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Congratulations Tiberius! I raise a cup for you.

He's very current and very funny. He also rips hard on Hillary Clinton, just about every episode, so you're missing some good humor there.
I'm sure he is funny, seeing that he allegedly is a comedian. It is when comedians are used to drive home political talking points, I am not interested.

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Well done, sane citizens of Hungary!

Today the 'sane' citizens of Hungary rise as one.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anti-Orbán protestors moving toward Parliament square in Budapest, many tens of thousands, can't see either start or finish now <a href="https://t.co/cip6mlQF0J">pic.twitter.com/cip6mlQF0J</a></p>— Peter Murphy (@MurphyPeterN) <a href="https://twitter.com/MurphyPeterN/status/985196564393156609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Today the 'sane' citizens of Hungary rise as one.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anti-Orbán protestors moving toward Parliament square in Budapest, many tens of thousands, can't see either start or finish now <a href="https://t.co/cip6mlQF0J">pic.twitter.com/cip6mlQF0J</a></p>— Peter Murphy (@MurphyPeterN) <a href="https://twitter.com/MurphyPeterN/status/985196564393156609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Socialists and Communists march. That's what they do. We see it here in the US all the time.
Today the 'sane' citizens of Hungary rise as one.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anti-Orbán protestors moving toward Parliament square in Budapest, many tens of thousands, can't see either start or finish now <a href="https://t.co/cip6mlQF0J">pic.twitter.com/cip6mlQF0J</a></p>— Peter Murphy (@MurphyPeterN) <a href="https://twitter.com/MurphyPeterN/status/985196564393156609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Hungary’s version of triggered tards like AntiFa and the ***** hatters. Funny stuff.
Socialists and Communists march. That's what they do. We see it here in the US all the time.
Hungary’s version of triggered tards like AntiFa and the ***** hatters. Funny stuff.

You both prove time and time again your knowledge of world affairs and politics can fit into a thimble. Thanks for confirming that.
Today the 'sane' citizens of Hungary rise as one.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anti-Orbán protestors moving toward Parliament square in Budapest, many tens of thousands, can't see either start or finish now <a href="https://t.co/cip6mlQF0J">pic.twitter.com/cip6mlQF0J</a></p>— Peter Murphy (@MurphyPeterN) <a href="https://twitter.com/MurphyPeterN/status/985196564393156609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

So if they're the 'sane' citizens of Hungary, according to you, why aren't you there? (instead on an American politics forum)
You both prove time and time again your knowledge of world affairs and politics can fit into a thimble. Thanks for confirming that.

Awwwe, you have no common sense response, so you revert to personal attacks.

Awwwe, you have no common sense response, so you revert to personal attacks.

Post all the memes you want. What I stated was fact, you have no idea what you're talking about.
He's very current and very funny. He also rips hard on Hillary Clinton, just about every episode, so you're missing some good humor there.
He's a typical self-satisfied liberal comedian. Magnified by his British origin.
Post all the memes you want. What I stated was fact, you have no idea what you're talking about.

You need a refresher on basic elementary school education where they covered the distinct differences between facts and opinions.
Today the 'sane' citizens of Hungary rise as one.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anti-Orbán protestors moving toward Parliament square in Budapest, many tens of thousands, can't see either start or finish now <a href="https://t.co/cip6mlQF0J">pic.twitter.com/cip6mlQF0J</a></p>— Peter Murphy (@MurphyPeterN) <a href="https://twitter.com/MurphyPeterN/status/985196564393156609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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A country of 9 million people has “tens of thousands” marching
Well done.
A country of 9 million people has “tens of thousands” marching
Well done.

I'll lay you 10 to 1 odds that Tibs' Uncle George Soros is funding this and behind it.
A country of 9 million people has “tens of thousands” marching Well done.
See what happens when an inept, corrupt, autocratic government cheats away an election? People get pissed off. People young and old, from all walks of life and political persuasion.

There were well over 100k people, seen here in an aerial shot in front of the Parliament building. The mass protests will continue next Saturday. Quite the post-victory celebration for Viktor Orban, probably a little different than what he had in mind.

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Largest protest in Hungary since the Ruskies left in 1990. No reports of violence or vandalism, zero George Soros sightings. No sign of Viktor Orban either, as the asshat left the country for the weekend on a 'personal trip' as all spineless dictators do when facing the heat. Job well done, freedom-loving Hungarians.

See what happens when an inept, corrupt, autocratic government cheats away an election?

You mean like when Obama told illegal aliens there would be no repercussions if they voted? You mean like the DNC rigging the Democratic primary? You mean like how the DNC paid for a fake dossier to sully the Republican candidate? You mean like the fake Russia investigation? Like that?

Perfect, proving your absolute ignorance one past at a time.

Past? What is it you drink in Hungary?

zero George Soros sightings.

