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Beijing Joe, Punxsutawney President, kills 11,000 American jobs, billions in wages

Ahh these dumb ***** were told but.....orange man bad, and now your job is bad...and gone. Dumb *****

People are easily misled. You would have figured they would have learned after Obama. Nope still stupid,ignorant and gullible.

There's absolutely zero accountability for telling truckloads of lies in order to gain power. They have the media on all levels too. That's the gravy train of doing whatever you want all the time. Must be nice.

And Joe is illegitimate to begin with.
don't forget it also means men can now shower in the ladies bathroom at gyms.

Some places are also passing laws that say school can give your kid hormone shots to transition without telling the parents. In fact the law goes a step further to say if the parent inquires about it, they will be told it's none of their business.

The whole trans movement is a scam. It is heavily funded by Big Pharma. Why? Because trans people require various drugs for their entire lives. Obama even tried to get the armed forces to fund it. All you had to do was join up, declare yourself trans, do your 4 years, then have the VA pay for your meds the rest of your life. Trump ended that but it is sure to come back under Prez Potato.

I could maybe get on board with the first point. The second point is super effed up.
People are easily misled. You would have figured they would have learned after Obama. Nope still stupid,ignorant and gullible.

There's absolutely zero accountability for telling truckloads of lies in order to gain power. They have the media on all levels too. That's the gravy train of doing whatever you want all the time. Must be nice.

And Joe is illegitimate to begin with.

Just goes to show just how uniformed the media wants everyone to be. And for good reason. It makes them good, docile, ignorant robots.
don't forget it also means men can now shower in the ladies bathroom at gyms.

Some places are also passing laws that say school can give your kid hormone shots to transition without telling the parents. In fact the law goes a step further to say if the parent inquires about it, they will be told it's none of their business.

The whole trans movement is a scam. It is heavily funded by Big Pharma. Why? Because trans people require various drugs for their entire lives. Obama even tried to get the armed forces to fund it. All you had to do was join up, declare yourself trans, do your 4 years, then have the VA pay for your meds the rest of your life. Trump ended that but it is sure to come back under Prez Potato.

Men competing in women's sports will do wonders for women's sports.

I wonder if women who voted for Biden ever thought about that..
I do not like this.

Significant public investment in alternative energy needs to be made, but restricting production of fossil fuels before the alternatives are sufficiently developed is a mistake.
I do not like this.

Significant public investment in alternative energy needs to be made, but restricting production of fossil fuels before the alternatives are sufficiently developed is a mistake.

That will take way too long, playbook says drive up the price of fossil fuels to the point that alternative energy looks like a valid option.
I do not like this.

Significant public investment in alternative energy needs to be made, but restricting production of fossil fuels before the alternatives are sufficiently developed is a mistake.

You voted for it and you knew he was going to do this. OH well. Elections have consequences. How quickly we are learning.
I do not like this.

Significant public investment in alternative energy needs to be made, but restricting production of fossil fuels before the alternatives are sufficiently developed is a mistake.

How about not “restricting” fossil fuels at all? If alternative energy is so awesome, people will want it and choose it over fossil fuels in a free market. But we all know that at this point, alternative energy is a pipe dream. If they were serious about real solutions, nuclear energy would be an option. But we know they aren’t serious. They just want control.
How about not “restricting” fossil fuels at all? If alternative energy is so awesome, people will want it and choose it over fossil fuels in a free market. But we all know that at this point, alternative energy is a pipe dream. If they were serious about real solutions, nuclear energy would be an option. But we know they aren’t serious. They just want control.

That is 100% correct.
That will take way too long, playbook says drive up the price of fossil fuels to the point that alternative energy looks like a valid option.

Tax fossil fuels and use the money to subsidize ''green" energy, some of which goes to campaign donations to Democrats lo lobby for more ''green'' subsidies.

How about not “restricting” fossil fuels at all? If alternative energy is so awesome, people will want it and choose it over fossil fuels in a free market. But we all know that at this point, alternative energy is a pipe dream. If they were serious about real solutions, nuclear energy would be an option. But we know they aren’t serious. They just want control.
Ur FuNny.
My biggest break from being conservative would be environmental issues. I think the world in general does a terrible job. Alot of people on here enjoy the great outdoors. People have posted beautiful picks of camping and what not. I would not want that to be interrupted by machines or oil wells and what not. I think we should start phasing fossil fuels out. I think the technology is there to do it, it just needs refined. If people really committed to it, I think we could make big strides quickly. It would also eliminate or severely diminish our reliance on the middle east.
My biggest break from being conservative would be environmental issues. I think the world in general does a terrible job. Alot of people on here enjoy the great outdoors. People have posted beautiful picks of camping and what not. I would not want that to be interrupted by machines or oil wells and what not. I think we should start phasing fossil fuels out. I think the technology is there to do it, it just needs refined. If people really committed to it, I think we could make big strides quickly. It would also eliminate or severely diminish our reliance on the middle east.
Conservative thinkers base their economic policies on facts and realities, not wishful thinking.

