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Biden's VP pick

Just saw a Biden ad once again praising his response to Ebola and comparing it to Trump's response to coronavirus. Unfortunately there are a lot of dummies in this country who won't understand the difference.
Sorry Tim, didn't see until now you posted article of that a scum who ran over those women (mods delete thread).
Just saw a Biden ad once again praising his response to Ebola and comparing it to Trump's response to coronavirus. Unfortunately there are a lot of dummies in this country who won't understand the difference.

They're so dishonest it's sickening. I mean we shouldn't be surprised (and I'm not), but it doesn't make it any less disgusting.

President Trump has helped the poor by having the lowest unemployment numbers, especially for people of color, than any other President. he has lowered drug prices and welcomes foreigners who come here legally. He doesn't lie nearly as much as you liberals say and don't know anything about him stealing.

typical bullshit liberal meme that doesn't make any damn sense...

also doesn't disprove the post of mine you quoted

can't argue the point so you switch the discussion to something else

The Left doesn't define a successful economic plan by how many people are working, rather by how many people are dependent on government.
Don’t know **** about her. Is that true?

Kamala Harris Ancestor Was Infamous White Slave Owner In Jamaica Hamilton Brown

Were Kamala Harris’ ancestors Slave Owners?

It is being said Kamala Harris is directly descended from one of the largest slave-owners in Jamaica, Hamilton Brown – there is a even a town named after him, Brown Town. So doesn’t it follow she’s a beneficiary, not a victim, of slavery?

But, does this statement hold any truth?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kamala Harris is directly descended from one of the largest slaveowners in Jamaica, Hamilton Brown—there is a even a town named after him, Brown Town. So doesn’t it follow she’s a beneficiary, not a victim, of slavery?</p>— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) <a href="https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/1293384840793018368?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Snopes did a lengthy piece debunking the claim and concluding it as “unproven” – which according to them means – “insufficient evidence exists to establish the given claim as true”. Similar fact-checks were also published by other outlets.

So, here is the evidence.

Kamala Harris’ ancestor Hamilton Brown was an infamous Slave Owner

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is descended from Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British empire abolished slavery.

Reflections of a Jamaican Father

In a piece published in Jamaica Global Online (https://www.jamaicaglobalonline.com/kamala-harris-jamaican-heritage/) titled Reflections of a Jamaican Father, Kamala Harris’s father Donald J. Harris reflects about their past. He writes:

My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me).


According to Kamala Harris’ father Miss Chrishy (above) was the descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town

Looking back now I can say, with certainty and all due credit to Miss Iris, that it was this early intimate exposure to operation of the sugar industry at the local level of small-scale production with family labour and free wage-labour, coupled with my growing curiosity about how these things came to be, that led me, once I started reading about the history of Jamaica, to a closer study of the sugar industry. I came then to understand its origin as a system of global production and commerce, based on slave labour, with Jamaica as a key component of that system from its very start.

Hamilton Brown owned more than 100 slaves

According to the Jamaican Family Search (http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/slavereg.htm) Hamilton Brown owned more than 100 slaves on several plantations:

“Hamilton Brown owned several plantations over the years 1817 to about 1845. According to the 1818 Almanac which can be found on this site, (Jamaican Family Search), he was the owner of Minard (128 slaves) which he must have acquired from its previous owner (John Bailie) in 1815 or later.


Miss Iris with great Granddaughter Kamala

The number of slaves on this estate approximates the number of slaves in one of the registers attributed to his ownership (124 slaves). The other register (86 slaves) cannot be assigned to any estate, although he is listed in Almanacs for subsequent years as owning several, (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Retirement and Unity Valley) listed in Almanacs for subsequent years as owning several, (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Retirement and Unity Valley).”

Here is a full accounting of the slaves owned by Hamilton Brown, according to the National Archives in London (http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Members/slavereg.htm), as of June 28, 1817 in the parish of St. Ann in Jamaica.

Hamilton Brown officially swore to owning slaves

Hamilton Brown officially swore to the authenticity of this record, stating:

“I Hamilton Brown do swear that the above list and return consisting of two sheets is a true perfect and complete list and return, to the best of my knowledge and belief in every particular therein mentioned of all and every slaves possessed by me as owner, considered as most permanently settled, worked and employed in the Parish of Saint Ann on the twenty Eight day of June One thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen without fraud, deceit or evasion So help me God.

