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And it begins.....the Second Special Prosecutor to Investigate REAL CRIMES

Barr : President Trump was accused of something he didn't do

Lol, media popping blood vessels, another nothingburger with salad

"When did the DOJ and the FBI know the Democratic party paid for Christopher Steele's dossier?" Crapo asked.

"I don't know," Barr replied.

"Are you looking into that?" the senator asked.

"Yes," Barr replied.

Dim asscheeks clinch all over D.C.
so, going on three years now, has the investigation into Trump proven to be beneficial for the country?
It will be when the people who really are guilty get locked up in prison.

Commie Nobody News dragged Hillary Clinton's dessicated carcass out of the tomb to read portions of the Mueller report.

She is still free? And the nation spent $50 million investigating a made-up claim bought by the same corpse from ... wait for it ... A FOREIGN SOURCE TRYING TO INTERFERE IN THE UNITED STATES ELECTION?!?
Now I know why Barr was picked for AG. He doesn't take **** from anyone.
so, going on three years now, has the investigation into Trump proven to be beneficial for the country?

It takes a while to clean up what took decades to sully. That we're only a few years into this is remarkable considering what is happening.

It all goes back to that 4 hour meeting between Mueller, RR and The Donald the day before the SC was announced. Sessions 'recused'. They laid it out for Mueller and RR - 'Yinz are guilty as sin for X, Y and Z. Yinz are going to do these things for us, and if yinz are good boys, yinz get to 'retire'.' They said 'What's a yinz?' And here we are - RR landed the plane, wrote a nice letter to The Donald and stepped into the sunset.

But not so fast Rod...

Trump Continues to Prepare the Battlefield
Brian Cates | January 28, 2019

A lot has happened since my last column. Transcripts from the congressional testimonies of three key Spygate participants—Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, and James Baker—have been made public: two of which were revealed right here on the pages of The Epoch Times. In addition, there’s been several other fascinating developments.

Let’s briefly survey the current state of affairs.

Mueller Coming Up Empty

Special counsel Robert Mueller will be wrapping up his investigation into the 2016 election in the next couple of months, having found no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. And with Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz staring over his shoulder with Page’s and Peter Strzok’s heads hypothetically mounted on the wall behind him, Mueller knows he’s in no position to try to fake anything.

It’s suddenly being reported at places such as ABC News that the usual anonymous sources who’ve spent almost two years furiously leaking about how Mueller has President Donald Trump and his Russian spies exactly where he wants them are suddenly changing their tune and telling their media contacts that perhaps it would be best to begin managing expectations and preparing their audience for something “anti-climactic.”

Desperate Mainstream Media Steps Up Efforts to Save Narrative

That’s why Fusion GPS and other Spygate plotters are desperately seeding the DNC Media Complex including The New York Times, The Daily Beast, and other outlets with absurd stories that don’t stand up to any real scrutiny.

“Manafort snuck in to see Assange 3 times!”

“Cohen phone pinged in Prague!”

Then, in the last few days, we got that cool The New York Times story about how the FBI launched its sting against Trump as retaliation for his firing of James Comey, and a Daily Beast story about how there’s some intelligence report out there about the Russians infiltrating the NRA and Trump’s team.

What are they doing? They’re trying to save a narrative that’s already dead and it’s nothing but sheer desperation. The side doing all that frantic leaking of fake news stories in the fake news media isn’t winning the fight. Far from it.

They are reduced to this pathetic leaking to try to win a useless battle for public support through the mainstream media, now that Trump holds all the winning cards in the public relations battle.

It won’t help though, when the indictments go down and things move to the prosecution phase for them to cry, “Wait, this can’t be happening, look at what Time Magazine said about me, just look at this glowing profile! I’m a hero! I ‘won’ this public relations battle!”

The evidence meticulously collected over the past two years by the DOJ Inspector General’s office and the U.S. Attorneys through their grand juries will figuratively hang them.

This isn’t a public relations battle. The serious-as-a-heart-attack people leading the real investigations into Spygate demonstrate this when, in comparison to the frantic, desperate leaking of fake disinformation by the other side, they remain resolutely silent as they position their forces.

Sun Tzu on Preparing the Battlefield

The ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote in chapter 6 of his timeless book “The Art of War” about how the successful military leader wins a battle before the fight even begins. Trump knows this chapter well because “Art of War” is his favorite book and he fashioned his book “Art of the Deal” after it.

To win the battle before the fight is joined, pick the ground, prepare it completely to your advantage, and then guide your enemy there. Leave nothing to chance.

As the winning side marshals its forces and prepares the ground, behind the scenes, the Democrats/DNC Media/Spygate plotters can see themselves being surrounded.

Some try to sell you on the idea that the side leaking in a panic—throwing out one quickly debunked fake news story after another is actually about to eat Trump’s lunch. Don’t make me laugh.

