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CO2 and Global Warming: More evidence that the bootlicking media are worthless ******


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Hey, remember how global warming will kill us all, and how Annoying Oral Colostomy warned we had less than ten years left before we are all dead because CO2? Yeah, I remember.

Funny how the CO2 panic is now a mere issue that must be addressed solely by the West. You know, those evil white people. So who is actually pumping more CO2 into the environment than the United States? Hold on, more than the US and every other developed nation put together?!?

China’s Emissions Now Exceed All the Developed World’s Combined

(Bloomberg) -- China now accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than all of the world’s developed nations combined, according to new research from Rhodium Group.

CO2 ... it's horrible pollution when Western nations emit it, but not a ******* word when China accounts for more than every other developed nation on the earth combined.
Being lectured to by a midget Swedish teenager qualifies as punishment.

Wonder when she travels to China to lecture them. Huh, not yet. Wonder why.
Dumb suk ****. Good meal
Being lectured to by a midget Swedish teenager qualifies as punishment.

Wonder when she travels to China to lecture them. Huh, not yet. Wonder why.
She probably doesn't want to end up in a Chinese prison for years on end without charge, as that's what usually happens to people who upset the Chinese government.
She probably doesn't want to end up in a Chinese prison for years on end without charge, as that's what usually happens to people who upset the Chinese government.

Unpossible. Only the evil white man, mainly police officers, engage in such nefarious activities.

Don't you watch the news?
Aussie Steeler - do you live in Australia? If so, I imagine you can inform a lot of Steeler Nation as to how the Aussies feel about China's overt hegemonistic desires, particularly towards Australia.
Aussie Steeler - do you live in Australia? If so, I imagine you can inform a lot of Steeler Nation as to how the Aussies feel about China's overt hegemonistic desires, particularly towards Australia.
I'm pretty sure it's racist to assume that Aussie is an Aussie.
Adaptation is the only way forward. The idea that minor changes to the freight train that is industrialization and population growth (especially changes in already developed areas like the U.S. and E.U. markets) is just idiocy.

Look, I'm one of the few conservatives here that strongly believe in global warming, climate change and that man is influencing it. It was, in fact, my first post on this side of the board, just to "test the waters" so-to-speak on where this side stood on issues (I figure it was safer than jumping into guns, abortion or religion).

But even as a strong believer in climate change and man's contributions to it, the "solutions" proposed by democrats and eco-warriors are just not logical or cost-effective solutions. There are plenty of pollution initiatives and environmental conservation plans I whole-heartedly believe in. I hate big-game hunting. I hate deforestation or the rain forests. I hate whaling and over-fishing and a million other things man does to this planet.

But trying to tackle CO2 emissions is just a dead end to me. I just don't get what is supposed to happen or what they really want. I can wrap my head around fishing quotas. Banning hunting/fishing of certain species when their populations get to low. I completely agree with national parks and ecosystem conservation. And all those things only happened in this country because we slowed down our population growth and found more efficient ways to produce and feed ourselves. Our WEALTH creates the opportunity to spend a little here and there on environmental conservation. And slowly continue to create GNP per capita in an environmentally safer way (note, it will NEVER be environmentally neutral).

The population of Asia is an unfixable problem. Nothing the U.S. or Europe can do will slow down or stop the environmental destruction that is caused by 5 billion people living 2000 miles around Hong Kong (a population that continues to grow). Africa is headed that way next but at least they have so many tribal wars they kill themselves almost as fast as they reproduce (not quite though).

We saw the environmental impact in the U.S. and Europe when just 100 million or 200 million went through the stages of industrialization. And I know Asia is doing some minor things to not repeat all our mistakes. But no matter what, the impact of BILLIONS of people going through that same industrialization and consumption changes will lead to the environment in those locations being doomed. CO2 isn't the problem. It's just the shear SIZE of Asia's population that is the problem.

It's coming like a freight train so all we can do is be ready.

We can't out spend this problem, not matter what the democrats say. We can't magically use our wealth and fix what is going to occur. It is too big a leach, even for how rich we are. And all it will do it bankrupt us more and not really produce any meaningful desired outcomes.

There are plenty of environmental issues I think are worth spending money on. Reasonable conservation being first and foremost but that only comes when people stop reproducing so much and quality becomes more important that quantity.

You want to know what arguably will have the greatest environmental impact in the whole world over the next 100 years? It's not CO2 caps and taxes. It's not anything a government will enact or do. It is greater women's rights. Of all the things that should be #1 on our diplomatic agenda in Asia, Africa and South America (massive growth areas still to be fully industrialized) it is finding ways to increase women's rights. Nothing slows down reproduction more than women's rights. Their right to work, get educated, to be treated as equals in the eyes of the law. When women have those rights, they are not constrained to just be subservient baby-makers and population growth goes WAY DOWN. It arguably has happened in Japan. It is happening in China (about 500 million people too late but better than never). India has not happened yet. God knows it hasn't happened in Muslim countries. And not even close in Africa. There is a lot that could be gained in the Americas (Central/South) but that will need help from the Catholic Church over the next 25 years, but I think it IS attainable there next.

