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Brexit results coming in

Scottish voted to stay in the EU and don't want to be in the UK. Seems like their quest for independence would want them to stay out of the EU, too, but there are, probably, a million things I don't know about the Scottish.

The scottish are far more liberal than the rest of the Brits... they should be free to do as they please... Freedom and sovereignty means making choices that you feel best suits your own people, and not the rest of the worlds politics... if the Brits dont want to be in the EU, fine... if the Scots do, also fine... the EU has been problematic since its inception and realistically has had a handful of countries carry the rest. England is out... who will follow?
In the worlds eyes the irish are worthless and dont ever get a voice. Too poor and white to matter... we are perceived as the trailer trash of the world...lol
The EU will crumble in time. Too many nations are in or close to economic collapse. Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Spain....in debt and broke to liberal like politics.

Germany is holding the EU together economically speaking, but their chancellor isn't popular in Greece and has issues domestically for botched Islamic immigration issues.

I stand with those from the UK that wants out. If the UK needs aid, they can count on the USA. They only need to take the lead and clean house of the Islamic types that have come in, demanded Shira law and created trouble.

If you want to integration into what the UK is about, fine. If you want to change it via religion or morals, exit now,

I work for a very large German company and the Germans I work with would vote to leave in a minute.
so the EU was already collapsing and instead of funnelling more of their finances to keep others afloat, the UK decides to help their own.

interesting concept.
Scottish voted to stay in the EU and don't want to be in the UK. Seems like their quest for independence would want them to stay out of the EU, too, but there are, probably, a million things I don't know about the Scottish.
all you need to know:
the Scottish are ********.
I bet if I knew what "vituperative" meant, I'd be ready to kick your ***!!
I'm going to have to issue a negative karma for that. Please keep all personal insults and threats of physical bodily violence directed towards POP.
Wrong, EU will crumble, as it should. The globalization efforts of Ocommie and the EU are over. Americans are sick of the corruption just like the Brits are. Just another reason of many why Trump will win.

Yep! Agreed. Hope the EU will fall. Britain did the right thing. Free nation and say no to muslim immigration
In the worlds eyes the irish are worthless and dont ever get a voice. Too poor and white to matter... we are perceived as the trailer trash of the world...lol

Ouch. Well you guys do drink a lot lol
When Obama said Britain will be in the back of the line, he wasn't referring to how we will treat them, but letting them
know the economic reality. But he was exaggerating a bit, Britain will still be ahead of Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
If you don't want to participate in the World economy, you will be shunned. It will take Britain 2 years to exit and don't be
surprised if they vote again. Many companies have their EU headquarters in Britain, for example Chase Bank, when they start
packing up and relocating to other EU countries, some Britain's, those losing jobs, will have a change of heart.

Britain's economy will still be among the very strongest in the world, regardless of what the extent of the global fallout from all this is.

This will ultimately hurt the EU much more than it hurts Britain, as the Brits have essentially taken back full control of their commercial and immigration policies, leaving the likes of Germany and France to deal with their migrant and sovereign debt crises on their own.
Uhh, have you seen the gear Homeland "Security" and has and what has been given to the local police forces? Only recently did The Big O proclaim that they would stop giving military stuff to police. After, of course, he fully geared them up.

Yea, I know all about that.

Forgive me if I wasn't moved by his claim to end militarizing the cops; they will continue. Just because Barry said they were not means nothing. (i.e. he is the former candidate that promised a more transparent govt., closing of Gitmo and on and on other lies).

He just said that to calm us down. The cops will be CONTINUING to arm up, with MWRAPS, AR-15s, the works.
England banned all guns long ago... they must be smarter than we are, correct? lol

Really? An elderly and terminally I'll neighbor gave me a shotgun a few years back after I mentioned how beautiful it was. He claimed it was English. Purdey, I think is the name.
I think the idea of easing travel and trade between countries was a good idea but having a common currency without a common budget was a bad idea. Also i don't get the curious desire of the EU and national Elites who feel that importing more Muslims is a good idea.
In the worlds eyes the irish are worthless and dont ever get a voice. Too poor and white to matter... we are perceived as the trailer trash of the world...lol

that is why God invented whiskey....to keep the Irish from ruling the world....
It was kind of a ****** up plan to begin with.

