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Any one else dissapointed?

black and gold apex

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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I watched ESPN this morning hour show on the NFL image. I know no one watches ESPN and I usually don't but wanted to hear the latest and greatest on the NFL and the thugs. Was not one individual that did not speak up on the inconsistency of the NFL and their suspension on the cases at hand. All interviewed did not get the Panthers and San Fran not standing behind their words. Even CC hit them hard. The owner gets a humanitarian reward and yet has done nothing to Hardy. Ben's case was brought up three times on the fact he was not charged or arrested yet Gödel came down quick and hard. I for one have respected the Rooney's and believe they told Ben whatever he gets they would stand behind it and really believe they would have traded him if possible. I don't believe he was a model citizen. What I don't get is why the Rooney's don't come out of hiding and speak up on behalf of Ben suspension yet these two team are hiding behind the justice rule and not behind there big words. Both players were arrested and one convicted by a judge. Why the NFL can go after others for conduct yet these two play on, is heads shaking, especially after hearing the ARREST report. I for one after this past week realize how we have been falsely led to believe that fans opinion matters to the NFL. How any of the organizations, NC, Minn or San Fran can look the fans in the face, no look their wife's, daughters or mothers in the face and not be ashamed is beyond me. Money money money has made them blinded to what is real, the victims of these individuals are real and felt real pain and real threat of being and the ones who caused this are out enjoying a good life. I'm disappointed that their has been no reaction from the Rooney's, that we all have had more respect for as they have dealt in the past with problem players. I love the Steelers, the Rooney's, they gave us pride when the area was deteriorating and some of us had to move on to make a living. those championships and the leadership meant a lot to us old timers. I hate feeling they have become as other owners, sometimes moral stance is better than no stance at all.
I am so torn.. Would love to say that I am not going to watch any of the games today... But I have waited ALL summer for the season to begin. I will say the UNLESS the Steelers are playing I will not be watching Thurs, Sun or Monday night games .... As far as today most likely the TV will be tuned to a game but I will not be too involved with it.
I just find myself without the same excitement and enthusiasm that has been a staple with me for the past 5 decades watching the NFL and in particular the Steelers. I agree that change can be good but not what they have made this great league which more and more resembles nothing more than flag football in pads.

The Steelers who ironically this morning while watching something on Direct TV flying to Chicago were a trivia answer to the question, "Which NFL team has the best record since the 1970 merger? You got it! Your Pittsburgh Steelers. Which brought a huge grin to my face but suddenly reality sunk in. The arrow is pointing downwards and is now the end result of terrible drafts and little quality F/A additions the past 8 seasons. The combination of Colbert and Tomlin has been lethal to this organization and I'm not very certain that the owner quite gets it either.

I find myself in a position where its getting harder and harder to watch the Steelers let alone the rest of the NFL, with the ridiculous new rules, the aggressiveness taken away from defenses and the sheer lack of direction of the Steelers. This is a team that lacks direction, identity, few quality players, and not much in the way of hope for the foreseeable future. They are one bad hit to their star QB from repeating what the Texans turned in last season. Knowing what's behind Ben or for that matter almost every starter is not comforting.

I know its only one loss but this goes back to more than last weeks loss. This goes back to the last playoff loss to Denver with Tebow and its been downhill since then. The decisions have been horrible just the fact that Lewis is never offered a contract but we decide to keep an aging Ike. The contracts to Pouncey ,Allen and Gilbert, all make me really wonder about the front office decisions.

I'm finished with my rant and will still watch the team but certainly not with the same passion, excitement and anticipation that I had for so many seasons.
I would like to see better citizens playing the game of football. I would like to see a game that still resembled the one that I love. The NFL is its own worst enemy.
Networks realize that at some point reporting on the disgraceful aspects of the NFL will be cutting off their nose to spite their face. If people boycott watching the games because of what they learned on tk shows, the networks have screwed themselves along with the NFL.
They are one bad hit to their star QB from repeating what the Texans turned in last season. Knowing what's behind Ben or for that matter almost every starter is not comforting.

wow, I honestly have not even thought about that. Let's hope it doesn't happen, but if it does....we are gonna be the biggest bunch of loveable losers on the interwebs.
Not defending RG.

I think in his early years of the hammer bs, it was the hammers down regardless of outcome in the court. Now, he seems to have taken a wait and see stance. Could that be directly related to the fact an owner was busted for crazy **** and knew he couldn't bring it down on all the other recent players. Who knows. It's a flip of the coin, shake of the eight ball. You name it. You just never fn know. As a union I would want clear guidelines about this. x=how many games for 1st offense,...and so on.

I was fed up with the Harrison bs. I think ben got the short end, but I didn't complain. I'm just sick of the flags and the ban hammer. **** roger.