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Brady retiring

Steeltime - have you ever been pretty sure of something? Not 100%, but pretty sure? Assuming you were pretty sure of something at least once in your life, does that mean that you proved it to be true?
Until proven to be true, 100% sure is still regarded as being pretty sure.

That in mind, I'm 100% sure you're a Pats fan.
Last edited:
So was I. I sat next to a Pats fan as a matter of fact. West side of the stadium. I assumed the kid he had with him was his son.
Was that you?

Was the son wearing diapers, the big boy pull ups..................... ?

Salute the nation
Steeltime - have you ever been pretty sure of something? Not 100%, but pretty sure? Assuming you were pretty sure of something at least once in your life, does that mean that you proved it to be true?

Let me test your hypothesis:
  • I'm pretty sure Slovan Stupid is a dumbass Patsy fan.
  • That is definitely true.
Yep, my being pretty sure means it's true.
Let me test your hypothesis:
  • I'm pretty sure Slovan Stupid is a dumbass Patsy fan.
  • That is definitely true.
Yep, my being pretty sure means it's true.
Would be interesting to hear his backstory of being a Steeler fan, experience at the games, etc. It is easy to write "I'm a Patriots fan" and "us", "we", easily enough if we wanted to troll their boards. It is a lot tougher to fill in the backstory so that it is believable.

I don't understand why trolls feel the need for the "stealth" approach when they are about as stealthy as King Kong walking down Main Street. Just talk smack if so inclined and get on with it.
Would be interesting to hear his backstory of being a Steeler fan, experience at the games, etc. It is easy to write "I'm a Patriots fan" and "us", "we", easily enough if we wanted to troll their boards. It is a lot tougher to fill in the backstory so that it is believable.

I don't understand why trolls feel the need for the "stealth" approach when they are about as stealthy as King Kong walking down Main Street. Just talk smack if so inclined and get on with it.
Exactly zero Steelers fans refer to Mcdaniels as “josh”

This guy is probably off posting on patriots planet about how well he is trolling us… we’ve gone soft though… ten years ago we wouldn’t have been so lazy as not to pull up all the stuff that pats fans never got exposed to in their Boston bubble and made him retreat to the fairweather fan site he came from…

Its just so hard to stay interested in the same tired trolls doing the same tired routine lol
As Shannon Sharpe pointed out recently, and Tom Brady aside, Ben isn't a guarantee for a 1st ballot anyway now that the committee is allowed to consider a player's off the field behavior.
Like doping and cheating?
Exactly zero Steelers fans refer to Mcdaniels as “josh”

This guy is probably off posting on patriots planet about how well he is trolling us… we’ve gone soft though… ten years ago we wouldn’t have been so lazy as not to pull up all the stuff that pats fans never got exposed to in their Boston bubble and made him retreat to the fairweather fan site he came from…

Its just so hard to stay interested in the same tired trolls doing the same tired routine lol
I put him on ignore after 3 posts.
Brady going in likely won't affect Ben, but if Rodgers ends up calling it career now as well, Ben might have to wait a year.

It should not matter, but given the voters' history, they might not want to put three QBs in at once, and you know Brady and Rodgers would go first.
I don't see Rodgers ahead of Ben. I see him immediately following Roethlisberger. 2 SBs vs 1. Not sure how the Division/AFC championship tally measures up between them. But, Ben also never had a losing season. Aaron has. If fact, I'm willing to bet Ben's overall win % is better than Aarons.

And WE know that has DICK to to do with Tomlin.
all the first stories in the newspapers talked about the video AND audio equipment seized that day from the pats sideline.

Nobody ever talks about the audio. That was the REAL scam. They captured signals coming in to the QB and the defensive captain, and Ernie, with his photographic memory, knew the entire playcalling verbiage of every team in the NFL. He heard the signal coming in, translated it to "Cheat" language and funnelled it back to Tommy and the defensive captain.

They received it as "watch for this". Those calls from Ernie gave the cheats an advantage, not a clear cut, "We're gonna kick the **** out of you now." advantage but enough of one to make a few extra plays. Since offense is inherently advantaged over defense, we saw MORE effectiveness from Tommy because he knew the coverage, the called blitzes etc. That made it MUCH easier for him to audible to a run away from a blitz or to identify a WR who could/would be open against the coverage.

Just small advantages that cumulatively added up.

In time, the league began to get wise. The Giants won their SBs because they changed their entire play-calling language before the SB and the cheats had to play an actual game against them. So, in order to maintain an edge, the Cheats came up with myriads of other ways to gain advantages. Deflated footballs, for example.

