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Brexit results coming in

Why would you be for something that will hurt the US? If the EU breaks up the dollar will rise, our exports will become more expensive
and jobs will decrease.

The dollar will rise in comparison to the pound, but will not rise relative to the mark, the yen, the Euro, or anything else.

Will that mean lower trade from the U.S. to Great Britain? Very likely. Will the falling pound have an effect on world-wide trade involving the United States? Not likely.
Why would you be for something that will hurt the US? If the EU breaks up the dollar will rise, our exports will become more expensive and jobs will decrease.

You are right on cue 21, but you need to stick to the party line talking points.

Right on Cue: Media Libs Declare Brexit Voters Racists, Xenophobes*

Following Britain's vote to exit the European Union, globalist-naysayers are sounding the alarm about the doomsday ushered in by the country's racist xenophobes. Because of them, apparently the U.K. will collapse in a pile of smoldering rubble.


Dickey concluded by touting more outlandish fearmongering: “In fact, the president of the European Council said this doesn't just threaten the European Union, this threatens western civilization. He may have been overstating it, but that's the mood.” Guthrie agreed: “It is, indeed.”

This is not the first time Dickey has cried racism. Immediately following the Brussels terror attack in March the Daily Beast editor blamed "rampant Islamophobia" and, you guessed it, European "xenophobia" for the Islamist-led massacre.

Of course Dickey is just one of many leftwing elitists espousing similar views on Brexit. Luckily, a majority of Britons were able to cut through the propaganda and form their own opinions on what is best for their country.

Brexit Decision Deals Another Blow to Obama

The United Kingdom's Decision to leave the European Union is the second major blow to President Barack Obama-and his legacy-in as many days.

The country's historic referendum decision, which brought the resignation-effective in October-of U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron was made official one day after the Supreme Court left Obama's immigration executive order frozen in perpetuity.



Obama told them they will be going to the back of the line if they leave.

Brits told him: “**** off!”
Wrong, EU will crumble, as it should. The globalization efforts of Ocommie and the EU are over. Americans are sick of the corruption just like the Brits are. Just another reason of many why Trump will win.

The EU will crumble in time. Too many nations are in or close to economic collapse. Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Spain....in debt and broke to liberal like politics.

Germany is holding the EU together economically speaking, but their chancellor isn't popular in Greece and has issues domestically for botched Islamic immigration issues.

I stand with those from the UK that wants out. If the UK needs aid, they can count on the USA. They only need to take the lead and clean house of the Islamic types that have come in, demanded Shira law and created trouble.

If you want to integration into what the UK is about, fine. If you want to change it via religion or morals, exit now,
Finally a country standing up to the globalization forces that seek to merge us all into two classes...the elite (them) and everyone else (us).
Finally a country standing up to the globalization forces that seek to merge us all into two classes...the elite (them) and everyone else (us).

I think that (well, among other things) is what 21 doesn't get when he thinks Globalization means Global Capitalism.
When Obama said Britain will be in the back of the line, he wasn't referring to how we will treat them, but letting them
know the economic reality. But he was exaggerating a bit, Britain will still be ahead of Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
If you don't want to participate in the World economy, you will be shunned. It will take Britain 2 years to exit and don't be
surprised if they vote again. Many companies have their EU headquarters in Britain, for example Chase Bank, when they start
packing up and relocating to other EU countries, some Britain's, those losing jobs, will have a change of heart.
When Obama said Britain will be in the back of the line, he wasn't referring to how we will treat them, but letting them know the economic reality. But he was exaggerating a bit, Britain will still be ahead of Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. If you don't want to participate in the World economy, you will be shunned. It will take Britain 2 years to exit and don't be surprised if they vote again. Many companies have their EU headquarters in Britain, for example Chase Bank, when they start packing up and relocating to other EU countries, some Britain's, those losing jobs, will have a change of heart.