If you really wanted a United States of Europe, you need all the things that make America great. You need an elected executive branch. You need representation that is skewed towards and to protect the smallest countries. You need effective border control at least on the OUTSIDE of the EU if you wanted free travel inside the EU.

The EU had none of that. It was effectively governance without representation. It was one foot in the pool of a United Europe and another foot outside the pool that wanted "National Identity".

When you really think about what they were doing, it was literally chaos. Britain was putting their border control in the hands of Greece/Balkans. Germany was bailing out Greece with the looming forecast that Italy and Spain (much bigger countries) are headed down the same path. To me, the whole EU is a house of sticks and it's very possible the BREXIT vote might be Wolf that blows is all over.

I'm sorry to my British friends that are very upset at this, but I actually think the EU's economy might bottom out and fail WAY before the United Kingdom will. This is especially true if the EU Bureaucrats act all high-and-mighty and try and "teach Britain a lesson". It is very likely while they fiddle fighting with Britain their economy will burn under the weight of failed countries they have to support.

And I hate to say it, but this is just what Trump is ready for. It's like he's Nostradamus. He's been predicting the decline of Europe for a while now. The insignificance of NATO. The failure of the EU to manage their affairs. The potential for the breakup. And he's WAY out in front of knowing which parties to align with: an Independent United Kingdom being #1 on the list. You can even see him hedge his bets with Russia because we can't save the EU from collapse and when it happens, Russia will gain and there really isn't anything the U.S. can do about it unless we want WWIII. So why not start laying the groundwork to have TALKS with Russia? Why not show them some respect rather than dismissing Putin as just another demagogue?

This is why Trump should be President. He leaves doors open and negotiations available for ALL outcomes. He is constantly analysing risk/reward and going through plans B, C and D. Obama does none of these things. When things don't go his way he pouts like a petulant child and cries about how unfair things are and how unfortunate it is to have "people around that don't agree with his almighty opinions". Six months ago Obama said he's side with the EU over the United Kingdom if this happened. Now he has no Plan B that it happened. He's way too tied to the EU's pursestrings and bureaucracy and political ideology to help one of our greatest allies against a possible bully EU looking to make a point.

I really worry that if Hillary gets into office she will side with the EU during these tough negotiations over the next two year and irreparably harm our diplomatic ties to the UK. That would be terrible.
I really worry that if Hillary gets into office she will side with the EU during these tough negotiations over the next two year and irreparably harm our diplomatic ties to the UK. That would be terrible.

I believe that you are 100% correct. Further, what irritates me beyond description is that from 1850 through present, Great Britain has been one of the United States' most reliable allies, and vice-versa.

France? Yeah, no. Germany? Buy a history book. Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Norway, and on and on? Not close.

Great Britain and Canada, followed by ... nobody.
There probably will be a minor short-term head to the British economy. But it will more than rebound because they will be able to trade with the rest of the world without the silly restrictions that the EU government had placed on them.
The EU had none of that. It was effectively governance without representation. It was one foot in the pool of a United Europe and another foot outside the pool that wanted "National Identity".

As radio host Jim Quinn has said, "The EU is Hitler's dream without the ovens."
This is an excellent thought piece. Unfortunately too few people are smart enough to understand.

JUNE 24, 2016

How Is It Supposed to Be?

Everywhere people are told that all the things that create differences between people should be either ignored ​,obliterated or redefined. ​The population must be uniform and homogeneous​. All people ​must ultimately be united under the single rubric of humanity.
​ ​
To eliminate all differences, religious differences must be eradicated. Wealth must be equalized. National borders, national sovereignty and cultural differences must be eliminated. The Earth, the entire Earth, must be defined as our home, not any particular place on Earth. The people must be taught that lack of concern for the entire Earth endangers all of humanity so their identification is with the Earth and not with a nation. Freedom must be redefined to mean subjective freedom but not actual freedom. People are taught to believe whatever one chooses to believe so long as it does not threaten the humanity of another or extend beyond the boundaries of one's own skin. Individual desires, however, must be subjugated to the common good. The humanity of the "all" is more important than that of the individual. Political disagreement with the goal of a single united world of humanity must be demeaned and viewed as aberrant or even dangerous to the common good. Individuality must be viewed as selfish.