Folks say that Brady's success in Tampa nullifies the cheating allegations. I would argue that A) the Bucs put together one of the most talent-loaded teams in history to support Brady and B) I still remember ole Tommy getting some pretty ******* amazing calls that first year when the Bucs were starting to look like they weren't going to make the playoffs. You remember that run they went on, fueled initially by a few pretty great ******* calls they got?

I would suggest the league itself (IE Goodell) has a VERY vested interest in Tom Brady looking JUST as successful (or nearly so) with the Bucs as he was with the cheats for PRECISELY the effect of making it seem as though the cheating was either nonexistent in NE or much less pervasive than everyone believed.
And what part does 31 other clubs can overturn 1 doesn’t make sense?

When you put it that way, these owners are all in on it
I believe the issue is that when Goodell saw the sheer volume of information on those tapes, he realized that the cheats were bald-faced, hardcore cheating and that if it got out, A) it would completely undermine customer confidence in the league, and B) it would cause tremendous pressure from the gambling industry that Goodell has been trying to get into bed with for decades.

The cheats were SO bad it would have completely destroyed the league. Given the fact that the league gets alot of tax-exempt status and that all the stadiums are at least partially publicly funded, it could have caused Congress to have to get involved. (Arlen Specter, may he burn in hell, DID try to get involved.)

No, it was a VERY big deal and the league was forced to cover it up to protect ALL the teams. Fact is, after they let it go, Kraft and Bill had WAAAAY too much dirt on the league and they just continued to do ****, essentially DARING the league to do a ******* thing about it.

Ultimately the league was forced to support the narrative that the cheats were just "that much better than everyone else" because Bill was SUCH a micro-manager and perfection freak.

Hows his micro-managing going now that Ernie is gone? Why aren't the cheats dominating the east every single year? Cause, you know, Bill is a ******* genius.
Would be interesting to hear his backstory of being a Steeler fan, experience at the games, etc. It is easy to write "I'm a Patriots fan" and "us", "we", easily enough if we wanted to troll their boards. It is a lot tougher to fill in the backstory so that it is believable.

I don't understand why trolls feel the need for the "stealth" approach when they are about as stealthy as King Kong walking down Main Street. Just talk smack if so inclined and get on with it.
I understand your labeling me a "Pats fan" is intended to discredit the factual things that I'm saying, but for what it's worth, if I was a Patriots fan, I would say as much and I wouldn't be posting on a Steeler forum.

If the truth is on one's side, discrediting someone shouldn't need to be a focal point.
I believe the issue is that when Goodell saw the sheer volume of information on those tapes, he realized that the cheats were bald-faced, hardcore cheating and that if it got out, A) it would completely undermine customer confidence in the league, and B) it would cause tremendous pressure from the gambling industry that Goodell has been trying to get into bed with for decades.
Wig - Could you post verifiable citation that would support your allegation? Thanks
The cheats were SO bad it would have completely destroyed the league.
Same for this assertion.

No, it was a VERY big deal and the league was forced to cover it up to protect ALL the teams. Fact is, after they let it go, Kraft and Bill had WAAAAY too much dirt on the league and they just continued to do ****, essentially DARING the league to do a ******* thing about it.

And this one.
Ultimately the league was forced to support the narrative that the cheats were just "that much better than everyone else" because Bill was SUCH a micro-manager and perfection freak.
Same for the above.
Nobody ever talks about the audio. That was the REAL scam. They captured signals coming in to the QB and the defensive captain, and Ernie, with his photographic memory, knew the entire playcalling verbiage of every team in the NFL. He heard the signal coming in, translated it to "Cheat" language and funnelled it back to Tommy and the defensive captain.
Wig - Did Ernie tell you this?
Folks say that Brady's success in Tampa nullifies the cheating allegations. I would argue that A) the Bucs put together one of the most talent-loaded teams in history to support Brady and B) I still remember ole Tommy getting some pretty ******* amazing calls that first year when the Bucs were starting to look like they weren't going to make the playoffs. You remember that run they went on, fueled initially by a few pretty great ******* calls they got?
Actually, no, I don't recall this. I'm certain that neither do any other fans that don't have an agenda which includes trying to tarnish a legendary player's legacy just because they are upset that this same player was able to beat their favorite team consistently for a 2 decade span.
I would suggest the league itself (IE Goodell) has a VERY vested interest in Tom Brady looking JUST as successful (or nearly so) with the Bucs as he was with the cheats for PRECISELY the effect of making it seem as though the cheating was either nonexistent in NE or much less pervasive than everyone believed.
You can certainly "suggest" that but it doesn't make it factual.
I'd just like to point out that Bill was 5-11 in his first year as the NE head coach in 2000. This is after Pete Carrol went 8-8, 9-7 and 10-6. So basically, Bill came in and began "Browns'ing" right off the bat.