Sworn before me this twenty fourth day of September 1817”

Legacy of British Slave ownership

Hamilton Brown’s slave owning shows up in other records, as well. According to University College London’s project “Legacies of British Slave-ownership (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/person/view/11358):

“Hamilton Brown was instrumental in the importing of several hundred labourers and their families from Ireland to Jamaica between 1835 and 1840. The project describes Hamilton Brown as a “Major attorney and resident slave-owner in Jamaica.”
It won't make a difference one way or another, as Trump will waltz into his 2nd term come November.

seeing the reaction from Trump and his looney fanboys here on the board, looks like Biden picked the perfect running mate. Already living in 'yer heads rent free, lol. She has guys like Indy & Tim eating out of the palm of her hand, look at them jump around in fits, trying to discredit her. And it's only August! Trump and Pence must wake up in a sweaty delirium in the middle of the night thinking about the pain she's gonna inflict on them. So funny. Love Kamala Harris more and more with each passing day.


Kamala Harris is Donald Trump's worst nightmare

...The Trump campaign seems to have settled on the “radical left” attack but doesn’t seem convinced it will work. (It won’t.) So far, their attacks only betray their worst instincts, as shown by Trump’s bizarre “suburban housewife” tweets and his supporters’ conflicting attacks against the Biden/Harris ticket.

Harris will be Trump’s worst nightmare. She is an accomplished, intelligent, able woman of color who used her prosecutorial chops to great effect during the Trump impeachment hearings.

Kamala Harris is an exceptional choice for Joe Biden. Together, they will be a formidable team ready to make the case against Trump in this existential election. They will show Americans what real, competent, values-based, compassionate leadership looks like.
She still needs to answer for a) Is Biden still a racist and b) does still still believe in Biden's accusers?

Will they allow Slow Joe to debate or answer any questions from the media or they gonna whisk him away before he can put his foot in his mouth?

How convenient they don't want him to debate until late Sept, when most of the mail-in ballots are sent in. They are shadowing this dynamic dodos before most of the US citizens really see/hear them for who they are. Smoke&Mirrors 2020. They are not in anyone's head. They need outed for the cancer they are to this economy and the bait & switch they are about to pull off with Biden and Harris.

Reposted for emphasis....

Why Kamala Harris VP pick could cost Biden the election
The only person who should be happier with this pick than Kamala Harris is Donald Trump

In what may go down as one of the worst vice-presidential picks in U.S. history, Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that he has chosen Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., to be his running mate for the 2020 presidential election.

Harris is exactly the opposite of what Biden needed in order to compete with President Trump in November.

Harris is from California, a far-left state that Biden was certain to win regardless of who he selected to be his running mate.

She garnered so little support and enthusiasm among Democratic Party voters during the primary season that she chose to drop out of the race in December, more than a month before the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary.

Harris has been heavily criticized by many on the far left for her stances on some criminal justice issues while she served as the top prosecutor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011 and attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017.

For example, she previously opposed a statewide police body camera mandate, fought against a reduction to California’s mandatory minimum law, and opposed the legalization of marijuana -- a position she has since reversed.

She has a long, well-documented record of political opportunism and grandstanding, going all the way back to her days in San Francisco.

According to an SF Weekly report from 2009, “The cops, in turn, argue that District Attorney Kamala Harris, a striver and candidate for Attorney General, is loath to take difficult cases lest she blemish her political future with an embarrassing loss.”

But worst of all, Harris has in recent years adopted increasingly more radical policy positions, frequently aligning herself with socialist politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

Perhaps the most notable example is Harris’s support for Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, the most radical, socialistic proposal in history.

Among other things, AOC’s Green New Deal resolution, which Harris co-sponsored in the Senate in 2019, includes a call for single-payer health care, retrofitting every home and business building in the country, a new system of publicly-owned banks, free college tuition, “universal access to healthy food,” a federal jobs guarantee, the complete destruction of the fossil-fuel industry and requirements that would prevent Americans from purchasing gasoline-powered cars.

