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Baltimore Police Department

The Downtown area proper is very safe but then relatively few people actually live there. ..

Ron, you would be correct..........10-15 years ago. You would be surprised how many of the older office buildings have been converted into residential. For example, the old State Office Building near the Point is now high end residential.

As far as Northview Heights....I stumbled upon it by accident one day. There were people hanging on the street corners midday, doing "business". I hurriedly reversed course, but during my short stay, I felt eyes on me the entire time. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Scariest place I have been in Pittsburgh.

I also had the privilege of having some contract work in St. Clair Village when it was still around. The City Housing Authority ceases it's work there at 2:00 PM, and highly recommended we do the same.
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Ron, you would be correct..........10-15 years ago. You would be surprised how many of the older office buildings have been converted into residential. For example, the old State Office Building near the Point is now high end residential.
Oh I know there are a lot more people living dahntahn now. Just saying that compared to most other large cities Pittsburgh does not have a lot of residents in the downtown area.
You need to get out more often..........

Northview Heights
Hill District
Mt Oliver
Central Northside
McKees Rocks

East Liberty used to be bad, but the recent business development there have pushed people into Homewood and Wilkensburg. St Clair Village was so bad, they bulldozed the whole mess.

I lived in the Balto-Wash corridor for 10 years back in the 80's. Baltimore scared me then, a lot worse than DC.

I'm the opposite Hamster, DC always scared me more than Baltimore. Way easier to get lost or stuck in a bad part of town there. I'd still consider living in Georgetown or Dupont Circle area. My buddy lived near Chinatown, and we loved it there as well. But the traffic is the worst on the planet.

I spend the majority of my time in Mt Oliver, and I've never felt threatened. I hit the beer distributor and market often. People there are very talkative and open. I've also walked up the hill a few times from Carson St after the bars closed, up to Mt Oliver. No issues there either, and I used to take the busses often. Very easy to get around.

I also noticed in my 10 years of experience in Pit, they've really done a great job building up Station Square, and the Carson St shopping area with Hoffbrau Haus is a great area to shop and get food/drinks. We're in McKees often, because there's a Pepsi plant there.

Cities that I'd live downtown in are Baltimore (Canton, Fells or Fed Hill). San Fran, Manhattan, Seattle, Portland (ME or OR), Chicago, DC, or Pit. Definately Toronto, Montreal, or Paris. Kilkenny in Ireland. There are some great cities to live in.
I'm the opposite Hamster, DC always scared me more than Baltimore. Way easier to get lost or stuck in a bad part of town there. I'd still consider living in Georgetown or Dupont Circle area. My buddy lived near Chinatown, and we loved it there as well. But the traffic is the worst on the planet.
Cope, I would live in neither, at this point. But I really miss the Chesapeake Bay. Good times.

Pittsburgh is a city in transition.....some areas picking up, some in decline. I listed the areas in decline. All in all, it is a great area to live. Wouldn't want to move at this point.
I used to live in Wilkinsburg. 1113 Wallace Ave was our address. Nice neighborhood. I was last back there about 11 years ago. Place is a ghetto. Roll by my old house unarmed. If you have the balls. I wouldn't do it.
Hell, they closed the High School. Yeah. Great city.
This advancement of crime is IMO at least partly due to the decline of family values and the advancement of social justice advocacy's and attitudes...both results of Liberal positions and demands.

By coincidence I saw this article in my morning news

COMMENTARY BY Walter E. Williams

When hunting was the major source of food, hunters often used stalking horses as a means of sneaking up on their prey. They would synchronize their steps on the side of the horse away from their prey until they were close enough for a good shot.

A stalking horse had a double benefit if the prey was an armed person. If the stalkers were discovered, it would be the horse that took the first shot.

That’s what blacks are to liberals and progressives in their efforts to transform America—stalking horses. Let’s look at it.

I’ll just list a few pieces of the leftist agenda that would be unachievable without black political support.

