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And it begins.....the Second Special Prosecutor to Investigate REAL CRIMES

I guess my point is we're not just making a decision to be wider apart from each other by ourselves.

Let's say "Before Trump" I was at the 30 yard line of Conservatism and Tibs was at the 35 yard line of Liberalism. In many ways we were against each other, but still on the same field.

Trump, the media and "Never-Trumpers" have created, arguably, a 50 yard chasm right at the 50 yard line that applies to everyone now. You HAVE to pick which side of the chasm to be on.

Now Tibs and I are 85 yards apart on EVERYTHING. What was a couple years ago people that were only 35 yards apart discussing things has devolved into a conversation between Ted Cruz and Kamala Harris.

That's sad in many ways, but we would even argue on who's fault that is (he will say that's Trump's fault, I will blame the media and "never-Trumpers").

All I can hope is after Trump is gone, the chasm is gone and we all get pushed back together and Tibs and I are only 35 yards apart instead of 85. But something tells me the "never-Trumpers" are going to hold this grudge against me and my ilk a lot longer than how long Trump is in office. We will just have to wait and see.

Nothing outside of open war on this country from the outside will push us back. You can thank moral decay and the education system that is grooming good little socialist servants to the state.

Every year those 12th graders turn 18 is another boost to their voters. As long as they keep promising free everything it's all good.
I don't see anything nefarious so far. You seem to think so. What am I missing?

Nothing nefarious at all.

Why would Mueller, who was living his return on decades of service in a cushy existence at one of DC's most prestigious firms minutes from retirement, go to the White House one day to meet with POTUS and AG, then the very next day embark on the years long sham that is the SC? Why, when everything the SC has investigated to date has not produced even the slightest shred of evidence of 'collusion', would his grand jury be extended 6 months... especially in light of the Senate Judiciary Committee releasing their bipartisan pronouncement that they have found nothing and have dismissed the matter. Again, why would Bill Barr step away from his cush, also mere minute from retirement, to preside over the Charley Foxtrot that is the DoJ? What, Whittaker can't fix that mess? He's already running it.

In the eyes of DC, both Mueller and Barr are scrupulous beyond reproach. What leverage does POTUS have over these two that they'd EVER step into this @#$%show... EVER...for any reason? They were set. All done.

Mueller was given a blank page as directive, and a blank check. His team have administered rectal exams to anything near POTUS to no avail. Mueller himself even stated throughout that POTUS was not a target. He's moments away from issuing his 'report'. The 'media' are already downplaying expectations to 'nothing there', in line with the Senate's report.

All the while the dims, the 'media', and everybody in the world with the slightest aught against POTUS have hung in pregnant anticipation that today, this day will emerge the smoking gun that will begin the impeachment and execution of the entire family at halftime at the SuperBowl. What a spectacular distraction. What a paralyzing delusion.

The Mueller **** show was an operation running interference for the emerging story of the criminal activity in the Obama FBI and DOJ. The Donald wasn't supposed to win, and all of the criminal activity was going to be buried. Didn't turn out that way, and the Muller probe, the Russian collusion myth, and all of the other probable Trump crimes were going to take him out. Didn't turn out that way. Sessions was a total failure, and even a detriment to the President. It is a miracle that this President has not only survived, but his accomplishments will undoubtedly be legendary.

Barr is one of the few people who could clean this mess up. He has the experience, and will not be compromised. Trump also needed someone fast, and easily confirmed.

That's my understanding. Joe Digenova has nothing but good things to say about Barr. I take his opinions to heart.
Nothing outside of open war on this country from the outside will push us back. You can thank moral decay and the education system that is grooming good little socialist servants to the state.

Every year those 12th graders turn 18 is another boost to their voters. As long as they keep promising free everything it's all good.

And our governor just told the little socialist FL dept. of education to stick their common core right up their common *****. Change is coming, albeit slowly.
Yeah I've yet to see reason other than the wives bible study or some such to dislike about Bill Barr. For a career federalista he sure has kept his name under any radar, at least not as much as the latest crop of ne'erdowells.

Of course, I trusted Sessions so wtf do I know right?
The Mueller **** show was an operation running interference for the emerging story of the criminal activity in the Obama FBI and DOJ. The Donald wasn't supposed to win, and all of the criminal activity was going to be buried. Didn't turn out that way, and the Muller probe, the Russian collusion myth, and all of the other probable Trump crimes were going to take him out. Didn't turn out that way. Sessions was a total failure, and even a detriment to the President. It is a miracle that this President has not only survived, but his accomplishments will undoubtedly be legendary.

