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Congratulations Tiberius! I raise a cup for you.

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
This has gotta sting. He doesn't send boys and girls to the same bathrooms, he put up a wall, realizes immigration enhances chances of terrorism, is a huge Patriot, is anti-EU, supports Christianity. Damn. Damn. Damn. Poster Perfect, eh?

Hungary's Viktor Orban: populist, patriot and set to be PM again

Hungary's all-powerful premier Viktor Orban, his party victorious in elections Sunday, is the self-styled defender of Christian Europe against the "poison" of immigration, an admirer of "illiberal democracy" and a thorn in the European Union's side.

Preliminary results from the elections put Orban's Fidesz party on course to win a thumping 49 percent of the vote, likely giving him a commanding two-thirds majority in parliament once again.

With his disdain for the "globalist elite", Orban's fiery, nationalist populism has made him a poster boy for "patriots" everywhere. Steve Bannon, US President Donald Trump's former strategist, calls him a "hero".

But to detractors Orban, 54, is a xenophobic demagogue aping Russian President Vladimir Putin by eroding democracy in the EU member state, allowing corruption to flourish and public services to rot.

- Soviets go home -

At 26 as a law student in Budapest in 1989, the country boy became a household name in Hungary in the dying days of communism with a stirring speech demanding democracy and that Soviet troops go home.

Co-founding the Alliance of Young Democrats party (Fidesz), Orban was one of "new" Europe's brightest stars, becoming an MP in newly democratic and optimistic Hungary in 1990.

Soon, however, he shed his image as a radical youth and began moulding Fidesz into a new force of the centre-right keen on family and Christian values.

It paid off in spades, and with Orban developing a rare knack for connecting with ordinary voters, he duly became prime minister in 1998 at just 35.

- Tearing it up -

His first period in office was rocky, however, and Orban lost to the Socialists in 2002 and again in 2006 before bouncing back, older and wiser, in 2010 -- and with a vengeance.

This time, armed with a two-thirds majority in parliament, Orban implemented a root-and-branch reform of Hungarian state institutions and introduced a new constitution steeped in conservative values.

Critics at home and abroad, including in Brussels and Washington, worried that the sweeping changes undermined the independence of the judiciary, muzzled the press and rigged the electoral system.

Orban maintains that he was repairing years of left-wing mess, while his unorthodox economic policies like special "crisis" taxes on foreign companies helped Hungary balance the books.

He was re-elected in 2014, again with a super-majority, and Europe's migrant crisis the following year saw Orban morph into a lightning rod for opposition to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's "open-door" refugee policy.

- Border fence -

As hundreds of thousands of people streamed through Hungary bound for western Europe, and with Budapest train stations resembling squalid refugee camps, Orban erected a fence on Hungary's border with Serbia.

Illegal immigration -- a "Trojan horse for terrorism" -- was made punishable by lengthy jail terms. It was Hungary's duty to defend the outer frontier of Europe, just like against the Ottomans in the 17th century.

Orban's strident stance has turned Hungary, along with Poland's like-minded government which has also raised concerns with its own reforms, into a headache for Brussels and the rest of the EU.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, head of Poland's governing party, said the Hungarian election was a decision "about the road to freedom, not only in Hungary but also in Europe and the world.”

But Orban is now the darling of nationalists, from Bannon to France's Marine Le Pen to Geert Wilders of the Netherlands. White supremacists have wanted to settle in "racially pure" Hungary.

- Soros in his sights -

Orban's latest target meanwhile is George Soros, the Hungarian-born US financier and philanthropist who helped Fidesz get off the ground and whose scholarship funded Orban's time at Oxford in 1989.

Orban has plastered Hungary with billboards urging resistance to the alleged "Soros plan" of destroying Europe with immigration and the civil society groups that the 87-year-old funds.

For critics, the imagery and language used in this campaign against the Jewish Soros have more than a whiff of anti-Semitism.

Hungary’s enemies, Orban said in a recent speech "are not national, but international. They do not believe in work, but speculate with money. They have no homeland, but feel that the whole world is theirs."

Whether Orban is an opportunist or a visionary is unclear, Andras Schweitzer, senior lecturer at Eotvos Lorand University, told AFP.

"It's the million dollar question," Schweitzer said. "Either way lots of people who have met him, including if they don't support him, notice his ability to understand things very quickly."

"Orban is a blessing for this country, and also I think for the whole of Europe," retired voter Karin, 65, told AFP on Sunday.
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I guess that Soros supported 1 world government is gonna have to wait.

Thank you Hungarians...

Hungary's Viktor Orban wins re-election, gets super majority

“They want to take our country away. Opposition parties in the service of foreign interests want to come to power. They want to give power to opposition politicians in the pay of foreigners so that they can demolish the fence and accept from the hand of Brussels the compulsory settlement quota, and in this way turn Hungary into a country of immigrants in order to serve the financial and power interests of their clients.”

“Tell everyone that mass migration threatens the everyday security to which we are accustomed. With mass migration comes a greater threat of terror. It is as clear as day that where there is mass migration, women are threatened with violent attacks.”

– Viktor Orbán in his final speech of the campaign, April 6th, 2018

The silence speaks volumes.....
If he isn't reaping the benefits, he can always move to California and enjoy the government he so desires....
Tibs is going to have to move to Canada.
Nothing like seeing a bunch of so-called conservatives cheer in unison for an authoritarian, far-right leader building a one-party system fraught with corruption and nepotism in the middle of central Europe.