Black people are the major victims of the grossly rotten education in our big-city schools. The average black 12th-grader can read, write, and compute no better than a white seventh- or eighth-grader.

Many black parents want better and safer schools for their children. According to a 2015 survey of black parents, 72 percent “favor public charter schools, and 70 percent favor a system that would create vouchers parents could use to cover tuition for those who want to enroll their children in a private or parochial school.”

Black politicians and civil rights organizations fight tooth and nail against charter schools and education vouchers.

Why? The National Education Association sees charters and vouchers as a threat to its education monopoly. It is able to use black politicians and civil rights organizations as stalking horses in its fight to protect its education monopoly.

The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 was the nation’s first federally mandated minimum wage law. Its explicit intent was to discriminate against black construction workers.

During the legislative debate on the Davis-Bacon Act, quite a few congressmen, along with union leaders, expressed their racist intentions. Rep. Miles Allgood, D-Ala., said:

Reference has been made to a contractor from Alabama who went to New York with bootleg labor. This is a fact. That contractor has cheap colored labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country.

American Federation of Labor President William Green said, “Colored labor is being sought to demoralize wage rates.”

The Davis-Bacon Act is still law today. Supporters do not use the 1931 racist language to support it. Plus, nearly every black member of Congress supports the Davis-Bacon Act. But that does not change its racially discriminatory effects.

In recent decades, the Davis-Bacon Act has been challenged, and it has prevailed. That would not be the case without unions’ political and financial support to black members of Congress to secure their votes.

Crime is a major problem in many black neighborhoods. In 2016, there were close to 8,000 blacks murdered, mostly by other blacks. In that year, 233 blacks were killed by police.

Which deaths receive the most attention from politicians, civil rights groups, and white liberals, and bring out marches, demonstrations, and political pontification? It’s the blacks killed by police.

There’s little protest against the horrible and dangerous conditions under which many poor and law-abiding black people must live. Political hustlers blame their condition on poverty and racism—ignoring the fact that poverty and racism were much greater yesteryear, when there was not nearly the same amount of chaos.

Also ignored is the fact that the dangerous living conditions worsened under a black president’s administration.

There are several recommendations that I might make. The first and most important is that black Americans stop being useful tools for the leftist hate-America agenda.

As for black politicians and civil rights leaders, if they’re going to sell their people down the river, they should demand a higher price. For example, if black congressmen vote in support of the Davis-Bacon Act, they ought to demand that construction unions give 30 percent of the jobs to black workers.

Finally, many black problems are exacerbated by white liberal guilt. White liberals ought to stop feeling guilty so they can be more respectful in their relationships with black Americans.

I grew up in San Diego. It used to be nice. Now it's an inner city crap hole. Not a chance in heck I would move back. I have a buddy who owns a company that makes military stuff. He is making large dollars. He called me about a year ago to move there and work with him. I told him that I would have to make large enough money to live in the very good areas. I never heard back.

There are only about 500k people in Wyoming. Why on God's green Earth would I leave this to go to a place where there are that many people on my freeway with me?

Well. you’d see more hot women in 5 minutes in San Diego than you’d see in Wyoming all year. So there’s that... and the weather... nice restaurants....
I'm the opposite Hamster, DC always scared me more than Baltimore. Way easier to get lost or stuck in a bad part of town there.

Yep, and two blocks in the wrong direction can instantly put you in a bad part of town. Or at least that how it was 20 years ago.
They filmed much of the movie "The Road" in western PA and when they needed a post-apocalyptic city neighborhood setting (the part where the father goes into his old house) they went to Duquesne and all they had to add was artificial snow.
I'm the opposite Hamster, DC always scared me more than Baltimore. Way easier to get lost or stuck in a bad part of town there. .

Seems it's growing and nobodys payin' attention

Baltimore’s last few weeks have brought a dozen or so street attacks by young black gangs on whites (and on a few blacks, too), a pistol-whipping by black teens of a white resident in an upscale neighborhood, at least 11 carjackings, a runner pushed into the harbor, and—as only one measure of what the future holds—the news that in 13 of the city’s 39 high schools, not a single student tested as proficient in math.


