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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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So Obama administration was wire-tapping a member of the Trump campaign? And apparently Tibs and elfie are not concerned, in the least, with that??

Help a brother out. What was Watergate about?
So Obama administration was wire-tapping a member of the Trump campaign? And apparently Tibs and elfie are not concerned, in the least, with that??

In fact, I'm extremely concerned. Concerned that for the first time in history we've elected a group of criminals and traitors to run the US government. Who wouldn't be concerned about that?
In fact, I'm extremely concerned. Concerned that for the first time in history we've elected a group of criminals and traitors to run the US government. Who wouldn't be concerned about that?
Don't worry Tibsy. I am sure we can reverse the damage that the Obama crime syndicate has done. Stay tuned.

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In fact, I'm extremely concerned. Concerned that for the first time in history we've elected a group of criminals and traitors to run the US government. Who wouldn't be concerned about that?

There is absolutely no way you typed that with a straight face after the last eight years.
Here's your criminal

Clinton Moved $800,000 From Her Campaign to Help Fund Antifa

According to Federal Election Commission documents, Hillary Clinton transferred $800,000 from her failed political campaign “Hillary for America” to her new Super-PAC “Onward Together”, before she announced the existence of the PAC in May, 2017.

“Onward Together”, is heavily backing “resistance” and Alt-Left extremist groups such as ANTIFA.

Amid other disturbing details, it’s now been revealed that “Onward Together” is a 501(c)4 “Social Welfare” organization, which means that it’s not required to disclose many of the details of its operations to the public or disclose who its donors are.

By receiving campaign funds, and then furnishing the funds to Antifa terrorist groups, Clinton may have implicated many of her supporters in a crime.


In fact, I'm extremely concerned. Concerned that for the first time in history we've elected a group of criminals and traitors to run the US government. Who wouldn't be concerned about that?

how concerned would you have been had Bush been wiretapping Obama?
or Bush Sr wiretapping Clinton?
so now the spin is that Manafort was just a campaign manager and not Trump himself.


Does this mean the Russia investigation should cease? I mean, it was Podesta's email that was hacked and you just said the campaign manager is not the same as the candidate, so apparently the Russians did not hack Hillary or the election.

But i forget, liberals don't understand logic.

There are deep connections from Trump to the Russian mob going way back. Using his casinos to launder their money, shady real estate deals also to launder money, supplying said mobsters with apartments from which said they conducted criminal activities, and add to that obstruction of justice in the firing of Comey to avoid law enforcement from finding out all of the above..............it's a target rich environment.

It's not a lack of evidence as cartoon man posted above, it's quite the opposite. There are so many avenues this investigation could have gone down Mueller has probably had a harder time with that than anything else. Make no mistake though; the president is finished.

Why do you think the Repugnicans are trying to rush Trumpcare and tax reform through? That's because there will not be four yearsin which to get it done. They know when the president is removed and everything brought out into the light at that point they've lost the senate, the house, or both in 2018.

Even people on your side are telling you the game is up, but fools like the Trumptards here are determined to maintain the delusion.

George W. Bush’s Ethics Chief: This ‘May Be What Puts An End To This White House’

“There’s obviously collaboration. They’ve got to stop denying that.”

Richard Painter, a former ethics chief in the George W. Bush White House, said the Robert Mueller investigation might come down to just one question: Why did Donald Trump fire James Comey as FBI director?

If it turns out it was to block the Russia investigation, that would be obstruction, Painter said on MSNBC on Wednesday. And that, he predicted, would be the end of this administration.

Earlier Wednesday, The New York Times had reported that special counsel Mueller was seeking information and documents related to the decision to fire Comey in May, among other requests.

“The president once again has the right to fire the FBI director,” Painter said on MSNBC. “But not the right the fire to FBI director in order to obstruct an ongoing investigation of the collaboration with the Russians.”

He added:

“And there’s obviously collaboration. They’ve got to stop denying that. The only question is whether it was illegal collaboration. But the obstruction of justice and the lying ultimately may be what puts an end to this White House. They are in serious trouble on this.”

See the full discussion above.



how concerned would you have been had Bush been wiretapping Obama?
or Bush Sr wiretapping Clinton?
Neither of those happened since Obama and Clinton aren't criminals and traitors who colluded with foreign governments, thus your question has no relevance.
Neither of those happened since Obama and Clinton aren't criminals and traitors who colluded with foreign governments, thus your question has no relevance.

oh. my bad. you're 100% correct.
please list all the times that Donald Trump has been arrested below.
and continued and continued and continued........

A chart from Compass Point's Issac Boltansky and Lukas Davaz shows that the average length of special counsel investigations, dating back to Watergate, last on average 904 days.

The longest such investigation was the investigation into President Bill Clinton's Whitewater real-estate deals. That investigation eventually morphed with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It went on for 2,978 days.

The investigation into the arms deals around the Iran-Contra affair under President Ronald Reagan lasted 2,420 days.