The two key places the battleground in this fight will run through–in the move from exposing the Spygate plot to prosecutions—are the DOJ and the courts, especially the Supreme Court.

Why a New Attorney General for Prosecution Phase?

The real battlefield has never been in the news media. The losing side picked the wrong battlefield. All the leaking in the world to The Washington Post or The New York Times won’t change the outcome now.

Trump is getting ready to make two key moves on this battlefield as he prepares for the fight: The first is a new Attorney General for the prosecution phase. The second key move will involve the courts.

The former “recused” attorney general is now gone. Jeff Sessions was always going to have to recuse himself from the 2016 election-related investigations and he was always going to have to step down from the attorney general post before the prosecution phase could begin, and here’s why.

There was simply no way Sessions could stay in charge of the DOJ investigations of people who had targeted him as a Russian agent and tried to “prove” he colluded with Russians. His recusal was absolutely necessary and people who dispute this are simply wrong.

Likewise, before it came time for the prosecutions of those plotters who targeted Sessions, he was going to have to step down as attorney general, because he was going to be called as a witness in the prosecutions. A sitting attorney general can’t be a witness in a case his own Justice Department is prosecuting. (Explaining the obvious is just another free service that I provide.)

William Barr is coming in now to take over the next phase, while Sessions is free to appear as a witness and testify about what McCabe and the other plotters told him at the time they were trying to entrap him.

Do you know who would also have to leave his current job at the DOJ to be a witness in these prosecutions? Because like Sessions, he’s involved a lot of this as a witness? Rod Rosenstein.

Of course, we’ve been given cover stories. “Sessions is resigning because at long last Trump has had enough of this incompetent bumbling idiot who’s been doing nothing!” and “Rosenstein is leaving because Barr wants to bring in his own team.” Most people don’t question the cover stories because they fit their biases.

The result is a new “commander” at the DOJ for the next phase of the “battle.” And when it goes to the courts, as much of it invariably will, that’s where Trump has been making numerous changes with dozens of judicial appointments.

After Prosecution Phase Begins, Then Comes Court Phase

Trump plays the long game. While many people chafe impatiently for the prosecution phase to start, he knows that’s well in hand, and so his eyes are already fixed two moves ahead: the Court phase.

The use of “lawfare” has served the Democrats well in thwarting some of Trump’s initiatives, but it’s not like he hasn’t been working tirelessly, with the aid of congressional Republicans, to take this advantage away from them. In just two years in office, Trump’s already made far more judicial appointments than any other president: 85 federal judges appointed in just two years compared to Barack Obama’s eight-year total of 65 and George W. Bush’s total of 100.

Since John Roberts appears to view his role as Chief Justice as being the neutral arbiter between the left and right wings of the court and to prove how unbiased he is, he’ll often throw his vote to the left wing, Trump knows he needs that additional conservative vote after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s forthcoming departure.

Ginsburg’s declining health, her recent second fall during which she injured herself by breaking three ribs (she fell and broke two ribs in 2012), and the recent cancer surgery all point to the fact that her long and illustrious career is nearing its end. The White House has already begun preparing for the eventuality of Ginsburg’s retirement. That means yet another hotly contested Supreme Court nomination, very likely before the end of this year.

When you know you are winning, when your enemy is almost surrounded, when their position is growing weaker and weaker, and you are holding the winning cards, there’s no need to rush everything as you prepare. People claiming Trump needs urgency and to move quickly right now as if Trump’s in any real danger are misreading what’s actually happening.

When the battlefield is fully prepared and all the pieces are fully in place for total and complete overwhelming victory, we’ll see it all come out into the open as the final battle begins. Until then?

Patience is a virtue. Try to develop some.

Trump obviously has.
"We warned you what would happen if you refused to say that Trump obstructed justice. Your Deep State membership card is now officially revoked!"

Attorney General William Barr declines to testify before House panel

Barr told a House panel on Wednesday that he will not testify about special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report


**** off *******

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President Trump calls for Sen. Warren to resign

After U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for the resignation of Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday, President Donald Trump accused Warren of “defrauding the public” with her claims of Native American ancestry and said she should resign.

“I think it’s ridiculous. Look, she defrauded the public for a long time and she should really be the one to resign, hence the name Pocahontas,” Trump said.

Barr exposed the rampant desperation of Trump’s foes

They smeared him, called him a liar and said he should resign. The same Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee who tried to assassinate the character of Judge Brett Kavanaugh last year pulled the same stunt on Bill Barr — with the same result.

They failed because, once again, they were throwing mud while shooting blanks.

Despite the Dems’ desperate efforts to derail Kavanaugh’s nomination with false accusations, he is now on the Supreme Court. Barr was obviously prepared for his mud bath and was unflappable in the face of Wednesday’s mean-spirited assault, proving himself to be a rock-solid attorney general.

