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Another school shooting. The poor kids. And Parents. It’s sickening.

Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.

What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.

Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.

The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
America has a culture problem. There is a reason why many of us carried guns in our trucks to hunt right after school and none of this **** ever happened, we were taught right from wrong and there were no grey areas. The second you crossed over to the wrong side there were consequences, and they were harsh. I see too many tik toks, instagram and facebook posts of parents filming and laughing at their toddlers cursing or hitting the other parent. What we're seeing right now is the fault of my generation, generation X. We raised a bunch spoiled and entitled little ***** living a warped reality, where they can be whomever they want to be, whatever gender they want to be, and go tto whichever bathroom they want to go into. Try any of that **** 30 years ago and there would be a neighborhood of parents setting your *** straight on a daily basis.

One of the most important lessons i told my kids is to surround themselves with good people. You're influenced by those around you, and you collectively gather one another's habits and behaviors. These kids are being influenced by youtubers and tik tokers by the thousands. These kids all trying to be famous and liked, and followed, and noticed. And here you have a kid, dressing like a woman and telling people he's "transgendered", and when he isn't getting the attention, he so desperately wants...he'll get it one way or the other. And damn, did he ever.

Rest in peace to those who died needlessly, my heart is breaking for their families and friends.
Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.

What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.

Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.

The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
I couldn't have agreed with you more. Great post.
Look, I think to murder in cold blood for whatever reason, you have to be mentally ill.

Looking around the net this morning, a lot of people are talking about how America has a sickness with guns and gun culture (whatever that is). I agree there is a sickness, but the sickness has nothing to do with guns. Mental illness is real. I watched my wife go from a vibrant, loving woman to becoming a paranoid schizophrenic in less than 90 days over something so small and insignificant it baffled me why she was worried about it at all. But it worked her over to the point she attempted suicide. Fortunately, she lived, was treated and seems back to normal.

My point is, you never know what is going to push a person to that brink. Hell, half the country already distrusts and is suspicious of anything the other half does, convinced all of it is nefarious. And our government and our media and even we as citizens push, push, push each other over some of the dumbest ****. It is perpetuated in our daily lives, almost everywhere you go or look. Throw in social media and any number of other outside forces, and you are concocting quite a brew in a person's mind. Is it any wonder people are driven to **** like this? Personally, I'm genuinely surprised it doesn't happen more.
Sorry about your wife. Real life is often horrible. I will be praying for you and her.

Your post here is very legit. When we quit saying mental illness is actually normal, particularly chosen mental illness, we will be a long way down the road to a better culture.
Rumors that the shooter was undocumented and transvestite are being proven untrue. There in lies some of the mental illness problem in this country. Spreading such rumors for political purposes is mentally deranged. They have even verified some of the pictures being spread are other people.
Rumors that the shooter was undocumented and transvestite are being proven untrue. There in lies some of the mental illness problem in this country. Spreading such rumors for political purposes is mentally deranged. They have even verified some of the pictures being spread are other people.
This may be, but my extreme level of distrust for the US media tells me to wait and see. They have an agenda at all times, and it just not trustworthy as a result.
Look, I think to murder in cold blood for whatever reason, you have to be mentally ill.

Looking around the net this morning, a lot of people are talking about how America has a sickness with guns and gun culture (whatever that is). I agree there is a sickness, but the sickness has nothing to do with guns. Mental illness is real. I watched my wife go from a vibrant, loving woman to becoming a paranoid schizophrenic in less than 90 days over something so small and insignificant it baffled me why she was worried about it at all. But it worked her over to the point she attempted suicide. Fortunately, she lived, was treated and seems back to normal.

My point is, you never know what is going to push a person to that brink. Hell, half the country already distrusts and is suspicious of anything the other half does, convinced all of it is nefarious. And our government and our media and even we as citizens push, push, push each other over some of the dumbest ****. It is perpetuated in our daily lives, almost everywhere you go or look. Throw in social media and any number of other outside forces, and you are concocting quite a brew in a person's mind. Is it any wonder people are driven to **** like this? Personally, I'm genuinely surprised it doesn't happen more.
Way too many tangibles. The keeping up with jones’ lifestyle is probably a start.
The average American more than likely struggles paycheck to paycheck.

Pressure to meet social/financial/personal expectations. Lack of stimulated outlets. I think the brain itself is a fragile organ and we as a species, although advanced in technology still struggle to grasp the brain. Alzheimer's and dementia seem to be common. Maybe it’s all the pollutants, chemicals in our consuming for years. Idk. But stuff is weird and seeing humans break down mentally is worrisome. And you’re right now we have two sides who distrust each other and it’s propagandized daily.

I remember you saying your wife had a breakdown. Glad she’s better. Hope everything is going good Sarge.
Spreading such rumors for political purposes is mentally deranged.

Which is exactly what the MSM media does...all the damned time.