Here's how long investigations like the one into Trump and Russia usually last
So well over two year average and the outcome is no sure thing for anyone on either side. Sounds like a waste of money and time to me considering how a lot of those went. The clock is ticking very slowly.
Regardless how long it takes, let's find out the truth. Nothing is more important than that, agreed?
Obama's corrupt regime caught red-handed in illegal spying!

Obama’s Spy Scandal? James Clapper Claims FISA Wiretap Of Paul Manafort Conducted Without His Knowledge

James Clapper Claims FISA Wiretap Of Paul Manafort Conducted Without His Knowledge

Earlier this week CNN reported what radio talk show host (and former Justice Department official) Mark Levin revealed in March, that secret FISA court orders had been implemented during the Obama Administration to wire tap Paul Manafort. Mediaite then pointed out that the former Director of National Intelligence under President Obama, James Clapper, had unequivocally denied the existence of any such FISA wiretap during an interview on Meet the Press:

The FBI under James Comey’s direction and under President Obama’s control conducted covert, renegade surveillance of American citizens without the appropriate oversight or constitutional checks and balances at such a high level that even the Director of National Intelligence was kept in the dark.



No denying it, the desperate will try anything to cover this up

The Obama administration, along with all the facets of his corrupt government, was spying on a Presidential candidate from the opposing party.
Did Obama Spy on America to Protect Islamists?

After months of denials, the pretext for Susan Rice’s eavesdropping on Trump officials has finally been made public. It had been widely known that Obama’s former National Security Adviser had contrived to unmask the names of top Trump officials who had been spied on by the administration. And the same media that still treats Watergate as the Great American Scandal had claimed that there was nothing “improper” in an Obama loyalist eavesdropping on members of the opposition party.

Every time Obama Inc. was caught eavesdropping on opposition politicians, it presented its spin in a carefully packaged “scoop” to a major media outlet. This time was no different.

When Obama Inc. spied on members of Congress to protect its Iran nuke sellout, it packaged the story to the Wall Street Journal under the headline, “U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress”.

The idea was that Obama Inc. was “legitimately” spying on Israel, that it just happened to intercept the conversations of some members of Congress and American Jews, and that the eavesdropping somehow meant that its victims, Jewish and non-Jewish, rather than its White House perpetrators, should be ashamed.

The White House had demanded the conversations between Prime Minister Netanyahu, members of Congress and American Jews because it "believed the intercepted information could be valuable to counter Mr. Netanyahu's campaign." This was domestic surveillance carried out under the same pretext as in the Soviet Union which had also accused its dissident targets of secretly serving foreign interests.

Obama and his minions had used the NSA to spy on Americans opposed to its policies. Including members of Congress. They did this by conflating their own political agenda with national security.

The Obama edition of Watergate wasn’t committed merely for domestic political gain. It was carried out for a reason that was encompassed in his address to the United Nations after the Benghazi massacre.

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

This foul slogan led to the first arrest of a filmmaker for political speech in almost a century. It led to the sordid betrayal of our national security and our allies. And to domestic espionage against Americans.

The future must not belong on those who spy on Americans to protect Islamism.




James Clapper: 'It's possible' that Trump's voice was picked up by Manafort wiretap

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper suggested on Wednesday that "it's possible" that President Trump's voice was picked up in a wiretap as he spoke with his former campaign manager Paul Manafort.

"I wouldn't want to go there, but I will say it's possible," Clapper said.

Manafort's spokesman, Jason Maloni, condemned the report, saying "If true, it is a felony to reveal the existence of a FISA warrant, regardless of the fact that no charges ever emerged."


The MSM has gotten to Homeland Security and they are claiming the Russians hacked 21 state elections. This must be so frustrating for Trump as they ignore the 3-5 million illegals who voted.

A president who operates in an alternative reality. What could go wrong?
Regardless how long it takes, let's find out the truth. Nothing is more important than that, agreed?

I agree, but that isn't what you want. You want Trump removed as President, whatever that takes, whether it is the truth or not. You know damn well that if Meuller's investigation clears Trump, you will be here posting how the fix is in. What you want is the truth as you believe it to be.

If people really wanted the truth, and actually took the time to find it, none of these ******** in government would have jobs right now, and we as a nation of Americans would be far better off.
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Neither of those happened since Obama and Clinton aren't criminals and traitors who colluded with foreign governments, thus your question has no relevance.

Tibs, you too engage in the logical fallacy of "begging the question." You say Trump is a criminal, so it's okay to wiretap his conversations (by going after his staff), but that Obama and Clinton were not criminals, so tapping their conversations would be illegitimate.

Wait, what? If the DOJ had evidence that Trump had committed crimes, they wouldn't need to tap his campaign staff - they could arrest him. What is actually going on is this - the politicized DOJ tapped conversations of Trump and his campaign officials. Word is that the original tap on Manafort revealed "nothing," yet his conversations were tapped a second time, in the midst of the campaign.

Please, explain how this is different than what the Nixon administration did.
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