We do that and environmental "neutrality" is possible with 10 billion people on this planet and very slow growth rate. I'm of the opinion however that South and Southeast Asia are beyond repair. They are a lost cause.
CO2 limits and global warming bullshit are just ways to stop capitalism. The foot soldiers are true believers but the folks at the top are using it to get to a global government that they, of course, will control. The Greenies don't go over to China and tell them what to do because they know China will simply shoot them dead.
CO2 limits and global warming bullshit are just ways to stop capitalism. The foot soldiers are true believers but the folks at the top are using it to get to a global government that they, of course, will control. The Greenies don't go over to China and tell them what to do because they know China will simply shoot them dead.

Don't forget how useful it is to raise taxes, too.
It truly is a religion, or perhaps a cult would be a better description of the chicken little mentality of the followers.

In less than 50 years, we have gone from a pending ice age, to global warming, to climate change. I don't know anyone that is in favor of dirty water or air, but
decimating our economy and way of life to make some people feel better about themselves isn't the answer.

With developing countries like China and India spewing emissions (there will be others in the future), the US could go to zero emissions and it wouldn't change the world one bit.
With developing countries like China and India spewing emissions (there will be others in the future), the US could go to zero emissions and it wouldn't change the world one bit.

It will make a few dozen actors and politicians feel better about themselves as they take a private jet to their 12,000 square foot mansions that apparently use unicorn farts to heat and cool the interior.
How ya'll digging all the global warming now? Nah, nothing but more fake news scare tactics, nothing to see here. I know the drill.

Northwest with obscene temperatures in excess of 120°F in California, Oregon and Washington early next week. 🔥 :oops:

How ya'll digging all the global warming now? Nah, nothing but more fake news scare tactics, nothing to see here. I know the drill.

Northwest with obscene temperatures in excess of 120°F in California, Oregon and Washington early next week. 🔥 :oops:

It's only 66F here today. It's called weather. Dumbfuck.
It's only 66F here today. It's called weather. Dumbfuck.
Give more money to government and they can set the temperature to anything you desire. But we all need pay up first.
Hungary needs to ban all fossil fuels, plastics, and white guys. Then we can.

FINALLY, a rational idea. We need to do SOMETHING about the fact that it is sooo much hotter in the summer than the winter. That has to be due to CO2 from the United States.

And of course Decaf posts in the thread I started to show that the whining and gnashing of teeth pointed at the United States is provable bullshit, since CHINA NOW PRODUCES MORE ******* CO2 THAN THE REST OF THE DEVELOPED WORLD.

So does Decaf plan on starting a CO2 war with China? Bombing their coal plants?
How ya'll digging all the global warming now? Nah, nothing but more fake news scare tactics, nothing to see here. I know the drill.

Northwest with obscene temperatures in excess of 120°F in California, Oregon and Washington early next week. 🔥 :oops:

You should stop trying to play internet scientist because you suck at it. Climate is a long term venture. Weather is what is happening now. Where I live we've been 10-15 degrees below normal 20 out of the past 30 days. It's 78 degrees here today when the average high is 93. But I'm not ignorant enough to post that to a message board proclaiming that humans caused it. Just ignorance on your part.
Decaf of course has not one word, not a syllable, to offer in reply to the data I posted about China's CO2 emissions, or the fact that India will soon overtake the United States in terms of CO2 emissions because the developed world gave both nations a "pass" on CO2 emissions. Good news, however, as Decaf asked his spokesxegenderlessreference to reply:


The genderlessxespokesnotman clarified:


Pure genius.
You should stop trying to play internet scientist because you suck at it. Climate is a long term venture. Weather is what is happening now.
Sure thing, boss. 👍🏻

Sure thing, boss. 👍🏻

Either you didn't read the article or you don't understand what you are reading. Here is a quote directly from the article:

But it is difficult to discern human-induced changes from cyclical variations in the climate, the researches said.
“They are all kind of blended together,” said Loeb, who added that further research is needed to determine the factors.
The period studied overlapped with fluctuations in the climate that may have played a significant role in the acceleration, including a strong El Niño event from 2014 to 2016, which led to unusually warm waters. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is a longer-term, El Niño-like fluctuation, and around 2014 that also switched from a “cool” phase to a “warm” phase.

I know science is difficult for you but please at least read the article if you are going to try to play internet scientist again.
I love when Tiborat tries to engage Vader in any way, shape or form. It ends up becoming, well, this:
