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Congratulations Tiberius! I raise a cup for you.

Another week, another protest. Tens of thousands marching peacefully, filling the streets of Budapest. Looks like people aren't too thrilled Orban's flushing the country down the toilet.
Without their pink ***** caps, it is hard for me to take them seriously.

Hey wait. I didn't take those others seriously either.

Well stated post del, thanks for that.

Unfortunately the electoral process has been severely compromised, be it through gerrymandering voting districts, busing in pro-Orban voters from Ukraine and Romania, misuse of tax-payer funds running pro-Orban propaganda on tv, radio, print media 24/7, using government funds and facilities to push Orban campaign materials, completely marginalizing and silencing opposition politicians (next to zero airtime on pro-government state & private media), using false and misleading scaremongering tactics to confuse aging, under-informed electorate. And the list goes on.

My issues with Orban have nothing to do with the notion he's a conservative, right-wing politician. In fact I agree with you the EU needs conservative voices to offset the leftist majority. The problem is Orban is neither a conservative, nor a reasonable politician. He's nothing but a demagogue with a bad case of fat cat syndrome. And unfortunately the country bears the brunt of his misdeeds. As Orban and his cronies stuff their pockets with millions of EUR funds siphoned off construction projects - while driving fancy cars, building huge villas and flying around in private helicopters - the country's hospitals, schools and infrastructure are in morbid condition. Another point of contention is the full court press Orban has undertaken on the media; the last remaining opposition newspapers, tv and radio channels are being shuttered as we speak.

Not a good look for a country with such a rich history and so much promise. The fact some 400,000 young, college-aged Hungarians have left the country during Orban's tenure speaks for itself.

Not sure if I agree with the election process being compromised Tibs. I've been doing research and the results of the election were almost EXACT to what the polls were saying all along. So are the polls rigged too? Do you really believe the 50% votes Orban's party received isn't an accurate percentage of those that voted? Because I don't.

And those that are elected have the right to govern how they see fit within the allowances of their constitutions (including changing the constitution). Elections have consequences and the people of Hungary have spoken. You can whine about the results not being what YOU want, but it certainly sounds exactly like what the people of Hungary want, regardless of what the minority does to protest.


Notice the polling numbers of that article and the actual election results. Almost exactly the same. And don't ***** about the fact Orban's party controls 66% of the 199 seats of National Assembly. Be lucky it's not 99% because in this country if one party won by those types of numbers the entire Congress would be one party.

The fact you don't think this is fair or square kind of tells me a lot. Just the type of spin liberals love using. You love the rules when they favor your side, but God forbid you lose fair and square and then the rules are "rigged".

Maybe the ******* left if your country shouldn't be split between 5 different parties. Or maybe your citizens realize socialism is a hell of lot worse than what Orban is offering.

And I did some research on one of your supposedly "independent" news organizations that has left. It didn't leave because some government directive. It went bankrupt because it couldn't find advertisers and didn't sell enough newspapers. I do understand listening to the NPR interview they were at a disadvantage because the government pays for advertising in some newspapers and not others. I don't think that's a very good thing, but you'd think if you were OFFERING A SERVICE PEOPLE WANTED, selling papers and getting ratings (and thus finding advertisers) wouldn't be all that hard.

Free press still exists in Hungary. There are no "laws" that say I can't open a newpaper and try to sell it. No "laws" that say I can't report the news. And in the 21st century internet world, the idea freedom of the press is being attacked is kind of mindblowing to me. We have access to more information than ever. We can literally find out the different sides on any subject in an hour online (or more if need be). Is Google not allowed in Hungary? Is Google preventing the people of Hungary from searching for the truth? Or are you implying the people of Hungary are just stupid and blind? Like all the Americans that voted for Trump?

Do you really think freedom of the press was BETTER back when all be had was ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS and the major newspapers of our country were controlled by some of the most powerful and rich people in the world? You really believe that? Hogwash. We were puppets back then too. Falling for the same bullshit.
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Still comical to me.

