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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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No, I don't want this to happen, nor do I wish for this to happen. Would be the biggest travesty in US political history, surpassing even Nixon. It would be a black mark on our democracy and overall a terrible thing. I'm just convinced there are so many skeletons in Trump's closet from over the years, his ties to the Russian mob, his illicit business dealings, the murky contacts and communication with Russians, the missteps of his campaign team, the ill-timed and ill-advised firing of Comey, that when all of it is laid out and exposed, there will be plenty there to indict him. I won't be happy about it, nor will I look at it as some sort of victory. I will see it for what it is, a sad and shameful moment in our history.

What part about Hildebeast's campaign staff admitting making up the Russia story did you miss?
Again, Tibs says "an indictment", not anything about Russia.

If you dig deep enough into ANY billionaire and go back far enough, you will find something to "indict" him on. Might not be something provable or even worth going to trial over (many are just settled out of court). Maybe a fine. But you WILL find something to indict.

When that happens (which given the unlimited resources of this "investigation" will), Tibs will claim "victory" in his position Trump is a criminal and should be expelled from office. But let's also make one thing clear Tibs. If I gave ANY investigator unlimited resources and subpoena power, EVERY President probably going to back to Kennedy could be indicted for something (well, maybe not Carter).

The only thing I am going to listen to out of the mouth of Mueller when the time comes is about RUSSIA. Period. Anything else he finds, anything else he claims as "criminal", I am going to consider a railroading of Washington insiders against a sitting President they don't want there. Whether true or not, it should have been outside the limits of what this investigation set out to do.

We will see what comes of all this, but I think it's a sham. A clear collusion between the intelligence committees, lobbiests and congress (both sides of aisle) to depose a sitting President legally elected by the American public using any means possible.
Again, Tibs says "an indictment", not anything about Russia.

If you dig deep enough into ANY billionaire and go back far enough, you will find something to "indict" him on. Might not be something provable or even worth going to trial over (many are just settled out of court). Maybe a fine. But you WILL find something to indict.

When that happens (which given the unlimited resources of this "investigation" will), Tibs will claim "victory" in his position Trump is a criminal and should be expelled from office. But let's also make one thing clear Tibs. If I gave ANY investigator unlimited resources and subpoena power, EVERY President probably going to back to Kennedy could be indicted for something (well, maybe not Carter).

The only thing I am going to listen to out of the mouth of Mueller when the time comes is about RUSSIA. Period. Anything else he finds, anything else he claims as "criminal", I am going to consider a railroading of Washington insiders against a sitting President they don't want there. Whether true or not, it should have been outside the limits of what this investigation set out to do.

We will see what comes of all this, but I think it's a sham. A clear collusion between the intelligence committees, lobbiests and congress (both sides of aisle) to depose a sitting President legally elected by the American public using any means possible.

Really? We already know Trump lied about "not having any deals or anything" to do with Russia. We also know Trump ADMITTED to obstruction of justice on national t.v.

We also now know Trumps lawyers have put out memos arguing that the Moron in Chief didn't obstruct justice.....why would you already be making that argument unless you know where Mueller is going????


I said it before YOUR BOY IS DONE...

How an obstruction of justice case may be shaping up against Trump
Documents that emerged this week offer insight into Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, legal experts say

Two of the most intriguing questions in US national political discourse – what does the special counsel Robert Mueller have on Donald Trump, and what more is he looking for? – were filled in at a remarkable pace this week, as details of highly sensitive documents and internal Trump Organization emails became public for the first time.

Taken together, the documents could indicate that the special counsel is looking seriously at whether Trump committed an obstruction of justice on potentially various fronts, legal experts say.

Certain additional documents whose existence was revealed for the first time – meeting notes taken by the former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and a letter of intent reportedly signed by Trump to build a tower in Moscow – seemed to undercut previous statements by the president, his son and others about relationships now under the scrutiny of Mueller’s team.

