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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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I hate having one reason to like Shumer, but he speaks truth for once.


Schumer Rips Hillary: Don’t Blame Comey or Russia, ‘Blame Yourself’

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ripped his former colleague, Hillary Clinton, over her election loss to President Donald Trump and her subsequent efforts to explain why she lost. “When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things—Comey, Russia—you blame yourself,” Schumer told The Washington Post. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.” Schumer’s comments—referring to Clinton blaming Russian meddling and the former FBI director for her loss to Trump—come as Democrats are trying to re-brand ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. Democrats unveiled their new slogan as, “A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future.”

Just an example how the Propaganda machine in the US feeds its lemmings...and how they get suckered in to believing the lies


WaPo Buries Glaring Caveat On Latest Sessions Scoop

he Washington Post’s bombshell Trump-Russia report Friday is just another example of the media placing incriminating information front and center while habitually burying mitigating information deep within the article.

The Post reports U.S. spy agencies intercepted Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak telling superiors he discussed Trump campaign related matters with Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Readers, however, have to traverse eight paragraphs framing Kislyak’s account of the conversation with Sessions as demonstrably true. Some readers may come to the conclusion Sessions is guilty as charged.

It wasn’t until the ninth paragraph WaPo finally revealed:

Officials emphasized that the information contradicting Sessions comes from U.S. intelligence on Kislyak’s communications with the Kremlin, and they acknowledged that the Russian ambassador could have mischaracterized or exaggerated the nature of his interactions.

By the eleventh paragraph, the Post reported, “Russian and other foreign diplomats in Washington and elsewhere” are known “to report false or misleading information to bolster their standing with their superiors or to confuse U.S. intelligence agencies.”

WaPo’s report begins by stating, “A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had ‘substantive’ discussions on matters including Trump’s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S.-Russia relations in a Trump administration.”

“One U.S. official said that Sessions — who testified that he had no recollection of an April encounter — has provided ‘misleading’ statements that are “contradicted by other evidence.”

The New York Times reported Friday that a U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, “said there was nothing automatically inappropriate about Sessions, then a U.S. senator as well as a Trump supporter, discussing policy matters…”
There is no real press anymore. It was just 10 to 20 years ago that most of the news people were older and experienced and they were schooled in real journalism. They were bound by telling the audience the who, what, when, where, why and verifying the truth of it with multiple sources. Sure, there's been a liberal bent for years but the profession of journalism still produced good information.

Twitter destroyed that. Now there is almost no story that won't be broken on Twitter first. News agencies then went all in on opinion. It even happened in sports which is why ESPN is now unwatchable.

It also seems that they kicked the old school reporters to the side and pretty much hired a bunch of bloggers.

It used to be taboo for journalists to be political. They tried to come off as impartial even though they were flaming libs off camera. That is now off the table and most main stream media is now actively in support of the Democrat party.
“So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.” Schumer’s comments—referring to Clinton blaming Russian meddling and the former FBI director for her loss to Trump—come as Democrats are trying to re-brand ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. Democrats unveiled their new slogan as, “A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future.”
That's funny right there, considering the Dems have proven time and time again that they have no clue how to do that, other than raising the minimum wage which results in LESS jobs.
The Dems' slogan should be "More immigrants, more Muslims, more terrorism, more taxes, more government."
That's funny right there, considering the Dems have proven time and time again that they have no clue how to do that, other than raising the minimum wage which results in LESS jobs.
The Dems' slogan should be "More immigrants, more Muslims, more terrorism, more taxes, more government."

More division, don't forget division, class, race and gender warfare. The Democrat party would be lost without it.



Donald Trump Jr. was discovered to have attended a completely legal meeting with a Moscow lawyer at Trump Tower during the campaign, Next we will learn that NYPD security video shows him jaywalking to the meeting. Cable news needs to change the phrase Breaking News to Now What?

Question of the Day.................

Jared Kusher: Donald Trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign, and that is why he won. Suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him.”

Exactly. Trump should fire everyone involved in this witch hunt.
I don't know. Asking about pardon powers? Self pardoning? Is that the sort of thing innocent people do?

