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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman


Forget RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, that **** is OVER

4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!


And the headlines should read "The Obama administration wiretapped......." not "The US Government"

Fake News will never admit they were wrong again.
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Paranoia in the West Wing:"If you've got nothing to hide why worry?"...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Trumps lawyers are hiring lawyers, and they can't trust the person next to them...WHY would you be so worried if that CONservative mantra of: "If you've got nothing to hide why worry?" is true?

Of course it's because you do have something to hide. Shades of Nixon as the downfall begins.



White House staff is so worried about Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's possible collusion with Donald Trump's campaign that some in the West Wing are suspicious their colleagues are wearing a wire.

In private, White House officials have said they are afraid their co-workers may be secretly recording their conversations to pass along to Mueller, the investigation’s special counsel, according to a report in The New York Times Sunday.

Mueller has hired 17 prosecutors for his investigation into whether Trump's campaign helped Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 election. Among these lawyers are experts in transnational crime and money laundering.

White House staff has begun hiring its own lawyers to defend themselves as Mueller seeks to interview them. In early September, White House communications director Hope Hicks hired a personal attorney, according to Politico.

Mueller is expected to interview Hicks as well as former press secretary Sean Spicer and former chief of staff Reince Priebus. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s spokesman Josh Raffel, deputy White House counsel James Burnham, and White House counsel Don McGahn are also wanted for questioning, according to The Washington Post.

Kushner, a senior adviser to the president, has had his own attorneys working on his defense for months. McGahn has also hired his own attorney. Like the others, McGahn is expected to answer questions about Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, who Trump said was kicked out for his work on the Russia investigation. Mueller is reportedly investigating whether the firing could be considered an obstruction of justice.

Read more: New legislation to protect Russia investigation’s Robert Mueller from Trump

Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee in early June that Trump urged him to drop a strand of the FBI’s Russia investigation looking at fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn misrepresented his contacts with Russian officials during the campaign and was later revealed to have been working as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey.

Key White House aides are being targeted for questioning because they were involved in crafting a public response to Flynn’s contacts with Russian officials. Hicks is also likely to be questioned about the White House response after it was discovered that Donald Trump Jr. met at Trump Tower in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer after being promised compromising material from the Kremlin on candidate Hillary Clinton.

As the president’s top White House lawyer, McGahn is debating how much the administration should hand over to Mueller, according to a conversation between Trump’s top personal lawyer, John Dowd, and Ty Cobb, an attorney managing the White House response to the Russia investigation. A New York Times reporter overheard the conversation at Washington D.C.’s BLT Steak, a steakhouse not far from the White House, last week.

Cobb’s approach is to turn over as many emails and documents requested by Mueller’s team in order to exonerate President Trump as quickly as possible. McGahn has pushed a counterargument that Cobb’s approach would set a precedent that would weaken the presidential office's executive privilege as well as the privileged conversations and advice the president seeks from top lawyers.

“The White House counsel’s office is being very conservative with this stuff,” Cobb was overheard telling Dowd. “Our view is, we’re not hiding anything,” he said, noting that McGahn has “got a couple documents locked in a safe.”



Pack your bags Effie

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman

Washington (CNN) - US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official

The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.



Obama's corrupt regime BUSTED again


Oh many people are going to jail alright..only they'll have an R next to their name..............

Just how delusional is Spike and the rest of the Trumptards here? THIS DELUSIONAL: READ BELOW

FBI wiretap of Manafort is big news, but not because it vindicates Trump’s claim.
Trump's accusation remains as groundless as ever.

SEP 19, 2017, 9:57 AM

On Monday night, CNN broke news that federal agents wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during stretches of time both before and after the 2016 election, including early this year — “a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.”

Not only does CNN’s report suggest there could be records of communications Manafort had with Trump, but it indicates investigators had good reason to believe Trump’s former campaign chairman was serving as an “agent of a foreign power.” Manafort reportedly made millions working for an oligarch closely tied to Putin, and presided over the Trump campaign during a time when it first came under FBI scrutiny for its Russia ties. CNN reports that “[t]he FBI interest in Manafort” dates back to when he was working on behalf of pro-Putin interests in Ukraine in 2014.

For WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, CNN’s bombshell report vindicated Trump’s allegation about President Obama “tapping” his phones.


But news that Manafort was wiretapped does not in fact vindicate Trump’s claim. As CNN reporter Marshall Cohen pointed out, the wiretap in question pertained to Paul Manafort the person, not Trump Tower, where Manafort reportedly bought a condo with cash in 2006.


CNN reported that it is “unclear whether Trump himself was picked up on the surveillance.” But as Lawfare explains, even if Trump was picked up, “incidental collection” of that sort happens routinely during the course of criminal and counterintelligence investigations.

“Press reports have indicated for months that at least one, and potentially multiple, close associates of Donald Trump were subject to FISA warrants,” Lawfare notes. “It is possible now—as has been noted many times since Trump tweeted his accusation in March—that if the U.S. president was in communication with these individuals, his communications might have been incidentally collected. That isn’t the same as being wiretapped—and being subject to incidental collection as part of lawful collection against a third party really is not the same thing as being wiretapped by President Obama.”

Lacking evidence, the president has continued accuse the Obama administration of misconduct. Just last week, Trump baselessly accused former National Security Adviser Susan Rice of wrongdoing.

The WikiLeaks connection

Assange isn’t exactly an objective source when it comes to commentary about the Trump campaign’s shady foreign dealings.

Trump’s closing campaign message revolved around emails hacked from Hillary Clinton’s campaign that were then published by WikiLeaks — he publicly mentioned them more than 160 times during the campaign’s closing month.

