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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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From everything I'm seeing it sounds to me like Bannon expected to be running the show, and got pissed that Jared and Ivanka had more influence over Trump than he did.
As I said... Trump's attorney sent a cease and desist letter to the author and publisher.

That really put the fear of God into them, lol.

Explosive book on Trump's White House to be released early after Trump's lawyers try to stop its publication

An explosive new book claiming to have the inside scoop on Donald Trump's White House is going on sale early due to "unprecedented demand," the publisher has said.

Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House sparked outcry and threats of legal action from the administration after scandalous, advance excerpts were published in several different outlets.

Attorneys for Mr Trump sent cease and desist letters to Mr Wolff and his publisher, demanding that the book's release be halted. The publisher, Henry Holt, appears not to have heeded the warnings.

"Here we go. You can buy it (and read it) tomorrow," Mr Wolff tweeted on Thursday. "Thank you, Mr. President."
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"> <a href="https://t.co/cYwLusNVa3">pic.twitter.com/cYwLusNVa3</a></p>— BlueVotr (@BlueVotr) <a href="https://twitter.com/BlueVotr/status/949023502169907200?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 4, 2018</a></blockquote>
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They'll get sued to the point of bankruptcy.
Really? You think Trump is going to testify in court? Just another example of a bully trying to throw his weight around, only to be bluntly ignored. lol

Also, you have to ask yourself the question, if this book is so full of lies and fallacies, why are Trump and his handlers falling over themselves trying to keep it from being published? Because it provides an indepth look at the FUBAR situation in the WH and inside of Trump's head, that's why.
Really? You think Trump is going to testify in court? Just another example of a bully trying to throw his weight around, only to be bluntly ignored. lol

Also, you have to ask yourself the question, if this book is so full of lies and fallacies, why are Trump and his handlers falling over themselves trying to keep it from being published? Because it provides an indepth look at the FUBAR situation in the WH and inside of Trump's head, that's why.

You can't just publish lies about someone, and this author has a known history of doing it. It depends on how serious Trump takes it. He could dismiss the book as lies and Trump Nation won't buy it, or he could bring the biggest libel suit the world has ever seen. Probably both.

One thing for sure is that every little snippet in the book will cause you socialists to collectively lose your ****. That will be great entertainment.
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From everything I'm seeing it sounds to me like Bannon expected to be running the show, and got pissed that Jared and Ivanka had more influence over Trump than he did.

Probably, everyone around Trump is a psychopath seems like.

It doesn't matter because Wolff was allowed in the White House over 30 times, had some of those people over for dinner at his home, and...the best part; has hours of recordings to back up his claims, so it's not just Bannon's word. Notice that Trump won't attack Wolff?

Trump will be suing no one, all he can do is shut his mouth and eat it. Of course he won't because he is that stupid.
One thing for sure is that every little snippet in the book will cause you socialists to collectively lose your ****. That will be great entertainment.

From what little I've read, there is nothing in that book that will come as a surprise or revelation to me. It just corrobolates what an absolute trainwreck Trump and his administration is. Something, again, that's been well known to anyone paying the slighest bit of attention over the past year.
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The always spot-on Gorka says the book is full of lies and that Wolff is a hack. The only “people” who will read his tabloid trash are you libtards who still can’t get over the fact that Trump won.
LOL the Trump enclave is out in full force to disparage the book and its author. Because none of it is true, that's why they're so worried about it. Naturally they got FoxNews and the weasel Gorka involved to do their bidding. Shocking turn of events.
Agree 100% with this guy, former Bush ethics lawyer. There is no point in waiting for Mueller's investigation, which could go on for months still. These are dire times for the country. Pence is a dipshit, but we'd sleep easier at night.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPoliticusJason%2Fvideos%2F1692889770857508%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="407" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
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LOL the Trump enclave is out in full force to disparage the book and its author. Because none of it is true, that's why they're so worried about it. Naturally they got FoxNews and the weasel Gorka involved to do their bidding. Shocking turn of events.

The Stock Market reacted to this devastating news by.....................................

SURPASSING 25,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agree 100% with this guy, former Bush ethics lawyer. There is no point in waiting for Mueller's investigation, which could go on for months still. These are dire times for the country. Pence is a dipshit, but we'd sleep easier at night.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPoliticusJason%2Fvideos%2F1692889770857508%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="407" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

What’s funny is that you commies think that the Fake News MSM has any clout. Trump has rendered them impotent. We all just sit back and laugh at all of you unhinged, crying screamers.
Agree 100% with this guy, former Bush ethics lawyer. There is no point in waiting for Mueller's investigation, which could go on for months still. These are dire times for the country. Pence is a dipshit, but we'd sleep easier at night.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPo liticusJason%2Fvideos%2F1692889770857508%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="407" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

The Bushes dislike Trump? Really?

