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Beijing Joe, Punxsutawney President, kills 11,000 American jobs, billions in wages

Make sure you go out and stock up on XXL Depends, for the next few months. The amount of ******** in your pants ya'll be doing is gonna take daily routine and maintenance.

Just remember to wipe thoroughly. Maybe even take multiple showers a day, since you'll be crapping in your pants, over and over, with Joseph R. Biden as your President.

In time, maybe, perhaps, you'll turn the corner and get over it. In the meantime, wishing you all the best.

And don't forget the baby wipes, that can go a long way in between needing to fully change your boxers and pants.


Come on Tibor. You can't possibly think this to be a good decision. Look, I can understand wanting to get to renewable fuels and things like that, but until the technology is there, don't you think it would be a good idea to keep fuel costs low for working Americans while ensuring that the Americans that are working stay working? Aren't people struggling? So the solution is to raise the cost of an important commodity at a time when Americans need it to be cheaper?

Seems really counterproductive to cut jobs, good paying ones at that, at a time when so many people are losing their jobs and livelihoods.
The USA did not import oil and was a net exporter last year. Even Democrats have to see that was a good thing.

No they don't. It has to be batteries, solar panels and windmills right now. Period. Oil bad.
it is not just blue collar jobs lost. A hell of a lot of white collar workers will be hit hard by this also

It’s going to hit everybody hard. The price of energy drives the price of production. Energy prices go up and the price of everything else goes up.
Yesterday that dusty old ****** signed an EO that makes it ok for queerbate boys to compete in girls sports if they identify as a girl. Hooray!!!
Yesterday that dusty old ****** signed an EO that makes it ok for queerbate boys to compete in girls sports if they identify as a girl. Hooray!!!

That's part of the new unity project day one. Kill American jobs and independence from foreign countries. Got to pay your Chinese handlers back. Just a start for them. And most importantly get men breaking all of the female records and let females compete as men. All of those seperate bathrooms, changing rooms and showers are a thing of the past. Forget science and mental illness this is the lunatic fringe. It's a put on. Next up flood the borders,make all those here and coming in citizens. Put them on government assistance, get them registered to vote and you're rolling. Next up start ******* with health insurance again, then onto god knows what in green new deal spending and regulations. Then we will bounce to student loan forgiveness. Hell maybe they can go a step up and promise everyone free housing now on a large scale.
And it goes without saying you will definitely be paying for abortions(child murder) and sex changes...let's just call it genital mutilation, because that's all it is.

Exciting times lay ahead. I am pumped!!
I worked with people in the oil and gas industry and this is a brutal blow to a lot of jobs in PA and WV. If you are OK with this because they are following party lines of AOC and Lamb, then F off! This affects not only the US, but Canada. He BLATANTLY lied when pressed about fracking and doing away with it. He said he would, then was asked during his campaign and he said no several times. He's a liar and fraud. On the first freakin day he is going to do away with it? He is making sure that he is making his trolls happy. Christmas in the White House to appease their personal agendas.
tibbie you ran and hid for years....now you want to make fun of posters

please explain how blocking the pipeline project is good for this country?

pipelines are the safest, most economical way to move oil or other products great distances. Liberals will argue that these would be temporary jobs, well is it better to have a temporary job or no ******* job. This pipeline was going to employ engineers, drafters, permit agents, environmentalists, survey crews, welders, inspectors, construction crews, remediation experts, clerical support, procurement, manufacturing, truckers, pipe layers, accountants, project control staff, plus many folks I can't think of right now. Plus the loss of all the payroll taxes and income taxes from all these lost workers

but yeah, gloat about an idiotic decision by the President.

He just ****** over the steel industry with this too.
He just ****** over the steel industry with this too.

yeah that was part of my catch all "manufacturing"

whole lot of pipe, pumps, sensors, coatings and other products that won't be ordered now.
I mean, I think this acts as a reminder why many of us voted for Trump even with his flaws. It still comes down to POLICY.

And this is an example of policy I just can't stand from liberals. Shutting down this pipeline literally will do NOTHING for global warming. It's all style, no substance decision to pander to his base.

The oil in Canada will still reach the Gulf Coast. Only now, it will get there more dangerously (via truck and rail) and more costly (which will be passed on to consumers). It's been traveling that way for years now.

