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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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This has nothing to do with prefering Trump over Clinton. This was about creating exactly what has happened. Chaos. And the chaos doesnt just belong to Trump. It belongs to the media and other institutions. Russia got exactly what it wanted. Uncertainty. Especially among traditional allies.
Sanctions, trade war, throwing diplomats out of their country - genius.
It was obvious that if there was someone that Putin wanted elected, it wasn't Trump. It's even more obvious now. This is such a ridiculous **** show.

So you think that the Russians that offered Trump Jr. damaging information on Hillary Clinton weren't acting in the interest of Putin? Wow!
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So you think that the Russians that offered Trump Jr. damaging information on Hillary Clinton weren't acting in the interest of Putin? Wow!

how can you still believe this?
Putin is a master manipulator and is making all of Washington look silly. No matter what happens Putin has already accomplished his goal. Putin knows how much of an egomaniac Trump is and was able to play him and the whole administration like a fiddle. This story would have likely died a while ago, but Trump can keep his fingers off the keyboard. Putin and the rest of the world are probably watching this whole sit show laughing and thinking what morons the americans are and I cant blame them.
So the news today.... Mueller hired another lawyer. What a shocker. He could milk this for the entire first term and then release his "findings" during the 2020 campaign. Say right around August/September.

Wouldn't surprise me in the ******* least. And Tibs will still say it was "independent and impartial".....

And in today's news Mueller impanels a new grand jury, also senior FBI agents have been alerted to the fact that they will be subpoenaed to testify in THE OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST THE POTUS.

Keep listening to the ghetto toilet scrubber/paralegal coffee fetcher Steeltime when he tells you Trumptards that there is no case.

Bwahahahahahaha! It's about to hit the fan!
The biggest **** show is the Washington political establishment acting like a bunch of self serving hacks, revealing that the voting public is of little concern to them/us.

And you think you are of ANY concern to Trump?

To call you guys Trumptards does no justice to the level of stupidity and gullibility that it took to vote for that clown.
Nobody said politicians were the brightest bulbs on the tree. They are usually a laughing stock anyway.

There is no doubt the transition has been ****** up by design and we can thank our friends in the media and the democratic party for most of the problems we are seeing. From paid rioters to fake news, to this Russia BS that won't go away I think we are all ready for Washington to be put on the back burner of attention but that's not going to happen. there is too much power at stake and the losing side is doing everything, I mean everything to get it back. I believe that if Gandhi was president (and was a republican) the press and the democrats would do all they could to make him out to be a foreign spy and a serial killer.
Nobody said politicians were the brightest bulbs on the tree. They are usually a laughing stock anyway.

There is no doubt the transition has been ****** up by design and we can thank our friends in the media and the democratic party for most of the problems we are seeing. From paid rioters to fake news, to this Russia BS that won't go away I think we are all ready for Washington to be put on the back burner of attention but that's not going to happen. there is too much power at stake and the losing side is doing everything, I mean everything to get it back. I believe that if Gandhi was president (and was a republican) the press and the democrats would do all they could to make him out to be a foreign spy and a serial killer.

So Trump is not to blame at all?

You've got to be kidding.....yourself.
Anyone want some popcorn...or maybe a beer?


Bwahahahahahahahaha! Oh my! hahahaha...let the implosion begin!

The most interesting thing to watch for is that as the orange turd goes up in flames who will he try to take with him? I mean it's classic behavior for a narcissist like him.

I'm thinking he won't be able to stand the idea of Pence taking his job so he will be target #1
Funny watching you libtards get your hopes up. There's nothing there.
LMAO, Libtards are all like: Trump & Russia, Trump & Russia! Please be true... (ala Jeb, "please clap")
Elftard - create another similar thread to one that is on 60 pages and you'll have your thread-starting privileges banned until Mueller proves something.
Elftard - create another similar thread to one that is on 60 pages and you'll have your thread-starting privileges banned until Mueller proves something.

Mad bro?

If a grand jury has been summoned by Mueller that means the case is "made".

Ask Steeltime. I'm sure he may be honest with you guys and himself at this point.

The die is cast.
mad... at you? ******, please.
do you even know what this is?


Mueller's use of a grand jury could give him expansive tools to pursue evidence, including issuing subpoenas and compelling witnesses to testify. The Wall Street Journal earlier reported a grand jury was impaneled.

A spokesman for Mueller declined comment.

A grand jury is a group of ordinary citizens who, working behind closed doors, considers evidence of potential criminal wrongdoing that a prosecutor is investigating and decides whether charges should be brought.

"This is a serious development in the Mueller investigation," said Paul Callan, a former prosecutor.