Goals are fine, and to be encouraged, but lofty goals -- ahead of the technology, distribution and easy general use -- are economic nightmares because they demolish the competitive advantage.

Your written words do not make you seem very conservative.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
My biggest break from being conservative would be environmental issues. I think the world in general does a terrible job. Alot of people on here enjoy the great outdoors. People have posted beautiful picks of camping and what not. I would not want that to be interrupted by machines or oil wells and what not. I think we should start phasing fossil fuels out. I think the technology is there to do it, it just needs refined. If people really committed to it, I think we could make big strides quickly. It would also eliminate or severely diminish our reliance on the middle east.

100% of what Flu said and more. You have your Mickey Mouse ears on and want to visit Disney. You won't see a green planet if your lifetime. I doubt it becomes mainstream by the time you have great great grandchildren, but that's my opinion.

Today, it's not close to feasible for us to be Green. Not in the least. We are remotely close to it. ****, they need fossil fuel to make electric cars and hybrids.

Progressive environmentalists have you scared to death about fossil fuel production like they scared everyone to death last year about COVID and you've taken the bait. Putting in a few strategically placed pipelines doesn't damage the environment in comparison to so many things humans do to the environment daily. Use logic in your thinking. What threatens our wildlife and natural environments more? Cars, highways, urban sprawl or a few oil pipelines and some fracking?

Our infrastructure growth and development of land is the greatest threat to these areas. Not fracking/pipelines.

Pipelines are also, once established, no threat to the environment. A pipe running through the forest does not disturb the environment. ****, deer will jump over them and rabbits will crawl under them. Building new highways, cars and their pollution and oil damage from road oil runoff...that stuff is far more damaging.

Regardless, today...if you support Dementia Joe's decision to shut down the pipeline, do you REALIZE what you are supporting? First, it leads to us being dependent on OPEC again. Know what that leads to? Let me spell it out...

Increased use of oil tankers to push billions of gallons of crude across the oceans...tanks that use OIL and spill their bilge into the ocean. Also, oil production elsewhere damages environments there. Is their wildlife less important than ours? I suppose so.

One massive container ship equals 50 million cars in terms of the amount of air pollution they produce. Truth. ONE.

Routine ship maintenance leads to 137 Million Gallons of oil in the ocean from bilge cleaning and other ship operations.

Let's be green!! Yeah and let's let girls be boys and boys be girls! Fantasy thinking and wishful thinking is driving us back to doing MORE damage to the world's environments.
There is a false assumption among liberals that conservative viewpoints on free market capitalism mean we should have zero regulations and let the whole system run like the wild west.

That is not the case. Government involvement is to ENSURE free market and fair labor practices. To ensure true capitalism exists, because letting companies ensure this normally doesn't work out. You get monopolies, abuse of labor, and basically the power gained by being "big" becomes too much of an advantage.

Ideally, it is not government's job to decide what or where we buy things. Nor should they overly tax one industry over another.

But government DOES need to ensure free and fair market practices. It also has to be very careful if/when it decides to be a safety net to corporations as that can set very dangerous precedent.

When it comes to the fossil fuel and energy sector, there WAS a time industry across the board was exploiting the environment beyond reason and acceptance. There were also inconsistent rules on how to penalize companies for liability and poor industry practices resulting in accidents (both to workers and the environment).

I mean, every industrialized nation goes through a reckoning on worker safety/exploitation and environmental concerns. If government didn't get involved on these issues, it could be argued we'd still have black smog over Pittsburgh and need the street lights on 24 hours a day (like we did back in the 1930's and 1940's).

So many things out the environment protection acts of the late 1960's and early 1970's were good laws (they have flaws, but overall were pretty good).

And as always with environmental issues, you have to remember the 90-10 rules. You can solve 90% of the problem for 10% of the cost but chasing the LAST 10% of the problem will cost you 90% of the cost. And someone has to decide when "enough is enough". Chasing pollution is likely, in fact, an infinite parabola. You will NEVER get to 100% clean and every small step closer to 100% costs infinitely more money than the last step. Just like you will never get to a point where protecting the environment even a little bit costs zero. It will always cost something. Just like worker rights cost something, etc.