All told, the American Action Forum estimates the Harris-backed Green New Deal could cost as much as $94 trillion over 10 years, making it the most expensive plan ever proposed.

Harris’s support for the Green New Deal and other socialistic policies such as a basic income program for most Americans and a $2,000 monthly “stimulus” check that would be paid out for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, put her squarely outside of the political mainstream and moves the Biden campaign even further to the left than it has already drifted over the past two months.

When you add up all of Harris’s proposals, it’s hard to see how her platform differs substantially from that of Bernie Sanders. Although Harris denies she is a socialist, her recent track record suggests that is exactly what she is.

Biden’s decision to choose Harris is bizarre, to say the least. She provides almost no political benefits and a whole lot of far-left baggage.

The reason Biden was chosen by Democratic Party primary voters in the first place is precisely because they didn’t want a socialist on the ticket, and yet, that’s exactly what they have ended up with now that Harris has joined the Biden campaign.

Harris’s socialist policy views will not play well in the conservative Midwest and moderate upper Midwest. Middle-of-the-road voters in states such as Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as swing states further to the east, like Pennsylvania and North Carolina, have no interest in voting for the socialist policies championed by Harris.

When they find out just how radical Biden’s new running mate is, it could very well prove to be catastrophic for his campaign.

With that in mind, the only person who should be happier with this pick than Kamala Harris is Donald Trump.
She still needs to answer for a) Is Biden still a racist and b) does still still believe in Biden's accusers?

Will they allow Slow Joe to debate or answer any questions from the media or they gonna whisk him away before he can put his foot in his mouth?

How convenient they don't want him to debate until late Sept, when most of the mail-in ballots are sent in. They are shadowing this dynamic dodos before most of the US citizens really see/hear them for who they are. Smoke&Mirrors 2020. They are not in anyone's head. They need outed for the cancer they are to this economy and the bait & switch they are about to pull off with Biden and Harris.

Did you see the infamous Zoom call where he told Heels Up she was going to be the VP....where he was reading a script and held the phone upside down???

They CAN'T let him out of the basement. He's likely already wearing a diaper. I feel bad for the man. He's essentially Bernie, they are propping him up, when instead he should be sippling lemonade playing bingo by the pool in his assisted living center.
Love Kamala Harris more and more with each passing day.

So, like the Why Biden thread, tell us why. Not political rhetoric, but specifically what the Senator stands for and how those specific platforms will make the US stronger and safer. You know, the things that will effect all Americans.
It won't make a difference one way or another, as Trump will waltz into his 2nd term come November.

seeing the reaction from Trump and his looney fanboys here on the board, looks like Biden picked the perfect running mate. Already living in 'yer heads rent free, lol. She has guys like Indy & Tim eating out of the palm of her hand, look at them jump around in fits, trying to discredit her. And it's only August! Trump and Pence must wake up in a sweaty delirium in the middle of the night thinking about the pain she's gonna inflict on them. So funny. Love Kamala Harris more and more with each passing day.


Kamala Harris is Donald Trump's worst nightmare

He picked the perfect running mate if he also thinks he a racist and a sexual abuser. Because she does. Of course she's such a colossal hypocrite that she's perfectly willing to overlook it if gets her some of that sweet, sweet power.

Am I surprised you love her? No, you've never met a hypocrite you didn't like in the political sphere. It makes perfect sense based on your history of endorsements.
Last edited:
/Tibs reply to anything concerning why he supports a (D)
Did you see the infamous Zoom call where he told Heels Up she was going to be the VP....where he was reading a script and held the phone upside down???

They CAN'T let him out of the basement. He's likely already wearing a diaper. I feel bad for the man. He's essentially Bernie, they are propping him up, when instead he should be sippling lemonade playing bingo by the pool in his assisted living center.

He's a complete disaster. I blame his wife and family for putting him through this. They can't see the forest through the trees. All they see is power and not his well-being. He's being played, used and manipulated from his handlers. Everything that comes out of his mouth is scripted and telepromperted, and he can't even get that right. It's sad and he will step down sooner than later.
Love Kamala Harris more and more with each passing day.

You don't say. Color me shocked.

