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Covid Vaccine



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LMAO. Did you bother to even read STRAIGHT DOPE MESSAGE BOARD?

Next, you now rely on STRAIGHT DOPE MESSAGE BOARD? How many times did you have to hit "next page" in the Google results to find this stunning gem? LOL

Next, did you bother to read and comprehend the basis of their rebuttal? They TOO are offering a theory, a guess, a hunch:

This is what STRAIGHT DOPE MESSAGE BOARD "thinks" "could" be an explanation.

Now a logical-thinking person would say the FAA would not make a decision to lower health requirements for pilots - thus putting less health pilots behind the gears of a plane full of passengers. In an environment, as @fedderone explained, that puts more stress on the heart for those "weak of heart." That doesn't make logical sense, now does it?

"Hi, we are the FAA, and due to a shortage of pilots, we are going to have unhealthy pilots fly our planes. Thank you for understanding."

Next, STRAIGHT DOPE MESSAGE BOARD tries to justify the SPECIFIC changes to heart health requirements by saying "they change this guide all the time, it's normal." Yesssireeeeeee, that makes sense. They try to justify this specific change by saying change is normal.

Did STRAIGHT DOPE MESSAGE BOARD tell you when the last time these heart health measures were relaxed?

I'd be curious to know what if the geniuses at STRAIGHT DOPE MESSAGE BOARD know the answer to that?

Brilliant Flog. Brilliant. Please come back.
FFS, Tim. From the FAA:


EACH month. Notice OTHER CHANGES… and eat your **** sandwich.

FFS, Tim. From the FAA:


EACH month. Notice OTHER CHANGES… and eat your **** sandwich.

You miss the points I wrote to you STRAIGHT DOPE SHORT BUS.

No one is arguing about the volume of changes made to the document, nor about the frequency. People are talking about this specific change to lower the physical health requirements of pilots.

We are questioning why THAT particular rule was changed at this particular time in history because is smells fishy. Your Short Bus inane attempt to debate is to not talk about why THIS rule was changed, but to argue the FAA changes "things" all the time.

When were heart health changes last lowered by the FAA? Keep in mind, they will ground pilots for high blood pressure Short Bus.

Tip: Understand the argument before debating.
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Just a hunch… it doesn’t mention anything about the Covid vaccine?

Doesn't need to. It's yet another coincidence in a world with ever-increasing excess mortality that ideologues shut their eyes to.

Kids dropping dead every day...young, healthy, athletic kids DYING SUDDENLY is the new norm.
Just a hunch… it doesn’t mention anything about the Covid vaccine?

Daily. Young. Healthy. People.

There's absolutely no reason any young person should take this experimental shot. None. Zero.

You can ignore the mountains of data pouring in all you want. It will not change the fact that this is a bad product and should be pulled. One that the overwhelming majority of people shouldn't even contemplate getting because they don't need it. Your natural immunity is superior to this, unless you ****** it all up by getting a billion shots of this garbage.
You miss the points I wrote to you STRAIGHT DOPE SHORT BUS.

No one is arguing about the volume of changes made to the document, nor about the frequency. People are talking about this specific change to lower the physical health requirements of pilots.

We are questioning why THAT particular rule was changed at this particular time in history because is smells fishy. Your Short Bus inane attempt to debate is to not talk about why THIS rule was changed, but to argue the FAA changes "things" all the time.

When were heart health changes last lowered by the FAA? Keep in mind, they will ground pilots for high blood pressure Short Bus.

Tip: Understand the argument before debating.
The FAA isn’t talking about the Covid vaccine, Tim. This is all another IGNORANT assumption on your part.
Doesn't need to. It's yet another coincidence in a world with ever-increasing excess mortality that ideologues shut their eyes to.

Kids dropping dead every day...young, healthy, athletic kids DYING SUDDENLY is the new norm.
So you are IGNORANT of her vaccination status. CHECK!

Norm? What percent of kids have died in the past year and how is that the new norm? The Pittsburgh metro area has 2.4 million people. Hundreds of thousands of young people, no recent reports of sudden death other than gun shot victims. Norm?
So you are IGNORANT of her vaccination status. CHECK!