Nick Sandmann. Purporting a Kentucky gun range as a battle in Syria. Russia, Russia, Russia. Michael Brown was shot with his hands up and it was murder.

The MSM feeds rumors and disinformation for political purposes daily into the minds of tens of millions.

Wonder where "we" get it from.
Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.

What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.

Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.

The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.

What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.

Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.

The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
Thumbs up to your post Zona.

I’ve thought about this situation quite a few times over the years. A little about me.

To be honest.......I am not a gun guy. I’ve never even held a handgun or to be really honest never even seen one in my presence. I’ve shot a few rounds with a rifle at a target once. The fascination with guns has escaped me personally. Both parents grew up in Europe during WW2 and as young children experienced things that made them choose to raise us that way.

Now,that being said,I have no problems with responsible people owning guns. I have tons of friends that hunt,and have shared many great meals of all sorts of game meat. My favorite being big horn sheep tenderloin cast iron pan over fire grate. I can’t stand poaching,trophy hunting without using the meat and the ******* who brag about shooting 20 bears in a weekend. You know the type of guys I mean. If you don’t think there’s a screw loose somewhere there..... well what can I say.

This society that we are in glorify Murder. We glorify violence. In some cases we glorify rape. We glorify robberies.
We have become desensitized to violent death.

A study I have read says by the time a child leaves elementary school they have seen 8000 murders on television.
By the time they are 18......200,000 acts of violence on TV. I personally think this is low.

Think about the television you have watched. From The Godfather to one of the best series ever The Wire,The Sopranos,Better Call Saul,I could go on and on. Every Netflix,Apple Tv,Amazon Prime, non stop new detective series about a murder,missing children,bank heists,serial killers,rapists. It is frigging nonstop. And yes,I watch them as well.
Extreme graphic violence in movies,shown to you in glorious HD on glorious Big Screens in your own home.

Haven’t even touched the subject of the internet,where you can watch beheadings,bombings assaults of anything imaginable. All at the touch of a button instantly by any child with a bit of imagination. And what child doesn’t have imagination. The amount of violence seen by humans these days is truly staggering.

Then there are today’s video games. My God. How many people can you kill in an hour? In extreme graphics.
1000? Hey the high score is 2000. Let’s sit for another 5 hours and see if we can beat that. Man....it is unbelievable.
What happened to that little guy gobbling up dots? Seriously. Give your kid PacMan instead of games where you grab a hooker by the hair in one hand while blasting away with a semi automatic in the other.

My whole point in this long winded ramble is the Television,Internet and gaming industry have certainly done society no favors whatsoever in anti violence. They glorify it as much as possible. Like Zona and many others on this board have said......throw in some mental health issues and let the fantasy world become reality.

I don’t know the answers. There are too many single parent families. Mother has to work long hours to make ends meet......kids go unsupervised for long,long hours. Watching tv and playing video games. Cruising the internet.

Keep your kids busy. Put them in everything,then they will find what they are good at and love. With my eldest son,he did Boy Scouts,baseball,soccer,football,rugby even some video games. He ended up loving Rugby and Football. Encourage them getting a job at a fairly young age. There’s nothing wrong with mowing lawns ,washing cars then getting part time jobs. The girls did ballet 5 days a week,babysat,got part time jobs. My youngest always worked from young on,he hated playing sports but gave baseball,football and soccer a shot. We never forced it after they tried it.
Too much idle time is not good. Keep them busy.

Ramble over
What this country needs to do is stop all the finger-pointing, all the political talking points, and shut the hell up and look for the ROOT of these societal ills (much like a doctor – and I’m speaking in general terms here - who’s trained as a D.O. who looks at the body and the underlying causes of symptoms, as opposed to an M.D. who’s trained to use medicine and surgeries to treat… the first approach may eventually cure the patient and possibly keep the disease/sickness from coming back, whereas the second will just treat temporarily.)

Someone mentioned it already; you cannot put the “gun genie” back in the bottle. What are the estimates… some 450 million firearms in the U.S? That’s more than 1 for every man, woman, & child in this country. Guns are not going anywhere. Start there.
What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.

Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.
Correct. I’ll focus on the family. As soon as the “nuclear” family started disappearing, the evil progressive ideology that had taken root in the 60’s began an all-out assault on what constitutes a “real” family. All of a sudden, it was OK to have 1 mom and no dad, or 2 moms, or 2 dads. Look, I get that some traditional (husband/wife) relationships will end up in divorce, but over the last couple of generations (starting with Gov. Reagan’s No-Fault divorce law in California in 1969, which he later stated he regretted doing) the breakup of the traditional family has snowballed to the point that that type of family is now less than 50% (!) of all families in the U.S. If it was harder to get a divorce than it is now, then perhaps young couples would think hard about actually tying the knot in the first place, and thus not perpetuating a cycle of broken families, poverty, substance/alcohol abuse, and all that comes with it.

