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Beijing Joe, Punxsutawney President, kills 11,000 American jobs, billions in wages


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Biden’s cancellation of Keystone XL pipeline will cost ‘thousands’ of jobs amid pandemic slowdown: Expert

President-elect Joe Biden is planning to quickly cancel the Keystone XL pipeline project held up for years during the Obama administration but approved by President Donald Trump, a move that will cost “thousands” of jobs at a time when employment is still depressed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy, in plugging Heritage Action for America’s executive director Jessica Anderson, noted that the pipeline is being built by private-sector companies that have already invested some $8 billion — all of which would be for naught if Biden does cancel it.

But in addition, such a cancellation will lead to substantial losses of good-paying construction and engineering jobs at a time when the economy still has not fully recovered from the pandemic, she said.

“It’s very concerning that Biden is heading down this direction when we know that the Keystone pipeline has provided so many jobs for hard-working Americans,” said Anderson.

“It really is frustrating, and at a time when Biden’s plans should be about opening up more opportunities for jobs, he’s going in the opposite direction. These are thousands of hard-working construction and engineer jobs,” Anderson continued. “These are real Americans that will basically be put on unemployment with the backdrop of the pandemic.”

The pipeline was first proposed in 2008. It is designed to transport some 830,000 barrels of oil per day from western Canada to terminals on the U.S. Gulf Coast. President Obama opposed the construction of the pipeline and blocked it, but Trump reversed that decision shortly after taking office.

Calling it a “great day for American jobs,” Trump said in March 2017 the pipeline would become part of a “new era of American energy policy” that, four years later, culminated in the United States becoming a net energy exporter for the first time in decades.

“It’s going to be an incredible pipeline,” the president said at the time. “Greatest technology known to man or woman and, frankly, we’re very proud of it.”

PBS reported in January 2020 that TC Energy, the project’s sponsor, noted in a court filing the company wanted to begin building the U.S.-Canada border crossing in Montana in April.

The project has been opposed in court by Native American tribes and by environmentalists who claim it will contribute to warming the planet via climate change, but Anderson pushed back on that.

Biden is “doing this under this farce of climate control and climate change when we know that not based in any real science,” she told Doocy. “The Keystone pipeline does not have any adverse effect on climate.”

She went on to say that Biden, early on, appears to be pursuing “the same failed policy line that Obama did,” adding that is “concerning to all of us Americans who want something more from our elected officials.”

Doocy countered that the left-wing faction of Biden’s Democratic Party will hail his decision as good for the country.

“That should worry us all…when the progressive left is cheering something that Biden is doing,” Anderson responded, adding that many of Biden’s picks to serve in his administration are “Obama holdovers.”

“We know how this story ends,” she said. “It’s worse off for Americans.”


Beijing Joe, bootlicking China lackey, looking out for the "little guy" by killing 11,000 high-paying jobs for Americans.
After he goes after fracking, we can bow to the feet of OPEC once again.

Thanks CCP Joe.
After he goes after fracking, we can bow to the feet of OPEC once again.

Thanks CCP Joe.

And he most certainly will. I ******* hope gasoline gets to $7.00 per gallon in Ca and New York. ******* that voted for him deserve it.
Gas went up .14 overnight after that announcement.
We will see The unintended consequences of this in just a few weeks.
We will see The unintended consequences of this in just a few weeks.

I think the consequences are intended. Very much so. Which is ridiculous, since basically the people working in the fossil fuel industry are hardworking, make a good living and help the damn country.

Repeat - people, not ogres.
I'm sitting here watching Joe live signing COVID-19 response Executive Orders.....I'm floored this country voted this feeble shell of a man to be the most powerful man in the world. He can't even grab a pen in a coordinated fashion. Unreal.
Hard times make strong men. Well times are about to get hard.

More crime, higher unemployment, sucking up to the Chinese run WHO.

Beijing Biden already a failure and it's only day 1.
I'm sitting here watching Joe live signing COVID-19 response Executive Orders.....I'm floored this country voted this feeble shell of a man to be the most powerful man in the world. He can't even grab a pen in a coordinated fashion. Unreal.

Here is Beijing Joe signing ...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is China Joe signing blank pages? <a href="https://t.co/8d6R67Ym4e">pic.twitter.com/8d6R67Ym4e</a></p>— Wide Awake in Switzerland (@timetowakeupsw1) <a href="https://twitter.com/timetowakeupsw1/status/1352044892957110272?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Blank papers?!? What the ... ??
Make sure you go out and stock up on XXL Depends, for the next few months. The amount of ******** in your pants ya'll be doing is gonna take daily routine and maintenance.

Just remember to wipe thoroughly. Maybe even take multiple showers a day, since you'll be crapping in your pants, over and over, with Joseph R. Biden as your President.

In time, maybe, perhaps, you'll turn the corner and get over it. In the meantime, wishing you all the best.

And don't forget the baby wipes, that can go a long way in between needing to fully change your boxers and pants.