Mueller is charged with investigating alleged ties between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian operatives, and he is believed to be examining the past financial relationships of Trump, Manafort and others.

The Wall Street Journal revealed this week that Trump lawyers had submitted memos to Mueller arguing that the president did not obstruct justice by firing the former FBI director James Comey. Those memos were probably not written in a vacuum, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor and legal commentator.

“One important implication that you can draw from the fact that they sent the memo is that they believe that Mueller is seriously looking at obstruction,” Mariotti said. “They would not send that memo otherwise.”

In any obstruction of justice case against Trump, Mueller might also review reports from this week that Trump had directly contacted the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee after it was announced that Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr, was scheduled to speak with the committee, said Mariotti.

Mueller might additionally review this week’s report that before pardoning the Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, Trump asked the US attorney general, Jeff Sessions, whether it would be possible to drop federal criminal charges against Arpaio.

“I think that all goes into the same bucket of things that could be used by Mueller if he’s looking at obstruction of justice,” said Mariotti.

Draft letter
The documents were still flowing on Friday afternoon, with a New York Times report that Mueller was in possession of a draft letter explaining Trump’s rationale for firing Comey. The draft was reportedly written by Trump and an aide, Stephen Miller, but rejected by the White House counsel, on unknown grounds.

Trump has said he fired Comey while experiencing frustration at the FBI investigation of his campaign’s alleged Russia ties and at Comey’s refusal to publicly exculpate Trump. The firing ironically hastened the appointment of a special counsel, under whom the investigation has expanded.

Former US attorneys judged the draft letter and its possession by Mueller as significant. “Logical assumption: If WH Counsel wouldn’t let him send it, [Trump] had improper if not illegal motives for firing FBI Director Comey,” wrote Joyce Vance, a former federal prosecutor in Birmingham, Alabama, and now a University of Alabama law professor.

“Hard to assess significance without knowing the actual contents of the draft firing letter and why WH counsel vetoed it. But can’t be good,” wrote Preet Bharara, the former US attorney for the southern district of New York and now a professor at New York University’s law school.

yan Goodman, a former special counsel at the defense department, tweeted that a “big implication” of the draft letter’s existence was that Miller, the aide who helped Trump draft the letter, is “perhaps implicated in conspiracy to obstruct justice”.

Other documents revealed a changing narrative in Trump campaign contacts with Russian agents. The Washington Post reported Monday that during the campaign, Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen wrote an email to an aide to Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, asking for help with a real estate deal.

It was further revealed that early on in the presidential campaign, Trump signed a non-binding letter of intent to build a tower in Moscow, Cohen confirmed in a statement to ABC News. Trump claimed during the campaign that he “knows nothing about Russia” and had “no loans” and “no deals” there.

In a separate incident, Manafort took notes, since obtained by Mueller, about a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower arranged by Trump Jr, who expressed eagerness to receive damaging information about Hillary Clinton, NBC News reported on Friday.

Manafort’s notes reportedly referred to political contributions and to the “RNC”, or Republican National Committee. The president personally dictated a statement released by Trump Jr saying the meeting “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children”, the Washington Post reported in July.

The details of any Trump deal or debt with a Russian connection, if any exist, are not publicly known – but yet another headline this week indicated that Mueller may have gained insight on the subject. According to a Daily Beast report on Thursday, the special counsel has enlisted the help of agents from the criminal investigation unit of the Internal Revenue Service.

“I think he got everybody’s tax returns,” said Mariotti, now a defense attorney at Thompson Coburn in Chicago. “I have no professional, personal knowledge of it, but when you’re looking at someone for something unrelated to taxes, still to get tax return information is very valuable information that tells you a lot of valuable things: who owes them money, who they owe money to, and where they keep their money.”

Hahahahahaha - what, STILL no impeachment?

3 more weeks till Effie gets kicked for losing his bet
Yes ****. A week ago you said Trump would be impeached within a month.

