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Chickillo must be benched

Fiji Mariner

Regular Member
Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Give this fool an expanded role and Ajayi looks like the second coming of James Brown. He individually took all heart out of the entire defense and allowed the lowly Fins to crush our D. This guy brought absolutely nothing to the table. I'm sure this is the reason for the egg layer today, it's all on Chicky. Either that or our D can't tackle anyone without Davis on the field.

There is no way that an aging Silverback, hurling Timmons, injured Williams/Mitchell/Heyward had anything to do with this. The complete and sole reason we sucked today was increased reps for Chicky and a lack of the defensive presence of Davis.
Give this fool an expanded role and Ajayi looks like the second coming of James Brown. He individually took all heart out of the entire defense and allowed the lowly Fins to crush our D. This guy brought absolutely nothing to the table. I'm sure this is the reason for the egg layer today, it's all on Chicky. Either that or our D can't tackle anyone without Davis on the field.

There is no way that an aging Silverback, hurling Timmons, injured Williams/Mitchell/Heyward had anything to do with this. The complete and sole reason we sucked today was increased reps for Chicky and a lack of the defensive presence of Davis.

Thanks Fiji I needed that chuckle after today's bullshit. And I wholeheartedly agree with every truth in your post. Start Chickillo and bench Davis and this is your outcome ����
Chickillo played good for three quarters. I think physically he wore down at the end of the game. Arthur Moats is awful and so is Jarvis Jones. I think the Steelers need to move Shazier to OLB.
Spent the day getting drunk as hell and scrolled ESPN bottom line for my take on game I didn't watch for this bit of brilliant insight!

Just kidding, wish I hadn't watched that boatload of crap...had to get a little humorous take out to decompress...
Give this fool an expanded role and Ajayi looks like the second coming of James Brown. He individually took all heart out of the entire defense and allowed the lowly Fins to crush our D. This guy brought absolutely nothing to the table. I'm sure this is the reason for the egg layer today, it's all on Chicky. Either that or our D can't tackle anyone without Davis on the field.

There is no way that an aging Silverback, hurling Timmons, injured Williams/Mitchell/Heyward had anything to do with this. The complete and sole reason we sucked today was increased reps for Chicky and a lack of the defensive presence of Davis.

When McCullers and dirty red are the only players on D who seem to care and have any impact it is a sad sad day.

Chick was ok, but got gassed. Moats was invisible. Silverback showing his age. JJ not able to hold contain. Icky day for our LBs.

Also seemed many big runs happening with Hargrave out there and while he was getting penetration a bit it was exposing gaps into a thin LB core.
Chickillo was okay. I saw Jones miss two tackles. Moats did little.
Yet the rest of the defense played outstanding. I must of been getting a beer when Chickillo lost this game.
Hope you stayed in the beer garden, much more enjoyable than watching this debacle.

In all honesty I felt like the game slipped away on the 3rd and 1 pass from Landry. After taking a 1st and 15 and shrinking it to a manageable 3rd and 1 Haley comes out firing with Landry after 2 rushes for 14 yards. We're playing a **** run D with a crappy backup QB and that is the play call? We run there and likely pick up the first to clock kill the first half with the possibility of a scoring drive fueled by the run game. Instead let Landry almost throw the pick which goes incomplete and give them the ball right back. They promptly score to end the half and take the momentum into a wood shed *** whooping of our D in the second half. HORRID PLAY CALL AND GAME MANAGEMENT THERE!

They come out energized and we come out with a deficit, gassed D, wounded QB, no momentum and lay the egg...sickening
There's nobody to replace him...sadly.
Got to get some of these first round draft pick lb's on the field. One we may not see until seasons end and the other can't seem to make it a few games without sitting out a few games.
wish we could keep competing like others do, when they have limited play at certain positions...

game planning or lack of talent seems to come up when we lose...which is it?
I go with arrogance and lack of giving a ****...By all!
Stop wasting time worrying about this pathetic bend & break defense that can't tackle.

I told you from the beginning, we need 30+ points to win games, this defense is the weakest it's been in 20 years
Looked like Chick was playing some ILB after Vince williams got hurt. Hard to put this all on one guy who is trying to play multiple positions
There wern't many on "D" who weren't hurt. Seems like they was droping like freshly sprayed flie in a horse barn. I think we will be way better next week and hopefully the dinged up feeling better. The bye week will help a whole bunch. Ben's knee is a big concern to me. HOPE it heels well and F-A-S-T !!!!

Salute the nation
Doesn't matter, the O will have to score 40 next week to have a chance, and our qb is dinged up, Coates and Wheaton are too.
Sadly this team is all about the O, if we don't get 30+ the D will be on the field too much and they will give up 30. Our only defense is a good offense.
Remeber, "your not nearly as good/bad in a blow out weather it's a win/loss, as people say you are." We will come to play next week and hopefully all the following weeks.

Salute the nation
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Sure, it's Chickllo's fault. Get your head out of your ***. The team missed Heyward big time yesterday. There was plenty of blame to go around on the entire team yesterday just like in Philly. To blame Chick is just plain stupid and actually wrong. Jarvis Jones played much worse than Chick as did many others.
I guess Fiji need to put a SARCASM sign up in blazing neon lights
Time of possession was lopsided favoring the Phins. Two downsides, you can't score without the ball and your Defensive players are blown by somewhere around the middle of the 3rd quarter. Right now the Steelers are operating with too many bench players. The Patty's laid 35 points on a healthy Ben-gals. I'm curious how this "next man up" thingy is going to work.
Some how the phrase: "Brady to Gronk for the TD" is probably in rehearsal now.
The entire defense sucks ***, I honestly feel it needs a complete reboot
-jarvis jones = worthless
-mike mitchell = numbnuts with absolutely "0" situational awareness
-art moats = lifetime backup with a pass rush that scares no one
-harrison = too old to put the entire D on hi@ back, largely ineffective
-shazier = made out of porcelain, cant play more than 2 games in a row
-timmons = pretty much used up at this point

And the rest are nothing more than JAGs right now, far as I can see

This team will NOT win a trophy with this defense, I dont give a ******* toss how good the offense might be
Chickillo was okay. I saw Jones miss two tackles. Moats did little.

You can't help it can you?

How many missed tackles did 56 have? More than 2. But your glasses won't see them will they?

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You can't help it can you?

How many missed tackles did 56 have? More than 2. But your glasses won't see them will they?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

Everyone on defense was *** yesterday..the Dolphins ran Off tackle to both sides. Cam Heyward was truly missed. And the Patriots will try to do the same next week..
dude seems too tiny to be a linebacker. he was thrown around yesterday.