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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Yeahhhhhh.......I think you better look at the scoreboard there champ.

Where Starr's witch hunt was TRULY a witch hunt, you have a guy in Trump who refused to give up his tax returns. That should have been a clue for the clueless Trumptards.

Trump has a history of being a liar, a thief, and just a generally reprehensible human being. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

There is nowhere for him to run.

Starr got an indictment in the House against ******* Billy Blythe for perjury. He would have gotten more aganst ******* Billy AND the Hildebeast except for people pleading the fifth at every turn and Jim McDougal mysteriously dropping dead of a "Cardiac Event" in his jail cell shortly after agreeing to testify. Do you remember Susan McDougal doing 22 months for contempt for refusing to testify in front of the grand jury so she wouldn't get Arkancided?

Scoreboard in deed Slapdick.
Taxpayers are paying $130k rent a month(!!) on a space in Trump Tower for the US government's HQ of the 'mobile nuclear football?' In a non-governmental building Trump hasn't set foot in since January? Paying market-based rent?

Turns out it's worse than I thought. How is this making America great again?

The dispute started when the government agency discovered they were being overcharged for the rented space, two people familiar with the discussions told The Post.

The U.S. military has separately agreed to lease space in Trump Tower for $130,000 a month, according to a lease first reported last month by the Wall Street Journal.

According to The Journal, both agencies were paying far more for their units than other renters had paid for similar units in the building.

Secret Service Leaves Trump Tower After Discovering They Were Being Overcharged For Rented Space
Trump is no longer running Trump Co. These decisions have nothing to do with him Tibs. You think other corporations give discounts to the federal government? Bullshit. They take them for every dime because they can and the government pays.

I thought you WANTED him to be completely separate from his business while in office, yet here you are blaming him for what his business is doing while he's gone. Which way do you want it?
Trump is no longer running Trump Co.

Trump is no longer running Trump Co.... here you are blaming him for what his business is doing

JFC! As if the Secret Service being there has nothing to do with Trump.

How you Trumptard reconcile **** is really remarkable.
JFC! As if the Secret Service being there has nothing to do with Trump.

How you Trumptard reconcile **** is really remarkable.

This was a colossally ignorant reply. Who's running the Trump business?

Secret Service protection is extended to the President and to all members of his or her “immediate family”. The statute does not define “immediate family”, but other uses in Title 18 (e.g. 18 U.S. Code § 115 - Influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by threatening or injuring a family member) define it to be “his spouse, parent, brother or sister, child or person to whom he stands in loco parentis; or any other person living in his household and related to him by blood or marriage”
Jeez. The Grand Jury is necessary to issue subpoenas and have witnesses forced to testify under penalty of perjury.

It means NOTHING in terms of "ooooh, look what we have." It is actually the start of the investigation. Will the grand jury find anything? We'll see. But the existence of a grand jury means exactly nothing.

In point of fact - you wouldn't know this since you are not a lawyer and instead a wanna-be - grand juries are constantly in session, and called on to determine if there is enough evidence to issue an indictment.

The Criminal Grand Jury hears evidence brought by the District Attorney’s Office to determine on the basis of this evidence whether a crime has been committed and whether a certain person should be charged with a crime and required to stand trial in the Superior Court. Specifically, the Criminal Grand Jury must decide if there is a strong suspicion the individual committed the crime alleged.


Further, in law school - you know, where I learned to be a lawyer and not an uninformed fuckknob wanna-be - we had a saying: "A grand jury would indict a bologna sandwich." The showing is so pathetically low that if Trump is not indicted, there is literally no evidence - and I mean NONE - of criminal activity by Trump.

Lesson over.


One would think that you would at least know the difference between a county grand jury and a federal one......

Anyway I should have known you would try to deflect and obfuscate.

Oh and go f*** yourself after you change toner and fetch this mornings coffee for the girl paralegals down at the hood legal aid office.
Starr got an indictment in the House against ******* Billy Blythe for perjury. He would have gotten more aganst ******* Billy AND the Hildebeast except for people pleading the fifth at every turn and Jim McDougal mysteriously dropping dead of a "Cardiac Event" in his jail cell shortly after agreeing to testify. Do you remember Susan McDougal doing 22 months for contempt for refusing to testify in front of the grand jury so she wouldn't get Arkancided?

Scoreboard in deed Slapdick.

Here are some more conspiracy theories from your president...you know since you are probably as disturbed as he is. You probably agree with all this crazy stuff, enjoy.

I think someone senses what's coming and is going off the rails as we speak.

Trump retweets account that traffics in wild conspiracy theories, accused Hillary Clinton of murder

Stay classy.


A Twitter account President Trump retweeted Friday morning has posted a series of incendiary tweets, including one accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering former DNC staffer Seth Rich. Another tweet claimed the former president Barack Obama had a secret male lover.

Nonetheless, Trump retweeted this tweet from @Team_Trump45 to his more than 35 million followers:


Bwahahahahahaha! Nothing left to do but lash out in a psychotic way!