Also, the absence of fathers has done irreparable harm to our children. So what do kids do? They replace the absent dad with culture. Boys look to their celebrity heroes as the ideal “man”, without considering that these “heroes” are mostly messed up just about every which way, and on a highway straight to disaster. Girls don’t get the affirmation and love they need from a dad and look elsewhere, and thus begins early sexualization and all the problems that come with that. Once a man decides to engage in activity that will likely end up with him becoming a father, HIS needs and HIS desires take a secondary place in his priorities. Narcissism and self-centeredness have no place in forming a family and raising a child. We need to reaffirm and continuously stress what a real man is, and he’s nothing like our current culture portrays him.
The answer to these problems is so blatantly obvious but so hard to do, for all of us, including me.

Just think about this. If all of us, regardless of where we are in life, took one step, just one little step, toward living more like Jesus taught us to, would this world be a better or worse place? We all know the answer to that question, and there is the answer to these problems.
This Jesus of Nazareth would go on and humble himself to the role of a servant. He willingly did what he was sent to do. He would lay His life down for his friends. He spoke of not doing His own will, and followed through. He was gentle, but boldly stood up for what was right. He called out the self-professed “righteous” ones and pointed out their hypocrisy. He exalted those that society held as lower class citizens (children, widows).

Thanks, diver.
Robert Francis O'Rourke. Former El Paso City Rep. & Congressman. What an embarrassment to this city. The sooner he disappears from any and all public "service", the better. He offers absolutely nothing.
Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.

What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.

Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.

The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
I’ll add one. The continual moving away from faith. Ties in to the family this g but, I feel people of faith value human life.
Some things are not adding up here. The guy crashed his car, was confronted, then was followed into the school by two more officers who didn't engage him??? It says he had an AR15 so i doubt it was concealed. Am i missing something from this story?
Some things are not adding up here. The guy crashed his car, was confronted, then was followed into the school by two more officers who didn't engage him??? It says he had an AR15 so i doubt it was concealed. Am i missing something from this story?
The gunman had no known mental health issues . . "
WHAT?!??!! What a bunch of crap.
He murdered his grandfather and 18 kids aged 5-11. It’s obvious he had mental health issues.
He cut his face for fun, shot BBs at people, is tyranny, fights at school.

What a vile person. Attention *****.

I was driving and listening to the press conference on the radio. I didn't realize it was this asshat at the time, but it doesn't surprise me that he's trying to stay relevant.
I doubt he ever holds a public office again.
What this country needs to do is stop all the finger-pointing, all the political talking points, and shut the hell up and look for the ROOT of these societal ills (much like a doctor – and I’m speaking in general terms here - who’s trained as a D.O. who looks at the body and the underlying causes of symptoms, as opposed to an M.D. who’s trained to use medicine and surgeries to treat… the first approach may eventually cure the patient and possibly keep the disease/sickness from coming back, whereas the second will just treat temporarily.)

Someone mentioned it already; you cannot put the “gun genie” back in the bottle. What are the estimates… some 450 million firearms in the U.S? That’s more than 1 for every man, woman, & child in this country. Guns are not going anywhere. Start there.
Sadly brain disease/damage seems to be irreversible. You can prescribe medication to slow the effects but once the damage is spread, it’s spread.

We’re in a constant 9-5, keeping up with jones’, fast lifestyle that’s only becoming more pressurized as the decades pass.

Especially today’s kids. They put it upon themselves to meet some social obligation. Not to mention social media has set these unattainable, unrealistic standards, over stimulating media, mass consumption of gmo’s, oils in foods, bpa’s in plastics and God knows what else leeches off into our agricultural supply. Some people are just more susceptible to all that.

Giving them outlets is a temporary fix but not a solution. I really don’t know.
America has a culture problem. There is a reason why many of us carried guns in our trucks to hunt right after school and none of this **** ever happened, we were taught right from wrong and there were no grey areas. The second you crossed over to the wrong side there were consequences, and they were harsh. I see too many tik toks, instagram and facebook posts of parents filming and laughing at their toddlers cursing or hitting the other parent. What we're seeing right now is the fault of my generation, generation X. We raised a bunch spoiled and entitled little ***** living a warped reality, where they can be whomever they want to be, whatever gender they want to be, and go tto whichever bathroom they want to go into. Try any of that **** 30 years ago and there would be a neighborhood of parents setting your *** straight on a daily basis.

One of the most important lessons i told my kids is to surround themselves with good people. You're influenced by those around you, and you collectively gather one another's habits and behaviors. These kids are being influenced by youtubers and tik tokers by the thousands. These kids all trying to be famous and liked, and followed, and noticed. And here you have a kid, dressing like a woman and telling people he's "transgendered", and when he isn't getting the attention, he so desperately wants...he'll get it one way or the other. And damn, did he ever.

Rest in peace to those who died needlessly, my heart is breaking for their families and friends.

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