Open letter! Any fool with a pencil and a piece of scratch paper can write an "open letter" and send it to the editor of any newspaper for the price of a stamp,

Soros' NGOs that have the chief purpose of undermining national sovereignty and the rule of law while pressing for Agenda 21 and world wide socialism doesn't like what Orban is doing. That means Orban is doing the right thing.

Too Funny that our resident Socialist has his underwear in a bunch over it.
I wonder how much time Orban supporters have to write opinions in sports team forums in foreign countries?

Tibs is a Soros mouthpiece, so it makes some sense that he feels compelled to spread the anti-government rhetoric, even as it is factually incorrect as Del showed.

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where's all the POC protesting?
Thank God we would never have that in the United States.





Dems are falling apart at the seams!

Major Dem donor hints she'll withhold funds after 'vigilante' Democrats forced Al Franken to resign

Susie Tompkins Buell, a major Democratic Party donor and longtime supporter of Hillary Clinton, is hinting that she will withhold money from Democrats who were instrumental in forcing former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) to resign amid sexual harassment allegations.

In an interview with Politico, Buell says that she believes Franken got railroaded by his fellow Democrats into resigning after multiple women accused him of inappropriately touching them.

“I feel like it was so unfair,” she says. “It seemed like the people that forced him out—it was like vigilantes on the rampage. It just struck me as so wrong.”

Buell singled out Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) for her being the first Democratic senator to call for Franken’s resignation.


MSNBC host Joy Reid once apologized for homophobic comments on her blog. Now she says she was hacked.

Joy Reid, host of the weekend MSNBC show “AM Joy,” apologized more than four months ago for homophobic comments she admitted to making on her blog in the mid-2000s.

But now she’s suggesting she didn’t write many of the posts in the first place — that instead she was hacked.

In her December apology, Reid wrote:

“As someone who is not a member of the LGBT community I regret the way I addressed the complex issue of the closet and speculation on a person’s sexual orientation with a mocking tone and sarcasm. It was insensitive, tone deaf and dumb. There is no excusing it — not based on the taste-skewing mores of talk radio or the then-blogosphere, and not based on my intentions.”

And in other news, I find this comical and refreshing.

Comical because the Left's vindictive nature is on display for the world to see as NBC calls this mayor a "far right" mayor. But they still give coverage to the fact that yet another reasonable politician in Hungary believes the wall is good and that it saved his town. And it keeps Tibs safe at night.

Far-right mayor hails success of Hungary-Serbia border fence
The modern-day iron curtain stretches for 100 miles and is patrolled by soldiers, dogs, and 3,000 border police.

ÁSOTTHALOM, Hungary — A far-right mayor is hailing the success of a new border fence, saying it has protected Hungary from mass immigration.

“It saved my town,” said László Toroczkai, whose community on the border with Serbia was at the center of a wave of migrants in 2015 seeking better lives in the West. “Calmness has returned.”

He was one of the loudest voices in a campaign that convinced Hungary’s government to build two parallel 10-foot-high razor-wire electric fences at the border, which also doubles as a frontier for the European Union.

The result is a modern-day iron curtain that stretches for 100 miles and is monitored by soldiers, dogs, thermal cameras and 3,000 newly recruited border police officers.

Hungarian authorities say it has effectively shut off the main migrant route from the Middle East to Western Europe; police arrested only five undocumented immigrants last month, compared with 3,528 before the fence existed in March 2016.


Toroczkai believes President Donald Trump, who is choosing designs for a wall along the southern border aimed at sealing off Mexico, should be encouraged by the success. “I hope it inspires the Americans,” he said.

It certainly inspired Hungarians, who voted overwhelmingly for anti-migrant parties in elections earlier this month. Toroczkai is also in the running to take over as leader of the ultra-nationalist Jobbik movement, which won 20 percent of the vote.
But, but.... I thought fences/walls don't work and people will just find a way to cross anyhow....