In a tiny country of 9M, 2.5M people voted to keep Orban in power. That's all it took to get 2/3rd majority in Parliament. Many years ago he's already re-written the Constitution to his liking (not a peep from you Constitutionalists), gerrymandered voting districts to his advantage, has his strongman at the head of the Courts, has full control of state & private media, has splintered and paid off opposition parties...while his friends and family openly siphon off millions of EUR's from EU funding projects. It's like the corrupt, communist state from 1950-1990 all over again, only this time it's camouflaged as a democracy, a free-market economy. Hungary is a joke of a country, and will remain that way while Orban and his cronies are in power. This election changed nothing; it's been the status quo for nearly a decade. So pat yourselves on the back for supporting a despot in a faraway land. Given your support for Trump and Putin, of course it makes sense, this board never disappoints.

Thankfully, in the capital Budapest, Orban's politics are firmly rejected, the opposition liberal parties won handily, garnering 2/3rd of the votes, the polar opposite of the country at large. That makes the city a liveable place, for the time being, at least. Orban - and his hateful, anti-semitic, anti-immigrant rhetoric - is kept in power by pensioners, low-wage earners and Romafolk in the countryside all dependant on handouts from the government. Again, status quo for Hungary, just the same old crap that's been in place for a decade.

Have a wonderful day!
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Tibs is going to have to move to Canada.

And join all the other angry Liberals fleeing the USA who moved to Canada - in spirit only of course. It was a great hashtag, SJW, meaningless moment in history, those threats.

This clip is spot on to what a farce Hungarian elections really are, unlike the misguided posts by the armchair international affairs experts on the board. Orban shows up on the fox and breitbart news feeds and Trump lovers fall head over heel for this fool without knowing jack **** about him or the situation in the country. Too funny.

This clip is spot on to what a farce Hungarian elections really are, unlike the misguided posts by the armchair international affairs experts on the board. Orban shows up on the fox and breitbart news feeds and Trump lovers fall head over heel for this fool without knowing jack **** about him or the situation in the country. Too funny.

I don't take political analysis seriously from some washed up comedian.
This clip is spot on to what a farce Hungarian elections really are, unlike the misguided posts by the armchair international affairs experts on the board. Orban shows up on the fox and breitbart news feeds and Trump lovers fall head over heel for this fool without knowing jack **** about him or the situation in the country. Too funny.

Upside, you have a wall and no Muslims shooting, stabbing, raping, and running over people with the Box Truck Of Peace.

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Nothing like seeing a bunch of so-called conservatives cheer in unison for an authoritarian, far-right leader building a one-party system fraught with corruption and nepotism in the middle of central Europe.

In a tiny country of 9M, 2.5M people voted to keep Orban in power. That's all it took to get 2/3rd majority in Parliament. Many years ago he's already re-written the Constitution to his liking (not a peep from you Constitutionalists), gerrymandered voting districts to his advantage, has his strongman at the head of the Courts, has full control of state & private media, has splintered and paid off opposition parties...while his friends and family openly siphon off millions of EUR's from EU funding projects. It's like the corrupt, communist state from 1950-1990 all over again, only this time it's camouflaged as a democracy, a free-market economy. Hungary is a joke of a country, and will remain that way while Orban and his cronies are in power. This election changed nothing; it's been the status quo for nearly a decade. So pat yourselves on the back for supporting a despot in a faraway land. Given your support for Trump and Putin, of course it makes sense, this board never disappoints.

Thankfully, in the capital Budapest, Orban's politics are firmly rejected, the opposition liberal parties won handily, garnering 2/3rd of the votes, the polar opposite of the country at large. That makes the city a liveable place, for the time being, at least. Orban - and his hateful, anti-semitic, anti-immigrant rhetoric - is kept in power by pensioners, low-wage earners and Romafolk in the countryside all dependant on handouts from the government. Again, status quo for Hungary, just the same old crap that's been in place for a decade.

Have a wonderful day!

We fully expect that your warped socialist anti-American dumb *** voted for his opponent, who wanted to open the borders to all the raping migrants. And don’t try to convince us that you vote in USA elections. Hungarian fuckhead.
Nothing like seeing a bunch of so-called liberals cheer in unison for an authoritarian, far-left leaders building a one-party system fraught with corruption and nepotism in California.


Have a wonderful day!

You as well, my man, you as well.
This clip is spot on to what a farce Hungarian elections really are, unlike the misguided posts by the armchair international affairs experts on the board. Orban shows up on the fox and breitbart news feeds and Trump lovers fall head over heel for this fool without knowing jack **** about him or the situation in the country. Too funny.
The Hungarian people are idiots. Late night tv guys have the real scoop.

This is really a tired play.
I know I take my political advice from comedians. I mean, they are so insightful and have such a new, fresh way of looking at things.
I know I take my political advice from comedians. I mean, they are so insightful and have such a new, fresh way of looking at things.

Had Clinton won, what would Colbert (?) have to talk about?

The people of Hungary have spoken, just as those in the US have. I know most of those here were not thrill with Obama, but not anywhere near the continued sniveling from left and late night comics, who aren't all that funny.
This thread is comical to me.
The Hungarian people want to stop Soros. Orban's victory was a yuge FU to Soros and the globalist EU. Well done, sane citizens of Hungary!
I don't take political analysis seriously from some washed up comedian.

He's very current and very funny. He also rips hard on Hillary Clinton, just about every episode, so you're missing some good humor there.