King Chump.....it was bad while it lasted....lol
In point of fact - you wouldn't know this since you are not a lawyer and instead a wanna-be - grand juries are constantly in session, and called on to determine if there is enough evidence to issue an indictment.

What the Trump-Russia Grand Jury Means

Hours after news broke that Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia probe, has impanelled a grand jury as part of his investigation, President Trump declared at a rally in West Virginia that “the Russia story is a total fabrication. It’s just an excuse for the greatest loss in the history of American politics.”

Trump’s comments, which were meant to denigrate and perhaps thwart the Mueller probe, were undermined by the fact that the grand jury has been at work for several weeks in the District of Columbia.

Grand juries don’t investigate hoaxes, and there are rules against using them for anything resembling a political witch hunt. As several former federal prosecutors told me,the grand jury is significant because it means that Mueller is in the midst of a “predicated” criminal investigation. That is, he has reached the point where he has evidence of criminal conduct. “It can’t be used for a fishing expedition, Matt Olsen, a former federal prosecutor, said. “He’s got a very powerful tool to pursue specific federal crimes.”

But the grand jury also makes it even more difficult and politically explosive for Trump to attempt to dismiss Mueller, whose use of a grand jury is the most concrete evidence yet that he is pursuing an expansive criminal case related to the Trump campaign’s possible involvement in Russia’s attempt to meddle in the 2016 election. That’s no hoax.
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Yikes, Trump ain't gonna be happy.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is using multiple grand juries in Russia-Trump investigation

Special counsel Robert Mueller is using at least two grand juries, one in VA and one in D.C., to investigate possible coordination between the presidential campaign of Donald Trump and Russia, USA Today reports, citing a lawyer involved in the case.

Mueller's probe of possible Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election may continue to span multiple panels, or the investigation could at some point consolidate the multiple threads in the nation's capital, “where the special counsel's team has only begun to use a grand jury in recent weeks.”


But the lawyer, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, said both venues continued to be active in recent days.

The use of the grand jury located in Washington is potentially significant, analysts said, as it likely means investigators are probing activities that happened within that jurisdiction.

Mueller's team is investigating possible obstruction of justice related to the president's abrupt May 9 dismissal of FBI Director James Comey, and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's contacts with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak – all of which occurred in the District of Columbia. (...)

[The] use of these grand juries is a clear sign that Mueller's probe is intensifying and could go on for months or years. The move would give Mueller, a former FBI director, broad authority to subpoena documents and compel witnesses to testify under oath.
One would think that you would at least know the difference between a county grand jury and a federal one......

I do, you ignorant ****. Why?

I am a lawyer. You are a butt-licking wanna-be. A nothing. Somebody whose Trump obsession is psycopathic.

I really don't give a **** if Trump is President or not. I care that incompetent, economically-ignorant (D) ***** are not.

Would I be happy with Joe Manchin as President? You bet.

Would I be happy with Heidi Heitkamp as President? You bet.

But sick ******* like you - and you are sick, you disgusting buttfuck, and dangerously deranged - are on a jihad-like rampage to destroy Trump. You genuinely have no other concern - none.

Sick ***** like you are showing your true colors. Reveal top secret documents? No problem. Stop economic expansion? Hey, **** happens. Harm America? Oh well. SO LONG AS TRUMP!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!


You know why you are the most despised and reviled poster ever - EVER - on this forum? Because you deserve to be. Don't die in a fire mad - just die in a fire.
“It can’t be used for a fishing expedition,” Matt Olsen, a former federal prosecutor, said. “He’s got a very powerful tool to pursue specific federal crimes.”

Jesus, you people really have no ******* idea what a grand jury is or does, do you?

Oh, and how many have presented evidence to a grand jury? Raise your hand if you have.

[Steeltime raises hand.]

If not, please stop reading the internet about law and pretending to know ****. Jesus-*******-Christ, it really is no different than somebody reading "WebMD" and arguing with a doctor. Seriously, the analogy is spot on.
If numnuts formed a grand jury, then I assume that he is going to present a case. Is that correct? Not knowing the requirements for commanding a grand jury, I assume that one can't just demand one just in case?
If numnuts formed a grand jury, then I assume that he is going to present a case. Is that correct? Not knowing the requirements for commanding a grand jury, I assume that one can't just demand one just in case?

In states and the Federal system, a grand jury is always in place, and will "secretly investigate the mere possibility that [the jurisdiction's laws] may have been broken."

For Mueller, he does not have a standing grand jury. Therefore, under the special prosecutor mandate, he can empanel a grand jury "to secretly investigate the mere possibility that Federal laws may have been broken."

He has that very slim showing where the Russian lawyer failed to register as a foreign agent, in violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act ("FARA"). The lawyer was pushing an issue relevant to Russian interests as to sanctions, including the Russian response to restrict adoptions. That is enough to meet the very low threshold of "the mere possibility that Federal laws may have been broken."
Here are some more conspiracy theories from your president...you know since you are probably as disturbed as he is. You probably agree with all this crazy stuff, enjoy.