It's all smoke and mirrors for Democrats. To them, just making life harder and more expensive for energy companies is some grand gesture of environmentalism. When in reality it is a tax on goods/services we all use. A process to make some energy more expensive (fossil fuels) so that other energy (so-called "green") can compete but at a HUGE expense to businesses and consumers.

When governments push their thumb on the scales of competition like this all it does is reward bad ideas, stifle innovation, slow down progress and depress the economy.

I wish they could just clearly state this as their platform instead of white-washing it as some sort of altruism.
I mean, I think this acts as a reminder why many of us voted for Trump even with his flaws. It still comes down to POLICY.

And this is an example of policy I just can't stand from liberals. Shutting down this pipeline literally will do NOTHING for global warming. It's all style, no substance decision to pander to his base.

The oil in Canada will still reach the Gulf Coast. Only now, it will get there more dangerously (via truck and rail) and more costly (which will be passed on to consumers). It's been traveling that way for years now.

It's all smoke and mirrors for Democrats. To them, just making life harder and more expensive for energy companies is some grand gesture of environmentalism. When in reality it is a tax on goods/services we all use. A process to make some energy more expensive (fossil fuels) so that other energy (so-called "green") can compete but at a HUGE expense to businesses and consumers.

When governments push their thumb on the scales of competition like this all it does is reward bad ideas, stifle innovation, slow down progress and depress the economy.

I wish they could just clearly state this as their platform instead of white-washing it as some sort of altruism.

Wait until Mayor Buttplug gets his way and raises the federal gas tax.
Make sure you go out and stock up on XXL Depends, for the next few months. The amount of ******** in your pants ya'll be doing is gonna take daily routine and maintenance.

Just remember to wipe thoroughly. Maybe even take multiple showers a day, since you'll be crapping in your pants, over and over, with Joseph R. Biden as your President.

In time, maybe, perhaps, you'll turn the corner and get over it. In the meantime, wishing you all the best.

And don't forget the baby wipes, that can go a long way in between needing to fully change your boxers and pants.


Better get some for yourself. You're the biggest piece of **** on this board.
Wrecking America in 30 Days or Less
In just 3 days:

60,000+ jobs destroyed.

U.S. gas and oil industry being destroyed.

Women's sports destroyed.

Troops forced to sleep in parking garages.

Ramping up Middle East wars again already.

National mask mandate.

Ended 1776 project.

Stopped all border wall construction.

Ended illegal immigrant deportations.

Back in Paris Climate money redistribution scheme.

Screwing up vaccine distribution.
Wait until Mayor Buttplug gets his way and raises the federal gas tax.

Anyone with a brain saw that coming if Democrats ever got their way on issues.

And the sad thing about a gasoline tax is that is HURTS the middle and lower classes much more than the upper classes and the wealthy. It is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Democrats tell the people. Democrats always argue they are going to tax the rich only. But they hide the HUGE taxes they do on the lower and middle classes by doing death by a thousand cuts. Often with so-called "sin taxes" and tax increases on things already taxed (that really shouldn't be in the first place). I mean Democrats all over the country are the ones that raised cigarette taxes and sugary drink taxes and love to charge for city parking, a million and one permit costs, and push Police into a form of tax collection agency via speed traps and DUI checkpoints. All of this is Democrat/Liberal in principle and ideology.

And the people MOST affected by these policies are always the middle class.

I've said this many times. The ONLY thing that saved our economy after the 2007 housing/bank crash was low energy costs. Obama and his Democratic policies had NOTHING to do with it. Gas went from $4/gallon down to $2.50/gallon and basically put $1000/year into middle class pockets as a pure cash stimulus. That $1000/year created the meager 1% to 1.5% growth we saw under Obama. You take that away (and Obama long said he wanted $4 - $5/gallon gas prices so green energy would be competitive), then there is no growth under Obama. Nada. Nilch.

And that's even with Obama lowering interest rates like crazy (which just allowed the government to deficit spend on ****** things), all the meanwhile NOT passing the benefits of lower interest rates onto consumers because his "bank regulations" shut down all but the safest of loans to the richest and most economically secure people.

Biden is headed towards the SAME thing. If he over regulates, the lower interest rates will only benefit the government (and very rich) to borrow. If his policies raise energy costs (which they will), then it will act as a huge economic weight on middle class America.