"Given that Mueller inherited an investigation that began months ago, it would suggest that he has uncovered information pointing in the direction of criminal charges. But against whom is the real question."
The general sentiment on the board is the Robert Mueller investigation is kaput, buried on the back pages, kept alive only by propaganda.

Propaganda emanating from the *****-*** left-wing Stalin-loving media and - obviously - the Soros money-grubbing libtard posters here on the board.

What's that?

A grand jury?


Mueller impanels grand jury in Russia probe

Special counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly impaneled a grand jury in Washington as part of the ongoing investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

Such a move would signal that the investigation is growing and entering a new phase. The special counsel is looking into Russia's efforts to influence the election and any ties between President Trump's campaign and Moscow.
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And Ken Star called a grand jury as well. It still means nothing until it does.
Not sure this is tied to Russia, but what the **** is going on? Call it fake news all you want, if it makes it easier to sleep at night. The way this cabinet is operating is disturbing. As with everything related to Trump all I can ask is WTF?

We've now privatized the Secret Service where they get into a rental dispute with the friggin' president's own real estate company?


Wake me up when this nightmare's over. You Trumpsters own this clown for the rest of your waking days. Congrats for getting behind arguably the biggest asshat that's ever held public office.

Secret Service vacates Trump Tower command post after lease dispute: report

The Secret Service has vacated its command post in Trump Tower over a dispute with the Trump Organization regarding the agency's lease.

The Washington Post
reported Thursday that the Secret Service command post was moved to a trailer on a New York City sidewalk in early July. And a spokeswoman for President Trump's company has said the agency should seek space elsewhere.

“After much consideration, it was mutually determined that it would be more cost effective and logistically practical for the Secret Service to lease space elsewhere,” Amanda Miller said in an email to the Post.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/95jaWzP8R4lSE" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" height="254" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>

Talk about the tail wagging the dog, Jesus H. Christ.

The presidency is literally being run like a mom & pop shop in a strip mall, for the first time ever in 200+ years. I guess this is what people wanted that made the grave choice voting for Trump. #MAGA
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Trump has not visited Trump Tower since taking office in January; his wife Melania and youngest son Barron left the property to move into the White House in June. But the Secret Service still guards the building, which it regards as Trump’s permanent home.

The U.S. government is also leasing space in Trump Tower for a military office that provides support for the White House and handles the nuclear “football” – a mobile hub that the president would use to launch a nuclear strike.

The military leases that space for $130,000 a month from a businessman named Joel Anderson, rather than from Trump’s company itself.


Taxpayers are paying $130k rent a month(!!) on a space in Trump Tower for the US government's HQ of the 'mobile nuclear football?' In a non-governmental building Trump hasn't set foot in since January? Paying market-based rent?

Is this a joke? Tell me it's a joke.
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And Ken Star called a grand jury as well. It still means nothing until it does.

Yeahhhhhh.......I think you better look at the scoreboard there champ.

Where Starr's witch hunt was TRULY a witch hunt, you have a guy in Trump who refused to give up his tax returns. That should have been a clue for the clueless Trumptards.

Trump has a history of being a liar, a thief, and just a generally reprehensible human being. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

There is nowhere for him to run.

Taxpayers are paying $130k rent a month(!!) on a space in Trump Tower for the US government's HQ of the 'mobile nuclear football?' In a non-governmental building Trump hasn't set foot in since January? Paying market-based rent?

Is this a joke? Tell me it's a joke.

Yeah but Obama took a vacation once....that makes him Satan.........
Mad bro?

If a grand jury has been summoned by Mueller that means the case is "made".

Ask Steeltime. I'm sure he may be honest with you guys and himself at this point.

Jeez. The Grand Jury is necessary to issue subpoenas and have witnesses forced to testify under penalty of perjury.

It means NOTHING in terms of "ooooh, look what we have." It is actually the start of the investigation. Will the grand jury find anything? We'll see. But the existence of a grand jury means exactly nothing.

In point of fact - you wouldn't know this since you are not a lawyer and instead a wanna-be - grand juries are constantly in session, and called on to determine if there is enough evidence to issue an indictment.

The Criminal Grand Jury hears evidence brought by the District Attorney’s Office to determine on the basis of this evidence whether a crime has been committed and whether a certain person should be charged with a crime and required to stand trial in the Superior Court. Specifically, the Criminal Grand Jury must decide if there is a strong suspicion the individual committed the crime alleged.


Further, in law school - you know, where I learned to be a lawyer and not an uninformed fuckknob wanna-be - we had a saying: "A grand jury would indict a bologna sandwich." The showing is so pathetically low that if Trump is not indicted, there is literally no evidence - and I mean NONE - of criminal activity by Trump.

Lesson over.

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