I think someone senses what's coming and is going off the rails as we speak.

Trump retweets account that traffics in wild conspiracy theories, accused Hillary Clinton of murder

Stay classy.


A Twitter account President Trump retweeted Friday morning has posted a series of incendiary tweets, including one accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering former DNC staffer Seth Rich. Another tweet claimed the former president Barack Obama had a secret male lover.

Nonetheless, Trump retweeted this tweet from @Team_Trump45 to his more than 35 million followers:


Bwahahahahahaha! Nothing left to do but lash out in a psychotic way!

King Chump.....it was bad while it lasted....lol

The thing is the strange deaths that have been happening to ******* Billy and Hildebeasts former associates have been happening for 30 years. Going back to the McDougals though, you don't find it the least bit strange Susan testified just enough to muddy the waters then refused to answer questions about the Clintons direct involvement? Just after her estranged husband had agreed to testify and then died suddenly of a previously undiagnosed heart ailment?


ALISO VIEJO, Calif. — Democrats are increasingly conflicted about how forcefully to press the issue of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Fearful of alienating voters who appear more concerned about the economy and health care, Democrats campaigning in districts across the country are de-emphasizing Russia in their rhetoric — and some are warning that a persistent focus on the Russia investigation could backfire.

“We need to talk about what people think about when they wake up in the morning, and it’s not Russia”

“The more we talk about stuff that voters don’t truly care about in their daily lives … it confirms that the Democratic Party’s brain has been eaten by the elites in Washington who have been sitting fat and happy for a lot of years while working Americans have lost their jobs and lost confidence in the future.”

The thing is the strange deaths that have been happening to ******* Billy and Hildebeasts former associates have been happening for 30 years. Going back to the McDougals though, you don't find it the least bit strange Susan testified just enough to muddy the waters then refused to answer questions about the Clintons direct involvement? Just after her estranged husband had agreed to testify and then died suddenly of a previously undiagnosed heart ailment?

No I don't find it strange, and that;s because I don't live in an Alex Jones world.

The Clinton murder list has been out since Clinton was POTUS and was long ago debunked. When you are president(or any celebrity) you know many, many, people. So these conspiracy nuts take a list of people, some which the President only might have shook hands with and spoke to for 5 minutes, and now they are "associates" of the POTUS.

McDougal DID have a known heart condition and was taking medication for it in prison. There was another lady on that list(been so long cant remember name) who was working at a store or restaurant and she and some other employees were robbed at gunpoint. She decides to lunge for the robber's gun and gets shot and dies........so Bill Clinton now does telepathic mind control?

Please grow up and get serious.
In states and the Federal system, a grand jury is always in place, and will "secretly investigate the mere possibility that [the jurisdiction's laws] may have been broken."

For Mueller, he does not have a standing grand jury. Therefore, under the special prosecutor mandate, he can empanel a grand jury "to secretly investigate the mere possibility that Federal laws may have been broken."

He has that very slim showing where the Russian lawyer failed to register as a foreign agent, in violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act ("FARA"). The lawyer was pushing an issue relevant to Russian interests as to sanctions, including the Russian response to restrict adoptions. That is enough to meet the very low threshold of "the mere possibility that Federal laws may have been broken."

How long until the grand jury reads the book "Shattered" about the Clinton campaign where her people said they made up the Russia collusion story to explain away her loss?
I'm just asking.
How long until the grand jury reads the book "Shattered" about the Clinton campaign where her people said they made up the Russia collusion story to explain away her loss?
I'm just asking.

Funny how something made up...turns out to be true.

It's like magic huh?
No I don't find it strange, and that;s because I don't live in an Alex Jones world.

The Clinton murder list has been out since Clinton was POTUS and was long ago debunked. When you are president(or any celebrity) you know many, many, people. So these conspiracy nuts take a list of people, some which the President only might have shook hands with and spoke to for 5 minutes, and now they are "associates" of the POTUS.

McDougal DID have a known heart condition and was taking medication for it in prison. There was another lady on that list(been so long cant remember name) who was working at a store or restaurant and she and some other employees were robbed at gunpoint. She decides to lunge for the robber's gun and gets shot and dies........so Bill Clinton now does telepathic mind control?

Please grow up and get serious.

Debunked by who? A complicit media and Democratic party and a neutered Republican Party afraid of its own shadow and becoming part of that list. Explained away is not debunking. You are just a partisan hack who will see no evil in you party. I voted for Trump eyes wide open. He is not the Hero we want but he is the President we need. You can hunt him down and set the dogs loose on him but he will endure to finish shaking things up and help fix Washington even if it means breaking it. Maybe he has to become the criminal you think him be to fix things for those that follow him.

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The feeble mind of the libtard is so funny, yet pathetic at the same time. They get a sniff of Fake News and come running, all fired up. Then they're debunked and have to regroup in their safe spaces. It's a never ending circle of retardation,
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