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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Bwahahahahaha! Gotta love it!


Vladimer finds the foolish charade to be laughable.

Vladimer finds the foolish charade to be laughable.


Of course he's laughing dumbass. He runs your boy and he's got us scared shitless about the future of our country. When Donnie goes down it's still a win for him.
Of course he's laughing dumbass. He runs your boy and he's got us scared shitless about the future of our country.

Right, and you xe's were thrilled with a community organizer doubling the national debt, never reaching a 3% GDP growth rate, implementing a health insurance system that is failing and increasing medical insurance costs at a stunning rate, and who oversaw the collapse of American interests in the Middle East with "red lines" that were as substantial as a shadow.

No, nothing to worry about there since he was a "clean" black guy.
Of course he's laughing dumbass. He runs your boy and he's got us scared shitless about the future of our country. When Donnie goes down it's still a win for him.

You can tell by the way they constantly threaten each other and have been on the verge of war how much they love each other. Dig your head out of your *** for once.
You can tell by the way they constantly threaten each other and have been on the verge of war how much they love each other. Dig your head out of your *** for once.

Wait, what? Trump threaten Putin. "These sanctions are flawed." = Sorry, I have to do this.
Wait, what? Trump threaten Putin. "These sanctions are flawed." = Sorry, I have to do this.

Sanctions that will hurt us as much as them levied for no justifiable reason. Being international rivals doesn't mean cutting our nose off to spite our face.
The feeble mind of the libtard is so funny, yet pathetic at the same time. They get a sniff of Fake News and come running, all fired up. Then they're debunked and have to regroup in their safe spaces. It's a never ending circle of retardation,

Right, and you xe's were thrilled with a community organizer doubling the national debt, never reaching a 3% GDP growth rate, implementing a health insurance system that is failing and increasing medical insurance costs at a stunning rate, and who oversaw the collapse of American interests in the Middle East with "red lines" that were as substantial as a shadow.

No, nothing to worry about there since he was a "clean" black guy.

He's black, dammit!!! That's what matters! His people were oppressed so nothing He does can be wrong. Now quit being racist.
Right, and you xe's were thrilled with a community organizer doubling the national debt, never reaching a 3% GDP growth rate, implementing a health insurance system that is failing and increasing medical insurance costs at a stunning rate, and who oversaw the collapse of American interests in the Middle East with "red lines" that were as substantial as a shadow.

No, nothing to worry about there since he was a "clean" black guy.

I'm glad no other presidents before him increased the debt, Thanks for that lesson.....
Oh, and thank you president Obama. Not just for your grace and dignity, but for everything you did from getting healthcare to the masses and cleaning up the usual Repugnican economic mess Dems. always have to deal with.
Oh, and thank you president Obama. Not just for your grace and dignity, but for everything you did from getting healthcare to the masses and cleaning up the usual Repugnican economic mess Dems. always have to deal with.

Try putting more lipstick on that pig. He doubled the national debt in 8 years, by the same amount that took 200 years to build. Your cute little chart is garbage.
I'm glad no other presidents before him increased the debt, Thanks for that lesson.....

Bammy added to the national debt the same amount as every other President before him - including Presidents who financed the Civil War, and WWII - COMBINED.
Oh, and thank you president Obama. Not just for your grace and dignity, but for everything you did from getting healthcare to the masses and cleaning up the usual Repugnican economic mess Dems. always have to deal with.

You really are that dumb, aren't you?

Do you know why Bammy "reduced" the deficit so much, even when it remained in the hundreds of billions of dollars? Know why? Huh? Can you guess? Go ahead, give it a shot.


You pretend that taking the deficit from $1.2 to $900 billion to $800 billion to $700 billion is great ******* news.

Jus like I perdicted


‘This is a war’


President Trump and his campaign organization are going to war against the Russia investigations, said an official involved in the effort, launching a multipronged public relations offensive to spread distrust of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday blasted the Russian probe as a “conclusion in search of evidence.”

“They’ve come up with nothing,” she said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We’ve been doing this for almost a year now, and what is there to show for it? What has actually metastasized in a way that we can say, ‘Wow, there’s a smoking gun’?”

You really are that dumb, aren't you?

Do you know why Bammy "reduced" the deficit so much, even when it remained in the hundreds of billions of dollars? Know why? Huh? Can you guess? Go ahead, give it a shot.


You pretend that taking the deficit from $1.2 to $900 billion to $800 billion to $700 billion is great ******* news.


Bullshit. That graph starts with fiscal 2009 FOUR MONTHS before Obama became POTUS.