Is this how it's supposed to be?

Look at our world today and consider the following questions? Why are borders being neglected? Why are impoverished immigrants being flooded into more developed nations? How can it be that a person's gender or race is determined by what they believe it to be, effectively eliminating gender differences? What is the reason for wanting to equalize pay, ignore merit, redistribute wealth, and demean the economically successful? Why does the "climate change" movement have such a large component of economic redistribution of wealth as part of its proposed solution? Why does everything seem inside out or upside down?

These actions and ideas and many more here in the United States and everywhere around the world are aimed at creating a homogenous world with no differences in the composition of populations. But, until very recently, this movement toward the kumbaya, one world agenda, has been being done covertly under the guise of caring about and helping others.

Maybe this is how it is supposed to be.........except----

People are beginning to catch on. The people are beginning to ask why so much does not make sense. How, they ask, can you be concerned about America and the American worker and yet act like we have no borders and allow cheap labor to undercut wages of the American worker? How can you care about the safety of your citizens and then release tens of billions of dollars to an avowed enemy? How can the government seek to deny its citizens the ability to protect themselves while failing to properly identify those who would seek to kill them. These questions and many more have led people around the world to "wake up" and begin to see things more clearly, to see the direction in which they have been slowly pushed for over the past 40 or more years.

And it has led to the nomination of the nationalist Donald Trump in opposition to the globalist Hillary Clinton. Trump has reflected the glimmering awareness of many Americans that there is an ulterior motive to not securing our borders. Calling the immigration system broken when, in actuality, it is simply not enforced, has been a distraction from something else. America was too white and too Christian and far to successful as a nation to "fit" into the union of other nations. America and much of Europe had to be less white, less Christian and less successful in order to be able to bind itself in union with other nations. Americans were too secure from international threat. Opening to borders for the past 40 years has led us to the point that California has tipped from being majority white to being minority white. Terrorism has made us less secure and not securing the border increases that insecurity. Our economy has been loaded with debt and regulation making us far less successful than even 10 years ago. Many more people have been put on food stamps and disability, normalizing the notion of entitlements and welfare. The urgent rush to distribute Moslem immigrants to most Christian areas of the country is an attempt to homogenize us and eliminate cultural and religious differences. Imposing laws that directly contradict religious edicts weakens religious adherence.

Let's be clear. America has always been home to immigrants. There is absolutely nothing wrong with becoming a more diverse nation. Becoming less white or less Christian is not necessarily a bad thing. However, when those being admitted to the United States, unlike those in the past, are encouraged not to assimilate, are made to believe that they are being discriminated against by Christians or by whites, are not encouraged to adopt American values but rather are told that America is the world's problem and not its solution, then the people begin to see that there is some other hidden purpose behind the extra-legal actions of the politicians who are allowing the unregulated influx of people into this country. They are beginning to become aware that a nation without borders cannot function as a sovereign nation and a nation that ignores its own laws is no longer a nation of laws and has, therefore, lost its foundation. So, quite unconsciously and slowly more consciously, people are asking why would our leaders do things that compromise our sovereignty? Why are our leaders doing things that compromise our cultural foundation? What is their purpose? Their purpose is to move us toward global citizenship and global government.

Today we learn, contrary to everything the world elites have predicted and tried to make happen, that the British people voted to leave the European Union. The Brits have awakened to see that what was started as and was represented as a union of sovereign nations to facilitate trade has morphed into a European government slowly usurping the sovereignty of their country. Other nations in the EU will soon follow because what has become clearer during this debate about the Brexit is that national sovereignty is the real issue that has been purposely obscured. The kumbaya crowd keeps everyone focused on economics and the free flow of goods and services all the while creating the foundational circumstances for a one Europe government. All of it being imposed by an authority not selected by the citizens of that nation. The Brits have figured out that trading economic efficiency for sovereignty and self-determination is not a good trade, especially when the economics aren't really working out for them.