Baltimore Mayor Pugh says crime ‘out of control,’ orders agencies to meet with police every morning, By Luke Broadwater and Kevin Rector, Baltimore Sun, November 9, 2017

I'm beginning to think that you are purposely ignoring the growing problem there Cope....Just maybe a little Huh ?

I don't want to seem to be picking on Cope, I know he has roots in the town and he probably has genuine feelings for his opinions but my buddies have a completely different view and feed me these stories. Here's a sad tale from the Baltimore school districts.

Jim Christian says:
November 13, 2017 at 12:27 pm GMT • 300 Words
Heh, back in the late 80s, they discovered the “digital divide”, where kids WITH computer skills by 6th grade were doing better than those without. Of course, the divide terminology came because as Bill Cosby noted, the Black parents buy 250 dollar sneakers for the kids, White parents buy computers. And so my company, against my advice, took a contract to cable a couple of dozen schools in W. Balto with snappy names like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King to install networks, personal computer pods in every classroom and new phone systems because White schools have them and so too shall Black schools. After a month or a couple in, our trucks had been broken into in the parking lots, OUR pc’s, laptops and tools stolen, windows smashed so many times, we were losing our *****, we were out of pocket replacing glass in the company trucks because the insurance wrote a rider against glass replacement. At the same time, as fast as we could set out the phone system phones and work stations, middle of the night, they’d be gone, stolen. The reps in the schools would deny they signed for equipment that was later stolen, everyone concerned was an insider to the thefts. They even stole the Key Service Units out of the phone closets, they cut cables and vandalized our work. For all I know, they were pissed off that our staff was all White, which it was, all White techs. Ah, **** by then, I had Black fatigue and quit the company. I have no idea what became of all the work we did, but my old company was put out of business inside of six months because as they tried to ease out of the situation, they were sued by the city to finish a job that could never be finished because we couldn’t protect our work, our tools, our trucks, even our techs, there simply was no security. They stole everything, really just to steal, because no one would buy this stuff, not even a fence, and it surely wasn’t useful to the thieves.

Dip your toe into urban contracting, it’s a tar pit.

It's not picking on me SteelChip. ****** things happen in cities, I'm not blind to that, and that is a sad story about the computer installs. In a past life, I tried to set my then girlfriend's mind at ease to start a career as an inner city elementary teacher, while she went to med school. This was in 98 when Baltimore city really needed good teachers. I took an extra class, I interviewed well, but I was denied to the program. Probably the best thing for me at the time. It is a shame because there are a lot of kids that do want to learn, and in urban environments, the dumb kids pressure the smart kids to not learn. It's not cool to do what the teacher says. That is the toughest workaround my friends had that made it into the program. a few of the schools turned it around and became good learning centers, a majority continued to backslide.

Another tough reality is, even though the computers could be installed in an urban school, it still doesn't mean they are on par with the suburban schools. The suburban kids have computers at home as well. Inner city, they go home to TV. This does not help computer literacy, it only creates a low level of comfort, while using a computer. Which is still better than not having them, but it's still not equal footing.

My friends in Fed Hill aren't running from the bat men yet, but any violence is a concern. Kids do stupid things everywhere. We had the knockout game in Philly, and that went on for nearly 2 years.

I hung out last night and tailgated off of Wicomico, west of the stadium, Russell St and MLK Blvd. It's a black neighborhood and the tailgates are mixed. We had a great time pregaming with the locals, walked to the stadium, walked back, and drove out the back roads to Washington Ave. Some people still incorrectly think of this part of town as 'scary' or 'bad', but it has undergone a significant transformation and is improving with the same residents, as opposed to gentrification, which improves an area by forcing out the residents.
Every major city has terrible areas. I've lived in Pittsburgh, Philly and DC and spent plenty of time in Baltimore and the problems in some of these areas are so systemic and overwhelming I don't see how they ever get solved. It starts in childhood when you see kids running the streets on school days or out at all hours of the night, sometimes without shoes or coats in the middle of winter. You see people just hanging out, drinking and drugging all day every day. You see lines out the door of the liquor store on welfare check day and you see people walking around so ****** up they will do the most repulsive things right in broad daylight.

