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CO2 and Global Warming: More evidence that the bootlicking media are worthless ******

New day, new facts that simply won’t go away and can’t be ignored.

New day, new facts that simply won’t go away and can’t be ignored.

Funny how the graph was built using so many different measuring models. Especially in the 90's where Global Warming became a "thing" and the satellites began to take measurements. I mean look at that line shoot to the moon!! Government - "give us your money...save the planet...buy carbon offsets!!" meanwhile Al Gore is flying private jets to speaking engagements and getting rich. Suckers.
We also don't know if the Russians, or perhaps Martians did it either.

We also don't know if Orange Man pee pee tapes exist, who here is actually a Russian double agent, or if bolts of lightning shoot out of our arses - but it's entirely possible.
Welcome to your new reality, looks like it is here to stay. 🔥:flame:

Scientists are working on sophisticated tools that can rapidly assess just how much climate change may have contributed to a particular weather event.

"We carried out a quick attribution study to get some fast answers to 'What is the role of climate change?'" said UK Met Office meteorologist, Nikos Christidis, who has been developing simulations to carry out such analysis.

"We found that without human influence, it would be almost impossible to hit a new record and such a hot June in the region," he said, referring to an area including those affected in Canada and the US.

Christidis said in the past, without human-caused climate change, extreme heat in the northwest US or southwest Canada would have occurred "once every tens of thousands of years." Presently, it can occur every 15 years or so, Christidis said.

And if greenhouse gas emissions continue? Christidis said as often as every year or two by the turn of the century.
How dare Tibilo continue his rape of the environment by expelling CO2! I hereby demand he cease doing so.


Get a goddamn paper bag and go to work, Tibilo!
This guy nails it. Skip to :50 seconds in on the video unless you need a reminder of what a brainwashed child looks like. And skip to 6:42 for my feelings on the solution to GW.


“Temperatures are going to be about 10 degrees above normal for this time of year,” Diana Crofts-Pelayo, a spokesperson for California’s office of emergency services, said earlier this week. “This will be a record-setting heatwave.”

This heatwave comes in the wake of record highs across Pacific north-west states and western Canada last week. The heat-related death toll in Oregon and Washington has risen to a total of nearly 200 people; as many as 500 persons are believed to have died in British Columbia.

On Friday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announcedthat June 2021 was “the hottest” on record for the US. The Noaa says that “heatwaves from coast to coast helped push” June over the top.

The average June temperature across the contiguous US hit 72.6F, 4.2F over average. Noaa says that Arizona, California, Idaho, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Utah experienced their hottest June on record.

May Temperature​

May 2021 Statewide Temperature Ranks Map
May 2021 Statewide Temperature Ranks

  • The average contiguous U.S. temperature during May was 60.4°F, 0.2°F above the 20th century average and ranked in the middle third of the 127-year period of record.
  • The contiguous U.S. average maximum (daytime) temperature during May was 72.9°F, 0.1°F below the 20th century average, ranking in the middle one-third of the record. Above-average maximum temperatures were observed across the West Coast and Southwest as well as parts of the western Great Lakes, New England, mid-Atlantic and Florida. Below-average daytime temperatures occurred from the central and southern Plains to the Ohio Valley.

******* global warming in spots, normal in others, colder than most, almost like it's ******* WEATHER!

Tibilo, it used to be fun stomping your ***. Now it's just a chore.
Again you have no idea about what you are posting. Either stop being a troll or just go away. The caveat "On record" means since scientist have been keeping records. Which for satellite data is less than 50 years. Also as Steeltime has posted, many places in the world are experiencing colder temps than normal. In the South East U.S. we've been below average for almost 2 months. Where I live we haven't gone over our normal high in almost 3 months. This is weather. So please just stop making a fool out of yourself.
Again you have no idea about what you are posting. Either stop being a troll or just go away. ... So please just stop making a fool out of yourself.


Tibilo is certainly pushing Jesus' patience, isn't he?
As if this planet hasn't changed weather patterns consistently over millions of years. The planet never had as many people thieving resources from it as it does now. Local governments continue to allow rampant building in locales that are deserts without sufficient water. So now we have droughts because the lakes aren't full and they continue to allow building. The states need to stop being greedy to collect property taxes on new homes.

Until the world goes after China for being the largest polluter, they shouldn't be forcing this global warming bullshit on the rest of the world.
As if this planet hasn't changed weather patterns consistently over millions of years. The planet never had as many people thieving resources from it as it does now. Local governments continue to allow rampant building in locales that are deserts without sufficient water. So now we have droughts because the lakes aren't full and they continue to allow building. The states need to stop being greedy to collect property taxes on new homes.

Until the world goes after China for being the largest polluter, they shouldn't be forcing this global warming bullshit on the rest of the world.

God stop with your stupid nonsense ANF. Seriously. If we all just give up 20% of our income and give it to the Lords That Rule Us, they will stomp out this problem as efficiently as they've run and managed Amtrak and the USPS. Pay and get out of the way.
God stop with your stupid nonsense ANF. Seriously. If we all just give up 20% of our income and give it to the Lords That Rule Us, they will stomp out this problem as efficiently as they've run and managed Amtrak and the USPS. Pay and get out of the way.
Those ******** already take half of my income. I'm almost Ogresque in the amount of money being taken from me. At least I do not get to keep just 1/16th of my earnings like the green scaly critter does.

They going to blame humans when a volcano erupts and blame that on global warming too?
They going to blame humans when a volcano erupts and blame that on global warming too?

Have you been living in Ogre's mud hut?? They already do. They have been blaming every drop of rain, hurricane, snowfall, high winds, 70-degree days, and 3-feet of powder at Breckenridge on GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE change now for 20 years.
They going to blame humans when a volcano erupts and blame that on global warming too?

They do emit a lot of CO2 into the air. Perhaps even more than trolling foreigners.