White House Staffers Expect Robert Mueller's Investigation to Take Down the President


It's time for the Committee to Save America heroes to go on the record.

One day after a passage from a forthcoming book on the Trump White House elicited a hilarious hissy fit that all but included a presidential version of the "Friendship Ended With" meme, The Hollywood Reporter has published another excerpt sure to become fodder for an unhinged tweetstorm in the near future. And while the same caveats about the book's author, Michael Wolff, must be reiterated here—the man has a reputation for, um, getting creative where doing so might serve his interests—the most significant takeaway is that, in private, few people working in the highest levels of the Trump White House believe their boss can survive Robert Mueller's Russia probe.

Whatever the substance of the Russia "collusion," Trump, in the estimation of his senior staff, did not have the discipline to navigate a tough investigation, nor the credibility to attract the caliber of lawyers he would need to help him. (At least nine major law firms had turned down an invitation to represent the president.)

Wolff claims that White House insiders were aghast at Trump's "inability to grasp how much Mueller had on him and his family," and that before he left the administration to pursue a career in losing elections in an embarrassing fashion, Steve Bannon was telling colleagues that he believed the president had only a one in three chance of making it to the end of his first term. Impeachment, he figured, was equally as likely, as was resignation in response to attempts to remove the president from office via the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. (The passage includes several alarming anecdotes about Trump's cognitive ability, which has allegedly taken such a nosedive that staffers now steer him away from interviews in which he hasn't received the questions in advance.)

Everybody was painfully aware of the increasing pace of his repetitions. It used to be inside of 30 minutes he'd repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-expression, the same three stories—now it was within 10 minutes. Indeed, many of his tweets were the product of his repetitions—he just couldn't stop saying something.

Wolff and his publisher, of course, have presumably selected the book's most salacious excerpts. The fact that these efforts have now resulted in White House lawyers billing some serious hours—Trump reportedly sent a cease-and-desist letter to Bannon last night, and has threatened to take legal action against Wolff if the book goes to print—is the best bit of free advertising they could have hoped for. ("Buy the explosive tell-all the White House doesn't want you to see!")
Even if Wolff has every incentive to embellish the details here and there, though, the high-level revelation that many in Trump's inner circle have no faith in his ability to do his job is grim. We've heard often about the exploits of the "Committee to Save America," a loose confederation of administration officials who allegedly prevent the president from acting on his worst impulses and dumbest ideas—and who are eager to anonymously share news of their heroism with political reporters. This storyline has always smacked of craven self-preservation, and sure enough, the evidence is piling up that these people, in the interest of bolstering the Republican agenda and/or furthering their own careers, are knowingly covering up for a president in decline—and one who, they believe, could be undone by Robert Mueller's investigation in short order. Quitting the administration and sharing what they know with the American people would be the courageous and patriotic thing to do. But in this White House, those qualities are in short supply.
White House Staffers Expect Robert Mueller's Investigation to Take Down the President


It's time for the Committee to Save America heroes to go on the record.

One day after a passage from a forthcoming book on the Trump White House elicited a hilarious hissy fit that all but included a presidential version of the "Friendship Ended With" meme, The Hollywood Reporter has published another excerpt sure to become fodder for an unhinged tweetstorm in the near future. And while the same caveats about the book's author, Michael Wolff, must be reiterated here—the man has a reputation for, um, getting creative where doing so might serve his interests—the most significant takeaway is that, in private, few people working in the highest levels of the Trump White House believe their boss can survive Robert Mueller's Russia probe.

Whatever the substance of the Russia "collusion," Trump, in the estimation of his senior staff, did not have the discipline to navigate a tough investigation, nor the credibility to attract the caliber of lawyers he would need to help him. (At least nine major law firms had turned down an invitation to represent the president.)

Wolff claims that White House insiders were aghast at Trump's "inability to grasp how much Mueller had on him and his family," and that before he left the administration to pursue a career in losing elections in an embarrassing fashion, Steve Bannon was telling colleagues that he believed the president had only a one in three chance of making it to the end of his first term. Impeachment, he figured, was equally as likely, as was resignation in response to attempts to remove the president from office via the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. (The passage includes several alarming anecdotes about Trump's cognitive ability, which has allegedly taken such a nosedive that staffers now steer him away from interviews in which he hasn't received the questions in advance.)

Everybody was painfully aware of the increasing pace of his repetitions. It used to be inside of 30 minutes he'd repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-expression, the same three stories—now it was within 10 minutes. Indeed, many of his tweets were the product of his repetitions—he just couldn't stop saying something.