As he said at his confirmation hearing, “I won’t be bullied,” and he wasn’t.

No better, more concise statement has been made about the bankrupt nature of the Democratic Party and its leaders. They bet everything on Mueller validating their Big Lie of Russia, Russia, Russia, and now they have nothing.

Their threats of impeachment are hollow and their resistance movement is breaking into factions about how much socialism they should offer to voters in 2020.



The Dems are terrified at what is now coming their way. Expect them to become more unhinged everyday.
Dems have gone completely insane.

Children are funny, they still got nothing




Tomorrow, the GOPers should bring Chick-Fil-A!

President Trump calls for Sen. Warren to resign

After U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for the resignation of Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday, President Donald Trump accused Warren of “defrauding the public” with her claims of Native American ancestry and said she should resign.

“I think it’s ridiculous. Look, she defrauded the public for a long time and she should really be the one to resign, hence the name Pocahontas,” Trump said.


If Trump was really clever he would have went with "Liawatha" lol

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From the Wall Street Journal...

Pelosi’s Pre-Emptive Smear
The Speaker is worried about what Bill Barr might reveal about 2016.

Doing her best to raise the level of civility in Washington, Nancy Pelosi called William Barr a liar on Thursday. The House Speaker even accused the Attorney General of committing a “crime” when he testified to Congress about a memo he issued outlining the main conclusions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

The Speaker says the AG lied last month when he said he didn’t know what members of the special counsel’s team were referencing when they complained his memo didn’t accurately portray their findings. Mr. Barr said he didn’t know but that “they probably wanted more put out.” At most this is a small evasion. Mr. Barr had talked to Mr. Mueller, who had told him nothing in the AG’s summary was inaccurate and was unspecific in his objections beyond wanting more of his report released. The AG should have anticipated that Mr. Mueller’s March 27 letter to him would leak, but he didn’t lie about its contents.

The real reason for Mrs. Pelosi’s slander is what else Mr. Barr said the last time he was before Congress. He said that spying on a political campaign was a “big deal,” that he thought the FBI did spy on the Trump campaign in 2016, and that he intends to find out what happened and why. Democrats want to intimidate him to drop this or discredit him before he can release his findings.

The FBI’s former deputy director Andrew McCabe and former counsel James Baker are under criminal investigation, the former for lying to federal investigators and the latter for leaks to the press. Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating the FBI surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page.

There are also criminal referrals from Congress. These include one regarding dossier author Christopher Steele from Senate Judiciary Members Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.); one on former Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr from the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s Mark Meadows (R., N.C.); and another from Rep. Devin Nunes (R., Calif.) of the House Intelligence Committee that includes eight people whose names are not public because the referral involves classified information.

Also potentially illuminating will be a pending report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz into possible Justice and FBI abuses of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants.

In Mr. Barr, America now has an Attorney General who isn’t crippled by recusal from the most critical issues involving his department—and says he is determined to get to the truth. This is what Democrats shouting “liar” are really upset about.
Notice how the local libs have been absent from the conversation recently?

There's a bad moon on the rise.
Notice how the local libs have been absent from the conversation recently?

There's a bad moon on the rise.

Nothing....literally nothing is going their way. The current score in politics is like a football game that's 77-3. The other team has been decimated.
Personally I find it funny that any of you think anyone on the left will ever be held to account for their transgressions. Obviously you guys have a lot more faith in our government than I do. Wish I could believe that they would actually do the right thing.
Personally I find it funny that any of you think anyone on the left will ever be held to account for their transgressions. Obviously you guys have a lot more faith in our government than I do. Wish I could believe that they would actually do the right thing.

The tide is turning. I think that the Dims will be out of power for many elections going forward. They’re committing suicide. TDS, baby! The rational will prevail and hold the criminals accountable for their crimes. It’s coming. Barr is the attack dog.
Personally I find it funny that any of you think anyone on the left will ever be held to account for their transgressions. Obviously you guys have a lot more faith in our government than I do. Wish I could believe that they would actually do the right thing.

There's a Bad Moon on the Rise.
My Dad was a navigator on a B-24 and flew 40+ missions over Germany. Never talked about it. I have his flight log and medals - and his uniform. In fact, he didn't offer a ton of life advice, but when he did, I listened. We were watching some movie when I was about 10 years old about a lone sheriff cleaning up a town, and I asked him if one guy could really clean up a town of bad guys like that, and I remember to this day how he perked up and asserted that yes, one good strong man can absolutely clean up a town of bad guys. He said it like it was the duty of good men to be that guy. Stuck with me, because he didn't throw a lot of that stuff out there. My mother told me later some stories about how he put himself out there like that in his life. I believe that if Donald gets another term, **** will start to fundamentally change in DC.
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