If I didn't know better I would swear Trump is trying to get impeached. The guy is his own worst enemy and the leaks are so frequent, I would think he was leaking the info himself.

Here we are, two weeks after the Time Magazine cover and there is nothing..... the "meeting" continues to look like a complete joke that was about nothing. Russians lie about having important information to get access? Shocker.... Supposed "Russian Lawyer" now discovered to be a bleeding heart liberal and long-time Democrat - Russian lobbiest for adoptions as her only "accreditation" and with very sketchy access/immigration re-entry under the Obama White House? Color me impressed. Accusations that money from a Russian business might not be 100% "clean" and thus ONLY off-limits to Trump Corporations? Typical liberal diversion tactics.

Tibs... you got nothing but continuous, sourceless "leaks" from our legislative and intelligence communities that are fuzzy and misleading and are just swallowed hook, line and sinker by our liberal media holding one of the most massive grudges against a public servant in the history of our country.

Notice how not even TWO MONTHS into the investigation by Mueller, he's already mostly off the "Russia Collusion" issue and sniffing around Trump Corporations that have NOTHING to do with his campaign or current ability to hold office. Just like I told you he would be. He has to justify his team of 20 lawyers and multi-million dollar budget. The Russia investigation should take 3 months at most. It's a simple ******* question with a simple ******* answer. But that was NEVER the point of an independent council investigation. It was to continue to be a cloud over the administration and source of leaks for the media to continue it's false narrative and smear campaign of a Presidential "outsider" that refuses to play and bow down to their rules.

Every ******* Trump voter knew Trumps businesses aren't 100% squeaky clean. You don't succeed in New York and International Real Estate being squeaky clean. You know it and everybody else ******* knows it. Big, ******* woop. There isn't a billionaire in the WORLD that can hold up their business to the scrutiny Trump is now being exposed to and not be manipulated to look like the second coming of Standard Oil.

Trump is 100% right (like he has been almost since last summer). This is a witch hunt through and through.
It is sad that we have reached a point where everyone in media and politics is so dishonest, the average person isn't sure what to believe. I know I don't.
I look for Sebastian Gorka............

More fake news. He gave a great interview with the Jerusalem Post. Watch it a see what truth looks like.
Hey look, a nazi squirrel!
No wonder Spicer quit. Scaramucci sounds like an elitist liberal from those tweets. Trump is making some weird moves.

Ummm once more Trump spent the vadt majority of his Adult life as a democrat... has supported a **** ton of positions he opposes now publicly and many of his current points were aligned with the democratic partiy in the near past... its uber hypocritical how much some conservatives embrace him and how bad the dems oppose him... just more proof that this is nothing more than a big football game to the hardcores and all that matters is the name on the front of the jersey
Ummm once more Trump spent the vadt majority of his Adult life as a democrat... has supported a **** ton of positions he opposes now publicly and many of his current points were aligned with the democratic partiy in the near past... its uber hypocritical how much some conservatives embrace him and how bad the dems oppose him... just more proof that this is nothing more than a big football game to the hardcores and all that matters is the name on the front of the jersey

Actually it's the exact opposite for me actually. It was never really about any partisan politics to me or his stance on individual issues. It has always been about his positions AGAINST politicians and the media that sold me. I knew his election would serve as a massive wake up call to both parties that people have caught on to their fake acts and will go against both of them if the option is there. It's going to open the door to more candidates that aren't afraid to shine a light on the rampant corruption and deceit in politics in the media. It was necessary and will benefit everyone except people who enjoy being mindless pawns to their party.
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What is the deal with attacking Jeff Sessions? IS he trying to bully him into quitting? Either way, it is childish. This is the kind of **** that I hate about Trump.
What is the deal with attacking Jeff Sessions? IS he trying to bully him into quitting? Either way, it is childish. This is the kind of **** that I hate about Trump.