The following year, 2001, right after 9/11, the Patriots flipped the script and went 11-5 and won their first SB.

There was a LOT going on that year and I believe it was the beginning of emboldening the cheats to do whatever they wanted. The league created a monster for media reasons and it took on a life of its own.
So did the patriots really cheat post spygate? If team owners knew about it moving forward. They’d be aware.

That was my original statement
When was "post spygate" exactly. As pointed out, years and years later they were caught STILL taping other teams against the Bengals.
This might be the worst troll this site has had in a long time. Just ignorant *** **** over and over and over again. This window licker is worse than cooch. Most trolls know when their **** is stale and eventually ride off into the sunset. This one's delusional state is on repeat and it is clear she has some issues to deal with.
A lot can happen in a physical aspect. The receiver can fumble, Brady can throw too soft or too hard to where the ball deflects off his target into the playmakers hands. Too many intangibles on the field.
Unless you take some of the air out of the ball and make it MUCH easier to catch and carry.

And nobody is saying the cheats put Brady on "God Mode". They gave him and the defensive captain an advantage every single down of the game. Brady KNEW he was going to have a receiver in a specific coverage because he knew the defense. Yes, he still had to make the throw, but he didn't have to FIND the throw and then make it. He didn't have to worry about an unknown blitz that was going to throw off his timing. All he had to do was make a throw like he would in practice.

And sometimes, he still missed it, or the receiver or rb messed up. It wasn't a guaranteed 99 yards every snap kind of deal. It was an ADVANTAGE. Imagine if the local basketball game was down to 4 seconds and your home team down by 1. Your team has the inbounds and 4 seconds to get off a play.

Now imagine if the OTHER team was in your team's huddle listening to what you were going to call on that play? Think they MAY have an advantage stopping it? Sure, they still have to physically execute, but it sure as **** helps when they know what you're about to do.

Now imagine that on every single play of a game? It's a miracle teams ever beat them at all.
All I see is team A vs team B.
One team wins, one team loses.

If it’s fixed. It’s fixed. At that point why watch?
And NFL viewership has steadily declined ever since the cheats were first caught.

At this point, the NFL recognizes they are in danger. People have become so disenfranchised with the WWE aspect of the game that they aren't going out of their way to watch. Stadium revenue has dropped steadily, TV money has kept up more or less, but only by absolutely flooding the market. Sunday a.m. Sunday p.m. Monday Night, Thursday night... Extra games... They're whoring themselves out at the point of being a full-blown meth addict desperate for a fix.
I'd just like to point out that Bill was 5-11 in his first year as the NE head coach in 2000. This is after Pete Carrol went 8-8, 9-7 and 10-6. So basically, Bill came in and began "Browns'ing" right off the bat.

The following year, 2001, right after 9/11, the Patriots flipped the script and went 11-5 and won their first SB.

There was a LOT going on that year and I believe it was the beginning of emboldening the cheats to do whatever they wanted. The league created a monster for media reasons and it took on a life of its own.
Wig - the Steelers finished 6-10 in 2003. They were 15-1 in 2004. Can you share with us your conspiracy theories which lead to this turnaround? Did you witness a gunman on the grassy knoll?
This might be the worst troll this site has had in a long time. Just ignorant *** **** over and over and over again. This window licker is worse than cooch. Most trolls know when their **** is stale and eventually ride off into the sunset. This one's delusional state is on repeat and it is clear she has some issues to deal with.
Could you reference the specific posts that you consider "ignorant *** ****"? Just because someone posts facts that don't align with your personal point of view, it doesn't make the reality ignorant.
And NFL viewership has steadily declined ever since the cheats were first caught.

At this point, the NFL recognizes they are in danger. People have become so disenfranchised with the WWE aspect of the game that they aren't going out of their way to watch. Stadium revenue has dropped steadily, TV money has kept up more or less, but only by absolutely flooding the market. Sunday a.m. Sunday p.m. Monday Night, Thursday night... Extra games... They're whoring themselves out at the point of being a full-blown meth addict desperate for a fix.
And yet again. You guys keep proving my point.
If you know it’s fixed, why get up in arms about it? Hold the owners accountable if you want change.

Other than that it is what it is
Do you know where a pats fan won't ever find any proof ever? Up Lady's *******, yet that's where they love to keep going.
When was "post spygate" exactly. As pointed out, years and years later they were caught STILL taping other teams against the Bengals.
My point exactly.
So what’s tainted? What deserves an asterisk?