She is a well spoke and articulate woman. Who will say just about anything and do just about anything to get elected.

What is it you love about her Tibs? The fact that she was for Medicare for all, or when she wasn't? Her belief that we should have more police or her belief that we should have less? The fact that she jailed thousands for marijuana use, laughed about having used it herself, and is now for decriminalizing it? Her lies comparing Ebola to coronavirus?

What's your favorite part?
You don't say. Color me shocked.

She is a well spoke and articulate woman. Who will say just about anything and do just about anything to get elected.

What is it you love about her Tibs? The fact that she was for Medicare for all, or when she wasn't? Her belief that we should have more police or her belief that we should have less? The fact that she jailed thousands for marijuana use, laughed about having used it herself, and is now for decriminalizing it? Her lies comparing Ebola to coronavirus?

What's your favorite part?

to Tibs, and Libs, the fact that she grew up with pigmented skin, became Indian-Jamaican-American, then American, and now African-American, shows that she evolves to what best suits her arguments.
I dont remember seeing memes on here about Trump cheating on his pregnant wife or sleeping with a porn star?
Really? Do you have Elfie and Tibs on ignore?
The Democrats are already pushing Harris to the front and subtly easing Joe back into the basement. There isn't even any attempt to pretend that the plan isn't to get Biden elected and then have him resign literally weeks into his term, promoting Harris to the presidency.

I wonder... do the democrats have a backup plan in case anything happens to Harris? Just wondering? I assume the backup is to make sure Nancy remains Speaker of the House so she'd be next in line. That'd be kind of awesome. What is she, like 85 years old? Lady can't get through breakfast without half a dozen mimosas...

That would be epic popcorn-worthy.
What is it you love about her Tibs?

Every. single. thing.

The fact that she's on the ballot with Biden, that's all I care about. A Dem ticket that presents a historical opportunity to shut down an authoritarian fascist in the WH who is hellbent on destroying this nation. To bring this **** to a screeching halt. That's what I love about her. And that's what I love about Biden. Because they are the last, best hope to end the dystopia that's befallen this great country. Nothing else matters at this stage. They're both smart, decent and honest who will abide by Constitutional norms, bring the Executive branch in from the wild and set this Republic back on track.

If there's anything left of it, come November.

Just How Far Will Trump Go?

The president has dramatically accelerated the pace of his efforts to weaponize the federal government to his advantage.

President Donald Trump’s open admission yesterday that he’s sabotaging the Postal Service to improve his election prospects crystallizes a much larger dynamic: He’s waging an unprecedented campaign to weaponize virtually every component of the federal government to partisan advantage.<section class="l-article__section s-cms-content" itemprop="articleBody" id="article-section-0">
Trump is systematically enlisting agencies, including the Postal Service, Census Bureau, Department of Justice, and Department of Homeland Security, that traditionally have been considered at least somewhat insulated from political machinations to reward his allies and punish those he considers his enemies.

He is razing barriers between his personal and political interests and the core operations of the federal government to an extent that no president has previously attempted, a wide range of public-administration experts have told me.

There’s always been temptation … but no president in modern times has taken action so explicitly and obviously—or transparently—to influence and actually direct these agencies to favor the party in power,” Paul Light, a public-service professor at New York University, told me. “None. None.”

Presidents have always put their stamp on the federal government. It’s common for regulatory agencies, for instance, to dramatically shift direction in their attitude toward Big Business when partisan control of the White House changes. And presidents have always rewarded their political supporters, at times causing scandals because of questionable Cabinet appointments or procurement decisions.

</section>But no matter which individuals were appointed to lead them, some agencies have always been considered more protected from politics. It’s those barriers that Trump, with the tacit support of congressional Republicans, is steadily dismantling. Presidents have used the Postal Service to reward loyalists with jobs since the country’s earliest history. But they didn’t expect what Trump does from the agency. “The whole spoils system goes back to having supporters who were appointed as postmasters,” says Kedric Payne, the general counsel of the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center and a former top official at the Office of Congressional Ethics. “But it wasn’t to disrupt the election.”<section class="l-article__section s-cms-content" itemprop="articleBody" id="article-section-1">
The result of Trump’s moves: an executive branch whose full reach and power is being conscripted to serve the president’s immediate interests. “All of it comes from a place that whatever is in his personal interest—whether it’s financial, reputational, or political—if it benefits him, the government is merely a tool for serving himself,” Walter Shaub, the director of the Office of Government Ethics under former President Barack Obama, told me. “He has simply crossed lines that no one would even conceive of crossing in the past.”