Norm? What percent of kids have died in the past year and how is that the new norm? The Pittsburgh metro area has 2.4 million people. Hundreds of thousands of young people, no recent reports of sudden death other than gun shot victims. Norm?
Given graphs, provided articles, handed over videos showing young athletes dying at record numbers and Trog be like....

The FAA isn’t talking about the Covid vaccine, Tim. This is all another IGNORANT assumption on your part.

I'll accept that weak retort as you bowing out of the discussion. Once again, you end up with nothing of substance to offer.
So you are IGNORANT of her vaccination status. CHECK!

Yep. As you are ignorant to her cause of death.

Norm? What percent of kids have died in the past year and how is that the new norm?

You've been provided the evidence of excess mortality over and over and over
You've been provided the evidence (factually proven, admitted to by the vax companies) that these vaccines are especially harmful to young hearts
You've been provided NIH confirmed excess athlete deaths (they tend to be young)

I'd suggest you go back and educate, but you are willfully (by intent) blind to that which you don't want to see.


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I wonder if this is true. We know the CDC isn't investigating VAERS reports at all or as they should be. That's been proven with FOIA documentation. Now they think they are removing VAERS reports altogether? Reports that were there months ago are gone now. Hmmm.

Something strange is going on with the VAERS system. Reports that were present three months ago are now inexplicably missing. And fewer than 4% of adverse events recorded in V-Safe have made their way to VAERS. This is the CDC’s database; Dr. Rochelle Walensky is in charge of it. And the agency’s failure to properly manage VAERS is suppressing the already-alarming safety signal of the Covid-19 shots.

To get a better idea of what’s going on with the CDC’s handling of the VAERS system, Dr. Naomi Wolf spoke with Dr. Henry Ealy, an expert on the database.​

Dr. Henry Ealy is the Founder & Executive Community Director for the Energetic Health Institute. He holds a Doctorate in naturopathic medicine and has been at the tip of the spear on the Grand Jury front — taking action to bring forth a Grand Jury investigation of the CDC for allegations of criminal data fraud and willful misconduct.
“You mentioned that V-Safe should be added to VAERS, but only 4% of V-Safe [adverse events have been] added. Can you explain what that means to people and why it matters?” asked Dr. Wolf.

Dr. Ealy explained, “VAERS is designed specifically for medical professionals and people alike to report, ‘Hey, I got hurt.’ And when enough people have gotten hurt for officials to look at it and say, ‘Hey, this product isn’t safe; it’s got to come off the market.’ V-Safe was created (by the CDC) to also do something similar to that — and to make that process a little bit easier. You don’t need as much information to record a report in V-Safe.”

By streamlining the process, the CDC got inundated with adverse event reports from the Covid-19 shot. Out of the 10,108,273 individual users, 800,000 had an adverse event — or about 1 in 13. And of those 800,000 V-Safe reports, only 30,492 have been logged into VAERS.
Dr. Ealy continues, “In V-safe, there have been over 800,000 reports of injury. And the deal was that in V-Safe, every single report of injury was supposed to also then subsequently have a VAERS report associated with it. So that means all 800,000 should be in VAERS. But unfortunately, or by design — however you want to look at it — only just over 30,000 of those 800,000 have been recorded in VAERS. So what that means is that fewer than 4% of the records in V-Safe have actually been reported in VAERS as they were supposed to be done.”

“What a sneaky way to basically sweep almost 800,000 adverse events under the rug,” remarked Dr. Wolf.

“Adverse events, hospitalizations, permanent injuries, deaths — compromises [the] dataset,” replied Dr. Ealy.

Specifically, he notes that between September 2022 and December 2022, the CDC has removed at least 32,844 records of injury related to the following conditions: myocarditis, pericarditis, and heart inflammation. What were 45,388 reports three months ago has now inexplicably dropped down to 12,544.
Dr. Ealy stresses he’s “triple-checked this,” and he stands by the allegation that the CDC is removing or obfuscating records.

Dr. Jessica Rose has also reported similar issues with VAERS. She wrote on November 19, “The foreign data set was gutted this week in VAERS, and the cancer signal was halved. The myocarditis dose three response signal was lost, and 994 spontaneous abortions/stillbirths were dropped.”