Wolff and his publisher, of course, have presumably selected the book's most salacious excerpts. The fact that these efforts have now resulted in White House lawyers billing some serious hours—Trump reportedly sent a cease-and-desist letter to Bannon last night, and has threatened to take legal action against Wolff if the book goes to print—is the best bit of free advertising they could have hoped for. ("Buy the explosive tell-all the White House doesn't want you to see!")
Even if Wolff has every incentive to embellish the details here and there, though, the high-level revelation that many in Trump's inner circle have no faith in his ability to do his job is grim. We've heard often about the exploits of the "Committee to Save America," a loose confederation of administration officials who allegedly prevent the president from acting on his worst impulses and dumbest ideas—and who are eager to anonymously share news of their heroism with political reporters. This storyline has always smacked of craven self-preservation, and sure enough, the evidence is piling up that these people, in the interest of bolstering the Republican agenda and/or furthering their own careers, are knowingly covering up for a president in decline—and one who, they believe, could be undone by Robert Mueller's investigation in short order. Quitting the administration and sharing what they know with the American people would be the courageous and patriotic thing to do. But in this White House, those qualities are in short supply.

The Mueller Investigation, with all of the resources of the Dept of Justice and all of the 3 letter departments, have spent over a year trying to sink this President........and now you are pinning your hopes on a ******* book?

You guys are sad.

So you’re giddy about someone lying - which is clearly stated that this guy does - and it costing more taxpayer money to pursue and defend against and that White House staffers believe that the people reviewing this lie or lies will believe them?
The Mueller Investigation, with all of the resources of the Dept of Justice and all of the 3 letter departments, have spent over a year trying to sink this President........and now you are pinning your hopes on a ******* book? You guys are sad. Pathetic.
Nobody is pinning anything on the book. All that's coming out in the book, is what many already know, that those closest to Trump think he's compromised and neck-deep in trouble regarding the Mueller investigation.

To sit here for months on end and ignore the reality of what is actually happening with this presidency is, well, sad and pathetic
To sit here for months on end and ignore the reality of what is actually happening with this presidency is, well, sad and pathetic

I am sitting here for months looking for evidence of a crime. That is the only reality I know. What alternate reality are you living in?
I am sitting here for months looking for evidence of a crime. That is the only reality I know. What alternate reality are you living in?
Though it may seem like it, this isn't a tv show or a movie. It's a Special Counsel investigation being carried out by the top prosecutors in the country, with diligence and in good faith. I'm glad you're awaiting Mueller's findings, so am I. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

In the meantime Trump's words and actions, and those of people around him, play out in real time, day after day. That's the reality we all live in. It's not an alternative reality, it's just reality. The reality of Trump's presidency.
This is no laughing matter. Well, maybe it is a little bit...if you're not living in flyover country.

Though it may seem like it, this isn't a tv show or a movie. It's a Special Counsel investigation being carried out by the top prosecutors in the country, with diligence and in good faith. I'm glad you're awaiting Mueller's findings, so am I. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

In the meantime Trump's words and actions, and those of people around him, play out in real time, day after day. That's the reality we all live in. It's not an alternative reality, it's just reality. The reality of Trump's presidency.

I don't see this as a show and movie. I see it as a soft coup to take out this President. This is as serious as a heart attack, and if this succeeds with dubious evidence, there will be a civil war. This is not a game. This is a struggle for the existence of the republic. If you see this as anything differently, do it at your peril.
I trust Mueller and the FBI on the whole. I trust they will do what is right.

For instance, I hope Mueller brings down Hillary Clinton and anyone in her orbit, if warranted. I'd have zero problem with that.

Let the truth come out, that's all I'm asking for.

Besides what's happening with Trump, no doubt Mueller's also looking into whatever crimes Hillary or her camp may have committed. People think I'm a Hillary supporter or sore about the election results. Or that I give two ***** about Democrats or Republicans. That's laughable because it's untrue. The FBI already has a separate investigation ongoing re Clinton, as far as I know. We just don't see her out there screaming about fake news and the 'deep state'.

That's exactly why we need to dismiss the notion the FBI/Justice Dept. is 'out to get Trump'. The idea we can't or shouldn't trust the country's top law enforcement agencies. The fact the President himself is floating such conspiracies should make you shudder. When Trump attacks Mueller, he's not doing so because he's attacking the 'deep state'. He does it out of fear of being exposed.

If you're not guilty of something you stand up and face your accusers. You grit your teeth and endure the embarrassment of being falsey accused. You fight the good fight and do it with dignity. If you're President Trump and you're innocent, you stand with the FBI, the Justice Dept, the federal government - the one you are the leader of - and expect a transparent and fair appraisal of what happened. That's your duty and responsibility.

The opposite is happening. Instead of acting like a true statesman, we see the tantrums of a kindergartner. We see the words and behavour of someone who is unable to comprehend the situation, or their role in it. He is acting like he has everything to hide. That should tell you what you need to know where this is heading.
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