"At every step, we were told our goals were misguided or too ambitious; that we would crush jobs and explode deficits," Obama said. "Instead, we’ve seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, our deficits cut by two-thirds, a stock market that has doubled, and health care inflation at its lowest rate in fifty years."-------Translation for Steeltime the turd burglar= 'SUCK IT'

That graph is what happens when you increase taxes on the rich instead of giving them cuts like Repugnicans love to do.
Obama's corrupt regime exposed yet again, Comey the Clinton stooge, no wonder the press tried to bury this and started blaming Russia

DOJ Releases 400-Plus Pages of Lynch-Clinton Meeting Emails – After FBI Said No Records Existed

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ)


The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.



Reporters for NYT, WaPo Tried to Spin Lynch/Clinton Tarmac Meeting

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How stupid u must feel as a Trumptard:"I'm working hard..changing remote batteries"

Trump, who has repeatedly claimed he doesn’t watch CNN, angrily live-tweets CNN segment
From his private golf club, the president says he's "working hard."

Aaron Rupar
Aug 7, 2017, 9:14 am


At 7:32 a.m. Eastern Time on Monday, President Trump proclaimed that despite the fact he’s scheduled to spend the next two weeks away from the White House at his private golf club in New Jersey, he’s still working hard.


About three minutes later, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) joined CNN for an interview. At one point, Blumenthal was asked if he’s worried that the Trump-Russia scandal might distract Democrats from focusing on issues that affect Americans more directly, like the economy.

Blumenthal said that while he understands voters may have more pressing concerns than Russia, “the Russia investigation, the empanelment of the grand jury, shows that Bob Mueller is pursuing this potential wrongdoing by the Russians, the attack on our democracy, seriously and diligently.”

He went on to mention the Trump campaign’s possible role in the scandal.

“There is no minimizing or underestimating that attack by the Russians,” Blumenthal continued. “It was purposeful and relentless, and it involved propaganda and hacking into our voting machines — or at least an attempt to do it — and potential collusion by the Trump campaign, and then obstruction of justice. That investigation must be pursued.”

Blumenthal’s comments apparently interrupted whatever work Trump was doing. Despite the fact that the president has repeatedly claimed he doesn’t watch CNN — “I don’t watch CNN anymore,” he said in April, and “I don’t watch CNN… I don’t like watching fake news, he said in February — Trump made clear he tuned in for Blumenthal’s interview by tweeting out a string of attacks against the senator that hit his Twitter account less than 15 minutes after it ended.



In 2010, Blumenthal admitted to exaggerating his Vietnam War-era military record. Trump, meanwhile, was granted five deferments and never served. In 1997, Trump characterized his struggle to avoid contracting STDs as “my personal Vietnam.”

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there,” Trump told Howard Stern. “It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider.”

On Saturday, Trump tweeted that his 17-day trip to New Jersey “is not a vacation – meetings and calls!


Later that same day, he was photographed riding around in a golf cart, clubs in tow.



The pathological liar in chief....and just like everything else he does he sucks at it. Not a problem, the Trumptards will dangle from his wrinkled, STD combat scarred nutsack, to the bitter end....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

This guy is great. ******* hilarious and spot on. For all our armchair civil war aficionados here at SN. lol

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F1677291155901341%2Fvideos%2F1738298356467287%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
This guy is great. ******* hilarious and spot on. For all our armchair civil war aficionados here at SN. lol

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F1677291155901341%2Fvideos%2F1738298356467287%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

He nails it. We even have some of our local 'inbred morons' on this board talking civil war.

Where I disagree with him is that if the orange turd is removed we will be no better of with Pence or Ryan as POTUS. While they are hard core CONservatives at least they are rational.

Trump has the I.Q. of an empty shoe box combined with an ignorance and arrogance that could lead to a
disaster for the country or the planet that neither will be able to recover from.

Take them all out, Obama's corrupt Marxist regime getting exposed again!

Sessions investigating ‘slush fund’ used by left-wing groups

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is investigating up to $6 billion in legal settlement money that the Obama administration steered toward progressive causes and allies in left-wing advocacy groups.

A memo sent to US attorneys on July 28 ordered a review of a decade’s worth of payouts that Congressional Republicans have called a political slush fund.

Former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch regularly arranged for major corporations to make large “donations” to left-leaning groups like UnidosUS — formerly the National Council of La Raza — and NeighborWorks America during settlement negotiations to end banking, environmental, civil-rights, and other federal lawsuits.