While Trump has repeatedly tried to downplay the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled on his behalf, his own appointees acknowledge that WikiLeaks aided the Trump-Russia effort.

In April, Trump’s CIA director, Mike Pompeo, denounced Assange’s organization, saying WikiLeaks “walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service.”

“It’s time to call out Wikileaks for what it is — a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” he added.

UPDATE (9/19, 12:45 p.m.): While CNN’s report about the Manafort wiretap doesn’t vindicate Trump in any way, right-wing media outlets are nonetheless pushing that narrative on Tuesday.

Both Breitbart and Fox News have published and are promoting misleading “Trump vindicated” stories about the latest Manafort revelations.



The fantasy world of Spike and the Trumptards...where up is down and down is up, meanwhile the Trump train is going up in flames............TICK.....TOCK......TICK.....TOCK.....Lol it won't be long now kids.

Oh, I don't know. If they wire tapped Manafort, is it really a stretch to think that they may have tapped others including Trump himself?

I don't think it is, but then, I view government as part of the problem rather than my salvation so.......
so refreshing to see you supportive of more government waste and heavying the burden on the taxpayer.

Feds Wiretapped Paul Manafort Before And After The Election

The surveillance was ended at some point last year because of a lack of evidence, one source told CNN, but investigators obtained another warrant at some point during the presidential campaign.






4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

1 more week till Effie is expelled because....... NO IMPEACHMENT!
Gee, I don't know. I imagine that any head of a global business with over 20,000 employees around the world would be wary if a team of 20 lawyers (most of whom are friendly to the opposition) had unlimited budget and seemingly unlimited scope to find something to pin on him. Just guessing.
Another Garbage thread - he just starts the same bullshit threads over and over

POP got banned for less
now for the real criminals - DEMS!


TAZE them bro!

Three Democrat Congressmen arrested at Trump Tower

Three Democratic members of Congress have been arrested at a protest outside Trump Tower.


U.S. Reps Raul Grijalva, of Arizona; Luis Gutierrez, of Illinois; and Adriano Espaillat, of New York, were among a small group of demonstrators who sat down in the street on Fifth Avenue Tuesday afternoon and refused to move.



Search their homes, deport their illegal servants!
what elfie has just done is prove that the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, is right again.

Oh, bullshit, Supe. I watched ABC News, NBC news, and CBS news on Monday night, and did not hear one ******* word about a Trump campaign official being wiretapped by the government, i.e., the Obama administration.

Therefore, it did not happen.
all u need to know...

Obama Wiretapped Paul Manafort Before And After The Election

He was investigated earlier, but they dropped the investigation because they found NOTHING.

Then they reopened it again a few months later, when he joined the Trump Campaign and found NOTHING

James Clapper out-and-out LIED!

Remember When James Clapper Categorically Denied Any Wiretap Against Trump Campaign?

In March the former Director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama appeared on Meet the Press to respond to President Donald Trump‘s now-infamous tweets regarding a “wiretap”

I will say that, for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against– the president elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign.



What would a day be without liberal outrage at something?

The Left Is Now Triggered By Cotton

For the left, the microaggression du jour is cotton, apparently.

Last week, a woman by the name of Daniell Rider slammed Hobby Lobby in a Facebook post over an innocuous display of cotton in vases.

“This décor is WRONG on SO many levels,” she wrote. "There is nothing decorative about raw cotton. A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves.”


Oh, I don't know. If they wire tapped Manafort, is it really a stretch to think that they may have tapped others including Trump himself?

I don't think it is, but then, I view government as part of the problem rather than my salvation so.......

If they wiretapped Manafort and Manafort talks to Trump, then Trump is wiretapped too.
The prior Administration is looking more and more like a crime syndicate then a governing body. Lock them all up.
What will come of this new info though? Do we REALLY think that charges will be brought up against Barry, Hillary, and the like? And even if there ARE charges, it will be swept under the rug and called a vast right- wing or alt-right conspiracy.
I see the main difference between this and the investigation of the Clinton White House as being with Clinton nobody would agree to testify, and anybody that did agree to testify turned up dead shortly there after. In the case of the trump White House people are cooperating fully and The investigators simply aren't finding anything except evidence of wrongdoing by the Obama administration during the election cycle.
We need to seriously investigate the DWS fiasco, with the Pakistani IT people. It is now coming out that there was another private server, and that the resulting security leaks could be massive. The Washington cesspool stench is getting worse and worse every day. Treasonous ******** should be publicly executed.
What would a day be without liberal outrage at something?

The Left Is Now Triggered By Cotton

For the left, the microaggression du jour is cotton, apparently.

Last week, a woman by the name of Daniell Rider slammed Hobby Lobby in a Facebook post over an innocuous display of cotton in vases.

“This décor is WRONG on SO many levels,” she wrote. "There is nothing decorative about raw cotton. A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves.”



So............Its 200 year old cotton?
What will come of this new info though? Do we REALLY think that charges will be brought up against Barry, Hillary, and the like? And even if there ARE charges, it will be swept under the rug and called a vast right- wing or alt-right conspiracy.

Charges for what? What is the crime and how were they involved?
mensa genius

Charges for what? What is the crime and how were they involved?

They had FISA warrants. In that case I do not believe they did anything illegal. Slimy, underhanded and unethical, sure. But Illegal? Nah.
It was always implied that when Trump said "me" about wire tapping he meant his "team" and advisers.

Now we have proof and admission that they wire tapped Manafort while he was working for Trump.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me who is correct on that issue.
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