His determination to harness federal power to his personal advantage links his choices throughout his presidency, including funneling federal dollars into businesses he owns and withholding military aid for Ukraine in exchange for an election favor, the actions that led to his impeachment in the House last year.

Experts I spoke with said that Trump has dramatically accelerated the pace of his efforts to weaponize federal actions since his Senate acquittal, when every Republican, except Utah’s Mitt Romney, voted to dismiss the charges against him with no sanction and not even a full-scale trial to explore the evidence.

Beyond his recent efforts to impede mail delivery, Trump has:

  • rapidly purged inspectors general across the federal government, replacing five of them within a short period, including the intelligence-community IG who forwarded to Congress the whistleblower complaint that triggered Trump’s impeachment.
  • openly pressured the Justice Department to back off the prosecution of his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and to request more lenient sentencing for his ally Roger Stone. Trump later commuted Stone’s sentence outright.
  • deployed federal law-enforcement officials from the Department of Homeland Security to confront protesters in Portland, Oregon, and other cities over the explicit objection of governors and mayors.
  • enlisted the military into his campaign against protesters, drafting Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley to accompany him during his walk to St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C., after armed personnel forcibly cleared out peaceful protesters. The decision prompted so much concern in the military that Milley later apologized.
  • taken repeated steps to manipulate the results of the decennial census in a manner that could undercount people of color and benefit the Republican Party. The Supreme Court stopped Trump from adding a citizenship question to the census, but the administration now says it intends to exclude undocumented immigrants from the population counts used to apportion congressional seats and Electoral College votes among the states. It also announced it will cut off efforts to contact households that haven’t responded to the census on September 30, despite the disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak. Census experts and former Census Bureau directors have said that such a truncated schedule is guaranteed to undercount minorities.
The Democrats are already pushing Harris to the front and subtly easing Joe back into the basement. There isn't even any attempt to pretend that the plan isn't to get Biden elected and then have him resign literally weeks into his term, promoting Harris to the presidency.

I wonder... do the democrats have a backup plan in case anything happens to Harris? Just wondering? I assume the backup is to make sure Nancy remains Speaker of the House so she'd be next in line. That'd be kind of awesome. What is she, like 85 years old? Lady can't get through breakfast without half a dozen mimosas...

That would be epic popcorn-worthy.

That is the grand plan. Biden is going to step down and the far Left will have everyone in place to take over the campaign and WH. Everything they say and do is calculated to make Trump look incompetent and get that admin out of the WH. They all repeat the same drivel that the ecomony is Trumps's fault, the Covid deaths are Trump's fault, the riots are Trump's fault, etc,etc, etc. It's a script all the Dimwits are working from. Pelosi is 80 freakin' years old. She should be a retired grandma sitting in a rocking chair with hot tea and a Croissant. All her and Schumer see is that the WH is in striking distance.
Every. single. thing.

The fact that she's on the ballot with Biden, that's all I care about. A Dem ticket that presents a historical opportunity to shut down an authoritarian fascist in the WH who is hellbent on destroying this nation. To bring this **** to a screeching halt. That's what I love about her. And that's what I love about Biden. Because they are the last, best hope to end the dystopia that's befallen this great country. Nothing else matters at this stage. They're both smart, decent and honest who will abide by Constitutional norms, bring the Executive branch in from the wild and set this Republic back on track.

If there's anything left of it, come November.

Just How Far Will Trump Go?

The president has dramatically accelerated the pace of his efforts to weaponize the federal government to his advantage.


He has done nothing even close to what Obama did and the chickens are coming home to roost as of today. We have the first guilty plea over the coup attempt on Trump. What have you to say about that with your whining about weaponizing the government? Obama and Biden tried to overthrow a legally elected President from the shadows.
tibbie if you think President Trump is a fascist, you really need to look up what that word means