In Sweden, a very open welcoming society, there has been a huge influx of refugees from Syria and Iran. The Swedes are experiencing a significant change to the Swedish culture and find that the new immigrants have no intention of assimilating and are forcing the nation to adapt to them rather than vice versa. The notion of "global citizenship" as promulgated by the kumbaya crowd is beginning to experience a serious backlash.

What would you do if you saw the plan for a global government which you have been secretly crafting and implementing over the course of 40-50 years slowly beginning to unravel. The answer is that you would say or do anything to prevent the further unraveling. Such is the reaction to Donald Trump in the USA. Trump is not the best candidate for the job of POTUS. However, what he has done, much to the dismay of the globalists is to expose what they have been up to. In return, he has been called a fascist, a Hitler, a megalomaniac, a bigot, a pathological narcissist, and worse and all because his focus is on nationalism and national sovereignty. However flawed Trump may be as a person, he is not, like Hitler, attempting to create a world under one government. He is not that much of a fascist, a megalomaniac, or a narcissist as those who seek global government. But by being a nationalist who believes in a nation with secure borders and wishes to maintain its foundational culture, he has inadvertently stepped into the middle of the globalists plans. They must destroy him or lose a great deal of the ground they have painstakingly gained over the last 50 years.

So, who are the people who seek a global government. They are not Republicans nor Democrats but both. They are not people with religious values though they may appear to be so. They are not necessarily socialists, communists, or capitalists. They might appear to be at odds with each other but in the end, they are interested in nothing more than accruing great wealth and power at the expense of freedom for their citizens. They know each other, they meet with each other, they do business with each other. And their purpose is to remain hidden behind surrogates and continue to help each other accrue greater and greater wealth and power. When these titans disagree, they move economies and governments around like pieces on a chess board. There have always been men like these in the world. But never have they conspired on such a grand scale to unify the world under a single government. Given communications and technology of the past it wasn't ever possible. It is becoming increasingly possible.

But, why then, do they seek to create global citizens and global government. Most assuredly, it is not to make the world a better place for anyone but themselves. However, one single global government is far easier to control, one global population far easier to control than many nations with many people all inculcated with the idea of personal responsibility, individual freedom, and a voice in how they are governed. Yes, I realize this entire document may sound like the ravings of a nutty conspiracy theorist. However, this is not so outlandish an idea as it may seem on the surface and the perfect paradigm has been the European Union. And its antithesis, until the last 40-50 years has been the United States of America. When you hear politicians declaring they do not want the USA to be like Europe, what they mean is that they do not want the people to work for the Central Government but rather they want the Central Government to work for and do the will of the people. That is, whether anyone wishes to acknowledge it or not, precisely what the Brexit was about and precisely what Trump vs Clinton is about.

If the American people do not allow themselves to be distracted by whether Hillary put the nation at risk by maintaining her own server, or whether it is reasonable to allow people to choose their own gender, or who to pick as their favorite on some reality show; if Americans pay attention they will see the national sovereignty vs globalism issue being played out in debates about immigration, taxes, religious freedom, racial divisiveness, equal pay, minimum wage, terrorism, and all the rest. It is the issue behind all the other issues.

So maybe, just maybe, globalism and kumbaya is the future of the world. But if you cannot tell by now, I believe it is a pie in the sky deception to place power and wealth in the hands of a very few people and deny freedom to billions of individuals. Globalism seeks top down control of billions of people rather than bottom up control of the governing few. It is not how it's supposed to be because people are different. There will ALWAYS be people who refuse to be cogs in the wheel. Those people will ALWAYS have to be eliminated for the globalist ideal to be maintained. Consequently, the globalist ideal is no John Lennon kumbaya. It is a humanity killing, megalomaniacal ideal benefitting the few and deadening the many.

So now it's Germany's job to keep the EU afloat? If Germany chooses to leave the EU in a few years, when their economy is taxed by countries not pulling their weight, the EU will collapse.