It's a different world in some parts of our inner cities. It's sad.
All those liberal, socialist European countries you guys like to roll your eyes at enjoy lower crime rates than the U.S.

and if you removed Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis and NYC from the violent crime equation, the US of A -- where Donald J ******* Trump is your 45th President of the United States of America --- would be even safer than the Eurocucktries you so fondly flog yourself over.
and if you removed Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis and NYC from the violent crime equation, the US of A -- where Donald J ******* Trump is your 45th President of the United States of America --- would be even safer than the Eurocucktries you so fondly flog yourself over.

Europe would still have less treason.
Every major city has terrible areas. I've lived in Pittsburgh, Philly and DC and spent plenty of time in Baltimore and the problems in some of these areas are so systemic and overwhelming I don't see how they ever get solved. It starts in childhood when you see kids running the streets on school days or out at all hours of the night, sometimes without shoes or coats in the middle of winter. You see people just hanging out, drinking and drugging all day every day. You see lines out the door of the liquor store on welfare check day and you see people walking around so ****** up they will do the most repulsive things right in broad daylight.

It's a different world in some parts of our inner cities. It's sad.

It's not even just the inner cities anymore with the horrible parenting causing kids to be out of control animals. I live in small town Ohio and the opioid epidemic is in full swing....has been for a few years. I lived in PA when it blew through there starting about 8 or 9 years ago. At my school now we have an unbelievable amount of middle schoolers' parents currently in jail for drugs. Many others are not currently in jail but are full blown junkies. There is another large segment who may not be junkies but they have something in common with the ones who are. They simply do not give a **** what their kids do and where they are at any given time. It's far too much work to parent so they just say **** it and only worry about themselves and their needs. The kids are left to fend for themselves.

So many of these kids are running the streets at 1 and 2 in the morning and bouncing from house to house, it's unreal. And I am talking 5th and 6th graders, not high school aged kids. I can't tell you how many times we call home to check on a kid's absence to have the parent nonchalantly say, "Oh I don't know....they didn't come home last night." These are 10 year olds. It's so bad. The kids themselves are almost feral. They have no social skills or incentive to do much of anything besides cause trouble. And it certainly isn't a racial issue because our school is 95% white. I've heard the teachers say they are shocked and beyond frustrated this year because they are completely unable to form bonds with these troubled little kids no matter how hard they try. From what I'm told, the kids don't seem to have any social awareness whatsoever and it seems like affection is a foreign concept to them so they aren't really responding to it.

I'd say the ratio of these absentee idiot parents compared to the involved caring parents at our school is 50/50 at this point. Except for the rare kid here and there, you can almost always tell after 10 seconds of watching a kid operate at school what type of home life they come from.
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Don't move to Hawaii

Surrender Your Guns, Police Tell Hawaiian Medical Marijuana Patients

The Honolulu Police Department has sent letters to local medical marijuana patients ordering them to “voluntarily surrender” their firearms because of their MMJ status.

The letters, signed by Honolulu Police Chief Susan Ballard, inform patients that they have 30 days upon receipt of the letter to transfer ownership or turn in their firearms and ammunition to the Honolulu Police.

The existence of the notices, first reported early today by Russ Belville at The Marijuana Agenda podcast, was confirmed to Leafly News this afternoon by the Honolulu Police Department.

The startling order comes just three months after the state’s first medical marijuana dispensary opened in Hawaii’s capital city.



THAT is what a national database will get you.....drink all the whiskey u want, but smoke the demon weed and they take away your guns
I bet it's due to that reefer madness. /sarc

Lol, seriously though, I wish it was reefer. Heroin is so bad around here, Weed is barely even considered a drug any more. I doubt the police even bother with it at this point.