Ze has also said ze was black, Jewish, Hispanic, transgender, queer, and intelligent.

You really think ze will remember a bet? Ze can't remember **** ze posted from page 1 to page 3 of a single thread.
Tick.....Tock.....Tick.....Tock......nothing to see here move along...



Pack your bags Effie

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman

Washington (CNN) - US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official

The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.



Obama's corrupt regime BUSTED again

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He who don't know nothing, must know something, eh elfie?


Pack your bags Effie

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman

Washington (CNN) - US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official

The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.



Obama's corrupt regime BUSTED again


Oh many people are going to jail alright..only they'll have an R next to their name..............

Just how delusional is Spike and the rest of the Trumptards here? THIS DELUSIONAL: READ BELOW

FBI wiretap of Manafort is big news, but not because it vindicates Trump’s claim.
Trump's accusation remains as groundless as ever.

SEP 19, 2017, 9:57 AM

On Monday night, CNN broke news that federal agents wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during stretches of time both before and after the 2016 election, including early this year — “a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.”

Not only does CNN’s report suggest there could be records of communications Manafort had with Trump, but it indicates investigators had good reason to believe Trump’s former campaign chairman was serving as an “agent of a foreign power.” Manafort reportedly made millions working for an oligarch closely tied to Putin, and presided over the Trump campaign during a time when it first came under FBI scrutiny for its Russia ties. CNN reports that “[t]he FBI interest in Manafort” dates back to when he was working on behalf of pro-Putin interests in Ukraine in 2014.

For WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, CNN’s bombshell report vindicated Trump’s allegation about President Obama “tapping” his phones.


But news that Manafort was wiretapped does not in fact vindicate Trump’s claim. As CNN reporter Marshall Cohen pointed out, the wiretap in question pertained to Paul Manafort the person, not Trump Tower, where Manafort reportedly bought a condo with cash in 2006.


CNN reported that it is “unclear whether Trump himself was picked up on the surveillance.” But as Lawfare explains, even if Trump was picked up, “incidental collection” of that sort happens routinely during the course of criminal and counterintelligence investigations.

“Press reports have indicated for months that at least one, and potentially multiple, close associates of Donald Trump were subject to FISA warrants,” Lawfare notes. “It is possible now—as has been noted many times since Trump tweeted his accusation in March—that if the U.S. president was in communication with these individuals, his communications might have been incidentally collected. That isn’t the same as being wiretapped—and being subject to incidental collection as part of lawful collection against a third party really is not the same thing as being wiretapped by President Obama.”

Lacking evidence, the president has continued accuse the Obama administration of misconduct. Just last week, Trump baselessly accused former National Security Adviser Susan Rice of wrongdoing.

The WikiLeaks connection

Assange isn’t exactly an objective source when it comes to commentary about the Trump campaign’s shady foreign dealings.

Trump’s closing campaign message revolved around emails hacked from Hillary Clinton’s campaign that were then published by WikiLeaks — he publicly mentioned them more than 160 times during the campaign’s closing month.

While Trump has repeatedly tried to downplay the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled on his behalf, his own appointees acknowledge that WikiLeaks aided the Trump-Russia effort.

In April, Trump’s CIA director, Mike Pompeo, denounced Assange’s organization, saying WikiLeaks “walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service.”

“It’s time to call out Wikileaks for what it is — a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” he added.

UPDATE (9/19, 12:45 p.m.): While CNN’s report about the Manafort wiretap doesn’t vindicate Trump in any way, right-wing media outlets are nonetheless pushing that narrative on Tuesday.

Both Breitbart and Fox News have published and are promoting misleading “Trump vindicated” stories about the latest Manafort revelations.



The fantasy world of Spike and the Trumptards...where up is down and down is up, meanwhile the Trump train is going up in flames............TICK.....TOCK......TICK.....TOCK.....Lol it won't be long now kids.

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