Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.
What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.
Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.
The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
Pushing more gun legislation is easy and allows everyone to run around carrying a sign to show how virtuous they are, while solving nothing.
What should be done is to look back at the last 30-50 years and ask ourselves if decisions made then were the right ones.
Closing mental institutions, because they were deemed inhumane, but with no real alternative other than pharmaceuticals.
The glorification of weapons in film and video games.
The influence of social media.
The continuing breakdown of the family unit.
Less and less prosecution and incarceration for those breaking the law.
The list can go on, but like clock work, the narrative will be more gun legislation from one side, while the other half of the county will be defending the 2nd.
Unfortunately, until we look deeper into the cause of these tragedies, nothing changes.
Thumbs up to your post Zona.
I’ve thought about this situation quite a few times over the years. A little about me.
To be honest.......I am not a gun guy. I’ve never even held a handgun or to be really honest never even seen one in my presence. I’ve shot a few rounds with a rifle at a target once. The fascination with guns has escaped me personally. Both parents grew up in Europe during WW2 and as young children experienced things that made them choose to raise us that way.
Now,that being said,I have no problems with responsible people owning guns. I have tons of friends that hunt,and have shared many great meals of all sorts of game meat. My favorite being big horn sheep tenderloin cast iron pan over fire grate. I can’t stand poaching,trophy hunting without using the meat and the ******* who brag about shooting 20 bears in a weekend. You know the type of guys I mean. If you don’t think there’s a screw loose somewhere there..... well what can I say.
This society that we are in glorify Murder. We glorify violence. In some cases we glorify rape. We glorify robberies.
We have become desensitized to violent death.
A study I have read says by the time a child leaves elementary school they have seen 8000 murders on television.
By the time they are 18......200,000 acts of violence on TV. I personally think this is low.
Think about the television you have watched. From The Godfather to one of the best series ever The Wire,The Sopranos,Better Call Saul,I could go on and on. Every Netflix,Apple Tv,Amazon Prime, non stop new detective series about a murder,missing children,bank heists,serial killers,rapists. It is frigging nonstop. And yes,I watch them as well.
Extreme graphic violence in movies,shown to you in glorious HD on glorious Big Screens in your own home.
Haven’t even touched the subject of the internet,where you can watch beheadings,bombings assaults of anything imaginable. All at the touch of a button instantly by any child with a bit of imagination. And what child doesn’t have imagination. The amount of violence seen by humans these days is truly staggering.
Then there are today’s video games. My God. How many people can you kill in an hour? In extreme graphics.
1000? Hey the high score is 2000. Let’s sit for another 5 hours and see if we can beat that. Man....it is unbelievable.
What happened to that little guy gobbling up dots? Seriously. Give your kid PacMan instead of games where you grab a hooker by the hair in one hand while blasting away with a semi automatic in the other.
My whole point in this long winded ramble is the Television,Internet and gaming industry have certainly done society no favors whatsoever in anti violence. They glorify it as much as possible. Like Zona and many others on this board have said......throw in some mental health issues and let the fantasy world become reality.
I don’t know the answers. There are too many single parent families. Mother has to work long hours to make ends meet......kids go unsupervised for long,long hours. Watching tv and playing video games. Cruising the internet.
Keep your kids busy. Put them in everything,then they will find what they are good at and love. With my eldest son,he did Boy Scouts,baseball,soccer,football,rugby even some video games. He ended up loving Rugby and Football. Encourage them getting a job at a fairly young age. There’s nothing wrong with mowing lawns ,washing cars then getting part time jobs. The girls did ballet 5 days a week,babysat,got part time jobs. My youngest always worked from young on,he hated playing sports but gave baseball,football and soccer a shot. We never forced it after they tried it.
Too much idle time is not good. Keep them busy.
Ramble over