Great Britain's exit from the EU means that the country no longer participates in the trade deals, free commuting, and unified currency that the continuing EU members enjoy. I don't doubt but that in the short-term, Great Britain will feel some negative economic fall-out from the decision. However, currency value is set by the value of that nation's currency as compared to other currencies, and is dependent on issues such as debt, debt-to-GDP ratio, M1 and M2 decisions on printing currency, and deficit spending. Short-term bounces - either up or down - in currency valuation and stock indices level out.

They always do.

If Great Britain has products that other nations want - their cars, and planes, and food, and banking, for example - then those nations will forge trade with the newly-independent Great Britain. For heaven's sake, the United States is not a member of the EU and trades with Switzerland, and Germany, and Spain, and on and on.

Additionally, the British were reasonably furious at the fact that their tax dollars had to fund the largesse of nations like Spain and Greece, while they were simultaneously told they had to bring in tens of thousands of Middle Eastern "immigrants." Their decision to leave the EU was brought about by the boorish, heavy-handed tactics of the EU governing powers.
When Obama said Britain will be in the back of the line, he wasn't referring to how we will treat them, but letting them
know the economic reality. But he was exaggerating a bit, Britain will still be ahead of Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
If you don't want to participate in the World economy, you will be shunned. It will take Britain 2 years to exit and don't be
surprised if they vote again. Many companies have their EU headquarters in Britain, for example Chase Bank, when they start
packing up and relocating to other EU countries, some Britain's, those losing jobs, will have a change of heart.

Yeah, and when he said a "civilian national security force as well funded as the military", he meant volunteer work force.

EVERYONE knows what he said AND what he meant. Some don't like it pointed out.
The NWO has had a massive setback, "The voters of Britain have rejected Obama's policies"

A big win for sovereignty, a big loss for globalization.

Take that EU.

I find it odd that many of you know of the NWO and globalist central banker thieves, and yet fall for their false flag attacks. How do you realize one but get duped on the other?

Do you not realize the most powerful in the world want to pursue agendas that gives them more power, control and wealth?

And that they can't take full control of America unless they disarm us? How do you not realize that the big spike in mass shootings are all designed to make us agree to giving up our guns, starting with the most effective first and then keep going down the line until they take ALL our guns, like they have in Australia?

This thing is just one small victory. This is hardly over. They are going to blame the future collapse on economies on this, just wait and see. They control all the media, and that is how it will be reported.

There will also be an upcoming attack blamed on the US-created ISIS, and they will also try to tie this into that as well.

Listen to this guy. He knows the truth.

Yeah, and when he said a "civilian national security force as well funded as the military", he meant volunteer work force.

EVERYONE knows what he said AND what he meant. Some don't like it pointed out.

So, again, you realize this but fall for false flag attacks?

Notice Barry hasn't repeated the thing about needing in-country force as large and as well-funded as our military since he said that. In other words, they floated that trial balloon and the puppeteers saw we weren't ready to agree to that bull ****.

But they won't give up. They have things in the plans that will influence the slower-witted sheep to agree to the police state. The attacks will keep coming until they get their way.

They shootings will continue and they will all oddly involve "assault weapons" until they get their way, and disarm us of them, while the govt. itself is stockpiling AR-15's to use against us.

Why are "weapons of war" not to be in the hands of the people, but the are just fine for the govt. to have. **** YOU. Anyone accepting those double standards is dumber than a bag of rocks.
POP, you would enjoy the book, Jennifer Government, by Max Barry.
When Obama said Britain will be in the back of the line, he wasn't referring to how we will treat them, but letting them
know the economic reality. But he was exaggerating a bit, Britain will still be ahead of Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
If you don't want to participate in the World economy, you will be shunned. It will take Britain 2 years to exit and don't be
surprised if they vote again. Many companies have their EU headquarters in Britain, for example Chase Bank, when they start
packing up and relocating to other EU countries, some Britain's, those losing jobs, will have a change of heart.

What a shocker. Obama speaks out against a country that isn't agreeing to allowing the bankers to keep stealing. What happened to him calling these rats, "Fat Cat Bankers?"