I think the Mueller program was launched for several reasons. The above is part of it, but I think secondary.

Remember, the election result was a shock. The dims had to scramble beyond all they had done to sabotage the Trump campaign. They immediately, that night, fed the 'Russia collusion' meme to the shocked media with the 'don't worry, this'll knock him out' pablum. They've all been running with that since.

If you're Trump, and you know all that's BS, and you know your new DoJ is involved and won't help you, what do you do? And I think Trump, Sessions, and their military handlers cooked this up - You devise the greatest Aikido move anybody has ever seen. You appoint a SC to investigate yourself. That's like giving Viagra to somebody with wood. The left has been entirely possessed with it since. They live for it every second of every day. The SC has to be somebody with the immediate tacit approval of everybody in the swamp. They'll swallow it lock, stock and barrel.

But that is just the veneer. Because they play 4D chess, they weave several other primary operations into the plan. Mueller is summoned to the WH and presented with his options. "Bob, yer dirty and you have Uranium 1 caca all over you. We can hang you this morning or you can run a little errand for us and we'll just ignore the caca. Whuddya say, buddy?". Bob quickly agrees that this is the best option. The next day Bob is introduced as the SC with NO restrictions whatsoever, an unlimited budget, and a spiffy staff of 13 angry dim partisans. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III immediately recuses hissef, Trump dumps on Sessions, and the ruse is in motion.

So the left is chubbier than a fat kid gorging on a birthday cake. SC and his troupe go about harassing and haranguing the Trumpiverse and making absolutely vacuous statements to the 'media'. The left inferrs that SC is chopping POTUS' entrails into chum. POTUS tweets daily the outrage of the witch hunt. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III quietly, almost secretly, dispatches John Huber and his clandestine troupe of 470 US attorneys, and Michael Horowitz on the real matters at hand - U1, CGI, clinton/Russia collusion, dim/Russia collusion, and all manner of human and drug trafficking, treasonous activity surrounding the aforementioned and the wholesale invasion of our sovereignty by employees of Soros and Son, Ltd.

The cat's already out of the bag that the SC netted NOTHING on POTUS. Mueller needs the extra GJ time to wrap up the net over the clinton cabal and the dims. The Solomon piece confirms much of this.

Barr is one of the few people who could clean this mess up. He has the experience, and will not be compromised. Trump also needed someone fast, and easily confirmed.

That's my understanding. Joe Digenova has nothing but good things to say about Barr. I take his opinions to heart.

Maybe. I suspect there's more than meets the eye here as well, especially in light of why Mueller took the SC gig. Not saying Barr is necessarily dirty. But there's something odd about him stepping away from retirement into this @#$%show.
I think the Mueller program was launched for several reasons. The above is part of it, but I think secondary.

Remember, the election result was a shock. The dims had to scramble beyond all they had done to sabotage the Trump campaign. They immediately, that night, fed the 'Russia collusion' meme to the shocked media with the 'don't worry, this'll knock him out' pablum. They've all been running with that since.

If you're Trump, and you know all that's BS, and you know your new DoJ is involved and won't help you, what do you do? And I think Trump, Sessions, and their military handlers cooked this up - You devise the greatest Aikido move anybody has ever seen. You appoint a SC to investigate yourself. That's like giving Viagra to somebody with wood. The left has been entirely possessed with it since. They live for it every second of every day. The SC has to be somebody with the immediate tacit approval of everybody in the swamp. They'll swallow it lock, stock and barrel.

But that is just the veneer. Because they play 4D chess, they weave several other primary operations into the plan. Mueller is summoned to the WH and presented with his options. "Bob, yer dirty and you have Uranium 1 caca all over you. We can hang you this morning or you can run a little errand for us and we'll just ignore the caca. Whuddya say, buddy?". Bob quickly agrees that this is the best option. The next day Bob is introduced as the SC with NO restrictions whatsoever, an unlimited budget, and a spiffy staff of 13 angry dim partisans. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III immediately recuses hissef, Trump dumps on Sessions, and the ruse is in motion.

So the left is chubbier than a fat kid gorging on a birthday cake. SC and his troupe go about harassing and haranguing the Trumpiverse and making absolutely vacuous statements to the 'media'. The left inferrs that SC is chopping POTUS' entrails into chum. POTUS tweets daily the outrage of the witch hunt. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III quietly, almost secretly, dispatches John Huber and his clandestine troupe of 470 US attorneys, and Michael Horowitz on the real matters at hand - U1, CGI, clinton/Russia collusion, dim/Russia collusion, and all manner of human and drug trafficking, treasonous activity surrounding the aforementioned and the wholesale invasion of our sovereignty by employees of Soros and Son, Ltd.

The cat's already out of the bag that the SC netted NOTHING on POTUS. Mueller needs the extra GJ time to wrap up the net over the clinton cabal and the dims. The Solomon piece confirms much of this.

Maybe. I suspect there's more than meets the eye here as well, especially in light of why Mueller took the SC gig. Not saying Barr is necessarily dirty. But there's something odd about him stepping away from retirement into this @#$%show.

Vinnie, what you described is essentially the QAnon narrative. I never really bought into it, although smarter people than I have. I hope you are right. That would be quite the Aikido move. Then it would beg the question.....who is QAnon? And I believe John Solomon has this all figured out.

And maybe Barr knows what is going down, and wants to be a part of US history.
Vinnie, what you described is essentially the QAnon narrative. I never really bought into it, although smarter people than I have. I hope you are right. That would be quite the Aikido move. Then it would beg the question.....who is QAnon? And I believe John Solomon has this all figured out.

And maybe Barr knows what is going down, and wants to be a part of US history.

The knock on QAnon is that much/all of his/their posts seem to come from 'open source'. My speculation descends from reading much of the same. Many feel Q is a LARP. I could make an argument either way.

This much I can say, I think that narrative is more plausible than any other I've seen, certainly more so than anything coming from the 'media' and their shills, the dims. Or is it the other way around? It certainly answers the 'whys' in my posts, except for Barr. I buy your notion. It makes as much sense as any other I've pondered. We'll see.

Here's the interesting thing about Q, real or LARP. Q asks questions that provoke independent research. So much has been uncovered by the legions of people that have taken the initiative to dig. If that alone is all it is, it was useful and productive. But I suspect there's more to Q.
Here's the interesting thing about Q, real or LARP. Q asks questions that provoke independent research. So much has been uncovered by the legions of people that have taken the initiative to dig. If that alone is all it is, it was useful and productive. But I suspect there's more to Q.

With Andy McCabe blowing the roof off of the 25th Amendment meeting, this might be a good time to resurrect this thread. The 60 Minutes interview should be an eye opener. Rosenstein has already called him a liar.

Bill Barr has his hands full.

McCabe is trying to save the hoax by creating another narrative and sell books, and look good like he was a "true believer" in Trump Ruskie **** him. Should be fun to watch them all start to turn on each other. You find it curious how the Barr confirmation looks like the top of the mountain we had to climb before the ride heads downhill, and we are pivoting towards the real crimes about to be disclosed? I do and WTF Sessions? Wasted 2 years of MAGA.

I always knew this thread would get legs, now if the Huber stuff will get rolling we may have something.
Barr is a deep stater. Trump is still ******* up.

That's why I think there's more than meets the eye here. Barr was selected for some specific purpose over others that might have been a better 'Trump fit'. I think its something more than 'Hey Mic, whoya got for AG? Barr, huh? He a player?'. Mueller is every bit the DSer Barr is and I'm pretty sure he's at least a grey hat in all this. U1 leverage. There's lots 'out there' on this.

Joey Dee is a rare animal in Washington......he has;;;;;

Common sense
Moral standards
Love of country
Understanding of the system
Insider contacts

Been following him for years.
With you on Joe DiGenova, hamster. And he correctly called it sedition (not treason) what McCabe admitted to on the 60 minutes interview. Trying to follow Constitutional law here:


Or sedicious conspiracy, whatever, not treason though.
Thinking about it, wasn't Andrew McCabe "criminally referred" to the justice department? Isn't he on a book tour or some **** right now? No, I have no faith that anything will come of these latest criminal referrals. Nothing more than trying to make it look like they are after the bad guys when in reality, they are all bad guys.
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Sally Yates came in from the cold,Sunday, to play the talk show Pravdafest. Things are getting desperate. Ratcheting things up.

Bad Moon Rising.
Rod Rosenstein knew where the bodies were buried. He flipped. Barr allowed him, for his cooperation, to "retire".

Bad Moon Rising.
Barr : President Trump was accused of something he didn't do

Lol, media popping blood vessels, another nothingburger with salad