Can you point to an example of Soros at a protest? Ever? He funds them. He hires the thugs that beat up Conservatives. He doesn't get his hands dirty.
There were well over 100k people, seen here in an aerial shot in front of the Parliament building.

That's ******* amazing. 100,000 people.

Beyonce held a concert in D.C. in 2008 for 1.7Million people.

Rod Stewart once held a concert in Brazil for 3.5 Million people.

The pink ***** hat march in D.C. had 3.6Million freaks attend.

The March for our Lives had 2Million.

Hell the March for Science had a million.

In 1993, gays marched on Washington DC in the 800,000 thousand range.

Weird, how numbers can appear large...till they're not.
That's ******* amazing. 100,000 people.

I know it's tough when you post an ignorant thread - with multiple ignorant posts thrown in - and reality comes back to slap you upside the head. Just cut your losses and move on. Orban is not who you think he is. May be better for you to stay on topic and post about local issues you actually know something about. Or at least I presume you do. Have a nice weekend!
I know it's tough when you post an ignorant thread - with multiple ignorant posts thrown in - and reality comes back to slap you upside the head. Just cut your losses and move on. Orban is not who you think he is. May be better for you to stay on topic and post about local issues you actually know something about. Or at least I presume you do. Have a nice weekend!

You're clueless as to the intent of the thread. I could give a **** about Orban. It's about the voice of the people...around the globe...that are saying enough is enough to this horeshit liberalism. People that believe in Nationalism and Patriotism finally standing up.

The operative phrases...what people are looking for in leaders around the globe...

"Hungary's all-powerful premier Viktor Orban, his party victorious in elections Sunday, is the self-styled defender of Christian Europe against the "poison" of immigration, an admirer of "illiberal democracy" and a thorn in the European Union's side."

With his disdain for the "globalist elite", Orban's fiery, nationalist populism has made him a poster boy for "patriots" everywhere

Orban's strident stance [on immigration] has turned Hungary, along with Poland's like-minded government which has also raised concerns with its own reforms, into a headache for Brussels and the rest of the EU.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, head of Poland's governing party, said the Hungarian election was a decision "about the road to freedom, not only in Hungary but also in Europe and the world.”

Orban's latest target meanwhile is George Soros, the Hungarian-born US financier and philanthropist who helped Fidesz get off the ground and whose scholarship funded Orban's time at Oxford in 1989.

Orban has plastered Hungary with billboards urging resistance to the alleged "Soros plan" of destroying Europe with immigration and the civil society groups that the 87-year-old funds.

Sure he has his downsides, and I didn't post this thread to go into those. But these principles? Needed globally. And he's going after Soros, one of the most loathesome individuals Earth has known.
Tibs, serious question here -- and honestly just looking for a genuine, mature and insightful response so I can understand better what's going on in your country. And I really have no idea as I do not live there. And I'm leery to accept media interpretation/opinion these days. Why the protests and what are the particular issues they are protesting against?

Thanks in advance.
Tibs, serious question here -- and honestly just looking for a genuine, mature and insightful response so I can understand better what's going on in your country. And I really have no idea as I do not live there. And I'm leery to accept media interpretation/opinion these days. Why the protests and what are the particular issues they are protesting against?

Thanks in advance.

It appears that they want raping illegal aliens to flood into their country and they are angry that the guy who won the election wants to keep them out. “How dare he protect us! We need to be raped!” The mind of the Hungarian retard.. minority, thankfully.

Indy said minority, that’s racist! Triggered... Trigger rhymes with... never mind, safe space.
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Why the protests and what are the particular issues they are protesting against? Thanks in advance.

I've already answered to that early in the thread. They are protesting against....

... an authoritarian, far-right leader building a one-party system fraught with corruption and nepotism in the middle of central Europe.
...years ago he's already re-written the Constitution to his liking, gerrymandered voting districts to his advantage, has his strongman at the head of the Courts, has full control of state & private media, has splintered and paid off opposition parties...while his friends and family openly siphon off millions of EUR's from EU funding projects. It's like the corrupt, communist state from 1950-1990 all over again, only this time it's camouflaged as a democracy, a free-market economy. Hungary is a joke of a country, and will remain that way while Orban and his cronies are in power. This election changed nothing; it's been the status quo for nearly a decade.

This will also give you a quick overview:

100,000 Hungarians march against Viktor Orbán

Hungary: Thousands march in anti-Orban demo in Budapest
This is what liberals do when they lose elections. The rest of us just get up an go to work.

As distasteful as I find some of the political rhetoric at times (of course I'm guilty of partaking on occasion.....usually when Elfie pisses me off), I had a good laugh at this one. It's the stone truth isn't it? I wonder how many of the Hungarian Liberal protestors participated in therapeutic rage screaming at the sky following the elections?
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