He couldn't be more in bed with the global bankers. In his tenure, there has been more wealth shifted to the elite than any time in our lives. He is running their playbook, without question.

This thing is far from over. They will be engineering pain to the masses in order to convince them to agree to the NWO. I am shocked they didn't get away with enough voter fraud to steal this one.

Just wait though. The bankers have no soul, heart or morals. They are gonna let the market and economies go bust and blame it on this. Watch and learn.
the British were reasonably furious at the fact that their tax dollars had to fund the largesse of nations like Spain and Greece, while they were simultaneously told they had to bring in tens of thousands of Middle Eastern "immigrants." Their decision to leave the EU was brought about by the boorish, heavy-handed tactics of the EU governing powers.

Think if there was an 'American Union' of countries of the Americas, headquartered in Buenos Aires and they would tell us how many immigrants we had to let in and dictated what our environmental laws would be,

That's what the Brits were dealing with. Of course the Global One World Government folks were not happy with Brexit.
British cabbie gave a couple of examples of how the EU is hurting Britain. Citizens of any member country can go and take up residence in any other member country. So they have bunch of Eastern Europeans coming to the U.K. to take advantage of the social programs, and many don't even try to get a job. The regulations are killing them. The example was for trades like plumbing, carpentry, etc., there is a common EU pay grade based on some measure of skill level. You can't go below that. So they are losing huge contracts from companies not based in the EU because they are not allowed to be competitive.
Notice Barry hasn't repeated the thing about needing in-country force as large and as well-funded as our military since he said that. In other words, they floated that trial balloon and the puppeteers saw we weren't ready to agree to that bull ****.

But they won't give up. They have things in the plans that will influence the slower-witted sheep to agree to the police state. The attacks will keep coming until they get their way.

They shootings will continue and they will all oddly involve "assault weapons" until they get their way, and disarm us of them, while the govt. itself is stockpiling AR-15's to use against us.

Why are "weapons of war" not to be in the hands of the people, but the are just fine for the govt. to have. **** YOU. Anyone accepting those double standards is dumber than a bag of rocks.

Uhh, have you seen the gear Homeland "Security" and has and what has been given to the local police forces? Only recently did The Big O proclaim that they would stop giving military stuff to police. After, of course, he fully geared them up.
the Irish have questions.

Scottish voted to stay in the EU and don't want to be in the UK. Seems like their quest for independence would want them to stay out of the EU, too, but there are, probably, a million things I don't know about the Scottish.
I was watching CNN and thought their announcers were going to cry!

Full Meltdown Mode!

CNN's Liberal Meltdown: Brexit Means ‘Xenophobia,’ ‘White Identity’ Win

Liberal CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour suffered an epic meltdown on Thursday night as it became clear that Britain was asserting its national sovereignty and voting to leave the European Union. The sneering Amanpour repeatedly derided it as an example of “xenophobia” and “white identity” politics.

Early in the evening, with the result still in doubt, Amanpour told Anderson Cooper: “A lot of the Leave movements are led by the hard-right, very, very xenophobic, anti-immigrant, very populist, nationalist, white identity politics.”

Later, as reality set in, the journalist referenced the current issue of The Economist and raged, “This marks a victory for the kind of economic nationalism, to quote this article here, for the kind of xenophobia, that will imperil the liberal world order that has guaranteed western prosperity and stability since World War two."



Britain's decision to leave the EU is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare

The global implications of the Brexit vote are just beginning to be felt. And nowhere will the outcome of Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union be more closely scrutinised than in New York City.

As the Stock Exchange opens on Wall Street, a few miles away in Brooklyn dozens of the most brilliant minds in the Democratic Party will gather at the Hillary Clinton for President HQ to work out where the vote leaves their candidate.

The immediate answer is: in grave danger.

With the referendum proving, once again, the utter contempt for mainstream politicians felt by the white, working classes of virtually all Western countries, the prospect of a President Trump has never seemed more likely.