The cost right now to ENFORE some sort of faster transition from fossil fuels to green energy is NOT economically feasible. You are getting sold a lie. That's not to say government shouldn't ensure a fair market for alternative energy. Government must always be weary of big business buying up and quashing innovation to maintain its power (and this is particularly important in energy because energy is a SPECULATIVE business model - projecting out the costs/value of a resource not yet found, extracted and used). As a conservative, I will be the first to admit, I think the government should/could do a better job of watching and regulating corporate acquisitions of companies and intellectual property.

Ideally, our government should be doing the following:

1. Continue to tweak the Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts to reflect realistic goals and costs.

2. Closely watch energy innovation, acquisitions and intellectual property. Be conservative with allowing corporations to buy up potential competition.

3. Create fair and equitable tax policies. Avoid the temptation to always TAX that which you think is harmful and give TAX CREDITS to those things you want to promote. Make the innovation prove itself in the free market first.

4. Always evaluate cost/benefit and decide at what point it is "too much money" for "too little benefit". A town deciding to building wind turbines vs. a natural gas energy source knowing it will cost 3 times as much per KW of energy and still require the same upkeep/life cycle does not sound reasonable. And taxpayers should know the decisions made by politicians. The XL pipeline is a good example. Everyone should be able to see the evaluation process of that decision and know much of that gas/oil will now be shipped by rail, tanker ship and truck, at more cost to consumers.

I am convinced that if we continue to take a reasonable, conservative approach to the energy market, the U.S. will have little impact on climate change over the next 50 years. AND it will ensure a healthy economy so we can afford to adapt and protect ourselves from environmental changes. Those environmental changes ARE going to happen. I am not convinced at all we can (as a species) somehow avoid that. I think weather is much to complex a system with way too many variables (including what other countries decide to do).

Somehow democrats have decided FRONTEND COSTS to the climate issue is cheaper than LONG-TERM COSTS to the climate issue, but I think that science and assumptions are very sketchy (at best). They continue to deflate the front end costs (and its effect on our economy) and they either inflate or deflate the long-term costs depending on what they do (which is very suspect).

I don't trust the democrats assumption of this "plan" because it's like arguing with a used car salesman that always wants the money RIGHT NOW. "Give us the money now and we PROMISE it will cost less in the future" is a line used by politicians forever. And almost every time it is false. They take the money now, they will always take the money and the costs are ALWAYS more than they say and the benefits are normally less. You can't point to one policy in history (except war) where a government needing a quick influx of money for a problem, used that money efficiently to solve the problem, then the costs went down and the benefits came out within reasonable predictions.
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I'm not saying to drop everything now and go green. Just seems like alot of people just blow it off and are resigned to the fact we are going to be using fossil fuels forever
I'm not saying to drop everything now and go green. Just seems like alot of people just blow it off and are resigned to the fact we are going to be using fossil fuels forever

I don't know anyone that thinks that.
I'm not saying to drop everything now and go green. Just seems like alot of people just blow it off and are resigned to the fact we are going to be using fossil fuels forever

I would be happy to go green, provided we are replacing what we have with an efficient and economic alternative. Until then, status quo.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
My biggest break from being conservative would be environmental issues. I think the world in general does a terrible job. Alot of people on here enjoy the great outdoors. People have posted beautiful picks of camping and what not. I would not want that to be interrupted by machines or oil wells and what not. I think we should start phasing fossil fuels out. I think the technology is there to do it, it just needs refined. If people really committed to it, I think we could make big strides quickly. It would also eliminate or severely diminish our reliance on the middle east.

Have you seen the result of the mining involved to get the required minerals to make batteries for electric cars? I’ll take drilling, thanks.
See, I'd be angry about the union folks casting their votes for Hiden, but I don't believe for one moment their votes swayed the election. I am completely sure that Trump won the election by a large margin and that key democrats enacted massive fraud to take power illegitimately.

So, I can't take any joy in them getting completely ****** over. It's not like they had any say whatsoever in how it all went down or will continue to go down.
My biggest break from being conservative would be environmental issues. I think the world in general does a terrible job. Alot of people on here enjoy the great outdoors. People have posted beautiful picks of camping and what not. I would not want that to be interrupted by machines or oil wells and what not. I think we should start phasing fossil fuels out. I think the technology is there to do it, it just needs refined. If people really committed to it, I think we could make big strides quickly. It would also eliminate or severely diminish our reliance on the middle east.

Then you should most definately be a conservative. Conservatives focus on real environmental issues like cleaning up pollution and stopping gross polluters like China and India from legally polluting by treaties like the Paris Accord.