Make sure you go out and stock up on XXL Depends, for the next few months. The amount of ******** in your pants ya'll be doing is gonna take daily routine and maintenance.

Just remember to wipe thoroughly. Maybe even take multiple showers a day, since you'll be crapping in your pants, over and over, with Joseph R. Biden as your President.

In time, maybe, perhaps, you'll turn the corner and get over it. In the meantime, wishing you all the best.

And don't forget the baby wipes, that can go a long way in between needing to fully change your boxers and pants.


Stop projecting Tibs, just because you're a lazy, socialist slob who sits in his own feces until big government comes around to wipe your fat *** doesn't mean everyone else is useless dolt like you.
Make sure you go out and stock up on XXL Depends, for the next few months. The amount of ******** in your pants ya'll be doing is gonna take daily routine and maintenance.

Just remember to wipe thoroughly. Maybe even take multiple showers a day, since you'll be crapping in your pants, over and over, with Joseph R. Biden as your President.

In time, maybe, perhaps, you'll turn the corner and get over it. In the meantime, wishing you all the best.

And don't forget the baby wipes, that can go a long way in between needing to fully change your boxers and pants.


So thousands of jobs will be lost at the worst possible time and this is your counterpoint? This is what you call engaging in debate?

You're a ******* troll. Some mod please get this ******* the **** out of here. He's as bad as Elfie.
Make sure you go out and stock up on XXL Depends, for the next few months. The amount of ******** in your pants ya'll be doing is gonna take daily routine and maintenance.

Just remember to wipe thoroughly. Maybe even take multiple showers a day, since you'll be crapping in your pants, over and over, with Joseph R. Biden as your President.

In time, maybe, perhaps, you'll turn the corner and get over it. In the meantime, wishing you all the best.

And don't forget the baby wipes, that can go a long way in between needing to fully change your boxers and pants.


Funny thing is Joe is wearing a ******* diaper right now.
So thousands of jobs will be lost at the worst possible time and this is your counterpoint? This is what you call engaging in debate?

You're a ******* troll. Some mod please get this ******* the **** out of here. He's as bad as Elfie.

He doesn't give a **** about them. Blue collar workers are seen as lowlife slobs to corporate, globalist, elite shills like him.
The Imposter In Chief getting busy ******* the country over. What a frail pathetic old man. Certainly a short timer, so he really doesn't care either way.
Beijing Joe, bootlicking China lackey, looking out for the "little guy" by killing 11,000 high-paying jobs for Americans.

It's not the kind of jobs Democrats like, so it's all good.
tibbie you ran and hid for years....now you want to make fun of posters

please explain how blocking the pipeline project is good for this country?

pipelines are the safest, most economical way to move oil or other products great distances. Liberals will argue that these would be temporary jobs, well is it better to have a temporary job or no ******* job. This pipeline was going to employ engineers, drafters, permit agents, environmentalists, survey crews, welders, inspectors, construction crews, remediation experts, clerical support, procurement, manufacturing, truckers, pipe layers, accountants, project control staff, plus many folks I can't think of right now. Plus the loss of all the payroll taxes and income taxes from all these lost workers

but yeah, gloat about an idiotic decision by the President.
He doesn't give a **** about them. Blue collar workers are seen as lowlife slobs to corporate, globalist, elite shills like him.

it is not just blue collar jobs lost. A hell of a lot of white collar workers will be hit hard by this also
tibbie you ran and hid for years....now you want to make fun of posters

please explain how blocking the pipeline project is good for this country?

pipelines are the safest, most economical way to move oil or other products great distances. Liberals will argue that these would be temporary jobs, well is it better to have a temporary job or no ******* job. This pipeline was going to employ engineers, drafters, permit agents, environmentalists, survey crews, welders, inspectors, construction crews, remediation experts, clerical support, procurement, manufacturing, truckers, pipe layers, accountants, project control staff, plus many folks I can't think of right now. Plus the loss of all the payroll taxes and income taxes from all these lost workers

but yeah, gloat about an idiotic decision by the President.

I'd love Tibs, Flog, Punx, or 21 to - with common decency, logic, and without insult....answer the following:

  • Why do you think shutting down the Keystone pipeline makes sense?
  • How does shutting down the pipeline benefit America?
  • Why do you support Biden's executive order to stop oil production on federal lands?
  • Likewise, do you think it is smart for him to go after and ban fracking next? On any or all lands?
  • As a result of the above, we will now be dependent upon foreign oil sources once again. Is this a good thing? Please explain how being dependent on say OPEC benefits us.
  • If any of your answers above involved supporting the decisions for environmental reasons, please explain why you only care about the environment here...and not overseas...because certainly oil production in the ocean or in the sands of Saudi Arabia has environmental impacts there as well.
  • If you justify our environment over their environment, or over another environment like the ocean, can you justify why our environment is worth protecting, while their environment is not worth protecting?
The USA did not import oil and was a net exporter last year. Even Democrats have to see that was a good thing.

You would be incorrect, they think it's a bad thing.