There is no blaming Trump on what is going to happen. Biden's policies will likely lead to making it harder to borrow money and increase energy costs. And there is no way around the impact they will have on the economy. There will still be a bounce back after Covid 2020 year, but by the time we get to 2023 and 2024, we are going right back to 1% growth at best.
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Wrecking America in 30 Days or Less
In just 3 days:

60,000+ jobs destroyed.

U.S. gas and oil industry being destroyed.

Women's sports destroyed.

Troops forced to sleep in parking garages.

Ramping up Middle East wars again already.

National mask mandate.

Ended 1776 project.

Stopped all border wall construction.

Ended illegal immigrant deportations.

Back in Paris Climate money redistribution scheme.

Screwing up vaccine distribution.

You forgot Invaded Syria today

Admitted they don't have a plan to fight COVID

Broke his own mask mandate EO
It’s going to hit everybody hard. The price of energy drives the price of production. Energy prices go up and the price of everything else goes up.

Horseshit. Low energy prices are beneficial to white people who have exploited the dark-skinned people in third-world countries and so they need to be punished.
Yesterday that dusty old ****** signed an EO that makes it ok for queerbate boys to compete in girls sports if they identify as a girl. Hooray!!!

If true, that has to be one of the most effed up things ever. I don't care how you identify, where you put your privates etc., but if you were born a man you should not be competing athletically against human beings that were born female. I can't wrap my head around anyone thinking that's OK or normal.

Bruce Jenner would have owned the women's decathlon and those records would have likely only been broken by his son.
If true, that has to be one of the most effed up things ever. I don't care how you identify, where you put your privates etc., but if you were born a man you should not be competing athletically against human beings that were born female. I can't wrap my head around anyone thinking that's OK or normal.

Bruce Jenner would have owned the women's decathlon and those records would have likely only been broken by his son.

It truly is insane.
Another way Biden and Democrats will slow down the economy is how they decide to regulate lending.

I said previously in this thread that regulations will restrict the low interest rates only to the very wealthy and economically secure people (of course there will be no such limit on how much the government can borrow). But in COMBINATION with these policies, they will also force banks to make BAD LOANS to individuals based on race and demographics. This is to appease and make policies based on the Democratic ideology of "equality of outcome" rather than "equality of opportunity/merit".

So they will make loan programs just for certain so-called "victim classes". And these loans will have no basis on math, merit, or sound banking principles.

And again, the banking industry will adjust their losses on these "forced" risky loans by making it even HARDER for loans to the middle class (i.e. at higher rates and worse terms) so the banks' bottom lines stay the same. Also remember when interest rates are low, Banks find sleazier and sketchier ways to improve their bottom lines (derivatives anyone???)

This is how the system fails when government pushes on the scales of industry in the name of "social justice". It is the DEFINITION of racism to give benefits based on race just as it is to make it harder based on race.

This is the Democrats platform for all to see. They don't deny it. After the BLM riots and movement (along with the loss of Bernie Sanders), the democrats have SLIGHTLY shifted back towards the Race/Victim Class side of liberalism (as opposed to the European Socialism/Marxist side). That's not to say Bernie and his ilk will not have influence on policy making. We might see their impacts more on Obamacare changes and minimum wage laws (which will be another HUGE sink on the economy).

How anyone with a brain thinks the course we are on is so much better than Trump and his meaningless Tweets/Insanity/Ego-driven feud with the sky-is-falling Media, I just won't get. Again, all that inside the beltway bullshit really didn't mean much at all. But we will find that out the hard way.
If true, that has to be one of the most effed up things ever. I don't care how you identify, where you put your privates etc., but if you were born a man you should not be competing athletically against human beings that were born female. I can't wrap my head around anyone thinking that's OK or normal.

Bruce Jenner would have owned the women's decathlon and those records would have likely only been broken by his son.

don't forget it also means men can now shower in the ladies bathroom at gyms.

Some places are also passing laws that say school can give your kid hormone shots to transition without telling the parents. In fact the law goes a step further to say if the parent inquires about it, they will be told it's none of their business.

The whole trans movement is a scam. It is heavily funded by Big Pharma. Why? Because trans people require various drugs for their entire lives. Obama even tried to get the armed forces to fund it. All you had to do was join up, declare yourself trans, do your 4 years, then have the VA pay for your meds the rest of your life. Trump ended that but it is sure to come back under Prez Potato.