Because he recused himself. Trump never would have appointed him if he knew in advance he'd recuse himself from the Russia investigation. He's the lead law officer in the land. And...because he's not producing subpoena'd paperwork and pursuing the Clintons' illegalities as requested. I'm not anti-sessions, but I do have a problem with him not doing his job...which now smells of "establishment" to me. Who wouldn't, as AG, prosecute the Clintons unless you were establishment and tied to the establishment?
Because he recused himself. Trump never would have appointed him if he knew in advance he'd recuse himself from the Russia investigation. He's the lead law officer in the land. And...because he's not producing subpoena'd paperwork and pursuing the Clintons' illegalities as requested. I'm not anti-sessions, but I do have a problem with him not doing his job...which now smells of "establishment" to me. Who wouldn't, as AG, prosecute the Clintons unless you were establishment and tied to the establishment?

Yeah, I understand why he is doing it. My point is, why go about it like a ******* child? Why insult him and belittle him over twitter and refuse to talk to him in person? It smacks of a childish high school dispute.

If you want rid of the guy, fire him. Whether he quits or gets fired, good luck getting another AG confirmed.
One thing I do find funny in all of this, is how just a few months ago, all the media could talk about was how Jeff Sessions was a racist. Now he is a martyr. Just like James Comey.
Something else. Trump is about to run fresh out of friends. He has bullied and alienated just about everyone from the FBI to the CIA to the NSA to Congress to his own ******* AG. I don't see how he can be effective or get anything done. No one is going to cooperate with him. His agenda is dead, providing he had one outside of tweeting insults at people who refuse to subordinate themselves to him.
Because he recused himself. Trump never would have appointed him if he knew in advance he'd recuse himself from the Russia investigation. He's the lead law officer in the land. And...because he's not producing subpoena'd paperwork and pursuing the Clintons' illegalities as requested. I'm not anti-sessions, but I do have a problem with him not doing his job...which now smells of "establishment" to me. Who wouldn't, as AG, prosecute the Clintons unless you were establishment and tied to the establishment?

Nearly five months after recusing himself and longer being on the job and being able to pursue the Clinton case. And didn't he previously offer to resign and Trump declined?

This is Trump trying to divert attention from the Russia investigation and make it seem as though "the establishment" is against him. Nothing more.

Why would Sessions have endorsed Trump if he was part of "the establishment"?
Nearly five months after recusing himself and longer being on the job and being able to pursue the Clinton case. And didn't he previously offer to resign and Trump declined?

This is Trump trying to divert attention from the Russia investigation and make it seem as though "the establishment" is against him. Nothing more.

Why would Sessions have endorsed Trump if he was part of "the establishment"?

Yeah, I understand why he is doing it. My point is, why go about it like a ******* child? Why insult him and belittle him over twitter and refuse to talk to him in person? It smacks of a childish high school dispute.

If you want rid of the guy, fire him. Whether he quits or gets fired, good luck getting another AG confirmed.

It's because trump acts like a child throwing a tantrum. After all the "lock her up" chants remember Trump said that Clinton had already gone through enough and was not going to pursue legal stuff. Now he is ripping sessions who out of anyone did the right thing. Sessions was one of trump first and most loyal supporters. To publically humiliate him is ridiculous. Now you hear trump and tillerson are on the outs. Seems like you are not allowed to have your own opinions or trump throws a hissy fit. Firing tillerson would not cause that many waves, but sessions would upset alot of hard core republicans. Like sarge said pretty soon or will just be trump and his family. Everyone else will be alienated
It's because trump acts like a child throwing a tantrum. After all the "lock her up" chants remember Trump said that Clinton had already gone through enough and was not going to pursue legal stuff. Now he is ripping sessions who out of anyone did the right thing. Sessions was one of trump first and most loyal supporters. To publically humiliate him is ridiculous. Now you hear trump and tillerson are on the outs. Seems like you are not allowed to have your own opinions or trump throws a hissy fit. Firing tillerson would not cause that many waves, but sessions would upset alot of hard core republicans. Like sarge said pretty soon or will just be trump and his family. Everyone else will be alienated

They aren't family, they are establishment. It's only a matter of time until Trump nominates Kushner as Secretary of State and Don Jr. as AG.
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