The groups getting the money were not victims in the cases or parties to the lawsuits, and Republicans say they had no proper claim to the cash.

That means that all punitive damages awarded in the cases should have gone directly into the US Treasury, say Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who probed the scheme in 2015.

Instead, $3 billion of the multi-billion-dollar 2013 agreements with Citigroup and Bank of America to settle cases related to mortgage-backed securities went to community-organizing groups.

The $17 billion Bank of America deal gave the bank “extra credit” if it donated $100 million or more to activist groups approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The list included UnidosUS, which advocates for illegal immigrants; the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a left-leaning housing lobbyist group; Operation Hope, which pushes banks to lend to unqualified mortgage applicants in Los Angeles; and the Mutual Housing Association of New York, a spinoff of the controversial community-organizing group ACORN.

When you look at the type of politics Obama/Lynch/Holder brought to Washington D.C. it completely mirrors the corruption that most African-American controlled cities in America have been subject to for generations.

These type of "slush funds" and kickbacks and payoffs are everywhere in City Politics (which has a huge percentage of African American representation). From Chicago to Baltimore to Philadelphia to even my own Wilmington, DE... the ability they created in the system to funnel money to themselves and their associates is just mind boggling.

To Obama, these type of slush funds and payoffs are just a way of doing business. Used to be at the federal level these type of minor (millions) transactions were below the office. More of the rinkydink Mayor corruption we see everywhere. Not for Obama. He loved it. And Holder and Lynch conspired to look the other way.

Obama has and always will be the ultimate Big City snake oil salesman. All smoke and mirrors. All smooth talking shtick. Terrible at governing and somehow talked his way into making millions believe his lies that he was actually successful.
The lid is blowing off, they don't have his corrupt regime around to hide it all now

Obama’s Attorney General Used Fake Identity To Hide Clinton Investigation E-Mails

Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, used a fake name to cover up an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server, indicates an admission from Lynch’s attorney.

Lynch was caught conducting a secret meeting with Bill Clinton aboard a private plane on a tarmac in Phoenix last year as Clinton’s wife pursued the presidency and amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private, unsecured email server, which she illegally used during her tenure as secretary of State. Soon afterward, the former attorney general reportedly used a pseudonym to coordinate a narrative about the meeting with Department of Justice officials

Also shortly after the private plane meeting, former FBI director James Comey announced that agency would not pursue a case against Clinton, despite admitting he had enough evidence to do so.

A month later, Lynch announced the DOJ would not investigate the Clinton Foundation’s relationship with the State Department during Hillary’s tenure, despite the FBI’s reccommendation to do so. The chain of events caused many to question Lynch’s motives, as it was also widely reported that Hillary planned to keep Lynch as attorney general had Clinton won the election.

Using an email account under a fake name, Lynch (a.k.a. “Elizabeth Carlisle”) coordinated with DOJ officials to respond to queries about the secretive meeting with the former president. Lynch’s attorney, Robert Raben, confirmed her use of an alias on Monday and said she used an email account under a fake identity to prevent “inundation of mailboxes.”

Using fake names was a common tactic among Obama administration officials to evade accountability. AG Eric Holder, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson all did so when serving in public offices during Obama’s tenure.

Lois Lerner, an IRS official who has been suspected of using the tax-collecting agency to target conservative nonprofit organizations, is also thought to have used an email address registered to a pseudonym to conduct official business.

Like her predecessor, Eric Holder, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used an email alias to conduct government business

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When you look at the type of politics Obama/Lynch/Holder brought to Washington D.C. it completely mirrors the corruption that most African-American controlled cities in America have been subject to for generations.

These type of "slush funds" and kickbacks and payoffs are everywhere in City Politics (which has a huge percentage of African American representation). From Chicago to Baltimore to Philadelphia to even my own Wilmington, DE... the ability they created in the system to funnel money to themselves and their associates is just mind boggling.

To Obama, these type of slush funds and payoffs are just a way of doing business. Used to be at the federal level these type of minor (millions) transactions were below the office. More of the rinkydink Mayor corruption we see everywhere. Not for Obama. He loved it. And Holder and Lynch conspired to look the other way.

Obama has and always will be the ultimate Big City snake oil salesman. All smoke and mirrors. All smooth talking shtick. Terrible at governing and somehow talked his way into making millions believe his lies that he was actually successful.

So it's a black thing huh?

Even though what you just wrote about Obama is b.s. let's take away the privilege and do something similiar with Trump.

What does Trump mirror for white people? I mean besides wanting to screw his own daughter and being a racist?

Your turn.
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