So, from two credible sources, it is suspected that the CDC is removing records.​

“It’s not an accident they would do this,” attested Dr. Ealy. “With Dr. Ladapo and Governor DeSantis coming out with that study about myocarditis and pericarditis, they’re trying to do everything they can to delete records to thwart what Governor DeSantis and (Florida) Surgeon General Dr. Ladipo are doing.”
Yep. As you are ignorant to her cause of death.

You've been provided the evidence of excess mortality over and over and over
You've been provided the evidence (factually proven, admitted to by the vax companies) that these vaccines are especially harmful to young hearts
You've been provided NIH confirmed excess athlete deaths (they tend to be young)

I'd suggest you go back and educate, but you are willfully (by intent) blind to that which you don't want to see.


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The last time you posted excess mortality data, the MAJORITY of it was associated with COVID which you dismiss as the cold or flu. But we’re supposed to get worked up over supposed Covid vaccine deaths leading to a MINORITY of excess mortality???

That’s completely incoherent.
The last time you posted excess mortality data, the MAJORITY of it was associated with COVID which you dismiss as the cold or flu. But we’re supposed to get worked up over supposed Covid vaccine deaths leading to a MINORITY of excess mortality???

That’s completely incoherent.
"incoherent" Interesting choice of words coming from Trog.
The last time you posted excess mortality data, the MAJORITY of it was associated with COVID which you dismiss as the cold or flu. But we’re supposed to get worked up over supposed Covid vaccine deaths leading to a MINORITY of excess mortality???

That’s completely incoherent.

No, I've posted no fewer than a dozen studies and links about excess mortality that clearly delineate the delta between excess Covid deaths then show the excess inexplicable deaths on top of that....which can't be explained....which are WELL above norms.

You don't read. So you wouldn't know.
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No, I've posted no fewer than a dozen studies and links about excess mortality that clearly delineate the delta between excess Covid deaths then show the excess inexplicable deaths on top of that....which can't be explained....which are WELL above norms.

You don't read. So you wouldn't know.

You're wasting your time. I've never a person ignore so much information as if it doesn't exist.

He should replace Biden's press secretary.
Nonsense! The non Covid excess deaths are NOT inexplicable. That’s your delusion.

So, ALL of the increased deaths can be explained away because of self-abuse, drug, alcohol related, and the negative consequences of obesity?
People have been making these poor decisions for a much longer period of time than just the last 2 years.

Again, I'm not saying the increased death rates are caused by vaccine side effects, but they absolutely should be researched to see if there maybe is a link.
All the while, you steadfastly continue to stick your head in the ground and deny any possible connection, not willing to admit that we need to look further into the matter.
Nonsense! The non Covid excess deaths are NOT inexplicable. That’s your delusion.

Son, at this point you're simply a Jim Jones-like cultist. Leftism and vaccines are a religion. You sit in the front pew.

We've laid it all out for you. As mentioned, and I'll say it again, I have posted no fewer than a dozen links/studies/research on excess mortality that clearly and thoroughly looked at the differences BETWEEN Covid excess mortality and non-covid excess mortality.

Does the English part of your brain work today? I know, most days it doesn't. That means in the studies they accounted for Covid excess mortality. And then separately for non-Covid excess mortality. Do you get that? Do you comprehend? Understand? Tell me if you don't, I'll break it down to smaller terms and phrases.

Non-covid excess mortality is inexplicably high. As are disabilities. On the rise at higher rates than normal.

You refuse to read, learn, or try to open your eyes.

You're traveling in circles in your head. Below is a literal repeat of this debate happening back in November. You're here, again, fingers in ears screaming la la la la la.

All the while, you steadfastly continue to stick your head in the ground and deny any possible connection, not willing to admit that we need to look further into the matter.

This is the proof of the zealot.

Any reasonable person would say "Sure I'm ok with looking further into it"

The ideologue? Not only do they scream the science is settled (science never is), but they refuse any further inspection of their belief system.

Flogged might earn a respect point or two (he is at zero) if he said "You all will be wrong, but yes, we should be looking into excess deaths, studying VAERS reports, doing autopsies of those suspected of vaccine injury."

Instead, like the typical zealot, he throws around words like nonsense (his newest word) to non-believers of his religion.

They can't be reasoned with.