conspiracy to entrap Trump (that they forgot to expose before the election).
But, but, but.. Hillary!
Ha! Bernie!

For chrissake, pick an angle already.
OK, someone just throw in the kitchen sink and see if that sticks.

Trump Jr was investigating a suspected spy.
Clear evidence Trump hadn't already colluded with Putin!
It was an elaborate democratic conspiracy to entrap Trump (that they forgot to expose before the election).
But, but, but.. Hillary!
Ha! Bernie!

For chrissake, pick an angle already.

Wow......does that tactic sound familiar. Gee, I only wish I could remember where it is being used.......at literally every turn........for the past 6 months.

The sheer and utter irony of that statement just bowled me over like an 18 wheeler.
Love some of these guys on FoxNews. At least they tell it like it is.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Shep Smith: "The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling...why are we getting told all these lies?"<br><br>Chris Wallace: "I don't know what to say" <a href="https://t.co/DQKOAC8a2o">pic.twitter.com/DQKOAC8a2o</a></p>— Leanne Naramore (@LeanneNaramore) <a href="https://twitter.com/LeanneNaramore/status/885948819875262465">July 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Forgot one. The only reason the Trump team lies so much is that the MSM leaves them no other choice.

The Dems opened the floodgates....it's all on the table now

Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya Brought Documents Showing ‘Flow of Illicit Funds to Dems

A new report about Donald Trump Jr,’s meeting with Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya reveals she brought with her a plastic folder with printed out documents alleging a flow of illicit funds to the Democrats.

In his first public interview about the meeting, Akhmetshin said he accompanied Veselnitskaya to Trump Tower where they met an interpreter. He said he had learned about the meeting only that day when Veselnitskaya asked him to attend. He said he showed up in jeans and a T-shirt.

Veselnitskaya brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democrats, Akhmetshin said. Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to the Trump associates and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign, he said.

“This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money,” Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had sufficient evidence to back up her claims, including whether she could demonstrate the flow of the money. But Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that, Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

“They couldn’t wait for the meeting to end,” he said.

Akhmetshin also said he does not know if Veselnitskaya’s documents were provided by the Russian government. He said he thinks she left the materials with the Trump associates. It was unclear if she handed the documents to anyone in the room or simply left them behind, according to the AP report.

As TGP previously reported, the liberal media jumped on the story noting that Akhmetshin a Russian operative and was helping Trump get elected.

But Rinat Akhmetshin was working with Fusion GPS, an organization linked to the Democrat party, and has worked the shadowy corners of the Washington lobbying scene for nearly 20 years.

The white house is mishandling this Russian situation.

The story changes daily, and that is a problem.

First is was, no one on my staff has met with the Russians. The people getting security clearances in the white house seem to have Russian Amnesia, when it comes to meetings. This is no longer a single instance. We have 4-5 people that are being investigated or already lost their jobs due to Russian involvement.

It just seems fishy from an outside perspective. Why would they all lie and say they never met with Russians? I would extrapolate that they were hiding something.

Now TJ and Kush are being caught in lies. On who was at the meeting, what the content of the meeting was, etc.

Trump's statement kind of opened another book. I thought he should have stayed out of it, but he chose to defend his son by saying "Anyone would have taken this meeting". From a business perspective, this statement has merit, in information gathering on the competition. In a political situation, it is an issue when you are getting that information from a foreign source. Trump has indirectly admitted to understanding the content of that meeting, by stating "we didn't get any usable information out of it". That is a dangerous statement. He now stated, that he knew who was at the meeting, and of all of the details that were discussed. That alone will get him subpoenaed if the Russian intelligence officer tells a different story than Trump's staff.

Also stating you didn't get usable information in an attempted foreign collusion meeting is not a defense to foreign collusion. It's like saying you can't go to jail for attempted murder, since you didn't actually kill someone. In all cases, a crime was committed.

Right now, Trump is his own worst enemy, and he needs to keep his mouth shut on this topic.
And there are still people out there who believe we are making it up. And one day they are gonna realize that we are not and look around and go where are we and why are we getting told all these lies.


Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate?

According to an insider account, the Clinton team, put together the Russia Gate narrative within 24 hours of her defeat. The Clinton account explained that Russian hacking and election meddling caused her unexpected loss.

The Clinton account explained that Russian hacking and election meddling caused her unexpected loss. Her opponent, Donald Trump, was a puppet of Putin. Trump, they said, “encourages espionage against our people.” The scurrilous Trump dossier, prepared by a London opposition research firm, Orbis, and paid for by unidentified Democrat donors, formed a key part of the Clinton narrative: Trump’s sexual and business escapades in Russia had made him a hostage of the Kremlin, ready to do its bidding.

That was Hillary's way to say that Trump is really not President of the United States—a siren call adopted by the Democratic party and media.

The most under covered story of Russia Gate is the interconnection between the Clinton campaign, an unregistered foreign agent of Russia headquartered in DC (Fusion GPS), and the Christopher Steele Orbis dossier.

This connection has raised the question of whether Kremlin prepared the dossier as part of a disinformation campaign to sow chaos in the US political system. If ordered and paid for by Hillary Clinton associates, Russia Gate is turned on its head as collusion between Clinton operatives (not Trump’s) and Russian intelligence. Russia Gate becomes Hillary Gate.

Nothingburger for everyone!

You know it's over when Dennis Kucinich backs Trump

Kucinich: Trump Jr. Meeting Is a 'Bunch of Nothing'

Dennis Kucinich doesn't see anything criminal about Donald Trump Jr.'s controversial June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer.

He explained that attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya claimed to have information damaging to Hillary Clinton, but it appears that she set up the meeting under false pretenses, as she really wanted to discuss a U.S. program for the adoption of Russian children.

Trump Jr. maintains that Veselnitskaya had no "opposition research" on Clinton and nothing came from the brief meeting.

"Big picture, I think this thing is a bunch of nothing," Kucinich said on "The Fox News Specialists." "I really do."




All this about Russians and emails, but not one quip about the electronic communication shenanig in the office of Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton's Technicolor Pantsuit
This is getting to be like Charlie Brown running to kick the football. How many times will they have to get burned with these smoke screens before they wise up?
Nothingburger for everyone!

You know it's over when Dennis Kucinich backs Trump

Kucinich: Trump Jr. Meeting Is a 'Bunch of Nothing'

Dennis Kucinich doesn't see anything criminal about Donald Trump Jr.'s controversial June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer.

He explained that attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya claimed to have information damaging to Hillary Clinton, but it appears that she set up the meeting under false pretenses, as she really wanted to discuss a U.S. program for the adoption of Russian children.

Trump Jr. maintains that Veselnitskaya had no "opposition research" on Clinton and nothing came from the brief meeting.

"Big picture, I think this thing is a bunch of nothing," Kucinich said on "The Fox News Specialists." "I really do."

Well your assertion about the meeting only being about the adoption thing is completely false. The email said they had **** on Clinton and Don Jr. Said Love it. And your belief about them not getting good intel is strictly reliant on your belief in their word. That doesnt look very good right now.
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